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Billion Dollar Loser: The Epic Rise and Fall of WeWork

In its earliest days, WeWork promised the impossible: to make the workplace cool. In episode one of Intelligence Squared Business Reeves Wiedeman tells the story of how WeWork attracted billions of dollars from some of the most sought-after investors in the world, to build a global empire. Based on more than two hundred interviews, Wiedeman's book Billion Dollar Loser chronicles the breakneck speed at which WeWork's CEO Adam Neumann built and grew his company. Culminating in a day-by-day account of the five weeks leading up to WeWork's botched IPO and Neumann's dramatic ouster, Wiedeman exposes the story of the company's desperate attempt to secure the funding it needed in the final moments of a decade defined by excess. The episode was hosted by economist and broadcaster Linda Yueh. Subscribe to Intelligence Squared Business here:

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 December 17, 2020  49m