
Buzzcast is a roundtable discussion about podcasting from the people at Buzzsprout. We'll cover current events and news, podcast strategy, tools we are using, and dip into the Customer Support mailbag to test our podcasting knowledge. If you want to stay up-to-date on what's working in podcasting, Buzzcast is the show for you.


episode 31: 3x Ways to Monetize Your Podcast with Buzzsprout


In this episode, we'll recap several new features that just rolled out to all Buzzsprout users including Achievements in your Stats and the new Monetization section.

Special thanks to Anna Jaworski, host of Heart to Heart with Anna, for providing our opening topic for this episode.

Send an email to to let us know how you'd like us to intro the next episode of Buzzcast.

Podcast Recommendations:

  • Naval
  • Dithering
  • Creating a Brand

Here's the video Alban mentions in the episode when we're talking about how to effectively pitch yourself to brands.

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Healthy groceries and simple recipes for people that like Blue Apron but want to be different

Samson Q2U (Amazon)
Our go-to microphone for new podcasters

Healthy groceries and simple recipes for people that like Blue Apron but want to be different

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  • Text the show: 855-951-4230
  • Tweet us at @buzzcastpodcast, @albanbrooke, @kfinn, and @JordanPods
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Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!

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 July 31, 2020  40m