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Debate: Bitcoin vs Gold with Anthony Scaramucci and Peter Schiff

Since the world economy was plunged into crisis as a result of COVID-19 many economists have predicted a period of great instability. In normal times investors would seek to hedge against volatility by buying gold. But this time some are putting their money elsewhere – into Bitcoin and other digital assets. And that raises a fundamental question: in a time of rising inflation, will Bitcoin or gold be the trusted store of value and asset of the future? Anthony Scaramucci, Founder and Managing Partner of SkyBridge Capital and former White House Director of Communications goes head to head with Peter Schiff, chairman of Schiff Gold and chief global strategist for Euro Pacific Capital. The debate is hosted and chaired by Anne McElvoy, Senior Editor at The Economist. Register FREE for next Intelligence Squared Crypto debates in partnership with EQONEX via the links below: Crypto vs the Environment: Crypto Can Bank the Unbanked:

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 August 24, 2021  57m