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    NBA-News: Towns-Comeback steht bevor, Schröders Zukunft, könnte Tim Connelly die Wolves verlassen? (Fr. 12.04.24)
    April 12, 2024 (duration 19m)
    [from description] ... und einiges mehr in 19 Minuten News-Pod! Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr im...
    [from itunes:summary] ... und einiges mehr in 19 Minuten News-Pod! Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr im...
    [from content:encoded] ...t und einiges mehr in 19 Minuten News-Pod!Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ih...
    NBA-News, Weekend Edition: Postseason-Teams im Westen stehen fest, Anunoby Comeback (Mo. 08.04.24)
    April 8, 2024 (duration 46m)
    [from description] ...d einiges mehr in 45 Minuten News-Pod! Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr immer...
    [from itunes:summary] ...d einiges mehr in 45 Minuten News-Pod! Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr immer...
    [from content:encoded] ...nd einiges mehr in 45 Minuten News-Pod!Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr i...
    NBA-News: Mitchell wieder Out, Timberwolves-Übernahme gefährdet? (Mi. 20.03.24)
    March 20, 2024 (duration 25m)
    [from description] und einiges mehr in 25 Minuten News-Pod! Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr ...
    [from itunes:summary] und einiges mehr in 25 Minuten News-Pod! Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ihr ...
    [from content:encoded] ...cht und einiges mehr in 25 Minuten News-Pod!Das hier ist eine Ausgabe unseres täglichen NBA-News-Pods! Kurz & knackig werden die Ereignisse in der NBA vorgetragen und eingeordnet, sodass ...
    #886: J-Dub, Paolo, Ivey und Co.: Gastexperte Ole Frerks und JTNBA-Co-Host Torben wagen den Versuch einer ersten Re-Draft 2022 und diskutieren den Output der besten NBA-Zweitjahresprofis
    February 29, 2024 (duration 1h30m)
    [from title] #886: J-Dub, Paolo, Ivey und Co.: Gastexperte Ole Frerks und JTNBA-Co-Host Torben wagen den Versuch einer ersten Re-Draft 2022 und diskutieren den Output der beste...
    [from itunes:title] #886: J-Dub, Paolo, Ivey und Co.: Gastexperte Ole Frerks und JTNBA-Co-Host Torben wagen den Versuch einer ersten Re-Draft 2022 und diskutieren den Output der beste...
    [from itunes:subtitle] #886: J-Dub, Paolo, Ivey und Co.: Gastexperte Ole Frerks und JTNBA-Co-Host Torben wagen den Versuch einer ersten Re-Draft 2022 und diskutieren den Output der beste...
    Die dritte große NBA-Rookie-Watch 2023-24
    February 15, 2024 (duration 1h38m)
    [from description] #878: Die große JTNBA-Rookie Watch ist wieder da! Erneut sind die JTNBA-Co-Hosts Torben und Luka am Mikrofon, um die ak...
    [from itunes:summary] #878: Die große JTNBA-Rookie Watch ist wieder da! Erneut sind die JTNBA-Co-Hosts Torben und Luka am Mikrofon, um die ak...
    [from content:encoded] #878: Die große JTNBA-Rookie Watch ist wieder da! Erneut sind die JTNBA-Co-Hosts Torben und Luka am Mikrofon, um die ak...
    Historisch gut?! Die besten Offensiven des Saisonstarts - Mit David Krout
    November 15, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from content:encoded] ...en Rohren - Host Torben analysiert mit David, was die besten Offensiven auszecíchnet. Die NBA-Saison 23/24 steckt noch praktisch in den Kinderschuhen. Aber ein Phänomen, das es jetzt schon zu...
    Small Sample Size Theater! + Verletzungs-Update & NBA-News
    November 10, 2023 (duration 51m)
    [from content:encoded] ...0 Games verrückt aus - Host Jonathan schaut sie sich mit euch trotzdem an! Am Ende gibt's NBA-News! Wie angekündigt taucht Host Jonathan heute solo in den Zahlen-Dschungel ab. Wie (wenig) sin...
    Memphis Grizzlies Saisonvorschau: Ja Morants Saison am Scheideweg
    October 12, 2023 (duration 1h41m)
    [from content:encoded] ...lker diskutieren 100+ Minuten, was ohne und mit Morant diese Saison drin ist... Noch ist JTNBA-Co-Host Torben Adelhardt Fan der Grizz - aber es wird Zeit, dass einer seiner Söhne in Memphis e...
    Der Lillard-Trade: Bucks, Blazers und Suns im Three-Teamer
    September 28, 2023 (duration 48m)
    [from content:encoded] ...le vors Mic… Kaum übt Giannis etwas verbalen Druck aus, holt Milwaukee ihm einen All-NBA-Guard zur Seite! Die Heat und Raptors gehen leer aus, Jrue Holiday nach Oregon, genauso wie Deande Ayt...
    Fultz, Culver & Co.: Unsere größten Draft-Irrtümer und Busts! - Mit David Krout
    August 3, 2023 (duration 3h0m)
    [from title] Fultz, Culver & Co.: Unsere größten Draft-Irrtümer und Busts! - Mit David Krout
    [from itunes:title] Fultz, Culver & Co.: Unsere größten Draft-Irrtümer und Busts! - Mit David Krout
    [from description] #767: Die Draft ist eine inexakte Wissenschaft... Doch wieso überschätzen wir Prospects immer wieder? Host Tor...
    JTNBA Re-Draft 2019: Die Top-10! Zion, Morant - oder Garland?
    July 27, 2023 (duration 1h56m)
    [from title] JTNBA Re-Draft 2019: Die Top-10! Zion, Morant - oder Garland?
    [from itunes:title] JTNBA Re-Draft 2019: Die Top-10! Zion, Morant - oder Garland?
    [from description] #762: Host Jonathan Walker und Co-Host Torben Adelhardt draften die Top-10 der 2019er Class neu!
    Am Puls der Liga: Offseason Edition - Mit Arne Brandt
    June 30, 2023 (duration 1h38m)
    [from description] #751: Arne Brrrandt ist mal wieder dabei, um mit Host Jonathan Walker über Trades, Draft und Free Agency zu sprechen!
    [from content:encoded] ...Suns, Contender… All das und mehr in knapp 100 Minuten Pod! Werdet Teil des "Jeden Tag NBA"-Teams, unterstützt den Pod, hört alle Folgen, kommt auf unseren Discord-Server und genießt weitere ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] #751: Arne Brrrandt ist mal wieder dabei, um mit Host Jonathan Walker über Trades, Draft und Free Agency zu sprechen!
    Gewinner & Verlierer der Draft Night 2023 - Mit David Krout
    June 23, 2023 (duration 2h4m)
    [from title] Gewinner & Verlierer der Draft Night 2023 - Mit David Krout
    [from itunes:title] Gewinner & Verlierer der Draft Night 2023 - Mit David Krout
    [from description] #747: Host Jonathan Walker und Co-Host & Draft-Experte Torben Adelhardt haben David Krout dabei, um über alle wichtigen Ereignisse, Steals, R...
    Trades: Beal, Porzingis, Smart, CP3, Poole + Top-FAs - Mit Tobias Bühner & David Krout
    June 23, 2023 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] #746: Host Luka hat Tobias dabei, um über die Moves vor der Draft zu sprechen. David kommt für den Smart-Trade mit rein. Außerdem: FA-Talk!
    [from content:encoded] ...s Sommers. All das und mehr gibt's in knapp 2 Stunden Pod! Werdet Teil des "Jeden Tag NBA"-Teams, unterstützt den Pod, hört alle Folgen, kommt auf unseren Discord-Server und genießt weitere V...
    [from itunes:subtitle] #746: Host Luka hat Tobias dabei, um über die Moves vor der Draft zu sprechen. David kommt für den Smart-Trade mit rein. Außerdem: FA-Talk!
    JTNBA Mock Offseason 2023, Teil 1 - Mit Sven Scherer & Tobias Bühner
    June 19, 2023 (duration 1h16m)
    [from content:encoded] ...ährend Luka, Sven und Tobi je 10 Franchises als GM steuern. Im ersten Teil der großen JTNBA Mock Offseason 2023 wird über Star-Trades verhandelt, bevor die größten Namen der Free Agency mit n...
    JTNBA Mock Draft 2023 - Mit David Krout
    June 18, 2023 (duration 1h53m)
    [from title] JTNBA Mock Draft 2023 - Mit David Krout
    [from itunes:title] JTNBA Mock Draft 2023 - Mit David Krout
    [from description] #742: Host Jonathan Walker und David Krout draften gemeinsam die erste Runde der NBA Draft 2023 nach eigenem Ermessen. Wer geht wann über die Theke?
    Die besten BIGS / Big Wings der Draft 2023: Wemby, Walker, Hendricks, Lively & Co.! - Mit Jeremias Engelmann
    June 16, 2023 (duration 2h16m)
    [from title] Die besten BIGS / Big Wings der Draft 2023: Wemby, Walker, Hendricks, Lively & Co.! - Mit Jeremias Engelmann
    [from itunes:title] Die besten BIGS / Big Wings der Draft 2023: Wemby, Walker, Hendricks, Lively & Co.! - Mit Jeremias Engelmann
    [from description] ...iert mit Jerry Engelmann Wemby und die anderen interessanten Big-Talente der diesjährigen Draft-Klasse.
    Die besten GUARDS der Draft 2023: Henderson, Wallace, George, Podziemski & Co.! - Mit Tobias Bühner
    June 12, 2023 (duration 2h0m)
    [from title] Die besten GUARDS der Draft 2023: Henderson, Wallace, George, Podziemski & Co.! - Mit Tobias Bühner
    [from itunes:title] Die besten GUARDS der Draft 2023: Henderson, Wallace, George, Podziemski & Co.! - Mit Tobias Bühner
    [from description] Neu-Co-Host Torben evaluiert mit Tobias die besten Guard-Talente der diesjährigen Draft-Klasse.
    Jimmy fällt in Boston ein & Top-10 Draft-Talente 2023 mit Dennis Janßen
    May 18, 2023 (duration 2h29m)
    [from title] Jimmy fällt in Boston ein & Top-10 Draft-Talente 2023 mit Dennis Janßen
    [from itunes:title] Jimmy fällt in Boston ein & Top-10 Draft-Talente 2023 mit Dennis Janßen
    [from description] ... den Heat und Celtics zusammen und spricht mit Dennis Janßen über die besten Talente der Draft 2023
    All-Star Draft 2023 + Preview Rising Stars & Contests
    February 14, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] All-Star Draft 2023 + Preview Rising Stars & Contests
    [from itunes:title] All-Star Draft 2023 + Preview Rising Stars & Contests
    [from content:encoded] ...ll das und mehr in 66 Minuten Pod! Zieht euch das All-Star Weekend 2023 mit dem NBA LEAGUE PASS rein und nutzt dafür gerne unseren Link: Jonathans Roster "JTNBA X ATD...
    Vorstellung Draft Class 2023: Wembanyama, Henderson & die anderen Bigs & Guards - Mit Dennis Janßen
    November 22, 2022 (duration 1h18m)
    [from title] Vorstellung Draft Class 2023: Wembanyama, Henderson & die anderen Bigs & Guards - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from itunes:title] Vorstellung Draft Class 2023: Wembanyama, Henderson & die anderen Bigs & Guards - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from description] Dennis Janßen von Gathering Intel ist am Start, um die kommende Draft Class vorzustellen! Den Anfang machen die Guards um Scoot Henderson sowie die Bigs um Victor We...
    Sophomore Watch: Wie sieht die Class von 2021 aktuell aus? - Mit Jerry Engelmann & David Krout
    November 1, 2022 (duration 57m)
    [from content:encoded] ...outing bei den Mavs, David zitiert aus seinen Rankings und Jonathan gleich mit der JTNBA Mock Draft von damals ab. Wir besprechen u.a. Cunningham, Green, Kuminga, Mobley, Barnes, Wagner, Hyla...
    3rd Year Player Watch: Wie macht sich die Draft Class 2020? - Mit Jerry Engelmann und David Krout
    November 1, 2022 (duration 1h2m)
    [from title] 3rd Year Player Watch: Wie macht sich die Draft Class 2020? - Mit Jerry Engelmann und David Krout
    [from itunes:title] 3rd Year Player Watch: Wie macht sich die Draft Class 2020? - Mit Jerry Engelmann und David Krout
    [from content:encoded] bei den Mavs damals, David zitiert aus seinen Rankings und Jonathan gleich mit der JTNBA Mock Draft von damals ab. Wir besprechen u.a. Edwards, Wiseman, Williams, Okoro, Okongwu, Hayes, Ha...
    Cleveland Cavaliers Saisonvorschau 2022-23: War Mitchell es wert? - Mit Ole Frerks
    October 11, 2022 (duration 1h0m)
    [from content:encoded] da… Nun hat Cleveland in Donovan Mitchell auch noch einen gerade 26-jährigen All-NBA-Level-Guard per Trade dazu geholt. Wie passt das zusammen? Ist er die ganzen Picks wert? Wie hat uns di...
    Jersey Talk + Charlotte Hornets Saisonvorschau 2022-23: Der Horror-Sommer - Mit Patrick Foster Episode
    October 9, 2022 (duration 1h21m)
    [from description] ...hon nur für Platz 10 gereicht. Es sieht nicht gut aus für Charlotte. Darüber und über NBA Jerseys spricht Jonathan mit Pat von KICKZ!
    [from content:encoded] ...hon nur für Platz 10 gereicht. Es sieht nicht gut aus für Charlotte. Darüber und über NBA Jerseys spricht Jonathan mit Pat von KICKZ Pat Fosters Job ist es, Geld für NBA Jerseys auszugeben - ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...hon nur für Platz 10 gereicht. Es sieht nicht gut aus für Charlotte. Darüber und über NBA Jerseys spricht Jonathan mit Pat von KICKZ
    Memphis Grizzlies Saisonvorschau 2022-23: Erfolgsversprechende Verjüngungskur? - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    September 24, 2022 (duration 1h10m)
    [from content:encoded] ... in 70 Minuten Pod! Diskutiert unsere Preview gerne mit uns auf Twitter unter @jedentagnba, @Torben41 & @JWalker_NBA oder im Supporter-Discord! Checkt Umbrellaz auf - und uns...
    Franchise Draft Grading: Alle Picks 2007-2018, Teil I: ATL-MEM - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    August 25, 2022 (duration 1h44m)
    [from title] Franchise Draft Grading: Alle Picks 2007-2018, Teil I: ATL-MEM - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Franchise Draft Grading: Alle Picks 2007-2018, Teil I: ATL-MEM - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] Richtig gelesen: Torben und Jonathan haben alle Drafts von 2007 bis 2018 analysiert, evaluiert und auf ganzer Bandbreite benotet, bei allen 30 Teams...
    Die besten Spieler & übelsten Busts der Drafts 2003-2013 - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    August 22, 2022 (duration 1h36m)
    [from title] Die besten Spieler & übelsten Busts der Drafts 2003-2013 - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from itunes:title] Die besten Spieler & übelsten Busts der Drafts 2003-2013 - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from description] Uns hatte die Frage erreicht, wie wir die besten Spieler unserer Re-Drafts 2003-13 in einer Top-10 untereinander ranken würden. Außerdem sprechen Nicho & Jonathan bei d...
    Re-Draft 1997: Duncan, Billups, McGrady & Co.! - Mit Hassan Mohamed
    August 14, 2022 (duration 2h3m)
    [from title] Re-Draft 1997: Duncan, Billups, McGrady & Co.! - Mit Hassan Mohamed
    [from itunes:title] Re-Draft 1997: Duncan, Billups, McGrady & Co.! - Mit Hassan Mohamed
    [from description] Hassan ist am Start und draftet mit Jonathan die ersten 20 Picks des 97er Jahrgangs neu.
    Re-Draft 2018: Dončić, Young, SGA, Ayton, JJJ, MPJ & Co.! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    August 1, 2022 (duration 2h29m)
    [from title] Re-Draft 2018: Dončić, Young, SGA, Ayton, JJJ, MPJ & Co.! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Re-Draft 2018: Dončić, Young, SGA, Ayton, JJJ, MPJ & Co.! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] Fast 150 Minuten diskutieren (Re-)Draft-Experte Torben und Jonathan über den Jahrgang, in dem wir eines der besten Talente dieses Jahr...
    Analyse: Summer League 2022 - Mit David Krout & Luka Čelar
    July 20, 2022 (duration 1h1m)
    [from content:encoded] ...e Produkte auf und sichert euch 5% Rabatt mit meinem Code "NBA"! Werdet Teil des "Jeden Tag NBA"-Teams, stellt Fragen für die Answering Machine und hört jede Folg...
    Die große Draft Night Recap: Wilde Picks, Trades, Gewinner & Verlierer - Mit Tobias Bühner & Torben Adelhardt
    June 24, 2022 (duration 2h17m)
    [from title] Die große Draft Night Recap: Wilde Picks, Trades, Gewinner & Verlierer - Mit Tobias Bühner & Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Die große Draft Night Recap: Wilde Picks, Trades, Gewinner & Verlierer - Mit Tobias Bühner & Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] Oh, what a night! Überraschungen in der Top-3, Trades, Reaches und potentielle Steals - die Draft 2022 hatte alles und wir besprechen es im Trio ausführlich!
    Mock Draft 2022 - Mit David Krout
    June 20, 2022 (duration 1h50m)
    [from title] Mock Draft 2022 - Mit David Krout
    [from itunes:title] Mock Draft 2022 - Mit David Krout
    [from description] ...en David und Jonathan die erste Runde für alle Franchises komplett durch, gemäß unserer Draft-Evaluationen und -Philosophien.
    Die besten WINGS der Draft 2022: Smith, Griffin, Sharpe, Murray, Sochan & mehr! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    June 10, 2022 (duration 1h47m)
    [from title] Die besten WINGS der Draft 2022: Smith, Griffin, Sharpe, Murray, Sochan & mehr! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Die besten WINGS der Draft 2022: Smith, Griffin, Sharpe, Murray, Sochan & mehr! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] Draft-Guru Torben ist am Start, um mit Jonathan die 13 besten Wings der Class durchzugehen. Wessen S...
    The Great Sneaker Draft von JTNBA x - Mit Robbin Barberan & Philip Olschowa
    March 25, 2022 (duration 1h23m)
    [from title] The Great Sneaker Draft von JTNBA x - Mit Robbin Barberan & Philip Olschowa
    [from itunes:title] The Great Sneaker Draft von JTNBA x - Mit Robbin Barberan & Philip Olschowa
    [from description] Zusammen mit zwei absoluten Sneaker Heads & Experten von wird zu dritt gedraftet, bis jeder eine Starting Five seiner All-Time-Favorites aller Basketball Sneakers beisammen hat!
    Die Top-4 der Draft Class 2022: Chet Homgren, Jabari Smith, Paolo Banchero & AJ Griffin - Mit Dennis Janßen
    March 12, 2022 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Die Top-4 der Draft Class 2022: Chet Homgren, Jabari Smith, Paolo Banchero & AJ Griffin - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from itunes:title] Die Top-4 der Draft Class 2022: Chet Homgren, Jabari Smith, Paolo Banchero & AJ Griffin - Mit Dennis Janßen
    Re-Draft 2015: KAT, D-Lo, KP, Book & viele Busts... - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    February 27, 2022 (duration 2h4m)
    [from title] Re-Draft 2015: KAT, D-Lo, KP, Book & viele Busts... - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Re-Draft 2015: KAT, D-Lo, KP, Book & viele Busts... - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] Als Teil einer größeren Draft-Evaluations-Reihe über die nächsten Monate geht es im Februar mit den Re-Drafts weiter! Den Anfa...
    1. Live-Answering Machine - Mit Arne Brandt & David Krout
    January 30, 2022 (duration 1h13m)
    [from content:encoded] ...wir nach unseren Lieblingsteams am meisten? Und wer von uns dreien ist am besten in NBA 2K? All das und viele weitere Fragen in 73 Minuten Pod! Entschuldigt die schlechte Qualität, gab wohl V...
    Re-Draft 2014: Die "Jahrhundert-Draft" mit Jokic, Embiid, Wiggins, LaVine, Randle, Smart & Co.! - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    September 30, 2021 (duration 2h43m)
    [from title] Re-Draft 2014: Die "Jahrhundert-Draft" mit Jokic, Embiid, Wiggins, LaVine, Randle, Smart & Co.! - Mit T...
    [from itunes:title] Re-Draft 2014: Die "Jahrhundert-Draft" mit Jokic, Embiid, Wiggins, LaVine, Randle, Smart & Co.! - Mit T...
    [from description] schlanken 163 Minuten! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Intro von ST. Outro von Macroform. Grafiken von D. Krout. Wenn's euch gefällt, abonniert, lasst ger...
    Re-Draft 2013: Giannis, Gobert, Oladipo, McCollum, Schröder und Co.! - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    August 19, 2021 (duration 2h2m)
    [from title] Re-Draft 2013: Giannis, Gobert, Oladipo, McCollum, Schröder und Co.! - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from itunes:title] Re-Draft 2013: Giannis, Gobert, Oladipo, McCollum, Schröder und Co.! - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from description] ...eren Europäer aller Zeiten. In der Lottery findet sich immerhin noch ein weiterer All-NBA-Spieler und einige sehr gute Rollenspieler... sodass wir am Ende doch noch die ersten 20 Picks vollbe...
    Draft Night Recap: Alle Deals, Picks, Steals & Reaches - Mit Tobias Bühner & David Krout
    July 30, 2021 (duration 1h15m)
    [from title] Draft Night Recap: Alle Deals, Picks, Steals & Reaches - Mit Tobias Bühner & David Krout
    [from itunes:title] Draft Night Recap: Alle Deals, Picks, Steals & Reaches - Mit Tobias Bühner & David Krout
    [from description] ...andidaten in 75 Minuten Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Angebot von: www. [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST. Outro von Macroform. Gr...
    Answering Machine Sonderausgabe: Eure Fragen zur Draft - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    July 28, 2021 (duration 1h50m)
    [from title] Answering Machine Sonderausgabe: Eure Fragen zur Draft - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Answering Machine Sonderausgabe: Eure Fragen zur Draft - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] ...ben sich diese dann entwickelt? Wie viel "Analytics" fließen in die Entscheidungen der NBA-Franchises heutzutage ein? Wo liegen Ceiling und Floor bei Franz Wagner? Könnte OKC für den #2-Pick ...
    Mock Offseason 2021: Wir simulieren Free Agency & Trades + Live-Reaktion auf NOP-MEM-Trade - Mit Tobias Bühner, Julian Lage & Sven Scherer
    July 27, 2021 (duration 2h51m)
    [from description] Folge 350: Zum ersten Mal haben wir im Pod eine NBA-Offseason für euch simuliert: Nach der Mock Draft in der letzten Folge, bekommt ihr heute knapp ...
    [from content:encoded] Folge 350: Zum ersten Mal haben wir im Pod eine NBA-Offseason für euch simuliert: Nach der Mock Draft in der letzten Folge, bekommt ihr heute knapp ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Folge 350: Zum ersten Mal haben wir im Pod eine NBA-Offseason für euch simuliert: Nach der Mock Draft in der letzten Folge, bekommt ihr heute knapp ...
    Mock Draft: Alle 30 Picks der ersten Runde! - Mit David Krout
    July 23, 2021 (duration 2h4m)
    [from title] Mock Draft: Alle 30 Picks der ersten Runde! - Mit David Krout
    [from itunes:title] Mock Draft: Alle 30 Picks der ersten Runde! - Mit David Krout
    [from description] ...ter unter @whaamncheese! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Angebot von Bearformance: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Falls ihr In...
    Die besten WINGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Tobias Bühner
    July 22, 2021 (duration 1h43m)
    [from title] Die besten WINGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Tobias Bühner
    [from itunes:title] Die besten WINGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Tobias Bühner
    [from description] ...nd Tobi Bühner! Wir sprechen hier über nicht weniger als 14 Spieler, die in der modernen NBA irgendwo zwischen Zwei und Vier zuhause sein werden, was sie draufhaben, was nicht und welchen Wer...
    Giannis trägt die Bucks zum Titel: Analyse Game 6 der Finals & Die besten BIGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Benedikt Reichold & Tobias Berger
    July 22, 2021 (duration 2h38m)
    [from title] Giannis trägt die Bucks zum Titel: Analyse Game 6 der Finals & Die besten BIGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Benedikt Reichold & Tobias Berger
    [from itunes:title] Giannis trägt die Bucks zum Titel: Analyse Game 6 der Finals & Die besten BIGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Benedikt Reichold & Tobias Berger
    [from description] Folge 347: Milwaukee ist nach 50 Jahren wieder Meister, Giannis auf dem NBA-Olymp angekommen! Die Bucks haben sich im 6. Spiel dieser Finals nicht länger bitten lassen und ...
    Giannis trägt die Bucks zum Titel: Analyse Game 6 der Finals & Die besten BIGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Benedikt Reichold & Tobias Berger
    July 21, 2021 (duration 2h38m)
    [from title] Giannis trägt die Bucks zum Titel: Analyse Game 6 der Finals & Die besten BIGS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Benedikt Reichold & Tobias Berger
    [from description] Folge 347: Milwaukee ist nach 50 Jahren wieder Meister, Giannis auf dem NBA-Olymp angekommen! Die Bucks haben sich im 6. Spiel dieser Finals nicht länger bitten lassen und ...
    Die besten GUARDS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    July 20, 2021 (duration 1h47m)
    [from title] Die besten GUARDS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Die besten GUARDS der Draft Class 2021 - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] Folge 346: In neun Tagen ist NBA Draft Night! Höchste Zeit für mich, mir die Crème de la Crème der deutschsprachigen Scouts in de...
    Analyse Clippers-Suns Game 2 & Reaktion auf die Lottery-Ergebnisse - Mit Julius Schubert
    June 23, 2021 (duration 1h30m)
    [from description] 1,5 Stunden Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Schaut doch mal auf vorbei und holt euch ein paar mehr Infos zur Unfallversicherung. In...
    [from content:encoded] ...,5 Stunden Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Schaut doch mal auf vorbei und holt euch ein paar mehr Infos zur Unfallversicherung. ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...chen den LA Clippers und Phoenix Suns. Danach quatschen wir noch über den Osten und die Draft Lottery 2021.
    Top-5 Draft Prospects Update: Cade Cunningham, Evan Mobley, Jalen Green & Co.! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    March 17, 2021 (duration 1h16m)
    [from title] Top-5 Draft Prospects Update: Cade Cunningham, Evan Mobley, Jalen Green & Co.! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from itunes:title] Top-5 Draft Prospects Update: Cade Cunningham, Evan Mobley, Jalen Green & Co.! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from description] ...hweite derer ist, welche dieser Spieler jetzt im NCAA Tournament zocken wird und welche NBA-Teams derzeit die besten Chancen auf diese Top-5-Picks haben sollten. All das und mehr innerhalb vo...
    Wieso überraschen uns die Karrieren von D. Booker, J. Brown, M. Fultz, J. Jackson & D. Sabonis? - Mit Philipp Servatius
    February 14, 2021 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] ...Servatius analysieren wir, warum man Booker, Brown, Sabonis, Fultz und Jackson vor ihrer NBA-Karriere anders eingeschätzt hatte, als sie sich nun bisher in der Liga entwickelt haben. Hätte ma...
    [from content:encoded] ... analysieren wir, warum man Booker, Brown, Sabonis, Fultz und Jackson vor ihrer NBA-Karriere anders eingeschätzt hatte, als sie sich nun bisher in der Liga entwickelt haben. Hätte m...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...inzip: Was haben wir in 10 Jahren GtG gelernt? Zusammen mit meinem ehemaligen Kollegen und Draft-Scout Philipp Servatius analysieren wir, warum man Booker, Brown, Sabonis, Fultz & Jackson dam...
    All-Star Break News & Fantasy Managergame Updates - Mit Robin Rolofs
    January 28, 2021 (duration 1h17m)
    [from description] ...pdate zum Spielplan und All-Star Break habe ich heute wieder Robin Rolofs im Pod, um über NBA Fantasy Managergames zu diskutieren. Wir besprechen unsere Teams beim US-Manager von basketball.d...
    [from content:encoded] ...pdate zum Spielplan und All-Star Break habe ich heute wieder Robin Rolofs im Pod, um über NBA Fantasy Managergames zu diskutieren. Wir besprechen unsere Teams & Vorgehensweise beim US-Manager...
    [from itunes:summary] ...pdate zum Spielplan und All-Star Break habe ich heute wieder Robin Rolofs im Pod, um über NBA Fantasy Managergames zu diskutieren. Wir besprechen unsere Teams beim US-Manager von basketball.d...
    Sophomore Watch, Teil 1: Wo stehen Zion, Ja, RJ & Co? - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    January 22, 2021 (duration 50m)
    [from description] ...n schon über eine Saison auf dem Buckel: Die Klasse von 2019, die jetzigen Sophomores der NBA. Zusammen mit Torben Adelhardt, werfe ich einen Blick zurück auf unsere Erwartungen zur Draft dam...
    [from content:encoded] ...e Erwartungen zur Draft 2019 und gleichen unsere Boards mit dem ab, was wir bisher in der NBA von den Spielern gesehen haben. Folge 241: Wir hatten sie vor der Draft ausgiebig diskutiert und ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...e Erwartungen zur Draft 2019 und gleichen unsere Boards mit dem ab, was wir bisher in der NBA von den Spielern gesehen haben.
    NBA Fantasy Manager: Strategien für ESPN Draft & US-Manager - Mit Robin Rolofs
    December 22, 2020 (duration 2h14m)
    [from title] NBA Fantasy Manager: Strategien für ESPN Draft & US-Manager - Mit Robin Rolofs
    [from itunes:title] NBA Fantasy Manager: Strategien für ESPN Draft & US-Manager - Mit Robin Rolofs
    [from description] Folge 229: Im letzten Pod vor Saisonstart gibt's noch Strategien und Tipps für zwei verschiedene NBA Managergames. Zuerst kommentiere ich mit Robin Rolofs vom "NBA Fantasy"-Podcast in einer ESPN Lig...
    Re-Draft 2012: AD, Dame, Beal, Draymond, Drummond, Middleton & Co. - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    December 14, 2020 (duration 1h29m)
    [from title] Re-Draft 2012: AD, Dame, Beal, Draymond, Drummond, Middleton & Co. - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from itunes:title] Re-Draft 2012: AD, Dame, Beal, Draymond, Drummond, Middleton & Co. - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from description] ...neu, in knapp 1,5 Stunden Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ...
    Die interessantesten Wings der Draft 2021: Kuminga, Williams, Boston, Green & mehr! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    December 6, 2020 (duration 44m)
    [from title] Die interessantesten Wings der Draft 2021: Kuminga, Williams, Boston, Green & mehr! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from itunes:title] Die interessantesten Wings der Draft 2021: Kuminga, Williams, Boston, Green & mehr! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from description] ...e Bigs & Playmaker der Klasse. Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST. ...
    Die interessantesten Bigs & Playmakers der Draft 2021: Cunningham, Mobley, Suggs & mehr! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    December 4, 2020 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Die interessantesten Bigs & Playmakers der Draft 2021: Cunningham, Mobley, Suggs & mehr! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from itunes:title] Die interessantesten Bigs & Playmakers der Draft 2021: Cunningham, Mobley, Suggs & mehr! - Mit Dennis Janßen
    [from description] ...Twitter unter @Dennis_TTG! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST...
    FA-Updates & Re-Draft 2011: Kyrie, Kawhi, Klay, Kemba, Jimmy, IT... - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    November 26, 2020 (duration 2h28m)
    [from title] FA-Updates & Re-Draft 2011: Kyrie, Kawhi, Klay, Kemba, Jimmy, IT... - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from itunes:title] FA-Updates & Re-Draft 2011: Kyrie, Kawhi, Klay, Kemba, Jimmy, IT... - Mit Nicholas Gorny
    [from description] ...den eineinhalb Stunden Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST....
    Draft Night Recap & alle Trades - Mit Tobias Berger
    November 19, 2020 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Draft Night Recap & alle Trades - Mit Tobias Berger
    [from itunes:title] Draft Night Recap & alle Trades - Mit Tobias Berger
    [from description] ... und mehr in 71 Minuten Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST...
    Pre-Draft Trades: Paul, Holiday, Bogi, Covington & Co.!
    November 18, 2020 (duration 33m)
    [from title] Pre-Draft Trades: Paul, Holiday, Bogi, Covington & Co.!
    [from itunes:title] Pre-Draft Trades: Paul, Holiday, Bogi, Covington & Co.!
    [from description] einer guten halben Stunde! Supporten könnt ihr hier:  Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST...
    Mock Draft: Alle 30 Picks der 1. Runde! Plus Schröder-Trade - Mit David Krout
    November 16, 2020 (duration 2h1m)
    [from title] Mock Draft: Alle 30 Picks der 1. Runde! Plus Schröder-Trade - Mit David Krout
    [from itunes:title] Mock Draft: Alle 30 Picks der 1. Runde! Plus Schröder-Trade - Mit David Krout
    [from description] ...und mehr in 2 Stunden Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier:  Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA]  Intro von ST...
    Die besten Playmakers der Draft 2020: Hayes oder Ball? Maxey, Lewis oder Anthony? - Mit Tobias Bühner
    November 14, 2020 (duration 1h33m)
    [from title] Die besten Playmakers der Draft 2020: Hayes oder Ball? Maxey, Lewis oder Anthony? - Mit Tobias Bühner
    [from itunes:title] Die besten Playmakers der Draft 2020: Hayes oder Ball? Maxey, Lewis oder Anthony? - Mit Tobias Bühner
    [from description] ...ounder wert? All das und mehr Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST. ...
    Die besten Bigs der Draft 2020: Okongwu und... Wiseman? Toppin? Tillman? Oder wer? - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    November 13, 2020 (duration 2h9m)
    [from title] Die besten Bigs der Draft 2020: Okongwu und... Wiseman? Toppin? Tillman? Oder wer? - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from itunes:title] Die besten Bigs der Draft 2020: Okongwu und... Wiseman? Toppin? Tillman? Oder wer? - Mit Torben Adelhardt
    [from description] ...meidigen 129 Minuten Pod! Supporten könnt ihr hier: Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST. O...
    Die besten Wings der Draft 2020: Edwards, Avdija, Okoro & Co.! - Mit Tobias Berger
    November 12, 2020 (duration 1h54m)
    [from title] Die besten Wings der Draft 2020: Edwards, Avdija, Okoro & Co.! - Mit Tobias Berger
    [from itunes:title] Die besten Wings der Draft 2020: Edwards, Avdija, Okoro & Co.! - Mit Tobias Berger
    [from description] ...l mehr in knapp 2 Stunden! Supporten könnt ihr hier:  Link zum Bearformance-Angebot: [Rabattcode: JedenTagNBA] Intro von ST....
    Giannis Antetokounmpo injured, Nick's NBA Tiers & QB Categories, Could Cowboys draft QB high?
    April 10, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Giannis Antetokounmpo injured, Nick's NBA Tiers & QB Categories, Could Cowboys draft QB high?
    [from description] ... Mayo era? (39:00) Suns trailed 35-4 in 1st quarter of Clippers loss (43:34) Nick's latest NBA Tiers (56:20) Nick reintroduces his QB categories (1:04:05) Nick's NBA Medals Learn more about ...
    [from itunes:title] Giannis Antetokounmpo injured, Nick's NBA Tiers & QB Categories, Could Cowboys draft QB high?
    Micah Parsons "has worn thin" on Cowboys, John Calipari & Arkansas, Caitlin Clark still the GOAT?
    April 8, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...boys? Report says he "has worn thin" with Dallas (32:59) Is Nick changing his Bucks as his NBA title pick? (38:01) Chris Simms: Bills would not trade Stefon Diggs to the Chiefs (43:59) Nick's...
    [from itunes:summary] ...boys? Report says he "has worn thin" with Dallas (32:59) Is Nick changing his Bucks as his NBA title pick? (38:01) Chris Simms: Bills would not trade Stefon Diggs to the Chiefs (43:59) Nick's...
    [from content:encoded] ...wboys? Report says he "has worn thin" with Dallas(32:59) Is Nick changing his Bucks as his NBA title pick?(38:01) Chris Simms: Bills would not trade Stefon Diggs to the Chiefs(43:59) Nick's l...
    Bills trade Stefon Diggs to Texans, Nick's NBA Tiers, Josh Allen & C.J. Stroud's potential now?
    April 3, 2024 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...on for the Bucks? (38:33) Do the Bills need to trade for or draft a top WR? (43:28) Nick's NBA Tiers (56:19) Is the AFC East the Jets and Aaron Rodgers' division to win? (1:02:57) Nick's NBA ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...on for the Bucks? (38:33) Do the Bills need to trade for or draft a top WR? (43:28) Nick's NBA Tiers (56:19) Is the AFC East the Jets and Aaron Rodgers' division to win? (1:02:57) Nick's NBA ...
    [from content:encoded] ...tton for the Bucks?(38:33) Do the Bills need to trade for or draft a top WR?(43:28) Nick's NBA Tiers(56:19) Is the AFC East the Jets and Aaron Rodgers' division to win?(1:02:57) Nick's NBA Me...
    Caitlin Clark & Iowa defeats LSU, Nick's NBA player rankings, Could Patriots draft J.J. McCarthy?
    April 2, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Caitlin Clark & Iowa defeats LSU, Nick's NBA player rankings, Could Patriots draft J.J. McCarthy?
    [from itunes:title] Caitlin Clark & Iowa defeats LSU, Nick's NBA player rankings, Could Patriots draft J.J. McCarthy?
    LeBron & Lakers title chances, Final Four & UConn dominance, Can Luka Doncic win MVP?
    April 1, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...spite the Spurs record? (38:59) Could Luka Doncic win MVP? (44:12) Nick reveals his latest NBA mock draft (56:48) Is tonight vs LSU a must-win for Caitlin Clark? (1:03:17) Nick's UFL Medals /...
    [from itunes:summary] ...spite the Spurs record? (38:59) Could Luka Doncic win MVP? (44:12) Nick reveals his latest NBA mock draft (56:48) Is tonight vs LSU a must-win for Caitlin Clark? (1:03:17) Nick's UFL Medals /...
    [from content:encoded] ...despite the Spurs record?(38:59) Could Luka Doncic win MVP?(44:12) Nick reveals his latest NBA mock draft(56:48) Is tonight vs LSU a must-win for Caitlin Clark?(1:03:17) Nick's UFL Medals /Co...
    Could Russ be cut, Steph-Mahomes comparison, Klatt's Mock Draft, BUD List, Harden's Block on Kawhi
    March 21, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Could Russ be cut, Steph-Mahomes comparison, Klatt's Mock Draft, BUD List, Harden's Block on Kawhi
    [from description] ...4:40: BUD LIST 57:36: Better bet to win the division: Cowboys or Eagles? 1:03:41: Nick's NBA Medals KD passes Shaq for 8th on all-time scoring list Learn more about your ad choices. Visit meg...
    [from itunes:summary] ...4:40: BUD LIST 57:36: Better bet to win the division: Cowboys or Eagles? 1:03:41: Nick's NBA Medals KD passes Shaq for 8th on all-time scoring list Learn more about your ad choices. Visit meg...
    Cowboys potential for Saquon Barkley, Ryan Leaf’s take on Caleb Williams, Are KD & Suns slept on?
    March 6, 2024 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] and the Lakers? (36:54) Could the Cowboys sign Saquon Barkley? (43:39) Nick Reveals his NBA Tiers (55:36) Is the Celtics loss to the Cavaliers a big deal or not? (1:02:46) Nick's NBA Medal...
    [from itunes:summary] and the Lakers? (36:54) Could the Cowboys sign Saquon Barkley? (43:39) Nick Reveals his NBA Tiers (55:36) Is the Celtics loss to the Cavaliers a big deal or not? (1:02:46) Nick's NBA Medal...
    [from content:encoded] ...ames and the Lakers?(36:54) Could the Cowboys sign Saquon Barkley?(43:39) Nick Reveals his NBA Tiers(55:36) Is the Celtics loss to the Cavaliers a big deal or not?(1:02:46) Nick's NBA Medals ...
    LeBron James first ever to 40k points, Mike Evans new deal, Should Falcons want: Cousins or Fields?
    March 4, 2024 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...are expectations for Caleb Williams rookie season if the Bears draft him? (1:03:09) Nick's NBA Medals /Jason Kelce retires Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] ...are expectations for Caleb Williams rookie season if the Bears draft him? (1:03:09) Nick's NBA Medals /Jason Kelce retires Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ... are expectations for Caleb Williams rookie season if the Bears draft him?(1:03:09) Nick's NBA Medals /Jason Kelce retires Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    49ers & Eagles clash in NFC Championship rematch, LeBron wants a lot of change, Broncos to playoffs?
    November 28, 2023 (duration 1h14m)
    [from description] into Week 13 (58:38) Can the Denver Broncos make the playoffs?  (01:04:28) Nick’s NBA Medals / Should the Bears draft Caleb Williams? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] into Week 13 (58:38) Can the Denver Broncos make the playoffs?  (01:04:28) Nick’s NBA Medals / Should the Bears draft Caleb Williams? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ...ding into Week 13(58:38) Can the Denver Broncos make the playoffs? (01:04:28) Nick’s NBA Medals / Should the Bears draft Caleb Williams? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Josh McDaniels fired by LV, Travis Kelce on Chiefs struggles, Who needs win more: Eagles or Cowboys?
    November 1, 2023 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...ers headed into Week 9 (57:10) Biggest takeaway from Spurs win over Suns? (1:02:37) Nick's NBA Medals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] ...ers headed into Week 9 (57:10) Biggest takeaway from Spurs win over Suns? (1:02:37) Nick's NBA Medals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ...Tiers headed into Week 9(57:10) Biggest takeaway from Spurs win over Suns?(1:02:37) Nick's NBA Medals Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    CP3, Porzingis and Smart find new teams, NBA Draft talk, Smart for Blazers to keep Lillard?
    June 22, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] CP3, Porzingis and Smart find new teams, NBA Draft talk, Smart for Blazers to keep Lillard?
    [from description] ...ussard's Under Duress List 56:33 More thoughts on the potential CP3 trade 1:04:00 Biggest NBA Draft headline will be? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:title] CP3, Porzingis and Smart find new teams, NBA Draft talk, Smart for Blazers to keep Lillard?
    Russ and Clippers beat Lakers, Ravens open to drafting a 1st round QB, Beginning of the end for Luka in Dallas?
    April 6, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Russ and Clippers beat Lakers, Ravens open to drafting a 1st round QB, Beginning of the end for Luka in Dallas?
    [from description] ... to the Clippers last night? 18:21 Beginning of the end for Luka in Dallas? ((What did the NBA just deny Mark Cuban and the Mavs? Read HERE)) 30:18 Could the Ravens draft a QB this year? ((Re...
    [from itunes:title] Russ and Clippers beat Lakers, Ravens open to drafting a 1st round QB, Beginning of the end for Luka in Dallas?
    Bonus Episode: QB Offseason Carousel (Lamar Jackson, Aaron Rodgers, Daniel Jones, Derek Carr, CJ Stroud to the Cowboys?)
    February 28, 2023 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...rst taking a break this week here are Nick, Wildes' and Broussard's thoughts on the latest NBA topics around league: 00:00 How much should the Giants pay Daniel Jones? ((Read more about the G...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rst taking a break this week here are Nick, Wildes' and Broussard's thoughts on the latest NBA topics around league: 00:00 How much should the Giants pay Daniel Jones? ((Read more about the G...
    [from content:encoded] ...rst taking a break this week here are Nick, Wildes' and Broussard's thoughts on the latest NBA topics around league:00:00 How much should the Giants pay Daniel Jones?((Read more about the Gia...
    Rodgers and Packers eliminated, Joe Burrow on Super Bowl window, Trevor Lawrence the new Peyton Manning?
    January 9, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...ers elimination loss? 56:17 Who’s under more pressure: Dak or McCarthy? 1:02:10 Nick’s NBA Medals /Who’s winning the Super Bowl? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] ...ers elimination loss? 56:17 Who’s under more pressure: Dak or McCarthy? 1:02:10 Nick’s NBA Medals /Who’s winning the Super Bowl? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ...ckers elimination loss?56:17 Who’s under more pressure: Dak or McCarthy?1:02:10 Nick’s NBA Medals /Who’s winning the Super Bowl? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Should the Nets give Kyrie the max to appease Durant? + NBA Draft preview
    June 23, 2022 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Should the Nets give Kyrie the max to appease Durant? + NBA Draft preview
    [from description] Baseball fans - listen to Flippin’ Bats w/ Ben Verlander: 00:00 Should the Nets give Kyrie the max to appease Durant? 12:17 Are the Lakers stuc...
    [from itunes:title] Should the Nets give Kyrie the max to appease Durant? + NBA Draft preview
    Rób Gronkowski retires, NBA Draft predictions, Nick's Way Too Early NBA Tiers
    June 22, 2022 (duration 48m)
    [from title] Rób Gronkowski retires, NBA Draft predictions, Nick's Way Too Early NBA Tiers
    [from description] Baseball fans - listen to Flippin’ Bats w/ Ben Verlander: 00:00 Rób Gronkowski retires 11:02 NBA Draft  20:58 Nick’s Way Too Early NBA Tiers 33...
    [from itunes:title] Rób Gronkowski retires, NBA Draft predictions, Nick's Way Too Early NBA Tiers
    Lakers + Westbrook, Pelicans & Zion's contract, Nick's list of Most to Gain from winning an NBA Title
    May 31, 2022 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] 00:00 Should the Lakers be willing to give up draft picks to get off of Westbrook? 12:50 Do you agree with the Pelicans’ reasoning for not giving Zi...
    [from itunes:summary] 00:00 Should the Lakers be willing to give up draft picks to get off of Westbrook? 12:50 Do you agree with the Pelicans’ reasoning for not giving Zi...
    [from content:encoded] Should the Lakers be willing to give up draft picks to get off of Westbrook?12:50 Do you agree with the Pelicans’ reasoning for not giving Zio...
    MGoPodcast 15.25: Chamberlain and I Combined for 100
    April 8, 2024 (duration 1h49m)
    [from description] ... Tschetter is returning, Terrance Williams II hit the portal and declared for the NBA draft (¯\_(ツ)_/¯), and Dusty May has made some assistant coaching hires. Mike Boynton and Akeem Miskdeen ...
    [from content:encoded] ... Tschetter is returning, Terrance Williams II hit the portal and declared for the NBA draft (¯\_(ツ)_/¯), and Dusty May has made some assistant coaching hires. Mike Boynton and Akeem Miskdeen ...
    WTKA Roundtable 6/22/2023: Himalayan Peach Pie
    June 22, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ...h re: his fandom and player movement. Craig tells the Tamakwa "Will Peach Pie Do?" story. NBA Draft: Not surprised that Kobe Bufkin is ahead of Jett Howard because he's the better basketball ...
    [from content:encoded] ...h re: his fandom and player movement. Craig tells the Tamakwa "Will Peach Pie Do?" story. NBA Draft: Not surprised that Kobe Bufkin is ahead of Jett Howard because he's the better basketball ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...h re: his fandom and player movement. Craig tells the Tamakwa "Will Peach Pie Do?" story. NBA Draft: Not surprised that Kobe Bufkin is ahead of Jett Howard because he's the better basketball pla...
    WTKA Roundtable 6/2/2022: Somebody Believes in Me
    June 2, 2022 (duration 49m)
    [from description] ...Kam Chatman. NIL and bigs: These guys are valuable in college like they're not in the NBA, and their personalities can shine here too. Helps less with the 5-star one-and-done types, because (...
    [from content:encoded] ...Kam Chatman. NIL and bigs: These guys are valuable in college like they're not in the NBA, and their personalities can shine here too. Helps less with the 5-star one-and-done types, because (...
    MGoPodcast 13.26: Michigan and the Other Michigan
    April 4, 2022 (duration 1h38m)
    [from description] ...2022 - Brian wants a flea flicker hook and ladder. DeVante' Jones has declared for the NBA draft but Hunter Dickinson has not. Moussa would likely get drafted if he goes, Hunter might not. Mi...
    [from content:encoded] ...2022 - Brian wants a flea flicker hook and ladder. DeVante' Jones has declared for the NBA draft but Hunter Dickinson has not. Moussa would likely get drafted if he goes, Hunter might not. Mi...
    WTKA Roundtable 2/17/2022: I Was Waiting for This
    February 17, 2022 (duration 50m)
    [from description] than they should. Favored in 4/7 but only by a little bit. NBA decisions? Dickinson isn’t on draft boards: need to show him there’s enough NIL money to change his math. Diabate: Proba...
    [from content:encoded] than they should. Favored in 4/7 but only by a little bit. NBA decisions? Dickinson isn’t on draft boards: need to show him there’s enough NIL money to change his math. Diabate: Proba...
    WTKA Roundtable 7/29/2021: I'm Not Dead!
    July 29, 2021 (duration 53m)
    [from description] .... Seth gives some of the insight about the offense from writing HTTV articles. NBA Draft: Franz 4th? If they think he can shoot and is an elite wing defender. 7th to Golden State seems like...
    [from content:encoded] .... Seth gives some of the insight about the offense from writing HTTV articles. NBA Draft: Franz 4th? If they think he can shoot and is an elite wing defender. 7th to Golden State seems like...
    [from itunes:summary] .... Seth gives some of the insight about the offense from writing HTTV articles. NBA Draft: Franz 4th? If they think he can shoot and is an elite wing defender. 7th to Golden State seems like...
    WTKA 4/8/2021: Slightly Tower
    April 8, 2021 (duration 53m)
    [from description] ...layer in the class. GR3 with a better shot LFG! Eric Tolbert knew about the #2 NBA draft pick and didn’t tell Beilein about it. Hockey: How many of these guys are coming back? Lots of the...
    [from content:encoded] ...layer in the class. GR3 with a better shot LFG! Eric Tolbert knew about the #2 NBA draft pick and didn’t tell Beilein about it. Hockey: How many of these guys are coming back? Lots of the...
    MGoPodcast 11.25: On Lockdown
    April 22, 2020 (duration 1h52m)
    [from description] ...t paying people half a million out of nowhere. It's going to be kind of a NTDP for the NBA: will force Michigan to go more into Top-30 guys instead of Top-10 guys. Talk Mike Smith: what's he ...
    [from content:encoded] ...t paying people half a million out of nowhere. It's going to be kind of a NTDP for the NBA: will force Michigan to go more into Top-30 guys instead of Top-10 guys. Talk Mike Smith: what's he ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t paying people half a million out of nowhere. It's going to be kind of a NTDP for the NBA: will force Michigan to go more into Top-30 guys instead of Top-10 guys. Talk Mike Smith: what's he ...
    WTKA Roundtable 6/20/2019: A Team That Looks Like America
    June 21, 2019 (duration 41m)
    [from description] ...series and take off: "We've got the belt." Sam vs. dodgeball. Dennis from the OC calls in. NBA Draft: Feel bad for Charles. Sucks that guy can't heal up and go back to college. Still think he...
    [from content:encoded] ...series and take off: "We've got the belt." Sam vs. dodgeball. Dennis from the OC calls in. NBA Draft: Feel bad for Charles. Sucks that guy can't heal up and go back to college. Still think he...
    [from itunes:summary] ...series and take off: "We've got the belt." Sam vs. dodgeball. Dennis from the OC calls in. NBA Draft: Feel bad for Charles. Sucks that guy can't heal up and go back to college. Still think he...
    WTKA Roundtable 4/11/2019: Mindset Matters
    April 12, 2019 (duration 41m)
    [from description] the last time they called a three-second violation? Don in Ann Arbor: development vs. NBA? Iggy—would his draft stock improve if he stuck around? When talking about second rounders or late...
    [from content:encoded] the last time they called a three-second violation? Don in Ann Arbor: development vs. NBA? Iggy—would his draft stock improve if he stuck around? When talking about second rounders or late...
    [from itunes:summary] the last time they called a three-second violation? Don in Ann Arbor: development vs. NBA? Iggy—would his draft stock improve if he stuck around? When talking about second rounders or late...
    Not Just a Shooter 1.7: How to Draft Your Next Great Tank Commander
    July 13, 2018 (duration 44m)
    [from title] Not Just a Shooter 1.7: How to Draft Your Next Great Tank Commander
    [from comments]
    MGoPodcast 9.27: Stop Bringing Up 2010
    April 23, 2018 (duration 1h47m)
    [from content:encoded] ...unless his arms grew longer he wasn’t going to be a better NBA prospect. Find usage elsewhere, more pick and roll than pop, Teske D on the floor all game. Matthews is going to find out what h...
    [from itunes:summary] ...unless his arms grew longer he wasn’t going to be a better NBA prospect. Find usage elsewhere, more pick and roll than pop, Teske D on the floor all game. Matthews is going to find out what h...
    MGoPodcast 9.23: The Inspiration Story is Playing Over the Lottery Pick
    March 20, 2018 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] If I was Jaren Jackson and someone asked me if I was leaving for the NBA draft I’d be like ‘I just played 15 minutes in an NCAA tournament game. Yes I’m gone.’” serious...
    [from content:encoded] If I was Jaren Jackson and someone asked me if I was leaving for the NBA draft I’d be like ‘I just played 15 minutes in an NCAA tournament game. Yes I’m gone.’” serious...
    [from itunes:subtitle] If I was Jaren Jackson and someone asked me if I was leaving for the NBA draft I’d be like ‘I just played 15 minutes ...
    WTKA Roundtable 4/13/2017: Et Tu, BC?
    April 14, 2017 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ...k around for that Izzo bump I guess. DJ and Moe probably want to go to the NBA Draft but if 24th overall is the ceiling they should probably return. Euphemisms that don’t need explaining expl...
    [from itunes:summary] ...k around for that Izzo bump I guess. DJ and Moe probably want to go to the NBA Draft but if 24th overall is the ceiling they should probably return. Euphemisms that don’t need explaining ...
    420. Christian Kovacevic- Recruiter And NBA Draft Trend Analyst
    March 28, 2024 (duration 27m)
    [from title] 420. Christian Kovacevic- Recruiter And NBA Draft Trend Analyst
    [from description] ... Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, And All Major Platforms!! Christian Kovacevic, Recruiter And NBA Draft Trend Analyst, Joins Ashton Khoorchand On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss Recruiting, NBA Draft Tren...
    406. Anthony Black - NBA Draft 6th Overall Pick Of The Orlando Magic
    November 9, 2023 (duration 1m)
    [from title] 406. Anthony Black - NBA Draft 6th Overall Pick Of The Orlando Magic
    [from description] ...s!  Tune In On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, And All Major Platforms!! Anthony Black, NBA Draft 6th Overall Pick Of The Orlando Magic, Joins Ashton Khoorchand On Gen Z Hoops Postgame To D...
    366. John Ross - CEO Of Get In The Game 101
    May 14, 2022 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...ready" (18:00) - Knowing When It's Time To Leave The Party (19:34) - Getting Ready For The NBA Draft Cohorts Classes (23:36) - Realizing The Importance Behind Helping Other People Thanks For ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Already"(18:00) - Knowing When It's Time To Leave The Party(19:34) - Getting Ready For The NBA Draft Cohorts Classes(23:36) - Realizing The Importance Behind Helping Other PeopleThanks For Li...
    272. Joe Alexander - 2008 NBA Draft #8 Overall Pick
    September 29, 2021 (duration 46m)
    [from title] 272. Joe Alexander - 2008 NBA Draft #8 Overall Pick
    264. Two Way - Grit, Grind, And The NBA G League
    September 21, 2021 (duration 21m)
    [from description] ...ts Management On The Horizon For Neema (16:02) - Building A Professional Big Board For The NBA Draft (19:26) - John's Positive Outlook For The Future Thanks For Listening! Check Out @Two...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ts Management On The Horizon For Neema (16:02) - Building A Professional Big Board For The NBA Draft (19:26) - John's Positive Outlook For The Future Thanks For Listening! Check Out @Two...
    246. SBC Shot Talk - Denver Vs. Phoenix Pregame
    September 3, 2021 (duration 24m)
    [from description] ... The Unicorn That Is Bol Bol (5:14) - Bol Bol's Next Step In Transforming His Body For The NBA (7:02) - Playing Every Game Like It's Your Last (8:12) - NBA Vets Playing In Summer League With ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... The Unicorn That Is Bol Bol (5:14) - Bol Bol's Next Step In Transforming His Body For The NBA (7:02) - Playing Every Game Like It's Your Last (8:12) - NBA Vets Playing In Summer League With ...
    212. NBA Draft Recap - Keeping Expectations Realistic
    July 31, 2021 (duration 4m)
    [from title] 212. NBA Draft Recap - Keeping Expectations Realistic
    [from description] ...he Importance Of Keeping Your Expectations For Lottery Picks In Check As We Recap The 2021 NBA Draft!!! Thanks For Listening!!
    211. Zach Welch - Sports Aptitude Director Of Training
    July 30, 2021 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...ptitude, Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss His Preparation For This Year’s NBA Draft, The Importance Of Keeping Your Expectations Realistic, And Who He’s Most Excited To Watch A...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ptitude, Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss His Preparation For This Year’s NBA Draft, The Importance Of Keeping Your Expectations Realistic, And Who He’s Most Excited To Watch A...
    210. NBA Draft Preview - Uncovering Diamonds In The Rough
    July 29, 2021 (duration 15m)
    [from title] 210. NBA Draft Preview - Uncovering Diamonds In The Rough
    [from description] ...a Djavadzedeh, The Host Of Gen Z Rockets, Uncovering The Diamonds In The Rough In The 2021 NBA Draft!!! Thanks For Listening!!
    209. Neema Djavadzadeh - NBA Draft 2021 Big Board
    July 28, 2021 (duration 33m)
    [from title] 209. Neema Djavadzadeh - NBA Draft 2021 Big Board
    [from description], The Host Of Gen Z Rockets, Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Break Down The 2021 NBA Draft And Neema's Incredible Big Board!!! (1:12) - Neema's Rant About The Playstyle Of The Irani...
    208. NBA Draft Preview - Breaking Down The Top 3
    July 27, 2021 (duration 10m)
    [from title] 208. NBA Draft Preview - Breaking Down The Top 3
    [from description] ...javadzedeh, The Host Of Gen Z Rockets, Breaking Down The Potential Top 3 Picks In The 2021 NBA Draft!!! Thanks For Listening!!
    199. Gen Z Rockets - Scouting Questions With PD Web
    July 18, 2021 (duration 50m)
    [from description]!! Showcase Sunday, Featuring Neema Djavadzadeh, The Host Of Gen Z Rockets, Is Joined By NBA Scouting Expert PD Web To Break Down His Top Picks In The Upcoming NBA Draft!!!
    [from itunes:summary]!! Showcase Sunday, Featuring Neema Djavadzadeh, The Host Of Gen Z Rockets, Is Joined By NBA Scouting Expert PD Web To Break Down His Top Picks In The Upcoming NBA Draft!!!
    178. Gen Z Rockets - NBA Draft Talk Ft. Mark Schindler
    June 27, 2021 (duration 44m)
    [from title] 178. Gen Z Rockets - NBA Draft Talk Ft. Mark Schindler
    [from description] ...zadeh, The Host Of Gen Z Rockets, Is Joined by Mark Schindler To Talk About Targets In The Draft Including Evan Mobley, Bones Hyland, And Terrence Shannon Jr.!!! Check Out Gen Z Rockets!!
    155. Devin Oliver - TBT Dayton Red Scare
    June 4, 2021 (duration 21m)
    [from description] ... - Best Moments From An Exciting College Career (4:55) - The Process Getting Ready For The NBA Draft (6:54) - Finding A Home Overseas After Celtics Summer League (8:02) - Adjusting To Life In...
    [from itunes:summary] ... - Best Moments From An Exciting College Career (4:55) - The Process Getting Ready For The NBA Draft (6:54) - Finding A Home Overseas After Celtics Summer League (8:02) - Adjusting To Life In...
    151. Paris Collins - First Ever #1 Overall Pick PBL Draft 2021
    May 31, 2021 (duration 20m)
    [from title] 151. Paris Collins - First Ever #1 Overall Pick PBL Draft 2021
    [from description] In Love With The Game As A Lanky Kid From Germany, How He Overcame Adversity To Earn An NBA Workout, And The Experience Of Becoming The First Ever Draft Pick In PBL History!!! (1:05) - The...
    144. Cameron Black II - Former Grand Rapids Drive Assistant
    May 24, 2021 (duration 15m)
    [from description] ... Rapids Drive, Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss How He Made The Jump To The NBA So Quickly, Being Relatable To Young Players As A Young Coach, And The Skills That Keep The Drea...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Rapids Drive, Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss How He Made The Jump To The NBA So Quickly, Being Relatable To Young Players As A Young Coach, And The Skills That Keep The Drea...
    104. Eric Pincus - Bleacher Report Capologist
    April 14, 2021 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...f Basketball, How He Became One Of The League’s First Capologists, And Breaking Down The NBA Trade Deadline!!! (1:08) - Turning A Psychology Major Into A Lifetime Of Basketball (7:50) - Break...
    [from itunes:summary] ...f Basketball, How He Became One Of The League’s First Capologists, And Breaking Down The NBA Trade Deadline!!! (1:08) - Turning A Psychology Major Into A Lifetime Of Basketball (7:50) - Break...
    83. David Fredman - Utah Jazz Pro Player Personnel
    March 24, 2021 (duration 49m)
    [from description] ... Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss His 47 Years Of Experience Working In The NBA, Details On How The Jazz Built A 1990s Powerhouse As A Small Market Franchise, And The Evolution...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Joins John Hartofilis On Gen Z Hoops To Discuss His 47 Years Of Experience Working In The NBA, Details On How The Jazz Built A 1990s Powerhouse As A Small Market Franchise, And The Evolution...
    41. Nikos Okekuoyen - 2020 NBA Draft Prospect
    December 7, 2020 (duration 28m)
    [from title] 41. Nikos Okekuoyen - 2020 NBA Draft Prospect
    [from description] In On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube, And All Major Platforms!! Nikos Okekuoyen, 2020 NBA Draft Prospect And Good Friend Of The Show, Joins John Hartofilis On Big Fellas Basketball To Ta...
    35. Nate Loenser - Former Chicago Bulls Assistant Coach
    November 23, 2020 (duration 44m)
    [from description] ...artofilis On Big Fellas Basketball To Talk About Coach Nate’s Time Coaching His Favorite NBA Team, Taking The Reins Of A G League Team In Windy City, And Being Seen By Being Unseen!!! (1:30) ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...artofilis On Big Fellas Basketball To Talk About Coach Nate’s Time Coaching His Favorite NBA Team, Taking The Reins Of A G League Team In Windy City, And Being Seen By Being Unseen!!! (1:30) ...
    32. George Galanopoulos- Texas Legends Head Coach
    November 12, 2020 (duration 33m)
    [from description] ...xperiences Coaching In Africa With The Uganda Men’s National Team, And The Future Of The NBA G League For Rising NBA Draft Prospects Right Out Of High School!!! (1:55) - Getting Introduced To...
    [from itunes:summary] ...xperiences Coaching In Africa With The Uganda Men’s National Team, And The Future Of The NBA G League For Rising NBA Draft Prospects Right Out Of High School!!! (1:55) - Getting Introduced To...
    28. Adam Filippi - NBA Pro Scout
    October 30, 2020 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ... With The Dynastic 2000’s Los Angeles Lakers, The Day To Day Behind Being A Scout In The NBA, And Shooting Techniques He’s Learned From Legends Of The Game Such As Jerry West!!! (2:00) - Adam...
    [from itunes:summary] ... With The Dynastic 2000’s Los Angeles Lakers, The Day To Day Behind Being A Scout In The NBA, And Shooting Techniques He’s Learned From Legends Of The Game Such As Jerry West!!! (2:00) - Adam...
    13. Jordan Sperber - X's and O's Maestro
    September 3, 2020 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ...- Zoom Action (19:00) - Fouling Up 3 (22:10) - DEFEND (23:25) - The Hot Hand (26:20) - The NBA Bubble (28:35) - 2020 NBA Draft Thanks For Listening!! Keep Up With Jordan and Hoop Vision! Webs...
    [from itunes:summary] ...- Zoom Action (19:00) - Fouling Up 3 (22:10) - DEFEND (23:25) - The Hot Hand (26:20) - The NBA Bubble (28:35) - 2020 NBA Draft Thanks For Listening!! Keep Up With Jordan and Hoop Vision! Webs...
    8. Klay Thompson - The Ultimate Heat Check
    August 14, 2020 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...3:30) - Building A Great Shooting Team (5:15) - Super League Athletic Academy (6:20) - Jr. NBA In Youth Sports (9:15) - Youth Basketball In Greece Vs. The USA (13:30) - Klay Thompson As A STA...
    [from itunes:summary] ...3:30) - Building A Great Shooting Team (5:15) - Super League Athletic Academy (6:20) - Jr. NBA In Youth Sports (9:15) - Youth Basketball In Greece Vs. The USA (13:30) - Klay Thompson As A STA...
    2. Carmelo Anthony - Forgotten Superstar
    June 24, 2020 (duration 12m)
    [from description] ... About The 2000's Nuggets, The 2010's Knicks, And One Of The Most Unforgettable Scorers In NBA History!!! (1:30) - Jesse Kay Rise To Prominence (3:05) - Carmelo Anthony Career Retrospective (...
    [from itunes:summary] ... About The 2000's Nuggets, The 2010's Knicks, And One Of The Most Unforgettable Scorers In NBA History!!! (1:30) - Jesse Kay Rise To Prominence (3:05) - Carmelo Anthony Career Retrospective (...
    Elf Millionen für die Euro
    March 28, 2024 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from content:encoded] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    Expansion Draft Pt.2 - Die Draft
    January 15, 2024 (duration 2h18m)
    [from title] Expansion Draft Pt.2 - Die Draft
    [from description] In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die NBA wohl von aktuell 30 auf dann 32 Teams anwachsen. Wie das geht? Via Expansion-Draft. Was das eige...
    Expansion Draft Pt.1 - Die Saves
    January 10, 2024 (duration 3h20m)
    [from title] Expansion Draft Pt.1 - Die Saves
    [from description] In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die NBA wohl von aktuell 30 auf dann 32 Teams anwachsen. Wie das geht? Via Expansion-Draft. Was das eige...
    Die Grössti Chokers ide NBA
    December 9, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du ...
    [from content:encoded] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dan...
    [from googleplay:description] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dan...
    STG: Preview zur 2024er Draft
    October 19, 2023 (duration 1h27m)
    [from title] STG: Preview zur 2024er Draft
    [from description] Nach Wembanyama, Scoot und Co. kommt die 2024er Draftklasse! Dennis stellt euch in gewohnter Manier und ca. eineinhalb Stunden die Stand jetzt int...
    Draft Recap 2023
    July 7, 2023 (duration 1h33m)
    [from title] Draft Recap 2023
    [from description] Jeder redet über die Free Agency, aber nicht mit uns! Wir blicken mit 2 Wochen Abstand auf den Draftabend und kriegen die erste Einschätzung unseres Experten Dennis. Gemeinsam mit Benne blickt er ...
    Trade Zirkus vor der Free Agency
    June 30, 2023 (duration 1h51m)
    [from description] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    [from content:encoded] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    [from googleplay:description] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    NBA Playoff Coverage 2023 - Die Conference-Finals + Was plant LeBron?
    May 25, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    [from content:encoded] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    [from googleplay:description] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    Wie guet sind Lakers nachem Hachimura trade?
    January 25, 2023 (duration 46m)
    [from description] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  ...
    [from content:encoded] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten ...
    [from googleplay:description] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten ...
    Episode 104: Indiana Pacers + Draft 2023 Preview. Gast: Ingmar (Pacers Germany)
    December 14, 2022 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Episode 104: Indiana Pacers + Draft 2023 Preview. Gast: Ingmar (Pacers Germany)
    Episode 103: Panic Button oder nicht? Gast: Fabrice Kao
    December 11, 2022 (duration 1h10m)
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    [from itunes:summary] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    Scouting The Game
    November 25, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from content:encoded] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    Scoutin' The Game: Champions Classic
    November 25, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from content:encoded] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    Redrafting die besti NBA Draft Years
    November 11, 2022 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Redrafting die besti NBA Draft Years
    Episode 89: Rookie Team Draft. Gast: Chris
    October 3, 2022 (duration 1h14m)
    [from title] Episode 89: Rookie Team Draft. Gast: Chris
    Episode 82: Draft Recap + Summer League Overreaction
    July 12, 2022 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Episode 82: Draft Recap + Summer League Overreaction
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 15-30
    June 22, 2022 (duration 1h19m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 15-30
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 8-14
    June 10, 2022 (duration 2h18m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 8-14
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 1-7
    June 4, 2022 (duration 2h16m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 1-7
    Episode 75: Update 2. Runde der Playoffs + Preview NBA Draft-Lottery
    May 15, 2022 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Episode 75: Update 2. Runde der Playoffs + Preview NBA Draft-Lottery
    Schlächtischti Hairlines Draft & playoff overreactions
    April 20, 2022 (duration 38m)
    [from title] Schlächtischti Hairlines Draft & playoff overreactions
    Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022 (Review)
    April 14, 2022 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022 (Review)
    Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022
    April 11, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022
    Saison Endspurt
    March 31, 2022 (duration 2h29m)
    [from description] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    [from content:encoded] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    [from googleplay:description] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    TTG Mock Draft 2022 [1-10]
    March 28, 2022 (duration 2h31m)
    [from title] TTG Mock Draft 2022 [1-10]
    Episode 61: Projekt Rebuild. Gäste: Marc + Fabrice Kao
    March 1, 2022 (duration 1h30m)
    [from description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    Die besti und schlechtischti Outfits am All Star game
    February 23, 2022 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft.  Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnba...
    [from content:encoded] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnb...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnb...
    Folge 117: mögliche Deals zur Trade-Deadline
    February 9, 2022 (duration 45m)
    [from description] Morgen, am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar, ist in der NBA die Trade-Deadline. Nach diesem Tag dürfen keine Spieler der NBA mehr getradet werden. In den le...
    [from content:encoded] Morgen, am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar, ist in der NBA die Trade-Deadline. Nach diesem Tag dürfen keine Spieler der NBA mehr getradet werden. In den le...
    [from googleplay:description] Morgen, am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar, ist in der NBA die Trade-Deadline. Nach diesem Tag dürfen keine Spieler der NBA mehr getradet werden. In den le...
    2008er Re-Draft – Battle Edition
    February 8, 2022 (duration 1h53m)
    [from title] 2008er Re-Draft – Battle Edition
    Episode 51: Nahaufnahme – Ja Morant!
    January 5, 2022 (duration 43m)
    [from description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen ein neues Format: Die Nahau...
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen ein neues Format: Die Nahau...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen ein neues Format: Die Nahau...
    Episode 49: Die Zukunft der NBA – Jungstars, Spielweise, Draft 2022
    December 21, 2021 (duration 1h14m)
    [from title] Episode 49: Die Zukunft der NBA – Jungstars, Spielweise, Draft 2022
    Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2014
    December 13, 2021 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2014
    Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2013
    September 8, 2021 (duration 1h24m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2013
    Expandin' The Game, Pt.1
    August 24, 2021 (duration 2h46m)
    [from description] Zeit zu expandieren! Die NBA hat mittlerweile eine dermaßen hohe Talentdichte, dass sie problemlos zwei weitere Teams vertrag...
    [from content:encoded] Zeit zu expandieren! Die NBA hat mittlerweile eine dermaßen hohe Talentdichte, dass sie problemlos zwei weitere Teams vertrag...
    [from googleplay:description] Zeit zu expandieren! Die NBA hat mittlerweile eine dermaßen hohe Talentdichte, dass sie problemlos zwei weitere Teams vertrag...
    Scoutin' The Game: Draft Review 2021
    August 10, 2021 (duration 2h33m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game: Draft Review 2021
    Free Agency Roundup
    August 6, 2021 (duration 2h29m)
    [from description] ... Agency rein und schaut die nächsten Tage immer wieder in eure Podcatcher für die Draft Review. Stay tuned. _____________________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSI...
    [from content:encoded] ... Agency rein und schaut die nächsten Tage immer wieder in eure Podcatcher für die Draft Review. Stay tuned. _____________________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSI...
    [from googleplay:description] ... Agency rein und schaut die nächsten Tage immer wieder in eure Podcatcher für die Draft Review. Stay tuned. _____________________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSI...
    Episode 31: Draft Reaction. Gast: Mirko
    August 2, 2021 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Episode 31: Draft Reaction. Gast: Mirko
    Folge 073: die Analyse der Lottery Picks des 2021 NBA Drafts & der ersten Trades
    July 31, 2021 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Folge 073: die Analyse der Lottery Picks des 2021 NBA Drafts & der ersten Trades
    Elf Millionen für die Euro
    March 28, 2024 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from content:encoded] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    Expansion Draft Pt.2 - Die Draft
    January 15, 2024 (duration 2h18m)
    [from title] Expansion Draft Pt.2 - Die Draft
    [from description] In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die NBA wohl von aktuell 30 auf dann 32 Teams anwachsen. Wie das geht? Via Expansion-Draft. Was das eige...
    Expansion Draft Pt.1 - Die Saves
    January 10, 2024 (duration 3h20m)
    [from title] Expansion Draft Pt.1 - Die Saves
    [from description] In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die NBA wohl von aktuell 30 auf dann 32 Teams anwachsen. Wie das geht? Via Expansion-Draft. Was das eige...
    Die Grössti Chokers ide NBA
    December 9, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du ...
    [from content:encoded] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dan...
    [from googleplay:description] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dan...
    STG: Preview zur 2024er Draft
    October 19, 2023 (duration 1h27m)
    [from title] STG: Preview zur 2024er Draft
    [from description] Nach Wembanyama, Scoot und Co. kommt die 2024er Draftklasse! Dennis stellt euch in gewohnter Manier und ca. eineinhalb Stunden die Stand jetzt int...
    Draft Recap 2023
    July 7, 2023 (duration 1h33m)
    [from title] Draft Recap 2023
    [from description] Jeder redet über die Free Agency, aber nicht mit uns! Wir blicken mit 2 Wochen Abstand auf den Draftabend und kriegen die erste Einschätzung unseres Experten Dennis. Gemeinsam mit Benne blickt er ...
    Trade Zirkus vor der Free Agency
    June 30, 2023 (duration 1h51m)
    [from description] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    [from content:encoded] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    [from googleplay:description] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    NBA Playoff Coverage 2023 - Die Conference-Finals + Was plant LeBron?
    May 25, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    [from content:encoded] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    [from googleplay:description] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    Wie guet sind Lakers nachem Hachimura trade?
    January 25, 2023 (duration 46m)
    [from description] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  ...
    [from content:encoded] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten ...
    [from googleplay:description] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten ...
    Episode 104: Indiana Pacers + Draft 2023 Preview. Gast: Ingmar (Pacers Germany)
    December 14, 2022 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Episode 104: Indiana Pacers + Draft 2023 Preview. Gast: Ingmar (Pacers Germany)
    Episode 103: Panic Button oder nicht? Gast: Fabrice Kao
    December 11, 2022 (duration 1h10m)
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    [from itunes:summary] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    Scouting The Game
    November 25, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from content:encoded] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    Scoutin' The Game: Champions Classic
    November 25, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from content:encoded] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    Redrafting die besti NBA Draft Years
    November 11, 2022 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Redrafting die besti NBA Draft Years
    Episode 89: Rookie Team Draft. Gast: Chris
    October 3, 2022 (duration 1h14m)
    [from title] Episode 89: Rookie Team Draft. Gast: Chris
    Episode 82: Draft Recap + Summer League Overreaction
    July 12, 2022 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Episode 82: Draft Recap + Summer League Overreaction
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 15-30
    June 22, 2022 (duration 1h19m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 15-30
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 8-14
    June 10, 2022 (duration 2h18m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 8-14
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 1-7
    June 4, 2022 (duration 2h16m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 1-7
    Episode 75: Update 2. Runde der Playoffs + Preview NBA Draft-Lottery
    May 15, 2022 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Episode 75: Update 2. Runde der Playoffs + Preview NBA Draft-Lottery
    Schlächtischti Hairlines Draft & playoff overreactions
    April 20, 2022 (duration 38m)
    [from title] Schlächtischti Hairlines Draft & playoff overreactions
    Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022 (Review)
    April 14, 2022 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022 (Review)
    Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022
    April 11, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022
    Saison Endspurt
    March 31, 2022 (duration 2h29m)
    [from description] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    [from content:encoded] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    [from googleplay:description] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    TTG Mock Draft 2022 [1-10]
    March 28, 2022 (duration 2h31m)
    [from title] TTG Mock Draft 2022 [1-10]
    Episode 61: Projekt Rebuild. Gäste: Marc + Fabrice Kao
    March 1, 2022 (duration 1h30m)
    [from description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    Die besti und schlechtischti Outfits am All Star game
    February 23, 2022 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft.  Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnba...
    [from content:encoded] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnb...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnb...
    Elf Millionen für die Euro
    March 28, 2024 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from content:encoded] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    Die Sportthemen des Tages am 6.10.: Siegemund/Altmeier in Paris, Tim Stützle im Draft, Chancen der Heat
    October 6, 2020 (duration 24m)
    [from title] Die Sportthemen des Tages am 6.10.: Siegemund/Altmeier in Paris, Tim Stützle im Draft, Chancen der Heat
    [from description] ... Laura Siegemunds Siegszug weiter und Daniel Altmeiers ist gestoppt? Vor Spiel 4 der NBA-Finals: Warum Miami Heat trotz Verletzungsmisere Morgenluft wittert NHL-Draft: Darum sind alle h...
    Letzte Action vorm All Star Break
    February 15, 2019 (duration 19m)
    [from content:encoded] Die NBA geht in ihre All-Star-Game-Pause. Am Sonntag findet das Spiel von “Team Giannis” geg...
    Aufstand der Kellerkinder
    December 19, 2018 (duration 21m)
    [from content:encoded] In der NBA konnten die Teams aus dem Keller der Eastern Conference Siege sammeln. Mannschaften, denen es so...
    Elf Millionen für die Euro
    March 28, 2024 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from content:encoded] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ei TikTok sowie in den Kurz-News um weitere Aspekte aus UK, Österreich, der ATP, der NBA, den DAZN-Finanzen sowie von den Ansetzungen des Bundesliga-Saisonfinals. In die Quotenanalyse starten...
    Expansion Draft Pt.2 - Die Draft
    January 15, 2024 (duration 2h18m)
    [from title] Expansion Draft Pt.2 - Die Draft
    [from description] In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die NBA wohl von aktuell 30 auf dann 32 Teams anwachsen. Wie das geht? Via Expansion-Draft. Was das eige...
    Expansion Draft Pt.1 - Die Saves
    January 10, 2024 (duration 3h20m)
    [from title] Expansion Draft Pt.1 - Die Saves
    [from description] In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die NBA wohl von aktuell 30 auf dann 32 Teams anwachsen. Wie das geht? Via Expansion-Draft. Was das eige...
    Die Grössti Chokers ide NBA
    December 9, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du ...
    [from content:encoded] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dan...
    [from googleplay:description] ...Mir drafted eusi starting 5 und en sixth man vo die spiler wo am meiste gchoked händ ide NBA in recent history. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dan...
    STG: Preview zur 2024er Draft
    October 19, 2023 (duration 1h27m)
    [from title] STG: Preview zur 2024er Draft
    [from description] Nach Wembanyama, Scoot und Co. kommt die 2024er Draftklasse! Dennis stellt euch in gewohnter Manier und ca. eineinhalb Stunden die Stand jetzt int...
    Draft Recap 2023
    July 7, 2023 (duration 1h33m)
    [from title] Draft Recap 2023
    [from description] Jeder redet über die Free Agency, aber nicht mit uns! Wir blicken mit 2 Wochen Abstand auf den Draftabend und kriegen die erste Einschätzung unseres Experten Dennis. Gemeinsam mit Benne blickt er ...
    Trade Zirkus vor der Free Agency
    June 30, 2023 (duration 1h51m)
    [from description] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    [from content:encoded] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    [from googleplay:description] ... kurz bevor besagte Hochphase der Deals und Signings losgeht, konnten die Entscheider der NBA wie üblich nicht warten und haben schon einige, teils aufsehenerregende Trades durchgezogen. Chri...
    NBA Playoff Coverage 2023 - Die Conference-Finals + Was plant LeBron?
    May 25, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    [from content:encoded] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    [from googleplay:description] Das ging schnell: Die NBA-Finals stehen schon fast fest. Patrick & Christian blicken auf den Sweep der Nuggets gegen die L...
    Wie guet sind Lakers nachem Hachimura trade?
    January 25, 2023 (duration 46m)
    [from description] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  ...
    [from content:encoded] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten ...
    [from googleplay:description] I dere Episode diskutieret mir de Hachimura trade und wer buyers und sellers i de NBA sind. Mir händ denn no en 2023 Draft preview.  Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten ...
    Episode 104: Indiana Pacers + Draft 2023 Preview. Gast: Ingmar (Pacers Germany)
    December 14, 2022 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Episode 104: Indiana Pacers + Draft 2023 Preview. Gast: Ingmar (Pacers Germany)
    Episode 103: Panic Button oder nicht? Gast: Fabrice Kao
    December 11, 2022 (duration 1h10m)
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    [from itunes:summary] Hier sind die Links: Am Besten hört ihr den Pod kostenlos bei Apple Podcasts, damit gebt ihr maximalen Suppo...
    Scouting The Game
    November 25, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from content:encoded] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    Scoutin' The Game: Champions Classic
    November 25, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from content:encoded] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ig Board: ___________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSITE. Alle Hör...
    Redrafting die besti NBA Draft Years
    November 11, 2022 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Redrafting die besti NBA Draft Years
    Episode 89: Rookie Team Draft. Gast: Chris
    October 3, 2022 (duration 1h14m)
    [from title] Episode 89: Rookie Team Draft. Gast: Chris
    Episode 82: Draft Recap + Summer League Overreaction
    July 12, 2022 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Episode 82: Draft Recap + Summer League Overreaction
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 15-30
    June 22, 2022 (duration 1h19m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 15-30
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 8-14
    June 10, 2022 (duration 2h18m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 8-14
    Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 1-7
    June 4, 2022 (duration 2h16m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Mock Draft 2022 – Picks 1-7
    Episode 75: Update 2. Runde der Playoffs + Preview NBA Draft-Lottery
    May 15, 2022 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Episode 75: Update 2. Runde der Playoffs + Preview NBA Draft-Lottery
    Schlächtischti Hairlines Draft & playoff overreactions
    April 20, 2022 (duration 38m)
    [from title] Schlächtischti Hairlines Draft & playoff overreactions
    Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022 (Review)
    April 14, 2022 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022 (Review)
    Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022
    April 11, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft 2022
    Saison Endspurt
    March 31, 2022 (duration 2h29m)
    [from description] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    [from content:encoded] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    [from googleplay:description] Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche um die Top10 der Draft und somit um die schlechteren Teams der Association gekümmert haben, schauen Benne, Patrick un...
    TTG Mock Draft 2022 [1-10]
    March 28, 2022 (duration 2h31m)
    [from title] TTG Mock Draft 2022 [1-10]
    Episode 61: Projekt Rebuild. Gäste: Marc + Fabrice Kao
    March 1, 2022 (duration 1h30m)
    [from description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen mit seinen Gästen Marc Lemk...
    Die besti und schlechtischti Outfits am All Star game
    February 23, 2022 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft.  Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnba...
    [from content:encoded] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnb...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ts am All Star game, kommentieret no all games wie de dunk contest und skills games and de NBA 75 draft. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: szeneischnb...
    Folge 117: mögliche Deals zur Trade-Deadline
    February 9, 2022 (duration 45m)
    [from description] Morgen, am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar, ist in der NBA die Trade-Deadline. Nach diesem Tag dürfen keine Spieler der NBA mehr getradet werden. In den le...
    [from content:encoded] Morgen, am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar, ist in der NBA die Trade-Deadline. Nach diesem Tag dürfen keine Spieler der NBA mehr getradet werden. In den le...
    [from googleplay:description] Morgen, am Donnerstag, den 10. Februar, ist in der NBA die Trade-Deadline. Nach diesem Tag dürfen keine Spieler der NBA mehr getradet werden. In den le...
    2008er Re-Draft – Battle Edition
    February 8, 2022 (duration 1h53m)
    [from title] 2008er Re-Draft – Battle Edition
    Episode 51: Nahaufnahme – Ja Morant!
    January 5, 2022 (duration 43m)
    [from description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen ein neues Format: Die Nahau...
    [from content:encoded] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen ein neues Format: Die Nahau...
    [from googleplay:description] Hier sind die Links: In der heutigen Episode bringt euch euer Gastgeber Steffen ein neues Format: Die Nahau...
    Episode 49: Die Zukunft der NBA – Jungstars, Spielweise, Draft 2022
    December 21, 2021 (duration 1h14m)
    [from title] Episode 49: Die Zukunft der NBA – Jungstars, Spielweise, Draft 2022
    Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2014
    December 13, 2021 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2014
    Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2013
    September 8, 2021 (duration 1h24m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Redraft 2013
    Expandin' The Game, Pt.1
    August 24, 2021 (duration 2h46m)
    [from description] Zeit zu expandieren! Die NBA hat mittlerweile eine dermaßen hohe Talentdichte, dass sie problemlos zwei weitere Teams vertrag...
    [from content:encoded] Zeit zu expandieren! Die NBA hat mittlerweile eine dermaßen hohe Talentdichte, dass sie problemlos zwei weitere Teams vertrag...
    [from googleplay:description] Zeit zu expandieren! Die NBA hat mittlerweile eine dermaßen hohe Talentdichte, dass sie problemlos zwei weitere Teams vertrag...
    Scoutin' The Game: Draft Review 2021
    August 10, 2021 (duration 2h33m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game: Draft Review 2021
    Free Agency Roundup
    August 6, 2021 (duration 2h29m)
    [from description] ... Agency rein und schaut die nächsten Tage immer wieder in eure Podcatcher für die Draft Review. Stay tuned. _____________________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSI...
    [from content:encoded] ... Agency rein und schaut die nächsten Tage immer wieder in eure Podcatcher für die Draft Review. Stay tuned. _____________________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSI...
    [from googleplay:description] ... Agency rein und schaut die nächsten Tage immer wieder in eure Podcatcher für die Draft Review. Stay tuned. _____________________________ Für mehr Infos und Bonus-Content checkt unsere WEBSI...
    Episode 31: Draft Reaction. Gast: Mirko
    August 2, 2021 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Episode 31: Draft Reaction. Gast: Mirko
    Folge 073: die Analyse der Lottery Picks des 2021 NBA Drafts & der ersten Trades
    July 31, 2021 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Folge 073: die Analyse der Lottery Picks des 2021 NBA Drafts & der ersten Trades
    TTG Playoff Coverage – NBA Finals (Ep. 12)
    July 23, 2021 (duration 47m)
    [from description] Die NBA Finals sind Geschichte und wir haben einen Meister. Die Milwauke Bucks sind NBA-Champion und Gia...
    [from content:encoded] Die NBA Finals sind Geschichte und wir haben einen Meister. Die Milwauke Bucks sind NBA-Champion und Gia...
    [from googleplay:description] Die NBA Finals sind Geschichte und wir haben einen Meister. Die Milwauke Bucks sind NBA-Champion und Gia...
    Scoutin' The Game: Mock Draft 2021 – Picks 21-30
    July 22, 2021 (duration 2h27m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game: Mock Draft 2021 – Picks 21-30
    Wo chönd Ben Simmons ane
    July 14, 2021 (duration 42m)
    [from description] Das isch de grösst topic vo hüt. Zuedem isch euse draft de most Overpaid player in the NBA. Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: ...
    [from content:encoded] Das isch de grösst topic vo hüt. Zuedem isch euse draft de most Overpaid player in the NBA. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:
    [from googleplay:description] Das isch de grösst topic vo hüt. Zuedem isch euse draft de most Overpaid player in the NBA. — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:
    Scoutin' The Game: Mock Draft 2021 – Picks 11-20
    July 13, 2021 (duration 2h13m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game: Mock Draft 2021 – Picks 11-20
    TTG Playoff Coverage – NBA Finals (Ep. 10)
    July 10, 2021 (duration 59m)
    [from description] Es klickt bei den Suns (nicht Sun!) und wie! In den NBA Finals geht es mit einem komfortablen 2:0-Vorsprung einmal kreuz und quer durch die USA. Game 3 ...
    [from content:encoded] Es klickt bei den Suns (nicht Sun!) – und wie! In den NBA Finals geht es mit einem komfortablen 2:0-Vorsprung einmal kreuz und quer durch die USA. Game 3 st...
    [from googleplay:description] Es klickt bei den Suns (nicht Sun!) – und wie! In den NBA Finals geht es mit einem komfortablen 2:0-Vorsprung einmal kreuz und quer durch die USA. Game 3 st...
    Scoutin' The Game: Mock Draft 2021 – Picks 1-10
    July 8, 2021 (duration 2h15m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game: Mock Draft 2021 – Picks 1-10
    Kentavious Caldwell-Pope DPOY
    July 7, 2021 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...hti votes. Zletzt no en geile draft: Wer isch de wenigste clutch shooter i de NBA.   Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: ...
    [from content:encoded] ...hti votes. Zletzt no en geile draft: Wer isch de wenigste clutch shooter i de NBA.   — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:
    [from googleplay:description] ...hti votes. Zletzt no en geile draft: Wer isch de wenigste clutch shooter i de NBA.   — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:
    De beste Trashtalker ide NBA
    June 16, 2021 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...e Second round vo de Playoffs. De Draft für die Wuche isch de grösscht Trashtalker i de NBA.  Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email: ...
    [from content:encoded] ...e Second round vo de Playoffs. De Draft für die Wuche isch de grösscht Trashtalker i de NBA.  — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:
    [from googleplay:description] ...e Second round vo de Playoffs. De Draft für die Wuche isch de grösscht Trashtalker i de NBA.  — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:
    Wer isch de grösst Kaste i de NBA
    May 26, 2021 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ...ütieret au en Segment i wellem mir die "kastigsti" und muskulösischti Spiler i de NBA draftet.  Eusi Draft resultate Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Email:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ütieret au en Segment i wellem mir die "kastigsti" und muskulösischti Spiler i de NBA draftet.  — Eusi Draft resultate — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Emai...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ütieret au en Segment i wellem mir die "kastigsti" und muskulösischti Spiler i de NBA draftet.  — Eusi Draft resultate — Kontaktieret eus da:  Insta: @SzeneIschNBA Twitter: @SzeneIschNBA Emai...
    Episode 18: The Future + Playoff-Race – Gast: Max vom Hear It Swish Podcast
    April 25, 2021 (duration 1h38m)
    [from description] ...euch ein neues Format: The Future. Dabei lassen sie zwei Teams aus dem Tabellenkeller der NBA in einer Best-Of-Seven-Serie gegeneinander antreten. Dabei wird ermittelt, welches Team besser fü...
    [from content:encoded] ...euch ein neues Format: The Future. Dabei lassen sie zwei Teams aus dem Tabellenkeller der NBA in einer Best-Of-Seven-Serie gegeneinander antreten. Dabei wird ermittelt, welches Team besser fü...
    [from googleplay:description] ...euch ein neues Format: The Future. Dabei lassen sie zwei Teams aus dem Tabellenkeller der NBA in einer Best-Of-Seven-Serie gegeneinander antreten. Dabei wird ermittelt, welches Team besser fü...
    Around The W / WNBA Draft
    April 14, 2021 (duration 1h23m)
    [from title] Around The W / WNBA Draft
    Folge 034: Konstanz bei den New York Knicks?!
    March 30, 2021 (duration 21m)
    [from description] .... Viele Versprechen, wenig Realtität. Lange waren die New York Knicks die Lachnummer der NBA. Free-Agency-Desaster, Draft-Fehler & viele Niederlagen: So war das Bild vieler NBA-Fans vor diese...
    [from content:encoded] .... Viele Versprechen, wenig Realtität. Lange waren die New York Knicks die Lachnummer der NBA. Free-Agency-Desaster, Draft-Fehler & viele Niederlagen: So war das Bild vieler NBA-Fans vor diese...
    [from googleplay:description] .... Viele Versprechen, wenig Realtität. Lange waren die New York Knicks die Lachnummer der NBA. Free-Agency-Desaster, Draft-Fehler & viele Niederlagen: So war das Bild vieler NBA-Fans vor diese...
    Magic sprengen Roster – Kings erfolgreich
    March 26, 2021 (duration 17m)
    [from description] ...eht, die Sacramento Kings fegen die Warriors aus der Halle. Zwei der Schlagzeilen, die die NBA an einem wirklich spektakulären Abend geschrieben hat. Andreas Thies und Patrick Rebien lassen d...
    [from content:encoded] ...eht, die Sacramento Kings fegen die Warriors aus der Halle. Zwei der Schlagzeilen, die die NBA an einem wirklich spektakulären Abend geschrieben hat. Andreas Thies und Patrick Rebien lassen d...
    [from googleplay:description] ...eht, die Sacramento Kings fegen die Warriors aus der Halle. Zwei der Schlagzeilen, die die NBA an einem wirklich spektakulären Abend geschrieben hat. Andreas Thies und Patrick Rebien lassen d...
    Rookie Review XXL
    March 18, 2021 (duration 2h43m)
    [from description] ...ass of 2020 geworfen und überprüft, inwiefern die jungen Hüpfer den Erwartungen vor der Draft Stand jetzt gerecht werden, sie vielleicht sogar überflügeln oder ggf. auch in negativer Hinsic...
    [from content:encoded] ...ass of 2020 geworfen und überprüft, inwiefern die jungen Hüpfer den Erwartungen vor der Draft – Stand jetzt – gerecht werden, sie vielleicht sogar überflügeln oder ggf. auch in negativer Hins...
    [from googleplay:description] ...ass of 2020 geworfen und überprüft, inwiefern die jungen Hüpfer den Erwartungen vor der Draft – Stand jetzt – gerecht werden, sie vielleicht sogar überflügeln oder ggf. auch in negativer Hins...
    Licht am Ende des New Yorker Tunnels?
    March 5, 2021 (duration 16m)
    [from description] rutschen in eine kleine Krise rein. Der letzte Tag vor dem All Star Break wurde von den NBA-Profis noch mal richtig gut ausgenutzt. Andreas Thies und Daniel Seiler sprechen über die News a...
    [from content:encoded] rutschen in eine kleine Krise rein. Der letzte Tag vor dem All Star Break wurde von den NBA-Profis noch mal richtig gut ausgenutzt. Andreas Thies und Daniel Seiler sprechen über die News a...
    [from googleplay:description] rutschen in eine kleine Krise rein. Der letzte Tag vor dem All Star Break wurde von den NBA-Profis noch mal richtig gut ausgenutzt. Andreas Thies und Daniel Seiler sprechen über die News a...
    Zion wie ein Löwe
    February 4, 2021 (duration 13m)
    [from description] Die NBA-Teams haben nicht nur mit ihren Gegnern zu kämpfen, sondern auch mit der Konstanz. Die letzte Na...
    [from content:encoded] Die NBA-Teams haben nicht nur mit ihren Gegnern zu kämpfen, sondern auch mit der Konstanz. Die letzte Na...
    [from googleplay:description] Die NBA-Teams haben nicht nur mit ihren Gegnern zu kämpfen, sondern auch mit der Konstanz. Die letzte Na...
    Blockbuster-Trade überstrahlt den NBA-Spieltag
    January 14, 2021 (duration 16m)
    [from description] ...renzfähiges Team aufzubauen. Vier Teams umfasste dieser Blockbuster-Trade in der NBA. Auch die Cleveland Cavaliers und die Indiana Pacers waren involviert, denn auch Victor Oladipo kommt nach...
    [from content:encoded] ...renzfähiges Team aufzubauen. Vier Teams umfasste dieser Blockbuster-Trade in der NBA. Auch die Cleveland Cavaliers und die Indiana Pacers waren involviert, denn auch Victor Oladipo kommt nach...
    [from googleplay:description] ...renzfähiges Team aufzubauen. Vier Teams umfasste dieser Blockbuster-Trade in der NBA. Auch die Cleveland Cavaliers und die Indiana Pacers waren involviert, denn auch Victor Oladipo kommt nach...
    Scoutin' The Game: Int. Prospects Talk, Teil 2
    January 10, 2021 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] ... was am einen oder anderen Hype eigentlich dran ist. Bis zur nächsten Draft wollen wir euch auf diese Weise...
    [from content:encoded] ... am einen oder anderen Hype eigentlich dran ist. Bis zur nächsten Draft wollen wir euch auf diese Weise so viele Infos und Draft-Knowledge zur Verfügung stellen wie möglich. _______________...
    [from googleplay:description] ... am einen oder anderen Hype eigentlich dran ist. Bis zur nächsten Draft wollen wir euch auf diese Weise so viele Infos und Draft-Knowledge zur Verfügung stellen wie möglich. _______________...
    Scoutin' The Game: Intl. Prospects Talk, Teil 1
    January 6, 2021 (duration 1h37m)
    [from description] das TTG-Kalenderjahr 2021 direkt mit einer neuen Folge Scoutin' The Game. Nach der Draft ist bekanntlich vor der Draft und da die nächste im Vergleich zu "normalen" Jahren schon wieder ung...
    [from content:encoded] das TTG-Kalenderjahr 2021 direkt mit einer neuen Folge Scoutin' The Game. Nach der Draft ist bekanntlich vor der Draft und da die nächste im Vergleich zu "normalen" Jahren schon wieder ung...
    [from googleplay:description] das TTG-Kalenderjahr 2021 direkt mit einer neuen Folge Scoutin' The Game. Nach der Draft ist bekanntlich vor der Draft und da die nächste im Vergleich zu "normalen" Jahren schon wieder ung...
    Promidraft – Live Edition
    December 23, 2020 (duration 1h57m)
    [from title] Promidraft – Live Edition
    Wie Corona den Basketball verändert
    November 29, 2020 (duration 2h10m)
    [from description] ...nd ob wir damit rechnen müssen, bald weniger deutsche Namen auf den Draft-Listen der NBA zu lesen. Leider hat der Technik-Teufel mal wieder zugeschlagen und Bennes und Carstens Tonspuren ei...
    [from content:encoded] ... ob wir damit rechnen müssen, bald weniger deutsche Namen auf den Draft-Listen der NBA zu lesen. Leider hat der Technik-Teufel mal wieder zugeschlagen und Bennes und Carstens Tonspuren eine...
    [from googleplay:description] ... ob wir damit rechnen müssen, bald weniger deutsche Namen auf den Draft-Listen der NBA zu lesen. Leider hat der Technik-Teufel mal wieder zugeschlagen und Bennes und Carstens Tonspuren eine...
    NBA Free Agency – Die ersten Moves der Dallas Mavericks
    November 22, 2020 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ...hle) sind zurück mit einer neuen Folge Mavelous. Nachdem die beiden Donnerstag über die Draft redeten, wird sich heute über die Free Agency unterhalten. Bei den Dallas Mavericks wurde sich...
    [from content:encoded] ...hle) sind zurück mit einer neuen Folge Mavelous. Nachdem die beiden Donnerstag über die Draft redeten, wird sich heute über die Free Agency unterhalten. Bei den Dallas Mavericks wurde sich...
    [from googleplay:description] ...hle) sind zurück mit einer neuen Folge Mavelous. Nachdem die beiden Donnerstag über die Draft redeten, wird sich heute über die Free Agency unterhalten. Bei den Dallas Mavericks wurde sich...
    Draftanalyse – Die wilde Nacht der Mavs
    November 19, 2020 (duration 18m)
    [from title] Draftanalyse – Die wilde Nacht der Mavs
    Scoutin' The Game – Draft Night 2020
    November 19, 2020 (duration 3h17m)
    [from title] Scoutin' The Game – Draft Night 2020
    Scoutin' The Game: Xavier Tillman
    November 15, 2020 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ... seine Flexibilität im Hinblick auf die unterschiedlichen Defensivsysteme der NBA und darum, ob und wie sehr ihn sein wackliger Wurf einbremsen könnte. An welcher Stelle in der Draft sehen ih...
    [from content:encoded] ... seine Flexibilität im Hinblick auf die unterschiedlichen Defensivsysteme der NBA und darum, ob und wie sehr ihn sein wackliger Wurf einbremsen könnte. An welcher Stelle in der Draft sehen ih...
    [from googleplay:description] ... seine Flexibilität im Hinblick auf die unterschiedlichen Defensivsysteme der NBA und darum, ob und wie sehr ihn sein wackliger Wurf einbremsen könnte. An welcher Stelle in der Draft sehen ih...
    NBA Draftpreview – Was geht für die Mavs? (feat. Dennis_TTG)
    November 15, 2020 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] NBA Draftpreview – Was geht für die Mavs? (feat. Dennis_TTG)
    NFL Over/Unders, AD’s Big Night. a Jayden Daniels Report, Gambling Scandals, and Diddy’s Fall With Raheem Palmer and Van Lathan
    March 27, 2024 (duration 2h14m)
    [from description] ...w he stacks up against the other top QBs in this draft class (28:18). They also talk about NBA legends (55:10), the spotlight on Iowa women's basketball (1:10:51), gambling scandals, new NFL ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...w he stacks up against the other top QBs in this draft class (28:18). They also talk about NBA legends (55:10), the spotlight on Iowa women's basketball (1:10:51), gambling scandals, new NFL ...
    [from content:encoded] ...w he stacks up against the other top QBs in this draft class (28:18). They also talk about NBA legends (55:10), the spotlight on Iowa women's basketball (1:10:51), gambling scandals, new NFL ...
    Houston’s Surprise Surge, Best West Futures, and the 2024 Defense Draft With Ryen Russillo
    March 25, 2024 (duration 2h1m)
    [from title] Houston’s Surprise Surge, Best West Futures, and the 2024 Defense Draft With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...fusion and whether they're ready to believe in the Bucks (48:18), before drafting the best NBA defenders (1:09:22), wondering if the Nets are in the worst spot in the league (1:27:16), and mo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...fusion and whether they're ready to believe in the Bucks (48:18), before drafting the best NBA defenders (1:09:22), wondering if the Nets are in the worst spot in the league (1:27:16), and mo...
    The Maybe-Dangerous Mavs, a Pelicans Climb, LeBron’s All-NBA Case, and NFL Draft Guesses With Ryen Russillo
    March 18, 2024 (duration 2h5m)
    [from title] The Maybe-Dangerous Mavs, a Pelicans Climb, LeBron’s All-NBA Case, and NFL Draft Guesses With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...:38) before talking about Tyrese Haliburton's post-injury play, Pelicans optimism, and All-NBA ballots (44:28). Finally, they close the show with some NFL draft talk, where they try to make s...
    [from itunes:summary] ...:38) before talking about Tyrese Haliburton's post-injury play, Pelicans optimism, and All-NBA ballots (44:28). Finally, they close the show with some NFL draft talk, where they try to make s...
    The Worst NBA Contracts Draft With Joe House and Big Wos
    March 15, 2024 (duration 1h53m)
    [from title] The Worst NBA Contracts Draft With Joe House and Big Wos
    [from description] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Joe House and Wosny Lambre for the third annual NBA Worst Contracts Draft. One by one, they draft the worst NBA contracts in 2024. Host: Bill Simmo...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Joe House and Wosny Lambre for the third annual NBA Worst Contracts Draft. One by one, they draft the worst NBA contracts in 2024. Host: Bill Simmo...
    January’s NBA League Pass Rankings With Zach Lowe
    January 3, 2024 (duration 1h47m)
    [from description] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by ESPN’s Zach Lowe for an early 2024 NBA League Pass Rankings. They draft their top 14 fun teams to watch based on an aggregation of factors,...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by ESPN’s Zach Lowe for an early 2024 NBA League Pass Rankings. They draft their top 14 fun teams to watch based on an aggregation of factors,...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by ESPN’s Zach Lowe for an early 2024 NBA League Pass Rankings. They draft their top 14 fun teams to watch based on an aggregation of factors,...
    A Haliburton/LeBron Finals, the Zion Dilemma, Buffalo’s Big Break and Week 14 Picks With Rob Mahoney, Wosny Lambre and Peter Schrager
    December 8, 2023 (duration 2h7m)
    [from description] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Wosny Lmabre and Rob Mahoney to discuss the NBA In-Season Tournament Semifinals including LeBron James' flawless performance in the Lakers' 133-...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Wosny Lmabre and Rob Mahoney to discuss the NBA In-Season Tournament Semifinals including LeBron James' flawless performance in the Lakers' 133-...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Wosny Lmabre and Rob Mahoney to discuss the NBA In-Season Tournament Semifinals including LeBron James' flawless performance in the Lakers' 133-...
    A 2023 NFL Re-Draft, Deion’s Next School, the 76ers Soap Opera, and Week 3 Picks With Danny Kelly, Van Lathan, and Howard Beck
    September 22, 2023 (duration 1h52m)
    [from title] A 2023 NFL Re-Draft, Deion’s Next School, the 76ers Soap Opera, and Week 3 Picks With Danny Kelly, Van Lathan, and...
    [from description] ...talks with Howard Beck about joining The Ringer, the story lines dominating the upcoming NBA season, stories from Beck's time covering Kobe Bryant and the Lakers, and more (1:20:00). Host: B...
    [from itunes:summary] ...talks with Howard Beck about joining The Ringer, the story lines dominating the upcoming NBA season, stories from Beck's time covering Kobe Bryant and the Lakers, and more (1:20:00). Host: B...
    Part 2: The 2023 NBA Expansion Draft with Ryen Russillo
    August 7, 2023 (duration 1h17m)
    [from title] Part 2: The 2023 NBA Expansion Draft with Ryen Russillo
    [from description] In Part 2 of a two-part podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo for an NBA expansion team draft. With two new franchises likely coming in the next few years, the guys determ...
    [from itunes:summary] In Part 2 of a two-part podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo for an NBA expansion team draft. With two new franchises likely coming in the next few years, the guys determ...
    Sneaky Sacramento, Free Agency Deal Guesses, and the "One More Time" Draft With Ryen Russillo
    June 26, 2023 (duration 2h4m)
    [from title] Sneaky Sacramento, Free Agency Deal Guesses, and the "One More Time" Draft With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss some three-day-old NBA draft thoughts, including Cam Whitmore's slide to 20th, the Clippers, and the Mavericks' draft d...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss some three-day-old NBA draft thoughts, including Cam Whitmore's slide to 20th, the Clippers, and the Mavericks' draft d...
    NBA Draftapalooza Part 3: Winners and Losers From Draft Night With Kevin O’Connor and Tate Frazier
    June 23, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza Part 3: Winners and Losers From Draft Night With Kevin O’Connor and Tate Frazier
    [from description] ...ll Simmons is joined by Kevin O'Connor and Tate Frazier to react to the first round of the NBA draft, including the Hornets' choice to take Brandon Miller second overall over Scoot Henderson,...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ll Simmons is joined by Kevin O'Connor and Tate Frazier to react to the first round of the NBA draft, including the Hornets' choice to take Brandon Miller second overall over Scoot Henderson,...
    NBA Draftapalooza, Part 2: Chris Paul to the Warriors! Whoa!!! With Kevin O’Connor and Tate Frazier
    June 23, 2023 (duration 43m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza, Part 2: Chris Paul to the Warriors! Whoa!!! With Kevin O’Connor and Tate Frazier
    [from description] ...joined by Kevin O'Conor and Tate Frazier to react to the Warriors trading Jordan Poole and draft picks to the Wizards for Chris Paul, how Paul's veteran presence can impact the Warriors, eval...
    [from itunes:summary] ...joined by Kevin O'Conor and Tate Frazier to react to the Warriors trading Jordan Poole and draft picks to the Wizards for Chris Paul, how Paul's veteran presence can impact the Warriors, eval...
    Beal to Phoenix, CP3’s Next Move, Fake Zion Trades, and Charlotte’s Big Decision With Ryen Russillo
    June 19, 2023 (duration 1h56m)
    [from description] ...ey Beal, and Chris Paul's future (1:03), before throwing out a plethora of fake trades and NBA draft scenarios (47:44). Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Ryen Russillo Producer: Kyle Crichton Learn ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ey Beal, and Chris Paul's future (1:03), before throwing out a plethora of fake trades and NBA draft scenarios (47:44). Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Ryen Russillo Producer: Kyle Crichton Learn ...
    [from content:encoded] ...ey Beal, and Chris Paul's future (1:03), before throwing out a plethora of fake trades and NBA draft scenarios (47:44).Host: Bill SimmonsGuest: Ryen RussilloProducer: Kyle Crichton Learn more...
    The Derrick White Game, the Miracle Play Hierarchy, a Game 7 Preview and a Dangerous New CBA Deal With Ryen Russillo
    May 28, 2023 (duration 2h4m)
    [from description] ...g picture Game 7 thoughts, and the Nuggets lying in wait (1:40), before discussing the new NBA CBA and the massive implications of the new luxury tax, NBA Draft thoughts, and more (1:07:56). ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...g picture Game 7 thoughts, and the Nuggets lying in wait (1:40), before discussing the new NBA CBA and the massive implications of the new luxury tax, NBA Draft thoughts, and more (1:07:56). ...
    [from content:encoded] ...g picture Game 7 thoughts, and the Nuggets lying in wait (1:40), before discussing the new NBA CBA and the massive implications of the new luxury tax, NBA Draft thoughts, and more (1:07:56).H...
    Jokic Prevails, Wemby to San Antonio, Philly’s Culture Fail, and Fun NFL Over/Unders With Tate Frazier and Michael Lombardi
    May 17, 2023 (duration 2h4m)
    [from description] over the Lakers (0:39). Then Bill talks with Tate Frazier about the Spurs winning the NBA draft lottery, the Hornets’ second overall pick, and Scoot Henderson vs. Brandon Miller (8:13), be...
    [from itunes:summary] over the Lakers (0:39). Then Bill talks with Tate Frazier about the Spurs winning the NBA draft lottery, the Hornets’ second overall pick, and Scoot Henderson vs. Brandon Miller (8:13), be...
    [from content:encoded] over the Lakers (0:39). Then Bill talks with Tate Frazier about the Spurs winning the NBA draft lottery, the Hornets’ second overall pick, and Scoot Henderson vs. Brandon Miller (8:13), be...
    NFL Draft Highlights, Part 2: Celts-Hawks and NBA Weekend Predictions With Sheil Kapadia and Wosny Lambre
    April 28, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from title] NFL Draft Highlights, Part 2: Celts-Hawks and NBA Weekend Predictions With Sheil Kapadia and Wosny Lambre
    [from description] ...inger's Bill Simmons is joined by Sheil Kapadia to discuss the first round of the 2023 NFL draft: the biggest surprises, Round 1 winners, the perfect team for Anthony Richardson, NFL futures,...
    [from itunes:summary] ...inger's Bill Simmons is joined by Sheil Kapadia to discuss the first round of the 2023 NFL draft: the biggest surprises, Round 1 winners, the perfect team for Anthony Richardson, NFL futures,...
    Most Fun NFL Offseason Story Lines With Mina Kimes and Danny Kelly, Plus West Play-In Roulette With Michael Pina
    March 24, 2023 (duration 1h37m)
    [from description] ...s return to the Timberwolves, most fun Western Conference play-in matchups, first team All-NBA conundrums, and more (1:07:24). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Mina Kimes, Danny Kelly, and Michael...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s return to the Timberwolves, most fun Western Conference play-in matchups, first team All-NBA conundrums, and more (1:07:24). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Mina Kimes, Danny Kelly, and Michael...
    [from content:encoded] ...s return to the Timberwolves, most fun Western Conference play-in matchups, first team All-NBA conundrums, and more (1:07:24).Host: Bill SimmonsGuests: Mina Kimes, Danny Kelly, and Michael Pi...
    Curry vs. Rodgers, Plus Drafting the Worst NBA Contracts With Joe House and Wosny Lambre
    March 17, 2023 (duration 1h51m)
    [from title] Curry vs. Rodgers, Plus Drafting the Worst NBA Contracts With Joe House and Wosny Lambre
    [from description] ...ron Rodgers (1:06) before he is joined by Joe House and Wosny Lambre for the second annual NBA Worst Contracts Draft. One by one, they draft the 21 worst NBA contracts in 2023 (19:06). Host:...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ron Rodgers (1:06) before he is joined by Joe House and Wosny Lambre for the second annual NBA Worst Contracts Draft. One by one, they draft the 21 worst NBA contracts in 2023 (19:06). Host:...
    The NBA Center Revolution, March Madness Picks, and the WWE’s Gambling Idea With Kevin O’Connor, Tate Frazier, and Brian Gewirtz
    March 15, 2023 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] ... Kevin O'Connor to discuss the Nuggets' struggles, who can win the West, the return of the NBA center position, NBA draft prospects, and more (1:44). Then, Bill talks with Tate Frazier about ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Kevin O'Connor to discuss the Nuggets' struggles, who can win the West, the return of the NBA center position, NBA draft prospects, and more (1:44). Then, Bill talks with Tate Frazier about ...
    [from content:encoded] ... Kevin O'Connor to discuss the Nuggets' struggles, who can win the West, the return of the NBA center position, NBA draft prospects, and more (1:44). Then, Bill talks with Tate Frazier about ...
    Jon Jones’s Last Stand, Wemby’s Ceiling, the Jokic Backlash, and UFOs With Ariel Helwani and Chuck Klosterman
    March 3, 2023 (duration 1h53m)
    [from description] ... with author Chuck Klosterman about the warranted, and maybe even understated, hype around NBA draft prospect Victor Wembanyama, whether sports records are losing their luster, the NBA MVP de...
    [from itunes:summary] ... with author Chuck Klosterman about the warranted, and maybe even understated, hype around NBA draft prospect Victor Wembanyama, whether sports records are losing their luster, the NBA MVP de...
    [from content:encoded] ... with author Chuck Klosterman about the warranted, and maybe even understated, hype around NBA draft prospect Victor Wembanyama, whether sports records are losing their luster, the NBA MVP de...
    The Most Improbable 2023 NBA Story Lines Draft (So Far) With Joe House and Dave Jacoby
    February 27, 2023 (duration 1h51m)
    [from title] The Most Improbable 2023 NBA Story Lines Draft (So Far) With Joe House and Dave Jacoby
    [from description] ...he 76ers, a tightening MVP race, and more (4:00), before drafting the Most Improbable 2023 NBA Story Lines (So Far) (50:39). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Joe House and David Jacoby Producer: K...
    [from itunes:summary] ...he 76ers, a tightening MVP race, and more (4:00), before drafting the Most Improbable 2023 NBA Story Lines (So Far) (50:39). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Joe House and David Jacoby Producer: K...
    The 2023 NBA Fake Trade Draft With Kevin O’Connor, Rob Mahoney, and Chris Ryan
    February 3, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from title] The 2023 NBA Fake Trade Draft With Kevin O’Connor, Rob Mahoney, and Chris Ryan
    NBA Ringz Culture, Wobbling for Wemby Trade Teams, and Week 17 Million-Dollar Picks With Van Lathan, Wosny Lambre, and Peter Schrager
    December 30, 2022 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] ...about whether the Nikola Jokic hype is overblown (3:57), before Bill and Wosny look at the NBA teams who may benefit from making an early trade and tanking for a chance at Victor Wembanyama i...
    [from itunes:summary] ...about whether the Nikola Jokic hype is overblown (3:57), before Bill and Wosny look at the NBA teams who may benefit from making an early trade and tanking for a chance at Victor Wembanyama i...
    [from content:encoded] ...about whether the Nikola Jokic hype is overblown (3:57), before Bill and Wosny look at the NBA teams who may benefit from making an early trade and tanking for a chance at Victor Wembanyama i...
    LeBron’s NBA Hell, PaoloMania, McCaffrey to SF, NFL Rookie Surprises and Week 7 Picks With Ben Solak and Peter Schrager
    October 21, 2022 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons talks about attending Lakers-Clippers, other first-week NBA observations, and the 49ers trading for Christian McCaffrey (4:16), before talking to Benjamin Sol...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons talks about attending Lakers-Clippers, other first-week NBA observations, and the 49ers trading for Christian McCaffrey (4:16), before talking to Benjamin Sol...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons talks about attending Lakers-Clippers, other first-week NBA observations, and the 49ers trading for Christian McCaffrey (4:16), before talking to Benjamin Sol...
    Part Three: An NBA Skins Draft Plus Award Predictions | With Ryen Russillo and Joe House
    October 12, 2022 (duration 49m)
    [from title] Part Three: An NBA Skins Draft Plus Award Predictions | With Ryen Russillo and Joe House
    [from description] podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo and Joe House to draft NBA teams’ wins and losses in a skins style game (1:24). Then they make their predictions for NBA awar...
    [from itunes:summary] podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo and Joe House to draft NBA teams’ wins and losses in a skins style game (1:24). Then they make their predictions for NBA awar...
    The Alien from France, Plus Million-Dollar Picks, Bad QBs, and the Sneaky-Scary Niners With Peter Schrager and Ben Solak
    October 7, 2022 (duration 1h45m)
    [from description] The Ringer's Bill Simmons shares his thoughts on top NBA draft prospect Victor Wembanyama after watching two exhibition games against the G League Ignite...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer's Bill Simmons shares his thoughts on top NBA draft prospect Victor Wembanyama after watching two exhibition games against the G League Ignite...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer's Bill Simmons shares his thoughts on top NBA draft prospect Victor Wembanyama after watching two exhibition games against the G League Ignite...
    Our Jonathan Tjarks Tribute (Including a 2018 NBA Re-draft) With Kevin O’Connor, J. Kyle Mann, and Chris Ryan
    September 14, 2022 (duration 1h31m)
    [from title] Our Jonathan Tjarks Tribute (Including a 2018 NBA Re-draft) With Kevin O’Connor, J. Kyle Mann, and Chris Ryan
    [from description] ...arks (2:26). Then in honor of Jonathan, they talk a little basketball and revisit the 2018 NBA draft (43:40). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Chris Ryan, Kevin O'Connor, and J. Kyle Mann Producer...
    [from itunes:summary] ...arks (2:26). Then in honor of Jonathan, they talk a little basketball and revisit the 2018 NBA draft (43:40). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Chris Ryan, Kevin O'Connor, and J. Kyle Mann Producer...
    NBA Draftapalooza Part 4: Winners & Losers With Kevin O’Connor and Ryen Russillo
    June 24, 2022 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza Part 4: Winners & Losers With Kevin O’Connor and Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor to discuss winners and losers from the 2022 NBA draft. Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Kevin O’Connor and Ryen Russillo Producer: Kyle Crichton Learn mo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor to discuss winners and losers from the 2022 NBA draft. Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Kevin O’Connor and Ryen Russillo Producer: Kyle Crichton Learn mo...
    NBA Draftapalooza Part 3: OKC Gets Frisky + the Sneaky Knicks With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti
    June 24, 2022 (duration 45m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza Part 3: OKC Gets Frisky + the Sneaky Knicks With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, an...
    [from description] ...o, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti for their live reactions to picks 8-14 of the 2022 NBA draft, including Bill’s boy Jeremy Sochan going to the Spurs, OKC dropping a lot of draft capital, a...
    [from itunes:summary] ...o, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti for their live reactions to picks 8-14 of the 2022 NBA draft, including Bill’s boy Jeremy Sochan going to the Spurs, OKC dropping a lot of draft capital, a...
    NBA Draftapalooza Part 2: Picks 1-6, Paolo to Orlando, and the Kings Surprise Everyone, With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti
    June 24, 2022 (duration 44m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza Part 2: Picks 1-6, Paolo to Orlando, and the Kings Surprise Everyone, With Ryen Ru...
    [from description] ...Connor, and Steve Ceruti to give their live reactions to picks 1 through 6 of the 2022 NBA draft. Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti Producer: Kyle Cr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Connor, and Steve Ceruti to give their live reactions to picks 1 through 6 of the 2022 NBA draft. Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti Producer: Kyle Cr...
    NBA Draftapalooza Part 1: Kyrie Drama, Fake KD Trades, and Last-Minute Pre-Draft Thoughts With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor and Chris Ryan
    June 24, 2022 (duration 58m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza Part 1: Kyrie Drama, Fake KD Trades, and Last-Minute Pre-Draft Thoughts With Ryen ...
    Part 2: 10 Burning NBA Questions (Plus Kyrie) With Chris Ryan, Joe House, Rob Mahoney, J. Kyle Mann, Seerat Sohi, and Van Lathan
    June 22, 2022 (duration 1h28m)
    [from description] ...are the Nuggets' and Heat's trade assets? | With Rob Mahoney (42:26) Favorite wings in the draft | With J. Kyle Mann (56:06) What is the Warriors' title window, and can they extend it? | With...
    [from itunes:summary] ...are the Nuggets' and Heat's trade assets? | With Rob Mahoney (42:26) Favorite wings in the draft | With J. Kyle Mann (56:06) What is the Warriors' title window, and can they extend it? | With...
    [from content:encoded] ... are the Nuggets' and Heat's trade assets? | With Rob Mahoney(42:26) Favorite wings in the draft | With J. Kyle Mann(56:06) What is the Warriors' title window, and can they extend it? | With ...
    Curry vs. Everybody, Boston’s Next Move, NBA Dynasty Tiers, and Draft Buzz With Ryen Russillo
    June 20, 2022 (duration 1h51m)
    [from title] Curry vs. Everybody, Boston’s Next Move, NBA Dynasty Tiers, and Draft Buzz With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...son (1:06), before talking about what this Warriors title does for Stephen Curry’s NBA legacy, what it means to have an NBA dynasty (21:44), the Warriors’ exorbitant salaries for next season,...
    [from itunes:summary] ...son (1:06), before talking about what this Warriors title does for Stephen Curry’s NBA legacy, what it means to have an NBA dynasty (21:44), the Warriors’ exorbitant salaries for next season,...
    Tatum Theories, Finals Unicorns, NBA Draft Buzz, and Worst GM Jobs With Ryen Russillo
    June 13, 2022 (duration 1h43m)
    [from title] Tatum Theories, Finals Unicorns, NBA Draft Buzz, and Worst GM Jobs With Ryen Russillo
    The Warriors Strike Back, Kyrie Destinations, and Sacramento on the Clock With Ryen Russillo
    June 6, 2022 (duration 1h52m)
    [from description] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Warriors' Game 2 NBA Finals win over the Celtics, the Warriors' defense being the story of the game, Draymond Green's...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Warriors' Game 2 NBA Finals win over the Celtics, the Warriors' defense being the story of the game, Draymond Green's...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Warriors' Game 2 NBA Finals win over the Celtics, the Warriors' defense being the story of the game, Draymond Green's...
    A Celtics-Heat Rock Fight with Bill's Dad. Plus, Jalen Green Stops By and We Fix All-Star Weekend.
    May 24, 2022 (duration 1h24m)
    [from description] ...deciding between the G League and college, the Rockets’ no. 3 overall pick in the 2022 NBA draft, Jalen's goals for next season, tweaking All-Star Weekend, and more (43:28). Host: Bill Simmo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...deciding between the G League and college, the Rockets’ no. 3 overall pick in the 2022 NBA draft, Jalen's goals for next season, tweaking All-Star Weekend, and more (43:28). Host: Bill Simmo...
    [from content:encoded] ...deciding between the G League and college, the Rockets’ no. 3 overall pick in the 2022 NBA draft, Jalen's goals for next season, tweaking All-Star Weekend, and more (43:28).Host: Bill Simmons...
    Butler Busts Boston, Plus 2022 Lottery Overreactions With Kevin O’Connor, Ryen Russillo and J. Kyle Mann
    May 18, 2022 (duration 1h33m)
    [from description] ...itiful third quarter, series predictions, and more (1:56). Then they discuss the NBA draft lottery selection, what the Orlando Magic should do with the first overall pick, the best fit for th...
    [from itunes:summary] ...itiful third quarter, series predictions, and more (1:56). Then they discuss the NBA draft lottery selection, what the Orlando Magic should do with the first overall pick, the best fit for th...
    [from content:encoded] ...itiful third quarter, series predictions, and more (1:56). Then they discuss the NBA draft lottery selection, what the Orlando Magic should do with the first overall pick, the best fit for th...
    A Suns-Warriors Flip-Flop, A Sneaky-Bad NFL Draft, and Utah Groundhog Day With Rob Mahoney, Danny Kelly, and Jonathan Tjarks
    April 20, 2022 (duration 1h46m)
    [from title] A Suns-Warriors Flip-Flop, A Sneaky-Bad NFL Draft, and Utah Groundhog Day With Rob Mahoney, Danny Kelly, and Jonathan Tjarks
    [from description] 2 victory, surviving until the return of Luka Doncic, the electric Celtics-Nets Game 1, NBA draft thoughts, and more (48:07). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Rob Mahoney, Danny Kelly, and Jona...
    [from itunes:summary] 2 victory, surviving until the return of Luka Doncic, the electric Celtics-Nets Game 1, NBA draft thoughts, and more (48:07). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Rob Mahoney, Danny Kelly, and Jona...
    Part Two: The 2022 Finals MVP Draft plus All-NBA Picks With Ryen Russillo
    April 11, 2022 (duration 1h37m)
    [from title] Part Two: The 2022 Finals MVP Draft plus All-NBA Picks With Ryen Russillo
    Coach K’s Last Stand, the Tyreek Trade + the Jimmy-Spo Zapruder Film With J. Kyle Mann, Benjamin Solak, and Tyler Parker
    March 25, 2022 (duration 2h1m)
    [from description] ...d coach Erik Spoelstra, the best draft prospect for the Thunder, and Tyler’s NBA Characters of the Year (1:23:17). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: J. Kyle Mann, Benjamin Solak, and Tyler Parker P...
    [from itunes:summary] ...d coach Erik Spoelstra, the best draft prospect for the Thunder, and Tyler’s NBA Characters of the Year (1:23:17). Host: Bill Simmons Guests: J. Kyle Mann, Benjamin Solak, and Tyler Parker P...
    [from content:encoded] ...d coach Erik Spoelstra, the best draft prospect for the Thunder, and Tyler’s NBA Characters of the Year (1:23:17).Host: Bill SimmonsGuests: J. Kyle Mann, Benjamin Solak, and Tyler ParkerProdu...
    The Chet Holmgren Hard-to-Evaluate Hall of Fame and Other Lottery-Related Madness Subplots With Ryen Russillo
    March 21, 2022 (duration 1h53m)
    [from description] ...illo to discuss that great feeling the NCAA tournament brings, keeping an eye on the top NBA draft prospects during the tournament, Bill’s list of all-time hardest players to evaluate for the...
    [from itunes:summary] ...illo to discuss that great feeling the NCAA tournament brings, keeping an eye on the top NBA draft prospects during the tournament, Bill’s list of all-time hardest players to evaluate for the...
    [from content:encoded] ...illo to discuss that great feeling the NCAA tournament brings, keeping an eye on the top NBA draft prospects during the tournament, Bill’s list of all-time hardest players to evaluate for the...
    Part 1: Harden-for-Simmons Finally Happens! With Chris Ryan, Kevin O’Connor, and Rob Mahoney
    February 10, 2022 (duration 48m)
    [from description] In Part 1 of the NBA trade deadline podcast, The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan, Kevin O'Connor, and R...
    [from itunes:summary] In Part 1 of the NBA trade deadline podcast, The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan, Kevin O'Connor, and R...
    [from content:encoded] In Part 1 of the NBA trade deadline podcast, The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan, Kevin O'Connor, and R...
    Two Big NBA Deals Plus a Super Bowl Mega-Gambling Preview With Cousin Sal and Peter Schrager
    February 9, 2022 (duration 1h55m)
    [from description] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons shares his thoughts on two significant NBA trades: the Kings trading Tyrese Haliburton, Buddy Hield, and Tristan Thompson to the Pacers for D...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons shares his thoughts on two significant NBA trades: the Kings trading Tyrese Haliburton, Buddy Hield, and Tristan Thompson to the Pacers for D...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons shares his thoughts on two significant NBA trades: the Kings trading Tyrese Haliburton, Buddy Hield, and Tristan Thompson to the Pacers for D...
    A Rams-Bengals Surprise, Brady’s Decision + NBA Panic Trade Teams With Cousin Sal and Kevin O’Connor
    January 31, 2022 (duration 2h17m)
    [from description] ..., and more (1:02:33). Then Bill is joined by Kevin O’Connor to draft the top six NBA “panic-trade” teams as the February 10 trade deadline approaches (1:22:55). Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Cou...
    [from itunes:summary] ..., and more (1:02:33). Then Bill is joined by Kevin O’Connor to draft the top six NBA “panic-trade” teams as the February 10 trade deadline approaches (1:22:55). Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Cou...
    [from content:encoded] ..., and more (1:02:33). Then Bill is joined by Kevin O’Connor to draft the top six NBA “panic-trade” teams as the February 10 trade deadline approaches (1:22:55).Host: Bill SimmonsGuest: Cousin...
    The Curry-LeBron Legacy Battle, Ja’s Mega-leap, and Jabari Smith’s Lottery Rise With Seerat Sohi, Rob Mahoney, and J. Kyle Mann
    January 5, 2022 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] ... (41:05). Finally Bill is joined by J. Kyle Mann to discuss the top prospects for the 2022 NBA draft, including Jabari Smith at Auburn, Paolo Banchero at Duke, and Chet Holmgren at Gonzaga (1...
    [from itunes:summary] ... (41:05). Finally Bill is joined by J. Kyle Mann to discuss the top prospects for the 2022 NBA draft, including Jabari Smith at Auburn, Paolo Banchero at Duke, and Chet Holmgren at Gonzaga (1...
    [from content:encoded] ... (41:05). Finally Bill is joined by J. Kyle Mann to discuss the top prospects for the 2022 NBA draft, including Jabari Smith at Auburn, Paolo Banchero at Duke, and Chet Holmgren at Gonzaga (1...
    NBA Draftapalooza, Part 4: Winners + Losers With Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor
    July 30, 2021 (duration 57m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza, Part 4: Winners + Losers With Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor
    [from description] ...evin O’Connor to discuss a long list of winners and losers from the first round of the NBA draft. Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor Producer: Kyle Crichton Learn mo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...evin O’Connor to discuss a long list of winners and losers from the first round of the NBA draft. Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor Producer: Kyle Crichton Learn mo...
    NBA Draftapalooza, Part 3: GSW Goes Young, Spurs Go Loco + Rest of Lottery With Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor
    July 30, 2021 (duration 49m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza, Part 3: GSW Goes Young, Spurs Go Loco + Rest of Lottery With Ryen Russillo and Ke...
    [from description] ...ons is joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor to discuss picks 7 through 15 of the NBA draft in real time! Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor Producer: Kyle Cric...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ons is joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor to discuss picks 7 through 15 of the NBA draft in real time! Host: Bill Simmons Guests: Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor Producer: Kyle Cric...
    NBA Draftapalooza, Part 2: Cade to Detroit and 2 Semi-shockers in Top Six With Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor
    July 30, 2021 (duration 42m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza, Part 2: Cade to Detroit and 2 Semi-shockers in Top Six With Ryen Russillo and Kev...
    [from description] ... joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor to discuss the first six picks in the 2021 NBA draft in real time, including surprising picks by the Thunder and the Raptors. Host: Bill Simmons G...
    [from itunes:summary] ... joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor to discuss the first six picks in the 2021 NBA draft in real time, including surprising picks by the Thunder and the Raptors. Host: Bill Simmons G...
    NBA Draftapalooza, Part 1: Westbrook to the Lakers and Hield’s Trade Upside With Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor
    July 30, 2021 (duration 46m)
    [from title] NBA Draftapalooza, Part 1: Westbrook to the Lakers and Hield’s Trade Upside With Ryen Russillo and K...
    [from description] ...ill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor before the start of the 2021 NBA draft to discuss the rumored Lakers-Wizards trade that would bring Russell Westbrook to Los Angeles,...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo and Kevin O’Connor before the start of the 2021 NBA draft to discuss the rumored Lakers-Wizards trade that would bring Russell Westbrook to Los Angeles,...
    Zion’s Murky NOLA Future With Justin Verrier. Plus, Kenny Smith on Giannis vs. Hakeem.
    July 28, 2021 (duration 1h37m)
    [from description] ...des, and more (2:35). Then Bill is joined by Kenny "The Jet" Smith to discuss the upcoming NBA draft, parallels between Giannis Antetokounmpo's title win with the Bucks and Hakeem Olajuwon's ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...des, and more (2:35). Then Bill is joined by Kenny "The Jet" Smith to discuss the upcoming NBA draft, parallels between Giannis Antetokounmpo's title win with the Bucks and Hakeem Olajuwon's ...
    [from content:encoded] ...des, and more (2:35). Then Bill is joined by Kenny "The Jet" Smith to discuss the upcoming NBA draft, parallels between Giannis Antetokounmpo's title win with the Bucks and Hakeem Olajuwon's ...
    An NBA Mock Draft War Room With Kevin O’Connor, Jonathan Tjarks, and J. Kyle Mann
    July 26, 2021 (duration 1h55m)
    [from title] An NBA Mock Draft War Room With Kevin O’Connor, Jonathan Tjarks, and J. Kyle Mann
    [from description] joined by Kevin O’Connor, Jonathan Tjarks, and J. Kyle Mann to discuss the upcoming NBA draft. They run through the lottery teams, fake trades, sleepers, and more! Host: Bill Simmons Gues...
    [from itunes:summary] joined by Kevin O’Connor, Jonathan Tjarks, and J. Kyle Mann to discuss the upcoming NBA draft. They run through the lottery teams, fake trades, sleepers, and more! Host: Bill Simmons Gues...
    An Immortal Giannis Game and Milwaukee’s Title with Ryen Russillo
    July 21, 2021 (duration 1h48m)
    [from description] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Bucks winning the NBA Finals! They discuss Giannis’s historic 50 points, legacy implications, winners and losers, Suns a...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Bucks winning the NBA Finals! They discuss Giannis’s historic 50 points, legacy implications, winners and losers, Suns a...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Bucks winning the NBA Finals! They discuss Giannis’s historic 50 points, legacy implications, winners and losers, Suns a...
    Game 4 Overreactions, CP3’s Stinker, Kawhi Weirdness, and Draft Trades With Ryen Russillo
    July 15, 2021 (duration 1h46m)
    [from title] Game 4 Overreactions, CP3’s Stinker, Kawhi Weirdness, and Draft Trades With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...2 (1:25). They also hit on news of Kawhi Leonard’s injury (41:50), Team USA (55:45), NBA draft lottery prospects, fake trades, and more (1:00:25). Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Ryen Russillo Pro...
    [from itunes:summary] ...2 (1:25). They also hit on news of Kawhi Leonard’s injury (41:50), Team USA (55:45), NBA draft lottery prospects, fake trades, and more (1:00:25). Host: Bill Simmons Guest: Ryen Russillo Pro...
    Suns in Charge, Ayton Copycats, Ohtani Mania (?), and NBA Draft Stuff With Ryen Russillo
    July 7, 2021 (duration 1h46m)
    [from title] Suns in Charge, Ayton Copycats, Ohtani Mania (?), and NBA Draft Stuff With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...adjustments, gauging Giannis’s injury, where Arizona in July ranks among the worst NBA Finals destinations, and more (2:00). Then they talk about Shohei Ohtani’s dominance of the MLB and why ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...adjustments, gauging Giannis’s injury, where Arizona in July ranks among the worst NBA Finals destinations, and more (2:00). Then they talk about Shohei Ohtani’s dominance of the MLB and why ...
    Part 2: Looming Bucks-Suns, Dame’s Next Move, and a Special Two-Man Combo Draft
    June 28, 2021 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Part 2: Looming Bucks-Suns, Dame’s Next Move, and a Special Two-Man Combo Draft
    [from description]’s injury, series predictions, and more (2:00). They then wonder how this year's NBA champions will be remembered, before discussing news that Damian Lillard may be looking to move on from ...
    [from itunes:summary]’s injury, series predictions, and more (2:00). They then wonder how this year's NBA champions will be remembered, before discussing news that Damian Lillard may be looking to move on from ...
    Part 1: Ayton’s Leap, Kawhi the Enigma, GSW Trades, and a 2018 Redraft With Ryen Russillo
    June 28, 2021 (duration 1h19m)
    [from title] Part 1: Ayton’s Leap, Kawhi the Enigma, GSW Trades, and a 2018 Redraft With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] ...nks the Clippers still have a chance, and more (2:30) before they revisit the 2018 NBA draft and discuss potential trades leading up to the 2021 NBA draft, Team USA, and more (44:00). Host: ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...nks the Clippers still have a chance, and more (2:30) before they revisit the 2018 NBA draft and discuss potential trades leading up to the 2021 NBA draft, Team USA, and more (44:00). Host: ...
    The Ayton-Oop, Round 3 Predictions, and NBA Lottery Reactions With Joe House, Kevin O’Connor, J. Kyle Mann, and Wosny Lambre
    June 23, 2021 (duration 1h51m)
    [from description] ...ed out the end of the game, hope for the Clippers, and more (3:00) before sharing some NBA gambling odds and discussing Jon Rahm’s U.S. Open victory (21:30). Then Bill is joined by Kevin O’Co...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ed out the end of the game, hope for the Clippers, and more (3:00) before sharing some NBA gambling odds and discussing Jon Rahm’s U.S. Open victory (21:30). Then Bill is joined by Kevin O’Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...ed out the end of the game, hope for the Clippers, and more (3:00) before sharing some NBA gambling odds and discussing Jon Rahm’s U.S. Open victory (21:30). Then Bill is joined by Kevin O’Co...
    Part 2: Tankapalooza 2021, Western Predictions, and All-NBA Picks With Ryen Russillo
    May 17, 2021 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] ...would be, and whether or not the new format will stop teams from tanking. Then, as the NBA regular season comes to a close, Bill and Ryen look at the teams with the worst records and what the...
    [from itunes:summary] ...would be, and whether or not the new format will stop teams from tanking. Then, as the NBA regular season comes to a close, Bill and Ryen look at the teams with the worst records and what the...
    [from content:encoded] ...would be, and whether or not the new format will stop teams from tanking. Then, as the NBA regular season comes to a close, Bill and Ryen look at the teams with the worst records and what the...
    All-NBA Arguments, Milwaukee’s Best, CP3 Groundhog Day, and a Rodgers Intervention With Ryen Russillo
    May 3, 2021 (duration 2h25m)
    [from description] ...eeding could shake things up for Round 1, scariest possible first-round playoff exits, All-NBA teams, news of Aaron Rodgers not wanting to return to the Packers for the 2021 NFL season leakin...
    [from itunes:summary] ...eeding could shake things up for Round 1, scariest possible first-round playoff exits, All-NBA teams, news of Aaron Rodgers not wanting to return to the Packers for the 2021 NFL season leakin...
    [from content:encoded] ...eeding could shake things up for Round 1, scariest possible first-round playoff exits, All-NBA teams, news of Aaron Rodgers not wanting to return to the Packers for the 2021 NFL season leakin...
    Curry’s Re-Apex, Jokic/Embiid Debates, Play-in Drama, and Draft Quarterbacks With Ryen Russillo
    April 19, 2021 (duration 2h2m)
    [from title] Curry’s Re-Apex, Jokic/Embiid Debates, Play-in Drama, and Draft Quarterbacks With Ryen Russillo
    [from description] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss this recent stretch of NBA games without superstars like Kevin Durant, James Harden, Anthony Davis, LeBron James, and Jimmy B...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss this recent stretch of NBA games without superstars like Kevin Durant, James Harden, Anthony Davis, LeBron James, and Jimmy B...
    Cade's Ceiling, LeBron Injury Ripples, Trade Talk, and Poku Corner With Ryen Russillo
    March 22, 2021 (duration 1h52m)
    [from description] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss top NBA draft prospect Cade Cunningham after Oklahoma State's loss to Oregon State in the NCAA tournamen...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss top NBA draft prospect Cade Cunningham after Oklahoma State's loss to Oregon State in the NCAA tournamen...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer's Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss top NBA draft prospect Cade Cunningham after Oklahoma State's loss to Oregon State in the NCAA tournamen...
    Dame vs. Curry, NFL Draft QBs, and Flea on the Lakers With Chris Haynes and Danny Kelly
    February 19, 2021 (duration 1h55m)
    [from title] Dame vs. Curry, NFL Draft QBs, and Flea on the Lakers With Chris Haynes and Danny Kelly
    [from description] ... by Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports and TNT to discuss the Brooklyn Nets, the Jazz's ceiling, NBA trade rumors, Steph Curry vs. Damian Lillard, covering the 2020 NBA playoffs, and more (2:00). T...
    [from itunes:summary] ... by Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports and TNT to discuss the Brooklyn Nets, the Jazz's ceiling, NBA trade rumors, Steph Curry vs. Damian Lillard, covering the 2020 NBA playoffs, and more (2:00). T...
    William Zabka on 'Cobra Kai,' and a 2020 Sports Repodders Recap With Bryan Curtis and Jason Gay
    December 25, 2020 (duration 2h18m)
    [from description] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons shares some early NBA reactions before giving out his Million-Dollar Picks for NFL Week 16 (3:00), before he is joined b...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons shares some early NBA reactions before giving out his Million-Dollar Picks for NFL Week 16 (3:00), before he is joined b...
    [from content:encoded] The Ringer’s Bill Simmons shares some early NBA reactions before giving out his Million-Dollar Picks for NFL Week 16 (3:00), before he is joined b...
    The Unlucky Warriors, Harden’s Next Move and the Semi-Resurgent Pats With Kevin O’Connor and Nora Princiotti
    November 20, 2020 (duration 2h7m)
    [from description] ...mmons is joined by Kevin O'Connor to discuss Klay Thompson's season-ending injury, an open NBA investigation involving the Bucks-Kings trade, Gordon Hayward opting out of his contract with th...
    [from itunes:summary] ...mmons is joined by Kevin O'Connor to discuss Klay Thompson's season-ending injury, an open NBA investigation involving the Bucks-Kings trade, Gordon Hayward opting out of his contract with th...
    [from content:encoded] ...mmons is joined by Kevin O'Connor to discuss Klay Thompson's season-ending injury, an open NBA investigation involving the Bucks-Kings trade, Gordon Hayward opting out of his contract with th...
    The NBA’s Murky Future and Best Streaming TV/Movies With Ryen Russillo and Wesley Morris
    November 4, 2020 (duration 2h13m)
    [from description] ...ill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the looming start date for the 2020-21 NBA season, the possibility of rewriting the CBA, the upcoming NBA draft, and more (3:00). Then Bill t...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the looming start date for the 2020-21 NBA season, the possibility of rewriting the CBA, the upcoming NBA draft, and more (3:00). Then Bill t...
    [from content:encoded] ...ill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the looming start date for the 2020-21 NBA season, the possibility of rewriting the CBA, the upcoming NBA draft, and more (3:00). Then Bill t...
    Should the Lakers Make Cam Reddish a Starter Again? Plus, Back Surgery for Jalen-Hood Schifino.
    March 22, 2024 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...n the decision to draft him in the first place over players more capable of playing an NBA role as rookies. But that question - did they draft the right guy for THIS year, is a different one ...
    [from content:encoded] ...n the decision to draft him in the first place over players more capable of playing an NBA role as rookies. But that question - did they draft the right guy for THIS year, is a different one ...
    [from itunes:summary] on the decision to draft him in the first place over players more capable of playing an NBA role as rookies. But that question - did they draft the right guy for THIS year, is a differen...
    Can LeBron Pressure the Lakers into a Big Trade at the Deadline? Will D'Angelo Russell move?
    February 7, 2024 (duration 37m)
    [from description] The NBA trade deadline is Thursday, and for the time being at least things are looking kinda quiet. The ...
    [from itunes:summary] The NBA trade deadline is Thursday, and for the time being at least things are looking kinda quiet. The ...
    [from content:encoded] The NBA trade deadline is Thursday, and for the time being at least things are looking kinda quiet. The ...
    Can LeBron Pressure the Lakers into a Big Trade at the Deadline? Will D'Angelo Russell move?
    February 7, 2024 (duration 34m)
    [from description] The NBA trade deadline is Thursday, and for the time being at least things are looking kinda quiet. The ...
    [from content:encoded] The NBA trade deadline is Thursday, and for the time being at least things are looking kinda quiet. The ...
    [from itunes:summary] The NBA trade deadline is Thursday, and for the time being at least things are looking kinda quiet. The ...
    Ultimate NBA Preview Contenders?: Can They Win the Title? | Lakers, 76ers, Warriors, Clippers, Cavs
    October 19, 2023 (duration 49m)
    [from description] Are any of these teams real NBA contenders? Could the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland...
    [from itunes:summary] Are any of these teams real NBA contenders? Could the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland...
    [from content:encoded] Are any of these teams real NBA contenders? Could the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland...
    Ultimate NBA Preview Contenders?: Can They Win the Title? | Lakers, 76ers, Warriors, Clippers, Cavs
    October 19, 2023 (duration 45m)
    [from description] Are any of these teams real NBA contenders? Could the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland...
    [from content:encoded] Are any of these teams real NBA contenders? Could the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland...
    [from itunes:summary] Are any of these teams real NBA contenders? Could the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland...
    Is LeBron James Playing in the 2024 Olympics? Anthony Davis, Too? Is That a Good Idea?
    September 12, 2023 (duration 36m)
    [from description] ...recovery, might not be ready to enter the Draft next year? Meanwhile, in related news, the NBA is cracking down on rest. Load management, specifically, discussing rules that will seriously ra...
    [from itunes:summary] ...recovery, might not be ready to enter the Draft next year? Meanwhile, in related news, the NBA is cracking down on rest. Load management, specifically, discussing rules that will seriously ra...
    [from content:encoded] ... recovery, might not be ready to enter the Draft next year?Meanwhile, in related news, the NBA is cracking down on rest. Load management, specifically, discussing rules that will seriously ra...
    Is LeBron James Playing in the 2024 Olympics? Anthony Davis, Too? Is That a Good Idea?
    September 12, 2023 (duration 32m)
    [from description] ... recovery, might not be ready to enter the Draft next year?Meanwhile, in related news, the NBA is cracking down on rest. Load management, specifically, discussing rules that will seriously ra...
    [from content:encoded] ... recovery, might not be ready to enter the Draft next year?Meanwhile, in related news, the NBA is cracking down on rest. Load management, specifically, discussing rules that will seriously ra...
    [from itunes:summary] ...recovery, might not be ready to enter the Draft next year? Meanwhile, in related news, the NBA is cracking down on rest. Load management, specifically, discussing rules that will seriously ra...
    NBA Free Agency Preview for the Lakers, and Another Jalen Hood-Schifino Scouting Report!
    June 28, 2023 (duration 40m)
    [from description] NBA free agency kicks off Friday at 3 pm PT, and while the Lakers aren't likely to be first out of t...
    [from itunes:summary] NBA free agency kicks off Friday at 3 pm PT, and while the Lakers aren't likely to be first out of t...
    [from content:encoded] NBA free agency kicks off Friday at 3 pm PT, and while the Lakers aren't likely to be first out of t...
    NBA Free Agency Preview for the Lakers, and Another Jalen Hood-Schifino Scouting Report!
    June 28, 2023 (duration 36m)
    [from description] NBA free agency kicks off Friday at 3 pm PT, and while the Lakers aren't likely to be first out of t...
    [from content:encoded] NBA free agency kicks off Friday at 3 pm PT, and while the Lakers aren't likely to be first out of t...
    [from itunes:summary] NBA free agency kicks off Friday at 3 pm PT, and while the Lakers aren't likely to be first out of t...
    Has the Free Agency Market Been Set for Rui Hachimura? Do the Lakers Need to Keep Mo Bamba?
    June 27, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from description] The Draft is done, and now the NBA is getting ready for the rush of free agency. In a twist on the normal run of things, the Lakers...
    [from itunes:summary] The Draft is done, and now the NBA is getting ready for the rush of free agency. In a twist on the normal run of things, the Lakers...
    [from content:encoded] The Draft is done, and now the NBA is getting ready for the rush of free agency.In a twist on the normal run of things, the Lakers ...
    Has the Free Agency Market Been Set for Rui Hachimura? Do the Lakers Need to Keep Mo Bamba?
    June 27, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] The Draft is done, and now the NBA is getting ready for the rush of free agency.In a twist on the normal run of things, the Lakers ...
    [from content:encoded] The Draft is done, and now the NBA is getting ready for the rush of free agency.In a twist on the normal run of things, the Lakers ...
    [from itunes:summary] The Draft is done, and now the NBA is getting ready for the rush of free agency. In a twist on the normal run of things, the Lakers...
    Scouting Report for Lakers Draft Picks Jalen Hood-Schifinom, Maxwell Lewis... Guest: Mike Garcia!
    June 26, 2023 (duration 37m)
    [from title] Scouting Report for Lakers Draft Picks Jalen Hood-Schifinom, Maxwell Lewis... Guest: Mike Garcia!
    [from description] The Lakers added four players in last week's NBA Draft: First round pick Jalen Hood-Schifino (G, Indiana), Maxwell Lewis (F, Pepperdine) in the s...
    [from itunes:summary] The Lakers added four players in last week's NBA Draft: First round pick Jalen Hood-Schifino (G, Indiana), Maxwell Lewis (F, Pepperdine) in the s...
    Scouting Report for Lakers Draft Picks Jalen Hood-Schifinom, Maxwell Lewis... Guest: Mike Garcia!
    June 26, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from title] Scouting Report for Lakers Draft Picks Jalen Hood-Schifinom, Maxwell Lewis... Guest: Mike Garcia!
    [from description] The Lakers added four players in last week's NBA Draft: First round pick Jalen Hood-Schifino (G, Indiana), Maxwell Lewis (F, Pepperdine) in the s...
    [from content:encoded] The Lakers added four players in last week's NBA Draft: First round pick Jalen Hood-Schifino (G, Indiana), Maxwell Lewis (F, Pepperdine) in the s...
    Lakers Draft Indiana PG Jalen Hood-Schifino, Pepperdine F Maxwell Lewis. Good Picks?
    June 23, 2023 (duration 35m)
    [from title] Lakers Draft Indiana PG Jalen Hood-Schifino, Pepperdine F Maxwell Lewis. Good Picks?
    [from description] ...tion, the Lakers had a pretty conventional, uncontroversial and uneventful Thursday at the NBA Draft, and that's a good thing. They used the 17th pick to take Indiana guard Jalen Hood-Schifin...
    [from itunes:summary] ...tion, the Lakers had a pretty conventional, uncontroversial and uneventful Thursday at the NBA Draft, and that's a good thing. They used the 17th pick to take Indiana guard Jalen Hood-Schifin...
    Lakers Draft Indiana PG Jalen Hood-Schifino, Pepperdine F Maxwell Lewis. Good Picks?
    June 23, 2023 (duration 33m)
    [from title] Lakers Draft Indiana PG Jalen Hood-Schifino, Pepperdine F Maxwell Lewis. Good Picks?
    [from description] ...tion, the Lakers had a pretty conventional, uncontroversial and uneventful Thursday at the NBA Draft, and that's a good thing.They used the 17th pick to take Indiana guard Jalen Hood-Schifino...
    [from content:encoded] ...tion, the Lakers had a pretty conventional, uncontroversial and uneventful Thursday at the NBA Draft, and that's a good thing.They used the 17th pick to take Indiana guard Jalen Hood-Schifino...
    Why the Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the NBA Draft
    June 23, 2023 (duration 8m)
    [from title] Why the Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the NBA Draft
    [from description] The Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft. Brian Kamenetzky, host of Locked On Lakers, joined Tenitra Batiste to discuss how Jalen H...
    [from itunes:summary] The Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft. Brian Kamenetzky, host of Locked On Lakers, joined Tenitra Batiste to discuss how Jalen H...
    Why the Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the NBA Draft
    June 23, 2023 (duration 7m)
    [from title] Why the Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the NBA Draft
    [from description] The Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft. Brian Kamenetzky, host of Locked On Lakers, joined Tenitra Batiste to discuss how Jalen H...
    [from content:encoded] The Los Angeles Lakers selected Jalen Hood-Schifino in the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft. Brian Kamenetzky, host of Locked On Lakers, joined Tenitra Batiste to discuss how Jalen H...
    NBA Draft Day! Are the Lakers Planning to Trade the 17th Pick?
    June 22, 2023 (duration 37m)
    [from title] NBA Draft Day! Are the Lakers Planning to Trade the 17th Pick?
    [from description] The NBA Draft is here! So... what do the Lakers do? That's the big question facing the team. Do they kee...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Reports are percolating that the Lakers could be active on Draft Day....
    NBA Draft Day! Are the Lakers Planning to Trade the 17th Pick?
    June 22, 2023 (duration 33m)
    [from title] NBA Draft Day! Are the Lakers Planning to Trade the 17th Pick?
    [from description] The NBA Draft is here!So... what do the Lakers do? That's the big question facing the team. Do they keep...
    [from content:encoded] The NBA Draft is here!So... what do the Lakers do? That's the big question facing the team. Do they keep...
    NBA Draft Preview with Mike Garcia: Can the Lakers Find a Rotation Player at #17?
    June 21, 2023 (duration 41m)
    [from title] NBA Draft Preview with Mike Garcia: Can the Lakers Find a Rotation Player at #17?
    [from description] The Lakers are in a unique situation when it comes to Thursday's NBA Draft. First, they have a first round pick, and seem inclined to actually use it, rather than au...
    [from itunes:subtitle] The Lakers have decisions to make ahead of Thursday's draft
    NBA Draft Preview with Mike Garcia: Can the Lakers Find a Rotation Player at #17?
    June 21, 2023 (duration 37m)
    [from title] NBA Draft Preview with Mike Garcia: Can the Lakers Find a Rotation Player at #17?
    [from description] The Lakers are in a unique situation when it comes to Thursday's NBA Draft.First, they have a first round pick, and seem inclined to actually use it, rather than aut...
    [from content:encoded] The Lakers are in a unique situation when it comes to Thursday's NBA Draft.First, they have a first round pick, and seem inclined to actually use it, rather than aut...
    Reports: The Lakers Could Trade Down From #17 in the NBA Draft. Smart Idea or Not?
    June 16, 2023 (duration 33m)
    [from title] Reports: The Lakers Could Trade Down From #17 in the NBA Draft. Smart Idea or Not?
    [from description] ...ight be willing, or even could be seeking, to trade down from the 17th pick in next week's NBA Draft, in order to pick up a few more bites at the Draft apple. That could mean acquiring extra ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ight be willing, or even could be seeking, to trade down from the 17th pick in next week's NBA Draft, in order to pick up a few more bites at the Draft apple. That could mean acquiring extra ...
    Reports: The Lakers Could Trade Down From #17 in the NBA Draft. Smart Idea or Not?
    June 16, 2023 (duration 30m)
    [from title] Reports: The Lakers Could Trade Down From #17 in the NBA Draft. Smart Idea or Not?
    [from description] ...ight be willing, or even could be seeking, to trade down from the 17th pick in next week's NBA Draft, in order to pick up a few more bites at the Draft apple. That could mean acquiring extra ...
    [from content:encoded] ...ight be willing, or even could be seeking, to trade down from the 17th pick in next week's NBA Draft, in order to pick up a few more bites at the Draft apple. That could mean acquiring extra ...
    BONUS EPISODE: 2023 NBA Mock Draft Picks 16-20: Los Angeles Lakers add to LeBron James, Anthony Davis
    June 15, 2023 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] BONUS EPISODE: 2023 NBA Mock Draft Picks 16-20: Los Angeles Lakers add to LeBron James, Anthony Davis
    [from description] ..., Jett Howard might be joining their roster. GG Jackson and Jalen Hood-Schifino find their NBA homes while the New York Knicks make a big move. Locked On's NBA Mock Draft Special is here and...
    [from itunes:summary] ..., Jett Howard might be joining their roster. GG Jackson and Jalen Hood-Schifino find their NBA homes while the New York Knicks make a big move. Locked On's NBA Mock Draft Special is here and...
    BONUS EPISODE: 2023 NBA Mock Draft Picks 16-20: Los Angeles Lakers add to LeBron James, Anthony Davis
    June 15, 2023 (duration 1h17m)
    [from title] BONUS EPISODE: 2023 NBA Mock Draft Picks 16-20: Los Angeles Lakers add to LeBron James, Anthony Davis
    [from description] ..., Jett Howard might be joining their roster. GG Jackson and Jalen Hood-Schifino find their NBA homes while the New York Knicks make a big move.Locked On's NBA Mock Draft Special is here and i...
    [from content:encoded] ..., Jett Howard might be joining their roster. GG Jackson and Jalen Hood-Schifino find their NBA homes while the New York Knicks make a big move.Locked On's NBA Mock Draft Special is here and i...
    What Did the NBA Finals Say About How Close the Lakers are to a Title? Plus, Keep or Trade the Pick?
    June 14, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from description] Heading into the NBA Finals, we were curious to see how the results might give a little more context to where the Lak...
    [from itunes:summary] Heading into the NBA Finals, we were curious to see how the results might give a little more context to where the Lak...
    [from content:encoded] Heading into the NBA Finals, we were curious to see how the results might give a little more context to where the Lak...
    What Did the NBA Finals Say About How Close the Lakers are to a Title? Plus, Keep or Trade the Pick?
    June 14, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] Heading into the NBA Finals, we were curious to see how the results might give a little more context to where the Lak...
    [from content:encoded] Heading into the NBA Finals, we were curious to see how the results might give a little more context to where the Lak...
    [from itunes:summary] Heading into the NBA Finals, we were curious to see how the results might give a little more context to where the Lak...
    Lakers 2023 NBA Draft Preview: Who Should L.A. Target With the 17th Pick?
    June 9, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from title] Lakers 2023 NBA Draft Preview: Who Should L.A. Target With the 17th Pick?
    [from description] ...But at least right now, signs point to the team holding on to the 17th pick in this year's NBA Draft, coming in a couple of weeks. So with that in mind, it's time to bring in the experts to h...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Locked On NBA Draft expert Rafael Barlowe joins to break down players who could fit in L.A...
    Lakers 2023 NBA Draft Preview: Who Should L.A. Target With the 17th Pick?
    June 9, 2023 (duration 36m)
    [from title] Lakers 2023 NBA Draft Preview: Who Should L.A. Target With the 17th Pick?
    [from description] ...But at least right now, signs point to the team holding on to the 17th pick in this year's NBA Draft, coming in a couple of weeks.So with that in mind, it's time to bring in the experts to he...
    [from content:encoded] ...But at least right now, signs point to the team holding on to the 17th pick in this year's NBA Draft, coming in a couple of weeks.So with that in mind, it's time to bring in the experts to he...
    Kyrie Irving is Recruiting LeBron James to Join the Mavericks. Would the Lakers Actually Trade Him?
    June 6, 2023 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...ikely, given his history on the court. The notion he'd risk one of his last seasons in the NBA to leverage a trade seems far fetched. So what does this amount to? A good conversation about ho...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ikely, given his history on the court. The notion he'd risk one of his last seasons in the NBA to leverage a trade seems far fetched. So what does this amount to? A good conversation about ho...
    [from content:encoded] ...ikely, given his history on the court. The notion he'd risk one of his last seasons in the NBA to leverage a trade seems far fetched.So what does this amount to? A good conversation about how...
    Kyrie Irving is Recruiting LeBron James to Join the Mavericks. Would the Lakers Actually Trade Him?
    June 6, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ...ikely, given his history on the court. The notion he'd risk one of his last seasons in the NBA to leverage a trade seems far fetched.So what does this amount to? A good conversation about how...
    [from content:encoded] ...ikely, given his history on the court. The notion he'd risk one of his last seasons in the NBA to leverage a trade seems far fetched.So what does this amount to? A good conversation about how...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ikely, given his history on the court. The notion he'd risk one of his last seasons in the NBA to leverage a trade seems far fetched. So what does this amount to? A good conversation about ho...
    BONUS Playoff Preview: Memphis Grizzlies, Everything You Need to Know
    April 12, 2023 (duration 16m)
    [from description] ...ckson Jr, and the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs. How will they overcome their injuries? Joe Mullinax (Locked On Grizzlies) joins Nick ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ckson Jr, and the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs. How will they overcome their injuries? Joe Mullinax (Locked On Grizzlies) joins Nick ...
    [from content:encoded] ...ckson Jr, and the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs. How will they overcome their injuries?Joe Mullinax (Locked On Grizzlies) joins Nick An...
    BONUS Playoff Preview: Memphis Grizzlies, Everything You Need to Know
    April 12, 2023 (duration 14m)
    [from description] ...ckson Jr, and the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs. How will they overcome their injuries?Joe Mullinax (Locked On Grizzlies) joins Nick An...
    [from content:encoded] ...ckson Jr, and the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs. How will they overcome their injuries?Joe Mullinax (Locked On Grizzlies) joins Nick An...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ckson Jr, and the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs. How will they overcome their injuries? Joe Mullinax (Locked On Grizzlies) joins Nick ...
    Minnesota Timberwolves, Everything You Need to Know About Rudy Gobert & More | NBA Playoff Preview
    April 10, 2023 (duration 13m)
    [from description] The Minnesota Timberwolves are in disarray going into the NBA Playoffs, what will happen to Rudy Gobert, Jaden McDaniels and the Wolves next? What can we expe...
    [from itunes:summary] The Minnesota Timberwolves are in disarray going into the NBA Playoffs, what will happen to Rudy Gobert, Jaden McDaniels and the Wolves next? What can we expe...
    [from content:encoded] The Minnesota Timberwolves are in disarray going into the NBA Playoffs, what will happen to Rudy Gobert, Jaden McDaniels and the Wolves next? What can we expe...
    Minnesota Timberwolves, Everything You Need to Know About Rudy Gobert & More | NBA Playoff Preview
    April 10, 2023 (duration 11m)
    [from description] The Minnesota Timberwolves are in disarray going into the NBA Playoffs, what will happen to Rudy Gobert, Jaden McDaniels and the Wolves next? What can we expe...
    [from content:encoded] The Minnesota Timberwolves are in disarray going into the NBA Playoffs, what will happen to Rudy Gobert, Jaden McDaniels and the Wolves next? What can we expe...
    [from itunes:summary] The Minnesota Timberwolves are in disarray going into the NBA Playoffs, what will happen to Rudy Gobert, Jaden McDaniels and the Wolves next? What can we expe...
    How LeBron James Broke NBA Scoring Record & What He Means to Los Angeles Lakers | NBA Roundtable
    February 8, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] LeBron James has broken the NBA’s Scoring Record by passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Locked On hosts covering the Los Angeles Lakers...
    [from itunes:summary] LeBron James has broken the NBA’s Scoring Record by passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Locked On hosts covering the Los Angeles Lakers...
    [from content:encoded] LeBron James has broken the NBA’s Scoring Record by passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Locked On hosts covering the Los Angeles Lakers...
    How LeBron James Broke NBA Scoring Record & What He Means to Los Angeles Lakers | NBA Roundtable
    February 8, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from description] LeBron James has broken the NBA’s Scoring Record by passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Locked On hosts covering the Los Angeles Lakers...
    [from content:encoded] LeBron James has broken the NBA’s Scoring Record by passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Locked On hosts covering the Los Angeles Lakers...
    [from itunes:summary] LeBron James has broken the NBA’s Scoring Record by passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Locked On hosts covering the Los Angeles Lakers...
    Report: Lakers Acquire Washington Forward Rui Hachimura for Three 2nd Round Picks, Kendrick Nunn
    January 23, 2023 (duration 18m)
    [from description] ... round picks to the Washington Wizards for forward Rui Hachimura, the 9th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft. Is it a good deal? One that can move the needle for the Lakers as they try to climb back ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... round picks to the Washington Wizards for forward Rui Hachimura, the 9th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft. Is it a good deal? One that can move the needle for the Lakers as they try to climb back ...
    [from content:encoded] ... round picks to the Washington Wizards for forward Rui Hachimura, the 9th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft.Is it a good deal? One that can move the needle for the Lakers as they try to climb back i...
    Report: Lakers Acquire Washington Forward Rui Hachimura for Three 2nd Round Picks, Kendrick Nunn
    January 23, 2023 (duration 16m)
    [from description] ... round picks to the Washington Wizards for forward Rui Hachimura, the 9th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft.Is it a good deal? One that can move the needle for the Lakers as they try to climb back i...
    [from content:encoded] ... round picks to the Washington Wizards for forward Rui Hachimura, the 9th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft.Is it a good deal? One that can move the needle for the Lakers as they try to climb back i...
    [from itunes:summary] ... round picks to the Washington Wizards for forward Rui Hachimura, the 9th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft. Is it a good deal? One that can move the needle for the Lakers as they try to climb back ...
    Trade Talk! Who Can the Lakers Get for Russell Westbrook, Patrick Beverley and/or Kendrick Nunn?
    December 9, 2022 (duration 36m)
    [from description] December 15th is approaching fast. That's the day the NBA's trade market opens up wider, as players (like Patrick Beverley) who signed contracts last summ...
    [from itunes:summary] December 15th is approaching fast. That's the day the NBA's trade market opens up wider, as players (like Patrick Beverley) who signed contracts last summ...
    [from content:encoded] December 15th is approaching fast. That's the day the NBA's trade market opens up wider, as players (like Patrick Beverley) who signed contracts last summ...
    Trade Talk! Who Can the Lakers Get for Russell Westbrook, Patrick Beverley and/or Kendrick Nunn?
    December 9, 2022 (duration 33m)
    [from description] December 15th is approaching fast. That's the day the NBA's trade market opens up wider, as players (like Patrick Beverley) who signed contracts last summ...
    [from content:encoded] December 15th is approaching fast. That's the day the NBA's trade market opens up wider, as players (like Patrick Beverley) who signed contracts last summ...
    [from itunes:summary] December 15th is approaching fast. That's the day the NBA's trade market opens up wider, as players (like Patrick Beverley) who signed contracts last summ...
    Capitanes GM Nick Lagios discusses running Mexico City's G-League affiliate and his former job with the Lakers and South Bay Lakers
    December 6, 2022 (duration 36m)
    [from description] it was a good time for a different conversation earmarked for a while on this show. The NBA is both looking to build its global footprint and G-League's profile, and these goals meet with ...
    [from itunes:summary] it was a good time for a different conversation earmarked for a while on this show. The NBA is both looking to build its global footprint and G-League's profile, and these goals meet with ...
    [from content:encoded] it was a good time for a different conversation earmarked for a while on this show. The NBA is both looking to build its global footprint and G-League's profile, and these goals meet with ...
    Guest Nick Lagios on How The Lakers' Scouting Dept. Succeeds, and the NBA Building a Presence in Mexico
    December 6, 2022 (duration 31m)
    [from description] it was a good time for a different conversation earmarked for a while on this show. The NBA is both looking to build its global footprint and G-League's profile, and these goals meet with ...
    [from content:encoded] it was a good time for a different conversation earmarked for a while on this show. The NBA is both looking to build its global footprint and G-League's profile, and these goals meet with ...
    [from itunes:summary] it was a good time for a different conversation earmarked for a while on this show. The NBA is both looking to build its global footprint and G-League's profile, and these goals meet with ...
    Is the Hield/Turner for Westbrook/Draft Picks Trade Dead? Should the Lakers Revive It?
    July 25, 2022 (duration 35m)
    [from title] Is the Hield/Turner for Westbrook/Draft Picks Trade Dead? Should the Lakers Revive It?
    [from description] ...out this Kevin Durant mess, and by extension, the Kyrie Irving question? Given the way the NBA trade market is currently working, is it reasonable to expect those two distant first rounders t...
    [from itunes:summary] ...out this Kevin Durant mess, and by extension, the Kyrie Irving question? Given the way the NBA trade market is currently working, is it reasonable to expect those two distant first rounders t...
    Is the Hield/Turner for Westbrook/Draft Picks Trade Dead? Should the Lakers Revive It?
    July 25, 2022 (duration 32m)
    [from title] Is the Hield/Turner for Westbrook/Draft Picks Trade Dead? Should the Lakers Revive It?
    [from description] ...out this Kevin Durant mess, and by extension, the Kyrie Irving question? Given the way the NBA trade market is currently working, is it reasonable to expect those two distant first rounders t...
    [from content:encoded] ...out this Kevin Durant mess, and by extension, the Kyrie Irving question? Given the way the NBA trade market is currently working, is it reasonable to expect those two distant first rounders t...
    Lakers Sign Thomas Bryant. Plus, Lonnie Walker IV's defense, Juan Toscano-Anderson: Culture guy.
    July 7, 2022 (duration 37m)
    [from description] deal that should provide a major opportunity to re-establish his value around the NBA. While the Lakers moved quickly when free agency opened, signing four players out of the gate, a...
    [from itunes:summary] deal that should provide a major opportunity to re-establish his value around the NBA. While the Lakers moved quickly when free agency opened, signing four players out of the gate, a...
    [from content:encoded] deal that should provide a major opportunity to re-establish his value around the NBA. While the Lakers moved quickly when free agency opened, signing four players out of the gate, a...
    Lakers Sign Thomas Bryant. Plus, Lonnie Walker IV's defense, Juan Toscano-Anderson: Culture guy.
    July 7, 2022 (duration 33m)
    [from description] deal that should provide a major opportunity to re-establish his value around the NBA. While the Lakers moved quickly when free agency opened, signing four players out of the gate, a...
    [from content:encoded] deal that should provide a major opportunity to re-establish his value around the NBA. While the Lakers moved quickly when free agency opened, signing four players out of the gate, a...
    [from itunes:summary] deal that should provide a major opportunity to re-establish his value around the NBA. While the Lakers moved quickly when free agency opened, signing four players out of the gate, a...
    The Lakers Draft Michigan State's Max Christie and Russell Westbrook... Commits to Defense??
    June 24, 2022 (duration 38m)
    [from title] The Lakers Draft Michigan State's Max Christie and Russell Westbrook... Commits to Defense??
    [from description] The Lakers had indicated they'd try to find a way into Thursday's NBA Draft, and that's exactly what they did, executing a trade with Orlando to acquire the 35th pick...
    [from itunes:summary] The Lakers had indicated they'd try to find a way into Thursday's NBA Draft, and that's exactly what they did, executing a trade with Orlando to acquire the 35th pick...
    The Lakers Draft Michigan State's Max Christie and Russell Westbrook... Commits to Defense??
    June 24, 2022 (duration 34m)
    [from title] The Lakers Draft Michigan State's Max Christie and Russell Westbrook... Commits to Defense??
    [from description] The Lakers had indicated they'd try to find a way into Thursday's NBA Draft, and that's exactly what they did, executing a trade with Orlando to acquire the 35th pick...
    [from content:encoded] The Lakers had indicated they'd try to find a way into Thursday's NBA Draft, and that's exactly what they did, executing a trade with Orlando to acquire the 35th pick...
    Would Kyrie Irving Give Up $30M to Join the Lakers? Plus, the Importance of Kendrick Nunn...
    June 23, 2022 (duration 36m)
    [from description] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Meanwhile, the Draft is Thursday. Will the Lakers make a move?
    [from itunes:summary] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    Would Kyrie Irving Give Up $30M to Join the Lakers? Plus, the Importance of Kendrick Nunn...
    June 23, 2022 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    [from content:encoded] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    The Lakers and the NBA Draft: Can They Buy Picks? Who Should They Target? Guest, Mike Garcia
    June 22, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from title] The Lakers and the NBA Draft: Can They Buy Picks? Who Should They Target? Guest, Mike Garcia
    [from description] The Lakers don't have any picks in Thursday's NBA Draft, but multiple reports suggest they're going to try and change that by buying their way int...
    [from itunes:subtitle] The Lakers reportedly want to find a way into Thursday's NBA Draft. Can they make it happen?
    The Lakers and the NBA Draft: Can They Buy Picks? Who Should They Target? Guest, Mike Garcia
    June 22, 2022 (duration 35m)
    [from title] The Lakers and the NBA Draft: Can They Buy Picks? Who Should They Target? Guest, Mike Garcia
    [from description] The Lakers don't have any picks in Thursday's NBA Draft, but multiple reports suggest they're going to try and change that by buying their way int...
    [from content:encoded] The Lakers don't have any picks in Thursday's NBA Draft, but multiple reports suggest they're going to try and change that by buying their way int...
    Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022: Picks 1-6 With Rafael Barlowe, Richard Stayman, & Ryan McDonough
    June 18, 2022 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022: Picks 1-6 With Rafael Barlowe, Richard Stayman, & Ryan McDonough
    [from description] The Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022 begins as the Locked On NBA local experts make the pick for their teams. Kainani...
    [from itunes:summary] The Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022 begins as the Locked On NBA local experts make the pick for their teams. Kainani...
    Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022: Picks 1-6 With Rafael Barlowe, Richard Stayman, & Ryan McDonough
    June 18, 2022 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022: Picks 1-6 With Rafael Barlowe, Richard Stayman, & Ryan McDonough
    [from description] The Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022 begins as the Locked On NBA local experts make the pick for their teams. Kainani...
    [from content:encoded] The Ultimate NBA Mock Draft 2022 begins as the Locked On NBA local experts make the pick for their teams. Kainani...
    The Trade Market for the Lakers and Russell Westbrook Keeps Shrinking. Plus, Free Agent Targets!
    June 16, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...s season, and this feature won't exactly make you feel worse. So what can he become in the NBA? And how likely is it the Lakers can find a couple more "Austin Reaves" surprises in this season...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s season, and this feature won't exactly make you feel worse. So what can he become in the NBA? And how likely is it the Lakers can find a couple more "Austin Reaves" surprises in this season...
    [from content:encoded] ...s season, and this feature won't exactly make you feel worse. So what can he become in the NBA? And how likely is it the Lakers can find a couple more "Austin Reaves" surprises in this season...
    The Trade Market for the Lakers and Russell Westbrook Keeps Shrinking. Plus, Free Agent Targets!
    June 16, 2022 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...s season, and this feature won't exactly make you feel worse. So what can he become in the NBA? And how likely is it the Lakers can find a couple more "Austin Reaves" surprises in this season...
    [from content:encoded] ...s season, and this feature won't exactly make you feel worse. So what can he become in the NBA? And how likely is it the Lakers can find a couple more "Austin Reaves" surprises in this season...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s season, and this feature won't exactly make you feel worse. So what can he become in the NBA? And how likely is it the Lakers can find a couple more "Austin Reaves" surprises in this season...
    LeBron James Hasn't Signaled About a Contract Extension, and Anthony Davis is Shooting Again!
    June 15, 2022 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...s "Lethal Shooter," a somewhat controversial shooting coach who has worked with a bunch of NBA players, including some current Lakers. So you now have a fairly comical situation where fans we...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s "Lethal Shooter," a somewhat controversial shooting coach who has worked with a bunch of NBA players, including some current Lakers. So you now have a fairly comical situation where fans we...
    [from content:encoded] ...s "Lethal Shooter," a somewhat controversial shooting coach who has worked with a bunch of NBA players, including some current Lakers. So you now have a fairly comical situation where fans we...
    LeBron James Hasn't Signaled About a Contract Extension, and Anthony Davis is Shooting Again!
    June 15, 2022 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ...s "Lethal Shooter," a somewhat controversial shooting coach who has worked with a bunch of NBA players, including some current Lakers. So you now have a fairly comical situation where fans we...
    [from content:encoded] ...s "Lethal Shooter," a somewhat controversial shooting coach who has worked with a bunch of NBA players, including some current Lakers. So you now have a fairly comical situation where fans we...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s "Lethal Shooter," a somewhat controversial shooting coach who has worked with a bunch of NBA players, including some current Lakers. So you now have a fairly comical situation where fans we...
    Scouting Terry Stotts: Would He Be a Good Fit as Head Coach of the Lakers?
    May 12, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    [from content:encoded] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    Scouting Terry Stotts: Would He Be a Good Fit as Head Coach of the Lakers?
    May 12, 2022 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    [from content:encoded] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    Does it Matter *Why* LeBron James Stays with the Lakers? Plus, How Do Fans Connect With the 2020 Title?
    April 22, 2022 (duration 36m)
    [from description] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    [from content:encoded] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    Does it Matter *Why* LeBron James Stays with the Lakers? Plus, How Do Fans Connect With the 2020 Title?
    April 22, 2022 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    [from content:encoded] ...t Us By Supporting Our Sponsors!PrizePicksCheck out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy!Built Ba...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s By Supporting Our Sponsors! PrizePicks Check out and use promo code: “NBA” or go to your app store and download the app today. PrizePicks is daily fantasy made easy! Built ...
    How a Lack of Young Talent Clouds the Present and Future for the Lakers. Plus, Misunderstanding Their Own History!
    April 18, 2022 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...layers under 25, based on future potential (Insider account required). Seventeen of the 30 NBA teams had at one player on that list. Of the remaining 13 teams without one, another six were cu...
    [from itunes:summary] ...layers under 25, based on future potential (Insider account required). Seventeen of the 30 NBA teams had at one player on that list. Of the remaining 13 teams without one, another six were cu...
    [from content:encoded] ...layers under 25, based on future potential (Insider account required). Seventeen of the 30 NBA teams had at one player on that list. Of the remaining 13 teams without one, another six were cu...
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