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    Meloni parla a tutto campo (e sospende Pozzolo)
    January 4, 2024
    [from description] il mondo del lavoro". Sentiamo il nostro Enrico Pagliarini. Coppa Italia: oggi Juventus-Salernitana. Sentiamo Dario Ricci.
    Meloni incontra Macron: al centro il tema migranti
    September 27, 2023 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...o dell’Osservatorio Cybersecurity & Data Protection del Politecnico di MilanoIn campo Juventus-Lecce, sentiamo Giovanni Capuano
    Ocean Viking a Tolone, ma è strappo tra Italia e Francia
    November 10, 2022
    [from description] ...l mondo". Ne parliamo con Maurizio Fioravanti, generale di divisione. Serie A: oggi Verona-Juventus e Lazio-Monza. Ci aggiorna Giovanni Capuano.
    Ocean Viking a Tolone, ma è strappo tra Italia e Francia
    November 10, 2022
    [from description] ...l mondo". Ne parliamo con Maurizio Fioravanti, generale di divisione. Serie A: oggi Verona-Juventus e Lazio-Monza. Ci aggiorna Giovanni Capuano.
    Valle d'Aosta verso la zona rossa: chiesta una deroga al governo
    January 18, 2022
    [from description] ...Parlamento Europeo. Ne parliamo con Sergio Nava. Coppa Italia: oggi Lazio-Udinese e Juventus-Sampdoria. Ci aggiorna Giovanni Capuano.
    Party gate: Johnson si scusa
    January 12, 2022
    [from description] ...anni. Ne parliamo con Giovanni Capuano. A San Siro la Supercoppa italiana Inter-Juventus. Ci aggiorna il nostro Dario Ricci.
    Scuola, ripartire con Omicron
    January 10, 2022
    [from description] ...gia.Sport: le ultime novità sull'udienza di Djokovic e l'infortunio del giocatore della Juventus e della Nazionale, Federico Chiesa. Ci aggiorna Dario Ricci.
    Contagi oltre quota 200mila
    January 6, 2022
    [from description] ...on il nostro Enrico Pagliarini, Radio 24.   La Serie A nel caos, il caso di Juventus – Napoli tiene ancora banco. Ne parliamo con Giovanni Capuano, Radio 24.  
    Presidi: "Allungare vacanze? Inefficace"
    December 21, 2021
    [from description] ...con Marco Valsania, corrispondente per Il Sole 24 Ore da New York. Serie A: in corso Juventus-Cagliari e Genoa-Atalanta. Ci aggiorna il nostro Dario Ricci.
    Zaki scarcerato: "Grazie Italia, spero di tornare presto"

    December 8, 2021
    [from description] ... Bufacchi, corrispondente del Sole 24 Ore da Francoforte. Champions League: oggi Juventus-Malmö e Atalanta-Villareal. Ci aggiorna il nostro Dario Ricci, inviato proprio a Bergamo.
    Da Aifa il via libera al vaccino pediatrico
    December 1, 2021
    [from description] ... gare odierne di Serie A e ci aiuta a fare il punto sull'inchiesta relativa ai conti della Juventus.
    Da Israele: terza dose efficace contro Omicron

    November 30, 2021
    [from description] ...nbsp;del Sole 24 Ore. Serie A: oggi Fiorentina-Sampdoria, Atalanta-Venezia, Salernitana-Juventus e Verona-Cagliari. Ci aggiorna il nostro Dario Ricci.
    Primo storico sì al suicidio assistito
    November 23, 2021
    [from description] ...i, Vice Presidente di Legambiente.Champions League: alle 21 Young Boys-Atalanta e Chelsea-Juventus. Ci aggiorna Dario Ricci.
    Accordo alla Cop26: stop alla deforestazione entro il 2030
    November 2, 2021
    [from description] ...d economia dei media all’Università Cattolica di Milano. Champions League: alle 21 Juventus-Zenit e Atalanta-Manchester United. Ci aggiorna il nostro Dario Ricci.
    Il Premio Sakharov ad Alexei Navalny
    October 20, 2021
    [from description] ... Cinema di Roma dove c'è la nostra Marta Cagnola.Champions League: alle 21 Zenit-Juventus e Manchester Utd.-Atalanta. Ci aggiorna Dario Ricci.
    Ok alla Nadef. Draghi: "Quadro migliore del previsto"
    September 29, 2021
    [from description] ...ista ISPI area Medio Oriente e Nord Africa. Champions League: oggi Atalanta-Young Boys e Juventus-Chelsea. Da Torino ci aggiorna il nostro Dario Ricci.
    Caso Eitan: nonno agli arresti domiciliari in Israele
    September 14, 2021
    [from description] ...p;Giorgia Scaturro. Riparte la Champions League: oggi, tra le altre partite, Malmo-Juventus e Villareal-Atalanta. Ci aggiorna Dario Ricci.
    Mattarella verso l'addio al termine del mandato
    May 19, 2021
    [from description] ...;Massimo Lugli, giornalista e scrittore. Coppa Italia: a Reggio Emilia la finale Atalanta-Juventus. Allo Stadio Mapei c'è il nostro Dario Ricci.
    EMA: possibile nesso AstraZeneca trombosi rare, ma no restrizioni
    April 7, 2021
    [from description] ...Università Cattolica ed ex Presidente Aifa.  Serie A: i recuperi di Inter-Sassuolo e Juventus-Napoli. Champions League: in corso Bayern Monaco-PSG e Porto-Chelsea. Ci aggiorna ...
    Ambulanti in protesta, scontri con polizia a Montecitorio
    April 6, 2021
    [from description] quale ci avviciniamo anche ai recuperi di Serie A di domani, tra cui Juventus-Napoli.
    Effetto notte del giorno 05/10/2020: Nuovo dpcm: il coprifuoco sarebbe escluso
    October 5, 2020
    [from description] ...entiamo Marco Valsania, corrispondente da New York per Il Sole 24 Ore. Serie A: caos Juventus-Napoli e chiusura del calciomercato. Ne parliamo con Dario Ricci.
    Effetto notte del giorno 05/10/2020: Nuovo dpcm: il coprifuoco sarebbe escluso
    October 5, 2020
    [from description] ...entiamo Marco Valsania, corrispondente da New York per Il Sole 24 Ore. Serie A: caos Juventus-Napoli e chiusura del calciomercato. Ne parliamo con Dario Ricci.
    Effetto notte del giorno 17/09/2020: L'OMS: situazione grave, la quarantena resti di 14 giorni
    September 17, 2020
    [from description] ...a dello Shamrock Rovers. Intanto, Suarez parrebbe avvicinarsi ulteriormente alla Juventus dopo aver superato l’esame per ottenere il passaporto italiano, anche se il trasferime...
    Effetto notte del giorno 17/09/2020: L'OMS: situazione grave, la quarantena resti di 14 giorni
    September 17, 2020
    [from description] ...a dello Shamrock Rovers. Intanto, Suarez parrebbe avvicinarsi ulteriormente alla Juventus dopo aver superato l’esame per ottenere il passaporto italiano, anche se il trasferime...
    Effetto notte del giorno 17/09/2020: L'OMS: situazione grave, la quarantena resti di 14 giorni
    September 17, 2020
    [from description] ...a dello Shamrock Rovers. Intanto, Suarez parrebbe avvicinarsi ulteriormente alla Juventus dopo aver superato l’esame per ottenere il passaporto italiano, anche se il trasferime...
    Effetto notte del giorno 17/09/2020: L'OMS: situazione grave, la quarantena resti di 14 giorni
    September 17, 2020
    [from description] ...a dello Shamrock Rovers. Intanto, Suarez parrebbe avvicinarsi ulteriormente alla Juventus dopo aver superato l’esame per ottenere il passaporto italiano, anche se il trasferime...
    Effetto notte del giorno 23/07/2020: De Luca: "Chiudere negozi che non usano mascherine"
    July 23, 2020
    [from description] ...ri di Piacenza. Torniamo sull'argomento con Raffaella Calandra. Serie A: alle 19:30 Udinese-Juventus, alle 21:45 Lazio-Cagliari. Ci aggiorna Carlo Genta.
    Effetto notte del giorno 23/07/2020: De Luca: "Chiudere negozi che non usano mascherine"
    July 23, 2020
    [from description] ...ri di Piacenza. Torniamo sull'argomento con Raffaella Calandra. Serie A: alle 19:30 Udinese-Juventus, alle 21:45 Lazio-Cagliari. Ci aggiorna Carlo Genta.
    Effetto notte del giorno 23/07/2020: De Luca: "Chiudere negozi che non usano mascherine"
    July 23, 2020
    [from description] ...ri di Piacenza. Torniamo sull'argomento con Raffaella Calandra. Serie A: alle 19:30 Udinese-Juventus, alle 21:45 Lazio-Cagliari. Ci aggiorna Carlo Genta.
    Effetto notte del giorno 20/07/2020: Quarto giorno di Consiglio Europeo: sembra aprirsi uno spiraglio
    July 20, 2020
    [from description] ...0: è la prima volta nella storia. Intanto, questa sera allo Stadium di Torino si gioca Juventus-Lazio. Ci aggiorna Giovanni Capuano.
    Effetto notte del giorno 20/07/2020: Quarto giorno di Consiglio Europeo: sembra aprirsi uno spiraglio
    July 20, 2020
    [from description] ...0: è la prima volta nella storia. Intanto, questa sera allo Stadium di Torino si gioca Juventus-Lazio. Ci aggiorna Giovanni Capuano.
    Effetto notte del giorno 20/07/2020: Quarto giorno di Consiglio Europeo: sembra aprirsi uno spiraglio
    July 20, 2020
    [from description] ...0: è la prima volta nella storia. Intanto, questa sera allo Stadium di Torino si gioca Juventus-Lazio. Ci aggiorna Giovanni Capuano.
    Effetto notte del giorno 07/07/2020: Conte presenta il Dl Semplificazioni. Intanto, Pil italiano a -11,2%
    July 7, 2020
    [from description] ...n noi Antonello Giannelli, presidente ANP. Serie A: oggi Lecce-Lazio e Milan-Juventus. Ci aggiorna Dario Ricci.
    Effetto notte del giorno 30/06/2020: Allarme Cisl Scuola: mancano 85mila cattedre
    June 30, 2020
    [from description] ...;Matteo Villa, analista Ispi area Europa. Serie A: oggi Torino-Lazio alle 19:30 e Genoa-Juventus alle 21:45. Ci racconta tutto Dario Ricci.
    Effetto notte del giorno 12/06/2020: Interrogatorio di Conte. Per la Pm c'è "massima collaborazione istituzionale"
    June 12, 2020
    [from description] ...ul piccolo schermo il calcio giocato. In chiaro su Rai1 la semifinale di Coppa Italia Juventus - Milan: è la prima partita dopo il lockdown e ce la racconta il nostro Carlo Genta. Immancabile ...
    Ángel Di María | Fútbol, Resiliencia y Más Allá
    January 2, 2024 (duration 23m)
    [from description] ...solidó en grandes clubes como el Real Madrid, Manchester United, PSG, y la Juventus para luego regresar al Benfica, su primer club internacional que hoy lo recibe nuevamente ya consagrado. Vis...
    [from content:encoded] ...solidó en grandes clubes como el Real Madrid, Manchester United, PSG, y la Juventus para luego regresar al Benfica, su primer club internacional que hoy lo recibe nuevamente ya consagrado. Vis...
    Han Kwang-Song: Nordkoreas verschwundener Fußballer
    December 7, 2023 (duration 20m)
    [from description] ...Spieler aus Nordkorea geworfen. Darunter Teams wie der FC Liverpool, Manchester City und Juventus Turin. Für was Han Kwang-Song nichts konnte, waren die UN-Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea. Imme...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Spieler aus Nordkorea geworfen. Darunter Teams wie der FC Liverpool, Manchester City und Juventus Turin. Für was Han Kwang-Song nichts konnte, waren die UN-Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea. Imme...
    [from content:encoded] ...Spieler aus Nordkorea geworfen. Darunter Teams wie der FC Liverpool, Manchester City und Juventus Turin. Für was Han Kwang-Song nichts konnte, waren die UN-Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea. Imme...
    Calciopoli: Als Juventus Turin 2006 absteigen musste
    February 18, 2022 (duration 25m)
    [from title] Calciopoli: Als Juventus Turin 2006 absteigen musste
    [from description] Nach dem Calciopoli musste Juventus Turin 2006 aus der Serie A absteigen. Doch Juventus Turin war nicht der einzige Verein, der...
    Wie Pelé zum "nationalen Gut" in Brasilien wurde
    February 19, 2021 (duration 18m)
    [from content:encoded] ... zu einem europäischen Top-Club wechseln. Obwohl viele von ihnen angeklopft hatten. Juventus Turin, Real Madrid, Manchester United und Co. Den FC Santos freute es, weil sie so Pelé weiterhin b...
    S5 E8 - Will Still’s post-meme stability, Frosinone’s precocious 20-year-old Argentinian loanee, Barcelona’s loveless labour
    December 1, 2023 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] ...takeaways from and the wider significance of Inter’s recent 1-1 draw with Juventus?
    [from itunes:summary] ...takeaways from and the wider significance of Inter’s recent 1-1 draw with Juventus?
    S5 E1 - Strasbourg's new blue dawn, Atalanta's post-Højlund attack, and Jude Bellingham's era-launching debut antics
    August 25, 2023 (duration 1h7m)
    [from description] ...nho and Massimiliano Allegri, what should we expect from a revamped Roma and a youthful Juventus respectively across the 2023/2024 campaign? / 39:52 - How might we contextualise the palpable s...
    [from itunes:summary] ...nho and Massimiliano Allegri, what should we expect from a revamped Roma and a youthful Juventus respectively across the 2023/2024 campaign? / 39:52 - How might we contextualise the palpable s...
    S4 E16 - Xabi Alonso’s presupposed managerial destiny, Rayan Cherki's frustrating brilliance, and Atalanta’s new generation
    April 28, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...Board of Guarantors to overturn the sizeable points deduction previously imposed on Juventus? / 29:11 - Where might Osasuna be able to have some joy against Real Madrid in the upcoming Copa de...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Board of Guarantors to overturn the sizeable points deduction previously imposed on Juventus? / 29:11 - Where might Osasuna be able to have some joy against Real Madrid in the upcoming Copa de...
    S4 E10 - Loïs Openda's menacing style of play, Juventus' multi-faceted malaise, and Valencia's self-sabotage
    February 3, 2023 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] S4 E10 - Loïs Openda's menacing style of play, Juventus' multi-faceted malaise, and Valencia's self-sabotage
    [from description] in Europe and perhaps even push for the title? / 14:38 - Why, in layman's terms, have Juventus been deducted fifteen points by the Italian Football Federation? / 32:18 - How have the dyn...
    S4 E1 - Nagelsmann's post-Lewandowski reworking, Valencia's fall from iconic grace, and PSG's pragmatic role of the dice
    August 5, 2022 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...n the recent signings of Ángel Di María and the returning Paul Pogba, in what sense can Juventus perhaps look back to look forward?
    [from itunes:summary] ...n the recent signings of Ángel Di María and the returning Paul Pogba, in what sense can Juventus perhaps look back to look forward?
    S3 E19 - Felix Magath's eccentricity, Sevilla's untimely siesta and Udinese's Portuguese starlet
    April 8, 2022 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ...allorca Estadi? / 31:53 - Tactically and stylistically speaking, how might we explain Juventus' damaging recent defeat to Inter Milan? / 48:23 - What does Felix Magath's CV tell us about the 6...
    [from itunes:summary] ...allorca Estadi? / 31:53 - Tactically and stylistically speaking, how might we explain Juventus' damaging recent defeat to Inter Milan? / 48:23 - What does Felix Magath's CV tell us about the 6...
    S3 E15 - Marseille’s seven stages of chaos, Atlético Madrid's state of flux and Max Eberl’s magnificent Gladbach legacy
    February 11, 2022 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ...n football news. The boys look at Dušan Vlahović and Denis Zakaria’s meteoric impact at Juventus, the integral role played by Dani Alves in Barcelona's frenzied 4-2 win over Atlético Madrid, A...
    [from itunes:summary] ...n football news. The boys look at Dušan Vlahović and Denis Zakaria’s meteoric impact at Juventus, the integral role played by Dani Alves in Barcelona's frenzied 4-2 win over Atlético Madrid, A...
    S3 E13 - Sevilla's remodelled personality, Sassuolo's rekindled vigour and Arminia Bielefeld's existentialism
    January 14, 2022 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ... relieve Niko Kovac of his managerial duties? / 44:09 - Where was Roma's frantic game with Juventus won and lost, and what was the wider significance of the way the game unfolded? 
    [from itunes:summary] ... relieve Niko Kovac of his managerial duties? / 44:09 - Where was Roma's frantic game with Juventus won and lost, and what was the wider significance of the way the game unfolded? 
    S3 E10 - Berlin's evolving footballing landscape, Vinícius Júnior’s ascension and Bologna's Austrian talisman
    December 3, 2021 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ... Barlow and Michael discuss and analyse the latest European football news. The boys look at Juventus' ill-fitting 4-4-2 formation, Jonathan David's refined decision-making at Lille, Borussia M...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Barlow and Michael discuss and analyse the latest European football news. The boys look at Juventus' ill-fitting 4-4-2 formation, Jonathan David's refined decision-making at Lille, Borussia M...
    S2 E18 - Gigi Buffon's last dance, Werder Bremen's desperation and Eibar's LaLiga legacy
    May 22, 2021 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ...ll news. The boys look at Atlético Madrid's tenacity, Gigi Buffon's outstanding career for Juventus, the numbers behind Leeds United target Romain Faivre's impressive breakthrough Ligue 1 seas...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ll news. The boys look at Atlético Madrid's tenacity, Gigi Buffon's outstanding career for Juventus, the numbers behind Leeds United target Romain Faivre's impressive breakthrough Ligue 1 seas...
    S2 E15 - Nagelsmann's next move, Eibar's threatened fairytale and Milan's Cruel Summer
    April 10, 2021 (duration 53m)
    [from description] ...ead of perhaps the most crucial Clásico since 2017, Napoli's tactical shortcomings against Juventus, the PSG youth academy products playing a key role in Lille's Ligue 1 title push, the Tuchel...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ead of perhaps the most crucial Clásico since 2017, Napoli's tactical shortcomings against Juventus, the PSG youth academy products playing a key role in Lille's Ligue 1 title push, the Tuchel...
    S2 E14 with Lee Scott - Juventus' existential questions, Manchester City's evolution under Guardiola and PSG's pursuit of happiness
    March 27, 2021 (duration 1h21m)
    [from title] S2 E14 with Lee Scott - Juventus' existential questions, Manchester City's evolution under Guardiola and PSG's pursuit of happiness
    [from description] ...year-old coach find his next role in management? / 29:19 - Around which players should Juventus look to build a possible post-Ronaldo/ post-Pirlo empire? / What steps could an opposition team ...
    S2 E13 - Real Madrid's old guard, RC Lens' nostalgia/ultra and Bayern's brutal inevitability
    March 13, 2021 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...of the spectrum of tactical flexibility, is Andrea Pirlo guilty of excessive tinkering at Juventus? / 47:27 - Can RC Lens' exciting crop of young players help Franck Haise's side secure a nost...
    [from itunes:summary] ...of the spectrum of tactical flexibility, is Andrea Pirlo guilty of excessive tinkering at Juventus? / 47:27 - Can RC Lens' exciting crop of young players help Franck Haise's side secure a nost...
    S2 E11 - VfB Stuttgart's Sven Mislintat touch, Lazio's squad depth and St Étienne's ineffective press
    February 13, 2021 (duration 49m)
    [from description] ...;Are we seeing genuine signs that Andrea Pirlo could be a long-term success as manager of Juventus? / 29:36 - What did Barcelona's listless loss to Sevilla in the Copa del Rey tell us about th...
    [from itunes:summary] ...;Are we seeing genuine signs that Andrea Pirlo could be a long-term success as manager of Juventus? / 29:36 - What did Barcelona's listless loss to Sevilla in the Copa del Rey tell us about th...
    S2 E6 with Football Italia's Jonathan Grade - Post-Maradona Napoli, Gazza's Italian Job and Real Sociedad's magic men
    December 5, 2020 (duration 48m)
    [from description] years look like for Napoli? / 15:53 - Was Alessandro Del Piero as important to 1990s Juventus as Cristiano Ronaldo is to 2020 Juventus? / 18:16 - Roberto Mancini the player versus Roberto M...
    [from itunes:summary] years look like for Napoli? / 15:53 - Was Alessandro Del Piero as important to 1990s Juventus as Cristiano Ronaldo is to 2020 Juventus? / 18:16 - Roberto Mancini the player versus Roberto M...
    S2 E1 with TIFP's Carlo Gargenese - Andrea Pirlo's 3-2-5 at Juve, Rennes' latest wonderkid and Schalke to do a Hamburg?
    September 27, 2020 (duration 52m)
    [from description] ...d further afield. The boys discuss Andrea Pirlo's impressive start to life as head coach of Juventus, Schalke's woeful 2020, the mass exodus at struggling Valencia, the latest wonderkid to bur...
    [from itunes:summary] ...d further afield. The boys discuss Andrea Pirlo's impressive start to life as head coach of Juventus, Schalke's woeful 2020, the mass exodus at struggling Valencia, the latest wonderkid to bur...
    S1 E15 - Champions League Special - David Silva's last dance, PSG's injury woes and can Atletico Madrid go all the way?
    August 6, 2020 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ... PSG sans Kylian Mbappé, Atletico Madrid's hopes of going all the way and more. 1:28 - Can Juventus and Real Madrid overturn first-leg deficits? / 20:45 - Jerome Boateng's revenge and RB Leipz...
    [from itunes:summary] ... PSG sans Kylian Mbappé, Atletico Madrid's hopes of going all the way and more. 1:28 - Can Juventus and Real Madrid overturn first-leg deficits? / 20:45 - Jerome Boateng's revenge and RB Leipz...
    The Blueprint: Juventus’ Mike Armstrong and Manchester United’s Patrick Jenkinson
    November 27, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from title] The Blueprint: Juventus’ Mike Armstrong and Manchester United’s Patrick Jenkinson
    The Blueprint: Juventus’ Mike Armstrong and Manchester United’s Patrick Jenkinson
    October 24, 2023 (duration 32m)
    [from title] The Blueprint: Juventus’ Mike Armstrong and Manchester United’s Patrick Jenkinson
    Billy - weltbester Biber: Specht / Mundart Oberbayern
    November 25, 2023 (duration 4m)
    [from description] hat ein Buntspecht-Drachen auf das Flugball-Spiel zwischen den Staren vom FC Bayern und Juventus Spechthausen? (Eine Geschichte von Heinz-Josef Braun und Stefan Murr, erzählt von Jürgen Ton...
    [from itunes:summary] hat ein Buntspecht-Drachen auf das Flugball-Spiel zwischen den Staren vom FC Bayern und Juventus Spechthausen? (Eine Geschichte von Heinz-Josef Braun und Stefan Murr, erzählt von Jürgen Ton...
    [from content:encoded] hat ein Buntspecht-Drachen auf das Flugball-Spiel zwischen den Staren vom FC Bayern und Juventus Spechthausen? (Eine Geschichte von Heinz-Josef Braun und Stefan Murr, erzählt von Jürgen Ton...
    Billy - weltbester Biber: Specht / Mundart Oberbayern
    January 8, 2022 (duration 4m)
    [from description] hat ein Buntspecht-Drachen auf das Flugball-Spiel zwischen den Staren vom FC Bayern und Juventus Spechthausen? (Erzählt von Jürgen Tonkel)
    [from itunes:summary] hat ein Buntspecht-Drachen auf das Flugball-Spiel zwischen den Staren vom FC Bayern und Juventus Spechthausen? (Erzählt von Jürgen Tonkel)
    #169 mit Möller, Hamann, Wolff und Erkenbrecher
    November 5, 2023 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] ...eger 1997, Weltpokalsieger 1997, Deutscher Meister 1995 und 1996 DFB-Pokalsieger 1989, Juventus Turin: UEFA-Cup-Sieger 1993 Schalke 04: DFB-Pokalsieger 2001 und 2002 Yannick Erkenbrecher: Mod...
    [from content:encoded] ...eger 1997, Weltpokalsieger 1997, Deutscher Meister 1995 und 1996 DFB-Pokalsieger 1989, Juventus Turin: UEFA-Cup-Sieger 1993 Schalke 04: DFB-Pokalsieger 2001 und 2002Yannick Erkenbrecher: ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...eger 1997, Weltpokalsieger 1997, Deutscher Meister 1995 und 1996 DFB-Pokalsieger 1989, Juventus Turin: UEFA-Cup-Sieger 1993 Schalke 04: DFB-Pokalsieger 2001 und 2002 Yannick Erkenbrecher: Mod...
    #117 mit Magath und Hamann
    February 27, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] ...chalke. Schoss den Hamburger Sportverein 1983 in Athen zum Europapokal-Sieg gegen Juventus Turin. Holte mit Bayern zwei Mal in Folge das Double und machte den VfL Wolfsburg zum Meister. Didi ...
    [from content:encoded] ...chalke. Schoss den Hamburger Sportverein 1983 in Athen zum Europapokal-Sieg gegen Juventus Turin. Holte mit Bayern zwei Mal in Folge das Double und machte den VfL Wolfsburg zum Meister.Didi Ha...
    [from itunes:summary] ...chalke. Schoss den Hamburger Sportverein 1983 in Athen zum Europapokal-Sieg gegen Juventus Turin. Holte mit Bayern zwei Mal in Folge das Double und machte den VfL Wolfsburg zum Meister. Didi ...
    House of Bonucci
    October 5, 2023 (duration 1h19m)
    [from description] ...g mit der Nutzung ihrer Logos, (II) die Schadensersatzklage Bonuccis gegen seinen Ex-Verein Juventus Turin, weil er in die berüchtigte Trainingsgruppe2 abkommandiert wurde, (III) Rubiales, (IV...
    [from content:encoded] ...s-league.htm II. Bonucci – Klage gegen Ex-Club III. Rubiales
    [from itunes:summary] ...g mit der Nutzung ihrer Logos, (II) die Schadensersatzklage Bonuccis gegen seinen Ex-Verein Juventus Turin, weil er in die berüchtigte Trainingsgruppe2 abkommandiert wurde, (III) Rubiales, (IV...
    Claudia hat noch nicht fertig
    October 6, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from content:encoded] ...Karte wg. Torjubel -Claudia Pechstein
    Pogba & Juventus: a rollercoaster 12 months
    September 12, 2023 (duration 36m)
    [from title] Pogba & Juventus: a rollercoaster 12 months
    [from description] ... joined by The Athletic's Italian writer James Horncastle to discuss a chaotic 12 months at Juventus including the news that Paul Pogba has been provisionally suspended after failing an anti-d...
    [from itunes:summary] ... joined by The Athletic's Italian writer James Horncastle to discuss a chaotic 12 months at Juventus including the news that Paul Pogba has been provisionally suspended after failing an anti-d...
    Where next for Lukaku & Who next for Chelsea?
    August 7, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...t happens next for the Belgian. Inter Milan may have been priced out of a move, arch rivals Juventus linger with a possible swap move involving Dusan Vlahovic on the cards, meanwhile are Chels...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t happens next for the Belgian. Inter Milan may have been priced out of a move, arch rivals Juventus linger with a possible swap move involving Dusan Vlahovic on the cards, meanwhile are Chels...
    [from content:encoded] happens next for the Belgian.Inter Milan may have been priced out of a move, arch rivals Juventus linger with a possible swap move involving Dusan Vlahovic on the cards, meanwhile are Chels...
    Is Italian football back?
    May 9, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...ory of Napoli's first Scudetto since 1990 and how they were able to succeed. We explain the Juventus scandal that's left the Italian courts remain indecisive on their points deduction and thei...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ory of Napoli's first Scudetto since 1990 and how they were able to succeed. We explain the Juventus scandal that's left the Italian courts remain indecisive on their points deduction and thei...
    [from content:encoded] ...tory of Napoli's first Scudetto since 1990 and how they were able to succeed.We explain the Juventus scandal that's left the Italian courts remain indecisive on their points deduction and thei...
    Why does Paul Pogba split opinion?
    March 15, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...s he turns 30 it's James Horncastle and Carl Anka. Here they discuss whether the France and Juventus midfielder is overrated, why he has such a bad reputation in England, and whether Eric Ten ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s he turns 30 it's James Horncastle and Carl Anka. Here they discuss whether the France and Juventus midfielder is overrated, why he has such a bad reputation in England, and whether Eric Ten ...
    [from content:encoded] he turns 30 it's James Horncastle and Carl Anka.Here they discuss whether the France and Juventus midfielder is overrated, why he has such a bad reputation in England, and whether Eric Ten ...
    Why Juventus were deducted points & how they imploded
    January 23, 2023 (duration 40m)
    [from title] Why Juventus were deducted points & how they imploded
    [from description] Mark Chapman is joined by The Athletic's James Horncastle & Tim Spiers to discuss why Juventus, the biggest team in Italy, were deducted points and share what we know about the crisis su...
    [from itunes:summary] Mark Chapman is joined by The Athletic's James Horncastle & Tim Spiers to discuss why Juventus, the biggest team in Italy, were deducted points and share what we know about the crisis su...
    Barcelona’s financial mess: Champions League exit & more levers
    November 3, 2022 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ... what are the financial consequences of being eliminated?  And with stalwarts Atletico & Juventus also being eliminated, does a less predictable Champions League make for a better competition ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... what are the financial consequences of being eliminated?  And with stalwarts Atletico & Juventus also being eliminated, does a less predictable Champions League make for a better competition ...
    [from content:encoded] are the financial consequences of being eliminated? And with stalwarts Atletico & Juventus also being eliminated, does a less predictable Champions League make for a better competition ...
    Kane, contracts & on course for success? One year of Antonio Conte at Tottenham Hotspur
    November 2, 2022 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ... likelihood of him remaining in north London while also considering any potential return to Juventus? Produced by Guy Clarke Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] ... likelihood of him remaining in north London while also considering any potential return to Juventus? Produced by Guy Clarke Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ... likelihood of him remaining in north London while also considering any potential return to Juventus?Produced by Guy Clarke Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Are Spurs turning into Juventus-on-Thames?
    August 11, 2022 (duration 36m)
    [from title] Are Spurs turning into Juventus-on-Thames?
    [from description] ...luenced Levy for this transfer window. James tells us about Conte and Paratici's history at Juventus and the developing relationship Spurs are forming with Serie A. Whilst Jack gives insight o...
    [from itunes:summary] ...luenced Levy for this transfer window. James tells us about Conte and Paratici's history at Juventus and the developing relationship Spurs are forming with Serie A. Whilst Jack gives insight o...
    United working to sign Rabiot & Barcelona threaten legal action over De Jong contract
    August 8, 2022 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...Adam Crafton & Laurie Whitwell to discuss Manchester United's pursuit of Adrien Rabiot from Juventus & Marko Arnautovic from Bologna.. David exclusively reveals a huge story from his weekly co...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Adam Crafton & Laurie Whitwell to discuss Manchester United's pursuit of Adrien Rabiot from Juventus & Marko Arnautovic from Bologna.. David exclusively reveals a huge story from his weekly co...
    [from content:encoded] ... Crafton & Laurie Whitwell to discuss Manchester United's pursuit of Adrien Rabiot from Juventus & Marko Arnautovic from Bologna..David exclusively reveals a huge story from his weekly...
    Business of Sport: Was the Super League illegal?
    September 30, 2021 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...s Matt Slater to explain why UEFA are locked in a legal battle with Barcelona Real Madrid & Juventus as the Super League fallout continues. Dr Katarina Pijetlovic an expert on breakaway league...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...s Matt Slater to explain why UEFA are locked in a legal battle with Barcelona Real Madrid & Juventus as the Super League fallout continues.
    [from itunes:summary] ...s Matt Slater to explain why UEFA are locked in a legal battle with Barcelona Real Madrid & Juventus as the Super League fallout continues. Dr Katarina Pijetlovic an expert on breakaway league...
    Exclusive Joe Bryan interview & City eye more signings
    August 11, 2020 (duration 58m)
    [from description] ...e Athletic's Italian football writer James Horncastle details an eventful weekend for Juventus, who in the wake of their European exit have replaced their manager with the inexperienced Andrea...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...The Athletic's Italian football writer James Horncastle details an eventful weekend for Juventus, who in the wake of their European exit have replaced their manager with the inexperienced Andr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e Athletic's Italian football writer James Horncastle details an eventful weekend for Juventus, who in the wake of their European exit have replaced their manager with the inexperienced Andrea...
    XXL Transfer-Check #04 - Die internationalen Top-Teams mit Alex Truica und Marius Soyke
    August 24, 2023 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...t der Ligue 1 29:20 SSC Neapel 34:50 Inter Mailand 37:55 AC Mailand 45:05 Lazio Rom 48:30 Juventus 54:10 AS Rom 57:45 Atalanta 1:03:55 Genua 1:05:30 Portugal & Niederlande Werbung: [Jetzt Tra...
    [from content:encoded] ... der Ligue 1 29:20 SSC Neapel 34:50 Inter Mailand 37:55 AC Mailand 45:05 Lazio Rom 48:30 Juventus 54:10 AS Rom 57:45 Atalanta 1:03:55 Genua 1:05:30 Portugal & Niederlande Werbung: Jetzt Tr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t der Ligue 1 29:20 SSC Neapel 34:50 Inter Mailand 37:55 AC Mailand 45:05 Lazio Rom 48:30 Juventus 54:10 AS Rom 57:45 Atalanta 1:03:55 Genua 1:05:30 Portugal & Niederlande Werbung: [Jetzt Tra...
    Episode 11: Juventus Turin und Cristiano Ronaldo - Der gescheiterte Traum vom Henkelpott
    August 25, 2022 (duration 1h3m)
    [from title] Episode 11: Juventus Turin und Cristiano Ronaldo - Der gescheiterte Traum vom Henkelpott
    [from itunes:title] Episode 11: Juventus Turin und Cristiano Ronaldo - Der gescheiterte Traum vom Henkelpott
    [from description] „Ich muss den Fans von Juventus danken. Danke, grazie Italien. Sie haben etwas Fantastisches getan, etwas, das mir in meiner ...
    Episode 9: Mittelmaß statt Mittelpunkt: Paul Pogbas Zeit bei Manchester United
    August 11, 2022 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...t sich „DAZN“- und „Sky“-Kommentator Uli Hebel über Paul Pogbas Transfer von Juventus Turin nach Manchester. Im Sommer 2016 sollte der mit 105 Millionen Euro damals teuerste Deal der Fußballg...
    [from content:encoded] ...ich „DAZN“- und „Sky“-Kommentator Uli Hebel über Paul Pogbas Transfer von Juventus Turin nach Manchester. Im Sommer 2016 sollte der mit 105 Millionen Euro damals teuerste Deal der Fußballgesc...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t sich „DAZN“- und „Sky“-Kommentator Uli Hebel über Paul Pogbas Transfer von Juventus Turin nach Manchester. Im Sommer 2016 sollte der mit 105 Millionen Euro damals teuerste Deal der Fußballg...
    Episode 1: Wie konnte Real Madrid die "Galácticos" erschaffen?
    June 16, 2022 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] ...die damalige Weltrekordsumme von 77,5 Millionen Euro von Juventus Turin zu Real Madrid. Schon ein Jahr zuvor war bei „Los Merengues“ auf Geheiß von Pérez mit dem Transfer von Luís Figo vom Erz...
    [from content:encoded] ... damalige Weltrekordsumme von 77,5 Millionen Euro von Juventus Turin zu Real Madrid. Schon ein Jahr zuvor war bei „Los Merengues“ auf Geheiß von Pérez mit dem Transfer von Luís Figo vom Erzriv...
    [from itunes:summary] ...die damalige Weltrekordsumme von 77,5 Millionen Euro von Juventus Turin zu Real Madrid. Schon ein Jahr zuvor war bei „Los Merengues“ auf Geheiß von Pérez mit dem Transfer von Luís Figo vom Erz...
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