AWR: Romanian - Texte si Semnificatii

Texte si Semnificatii este un comentariu biblic audio, ce incearca sa arate faptul ca Biblia este o carte complexa, insa in cele mai multe cazuri, clara.

Eine durchschnittliche Folge dieses Podcasts dauert 13m. Bisher sind 339 Folge(n) erschienen. Dieser Podcast erscheint täglich.

Gesamtlänge aller Episoden: 4 days 14 hours 22 minutes


Cine este Melhisedec, fara inceput si fara sfarsit Who is Melchizedek, the one without beginning or end.

De ce spune Biblia ca Melhisedec este fara inceput si fara sfarsit? Era el om, sau divin? Why does the Bible describe Melchizedek to be without beginning, nor end? Is he human, or divine?


 February 27, 2016  10m

Este Petru piatra pe care Isus zideste biserica in Matei 16,18 Is Peter the rock whom Jesus build his church in Matthew 16:18

La cine se refera Isus ca fiind fundamentul Bisericii Sale: la Petru? La declaratia lui Petru? To whom does Jesus refer to be his church foundation: to Peter? To his saying?


 February 26, 2016  9m

Mananca sarpele tarana in Geneza 3,14 Does the snake really eat dust in Genesis 3,14

Este țarana alimentul sarpelui? Sau putem sa avem incredere ca Geneza, in textul ei reflecta adevarul? Is dust the food of the snake? Or can we thrust the Genesis scriptures in every aspect?


 February 20, 2016  9m

Ne invata Hristos sa folosim bogatiile nedrepte in Luca 16 Does Jesus teach us to use unrighteous wealth in Luke 16

In parabola ispravnicului necredincios, Isus il apreciaza pe acest om si ii indeamna pe credinciosi sa-i urmeze exemplul. In Jesus’ parable, he appreciates the dishonest manager and teach the Christians to follow his example.


 February 19, 2016  9m

Va mai exista moarte pe noul pamant - Isaia 65,20 Death will be present in the new earth, Isaiah 65,20

In descrierea noului pamant, Isaia vorbeste de oamenii care vor muri la 100 de ani. La ce se refera profetul? In Isaiah’s description of the new earth, he talks about the people will die at 100 years. What did the prophet refer?


 February 13, 2016  9m

Biserica are puterea de a ierta pacatele in Ioan 20,23. Has the Church the power to forgive men’s sins in John 20,23?

Isus le spune ucenicilor ca au puterea de a ierta sau nu pacatele. Ce Biserica din crestinism a preluat aceasta putere? Jesus tells to the disciples that they have the power to forgive or not the sins of men. What church did take this power?


 February 12, 2016  9m

Ce fel de vin a facut Isus in Ioan 2. What kind of wine did Jesus do in John 2

La nunta din Cana, Isus a transformat apa in vin alcoolic, potrivit pentru o nunta, sau in altfel de bautura? At the Cana’s wedding, Jesus transformed the water into alcoholic wine, fit for a wedding, or into another kind of beverage?


 February 6, 2016  9m

Este Isus intelepciunea din Proverbe 8,22-24? Is Jesus the wisdom from Proverbs 8,22-24?

Intelepciunea nascuta, creata la inceput de Dumnezeu este o imagine potrivita pentru descrierea lui Isus, Fiul lui Dumnezeu? The wisdom born, created by God at the beginning is a good description of Jesus, the son of God?


 February 5, 2016  10m

Ikwi ry Tbyiringiro - August 08 2010

Ikwi ry Tbyiringiro - August 08 2010


 August 10, 2010  29m