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    Episode 73: Blockbuster
    April 11, 2024 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...cher Fussballnationalmannschaft. ADIDAS zahlt vergleichbare Summen hingegen lieber an REAL MADRID oder den FC BAYERN. Ist es zweckmässiger, in die Glamourmarken des Club-Fussballs oder in n...
    [from content:encoded] Fussballnationalmannschaft. ADIDAS zahlt vergleichbare Summen hingegen lieber an REAL MADRID oder den FC BAYERN. Ist es zweckmässiger, in die Glamourmarken des Club-Fussballs oder in nat...
    [from itunes:summary] ...cher Fussballnationalmannschaft. ADIDAS zahlt vergleichbare Summen hingegen lieber an REAL MADRID oder den FC BAYERN. Ist es zweckmässiger, in die Glamourmarken des Club-Fussballs oder in n...
    April 10, 2024 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...pired Man Utd leading the title charge. Plus, Miles relives his time shooting photos for Real Madrid, and Bob talks about how Trevor Nelson rubbed Chelsea’s victory vs Man Utd in his face a...
    [from itunes:summary] ...pired Man Utd leading the title charge. Plus, Miles relives his time shooting photos for Real Madrid, and Bob talks about how Trevor Nelson rubbed Chelsea’s victory vs Man Utd in his face a...
    [from content:encoded] ...pired Man Utd leading the title charge. Plus, Miles relives his time shooting photos for Real Madrid, and Bob talks about how Trevor Nelson rubbed Chelsea’s victory vs Man Utd in his face a...
    Real-City, ennesimo show
    April 10, 2024
    [from description] ... Sabatini per commentare i risultati dei primi due match di andata dei quarti di finale. Real Madrid e Manchester City hanno dato spettacolo nel pirotecnico 3-3 del Bernabeu e, anche Arsena...
    Tutta l'Inter che c'è
    April 9, 2024
    [from description] ...o. Intanto, questa sera torna la Champions con l'attesissimo quarto di finale tra il Real di Re Carlo e il City del Principe Pep. Ne parliamo con Filippo Maria Ricci da M...
    E ora Roma-Inter!
    February 9, 2024
    [from description] anche l'ex cestista Matteo Soragna per farci raccontare la vittoria di Milano sul Real Madrid in Eurolega che ieri ha commentato per Sky Sport. 
    Fischi per il Napoli
    December 20, 2023
    [from description] ...n rimonta l’Olympiacos e si piazza al secondo posto in classifica, dietro solo il Real Madrid. Convocato Marco Bonamico. Il cammino in Champions League di Inter e Napoli passerà r...
    Dominio Inter e il solito Real
    October 4, 2023 (duration 40m)
    [from description] ...nere tre punti importanti. Partita spettacolare anche a Napoli, finisce però 3-2 per il Real Madrid, un po' aiutato dalla difesa partenopea, un po' dai suoi fenomeni. Ne parliamo con Filipp...
    Inter e Napoli, prove da Champions
    October 3, 2023
    [from description] ...ta sera c'è anche l'ex Carlo Ancelotti che rincontra il Napoli con il suo Real Madrid: ci colleghiamo con Massimo Ugolini di Sky Sport per le sensazioni che si respirano per ...
    Il peso del DNA Champions
    April 19, 2023 (duration 47m)
    [from description] ...fa un appello alla società per farsi finanziare un viaggio propiziatorio in Egitto. Il Real Madrid di Ancelotti supera il Chelsea e conquista l'undicesima semifinale di Champions negli ulti...
    Parla De Laurentiis
    March 2, 2023 (duration 44m)
    [from description] ...Maria Ricci, perchè questa sera ci sarebbe da vedere un Clasico di Copa del Rey tra Real Madrid e Barcellona. Chiudiamo come abbiamo aperto, con un altro presidente del Napoli: Serafino Per...
    L'armata Spalletti
    February 22, 2023 (duration 47m)
    [from description] ...Lo chiediamo a Claudia Garcia, corrispondente della tv portoghese SIC. Un'altra notte da Real in Champions per la squadra di Carletto Ancelotti. Con Filippo Maria Ricci riviviamo le emozion...
    Testa di Karim
    April 7, 2022
    [from description] ...ta consecutiva in Champions di Benzema mette una seria ipoteca sulla qualificazione del Real Madrid in semifinale e lascia tutti a bocca aperta. Due colpi di testa da fuoriclasse e il terzo...
    Testa di Karim
    April 7, 2022
    [from description] ...ta consecutiva in Champions di Benzema mette una seria ipoteca sulla qualificazione del Real Madrid in semifinale e lascia tutti a bocca aperta. Due colpi di testa da fuoriclasse e il terzo...
    Supercoppe Maravillas
    January 13, 2022
    [from description] ...ece, andiamo sulla Supercoppa di Spagna, guardacaso un Clasico tra Barcellona e Real Madrid: la semifinale finisce 3-2 per i Blancos a Riyad. Questa sera la seconda semifinale tra ...
    Benvenuti a casa Var
    December 17, 2021
    [from description] ...amo con Geri De Rosa la sconfitta di Milano in Eurolega con il Real Madrid
    Un brutto Sant'Ambrogio
    December 8, 2021
    [from description] ...tico Madrid con il Porto. All'Inter non va molto meglio in casa del Real Madrid: Ancelotti batte Inzaghi 2-0, ma i nerazzurri erano già qualificati a...
    Inter salva, Milan nei guai?
    October 20, 2021
    [from description] ... partite delle avversarie di Inter e Milan, Atletico-Liverpool e Shakhtar-Real Madrid e uno a Zenit-Juve e Manchester United-Atalanta di questa sera.
    Partenza in salita
    September 16, 2021
    [from description] ...bsp;all'esordio in Champions: l'Inter gioca alla pari (se non meglio) del Real Madrid, poi abbassa il ritmo nel finale e i Blancos trovano la combinazione di giocate perfetta...
    Partenza in salita
    September 16, 2021
    [from description] ...bsp;all'esordio in Champions: l'Inter gioca alla pari (se non meglio) del Real Madrid, poi abbassa il ritmo nel finale e i Blancos trovano la combinazione di giocate perfetta...
    Il risveglio della Juve
    September 15, 2021
    [from description] ...Milan in fiducia. Sul versante spagnolo, l'Atalanta pareggia 2-2 col Villareal, mentre l'Inter aspetta il Real Madrid di Carletto Ancelotti. Di tutto ques...
    La prima dei campioni d'Europa
    September 2, 2021
    [from description] ...liamo, con Filippo Maria Ricci, per parlare di nazionale, ma anche di Barcellona, Real Madrid e Atleti, che sono state protagoniste, con luci e ombre, nel calciomercato. Torniamo in It...
    Il bivio di CR7
    August 27, 2021
    [from description] ...onvocato il giornalista Carlo Pellegatti, noto tifoso rossonero. L'Inter pesca Real Madrid, Shakhtar Donetsk e i neofiti dello Sheriff  dall'urna di Champions League e questa sera...
    L'ora dei saluti
    August 26, 2021
    [from description] ...nze. Stesso discorso anche per Kylian Mbappè, vicino ad indossare la maglia del Real Madrid: se non sarà in questo mercato, succederà nella prossima stagione a parametro zero. Sondiamo...
    Bomba Mbappè
    August 25, 2021
    [from description] ... nerazzurro Fabrizio Biasin, giornalista di Libero. Scoppia la bomba Kylian Mbappè-Real Madrid, con le Merengues che offrono oltre 160 milioni di euro al Paris Saint-Germain per portar...
    Neonata Serie A
    July 15, 2021
    [from description] ... gate: la registrazione di una vecchia conversazione tra il presidente del Real Madrid e un giornalista sta facendo il giro del mondo, con imbarazzanti dichiarazioni su tanti...
    Italia Loca
    June 17, 2021
    [from description] ...itigi alle lacrime, quelle di Capitan Sergio Ramos che lascia il Real Madrid dopo 16 anni, con una commossa conferenza stampa. Filippo Maria Ricci ci aiuta a r...
    Pazzi motori
    June 7, 2021
    [from description] Ricci ci regala una bella chiacchierata con Roberto Carlos, oggi ambassador del Real Madrid: tanti i temi per uno dei migliori terzini della storia, dall'Inter scudettata, al r...
    Il ritorno di Re Carlo
    June 1, 2021
    [from description] ... dall'inizio della puntata, una bomba dalla Spagna annuncia l'accordo ad un passo tra il Real Madrid e Carlo Ancelotti. Parliamo di questo clamoroso ritorno che si sta per concretizzar...
    Il Toro è salvo, Cairo convocato
    May 19, 2021
    [from description] ...ecidono i giochi per la Liga, una questione tra Atletico Madrid e Real, in attesa di sapere se Zidane resterà alla Casa Blanca o lascerà il posto ad Alleg...
    Il Toro è salvo, Cairo convocato
    May 19, 2021
    [from description] ...ecidono i giochi per la Liga, una questione tra Atletico Madrid e Real, in attesa di sapere se Zidane resterà alla Casa Blanca o lascerà il posto ad Alleg...
    Stuck in the Uk!
    May 6, 2021
    [from description] Il Chelsea di Tuchel batte il Real Madrid e vola in finale di Champions. Ad Istanbul sarà una partita dal gusto brit. Co...
    [from HREF]
    [from HREF]
    Mister che vanno, mister che tornano?
    April 28, 2021
    [from description] La prima serata delle semifinali di Champions finisce in pareggio: 1-1 tra Real Madrid e Chelsea a firma Pulisic e, neanche a dirlo, il solito Be...
    Si accende la corsa Champions
    April 11, 2021
    [from description] ...dente dalla capitale iberica per la Gazzetta dello Sport, per parlare dello splendido Real Madrid-Barcellona che si è giocato ieri che regala una volata finale per la Liga al cardiopalma. C...
    Finalmente Juve-Napoli!
    April 7, 2021
    [from description] ...llo sport) partiamo dalla serata di Champions che ha visto le vittorie di Real Madrid e Manchester City. C'è ancora un gol segnato in trasferta da Salah e...
    Finalmente Juve-Napoli!
    April 7, 2021
    [from description] ...llo sport) partiamo dalla serata di Champions che ha visto le vittorie di Real Madrid e Manchester City. C'è ancora un gol segnato in trasferta da Salah e...
    Finalmente Juve-Napoli!
    April 7, 2021
    [from description] ...llo sport) partiamo dalla serata di Champions che ha visto le vittorie di Real Madrid e Manchester City. C'è ancora un gol segnato in trasferta da Salah e...
    Tutti Convocati del giorno 18/10/2020: Milan e Napoli sorprendono
    October 18, 2020
    [from description] ...ri di travolgere l'Atalanta 4-1. Voliamo in Spagna, dove sono cadute Barcellona e Real Madrid. Convocato Filippo Maria Ricci per fare il punto sulle big della Liga, a pochi giorni dall...
    Tutti Convocati del giorno 17/07/2020: Remuntade e Campeones
    July 17, 2020
    [from description] Zinedine Zidane vince ancora! Il Real Madrid ha conquistato ieri sera la 34^ Liga della sua storia, a Valdebebas, mentre il Barcellon...
    Themenfrühstück: Wurden die Bayern in London verpfiffen?
    April 10, 2024 (duration 28m)
    [from description] ...dsrichters halten. Doch die beiden sprechen auch über weitere Szenen des Spiels, über Real und City und auch auf den BVB, der heute Abend auf Atletico Madrid trifft. Viel Spaß!Mit dem Code ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...dsrichters halten. Doch die beiden sprechen auch über weitere Szenen des Spiels, über Real und City und auch auf den BVB, der heute Abend auf Atletico Madrid trifft. Viel Spaß! Mit dem Cod...
    [from content:encoded] ...dsrichters halten. Doch die beiden sprechen auch über weitere Szenen des Spiels, über Real und City und auch auf den BVB, der heute Abend auf Atletico Madrid trifft. Viel Spaß!Mit dem Code ...
    11FREUNDE am Morgen: Ja zu Investoren, Nein zur Fußballromantik?
    December 12, 2023 (duration 12m)
    [from description] ...rlich auf den Stand der Dinge. Außerdem empfängt Union Berlin niemand Geringeren als Real Madrid und den Bayern droht ein Geisterspiel. Viel Spaß!Unsere Hosts findet ihr hier:Louis Richter:...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rlich auf den Stand der Dinge. Außerdem empfängt Union Berlin niemand Geringeren als Real Madrid und den Bayern droht ein Geisterspiel. Viel Spaß! Unsere Hosts findet ihr hier: Louis Rich...
    [from content:encoded] ...rlich auf den Stand der Dinge. Außerdem empfängt Union Berlin niemand Geringeren als Real Madrid und den Bayern droht ein Geisterspiel. Viel Spaß!Unsere Hosts findet ihr hier:Louis Richter:...
    11FREUNDE am Morgen: Rubiales, seine Mutter und der Hungerstreik
    August 29, 2023 (duration 12m)
    [from description] ...ut das Leben schwer und Nils Kern erklärt Louis und Eva, warum Jude Bellingham auch bei Real Madrid überragt. Viel Spaß!Unsere Hosts findet ihr hier:Louis Richter: Twitter @Karimdrehki...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ut das Leben schwer und Nils Kern erklärt Louis und Eva, warum Jude Bellingham auch bei Real Madrid überragt. Viel Spaß! Unsere Hosts findet ihr hier: Louis Richter: Twitter @Karimdrehkic...
    [from content:encoded] ...ut das Leben schwer und Nils Kern erklärt Louis und Eva, warum Jude Bellingham auch bei Real Madrid überragt. Viel Spaß!Unsere Hosts findet ihr hier:Louis Richter: Twitter @Karimdrehki...
    Eintracht Frankfurt: Ersetzt Toppmöller Glasner?
    May 9, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ... Lage bei Hertha BSC und blicken im Vorfeld auf die Champions League Partie zwischen Real Madrid und Manchester City. Viel Spaß!Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter ht...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Lage bei Hertha BSC und blicken im Vorfeld auf die Champions League Partie zwischen Real Madrid und Manchester City. Viel Spaß! Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter ...
    [from content:encoded] ... Lage bei Hertha BSC und blicken im Vorfeld auf die Champions League Partie zwischen Real Madrid und Manchester City. Viel Spaß!Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter ht...
    FC Hollywood: Prügel in der Bayern-Kabine?
    April 13, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] .... Außerdem: Kurzer Rückblick auf die Champions League Spiele Milan gegen Nepeal und Real Madrid gegen Chelsea. Viel Spaß! Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://...
    [from itunes:summary] .... Außerdem: Kurzer Rückblick auf die Champions League Spiele Milan gegen Nepeal und Real Madrid gegen Chelsea. Viel Spaß! Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https:...
    [from content:encoded] .... Außerdem: Kurzer Rückblick auf die Champions League Spiele Milan gegen Nepeal und Real Madrid gegen Chelsea. Viel Spaß! Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Llega el momento de la verdad
    April 8, 2024 (duration 25m)
    [from description] y el deporte del día: previa de la ida de cuartos de final de la Champions League Real Madrid- Manchester City, Arsenal-Bayern, PSG-Barça y Atlético-Borussia Dortmund, la Gabarra se pr...
    [from itunes:summary] y el deporte del día: previa de la ida de cuartos de final de la Champions League Real Madrid- Manchester City, Arsenal-Bayern, PSG-Barça y Atlético-Borussia Dortmund, la Gabarra se pr...
    La Contra | Madridista de izquierdas
    March 25, 2024 (duration 2m)
    [from title] La Contra | Madridista de izquierdas
    [from description] Manuel Jabois reflexiona sobre los insultos racistas al jugador del Real Madrid Vinicius Júnior.
    [from itunes:summary] Manuel Jabois reflexiona sobre los insultos racistas al jugador del Real Madrid Vinicius Júnior.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Courtois, adiós a la temporada
    March 19, 2024 (duration 26m)
    [from description] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el portero del Real Madrid se lesiona en su otra rodilla cuando estaba a punto de volver 7 meses después, guerra de c...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el portero del Real Madrid se lesiona en su otra rodilla cuando estaba a punto de volver 7 meses después, guerra de c...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Europa teme a España
    March 14, 2024 (duration 26m)
    [from description] El programa del jueves con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa del sorteo de Champions con Real Madrid, Barça y Atlético, el Villarreal casi remonta al Olympique de Marsella, los primeros días ...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del jueves con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa del sorteo de Champions con Real Madrid, Barça y Atlético, el Villarreal casi remonta al Olympique de Marsella, los primeros días ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Alonso líder, ¿ilusión o realidad?
    March 7, 2024 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...onso es el más rápido de los libres del Gran Premio de Arabia, la RFEF expedienta al Real Madrid por los vídeos de su televisión, juega el Villarreal y más Europa League, previa del Barça-M...
    [from itunes:summary] ...onso es el más rápido de los libres del Gran Premio de Arabia, la RFEF expedienta al Real Madrid por los vídeos de su televisión, juega el Villarreal y más Europa League, previa del Barça-M...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Un sueño Real
    March 4, 2024 (duration 25m)
    [from description] El programa del lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: semana de Champios con Real Sociedad obligado a remontar al PSG y Real Madrid a aguantar el resultado contra el Leipzig, Luis...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: semana de Champios con Real Sociedad obligado a remontar al PSG y Real Madrid a aguantar el resultado contra el Leipzig, Luis...
    Hora 25 Deportes | La Champions está de vuelta
    February 12, 2024 (duration 24m)
    [from description] El deporte del lunes con Toni López: los partidos de Real Madrid y Real Sociedad, la resaca de la jornada de Liga, el Almería-Athletic y la situación del ...
    [from itunes:summary] El deporte del lunes con Toni López: los partidos de Real Madrid y Real Sociedad, la resaca de la jornada de Liga, el Almería-Athletic y la situación del ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | La NFL llega al Santiago Bernabéu
    February 9, 2024 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ... un partido de la NFL en 2025 en Madrid, mirada a la Super Bowl del domingo, previa del Real Madrid-Girona y resto de la jornada 24 de liga y más fútbol, Euroliga, golf y más deporte.
    [from itunes:summary] ... un partido de la NFL en 2025 en Madrid, mirada a la Super Bowl del domingo, previa del Real Madrid-Girona y resto de la jornada 24 de liga y más fútbol, Euroliga, golf y más deporte.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Enrique Cerezo desafía al “Bilbao”
    February 7, 2024 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...lético de Madrid Enrique Cerezo culpa al Athletic de tener menos descanso, mirada al Real Madrid-Girona del sábado, Copa de la Reina y resto de fútbol, suspendido Mo Katir por posible dopaj...
    [from itunes:summary] ...lético de Madrid Enrique Cerezo culpa al Athletic de tener menos descanso, mirada al Real Madrid-Girona del sábado, Copa de la Reina y resto de fútbol, suspendido Mo Katir por posible dopaj...
    Nieves Concostrina: "Los ultras del Real Madrid me tiraron a la Cibeles en los años 80"
    January 26, 2024 (duration 3m)
    [from title] Nieves Concostrina: "Los ultras del Real Madrid me tiraron a la Cibeles en los años 80"
    [from description] Nieves Concostrina relata como los ultras del Real Madrid la tiraron a la Cibeles en los años 80 cuando cubría una información.
    [from itunes:summary] Nieves Concostrina relata como los ultras del Real Madrid la tiraron a la Cibeles en los años 80 cuando cubría una información.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Laporta dice que la liga está adulterada
    January 23, 2024 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ... con Jesús Gallego: el presidente del Barça habla de "competición adulterada" tras el Real Madrid-Almería, cuartos de final de Copa del Rey, Borja Iglesias se va del Betis y resto de fútbol...
    [from itunes:summary] ... con Jesús Gallego: el presidente del Barça habla de "competición adulterada" tras el Real Madrid-Almería, cuartos de final de Copa del Rey, Borja Iglesias se va del Betis y resto de fútbol...
    Hora 25 Deportes | El caos de las grabaciones del VAR
    January 22, 2024 (duration 17m)
    [from description] El programa del lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca del polémico Real Madrid 3-2 Almería con filtraciones de los audios del VAR, termina la jornada 21 de Primera con el...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca del polémico Real Madrid 3-2 Almería con filtraciones de los audios del VAR, termina la jornada 21 de Primera con el...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Enemigos íntimos
    January 9, 2024 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...del día: Supercopa de España, previa del primero de los tres derbis entre Atlético y Real Madrid, cuatro partidos de sanción a David López, resto de fútbol, Euroliga, Rally Dakar, Europeos ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...del día: Supercopa de España, previa del primero de los tres derbis entre Atlético y Real Madrid, cuatro partidos de sanción a David López, resto de fútbol, Euroliga, Rally Dakar, Europeos ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Muere ‘el Káiser’ Beckenbauer
    January 8, 2024 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...e Franz Beckenbauer a los 78 años, sorteo de octavos de Copa del Rey con un Atlético-Real Madrid, previa de la Supercopa de España en Arabia y resto de fútbol, Rafa Nadal vuelve a España, b...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e Franz Beckenbauer a los 78 años, sorteo de octavos de Copa del Rey con un Atlético-Real Madrid, previa de la Supercopa de España en Arabia y resto de fútbol, Rafa Nadal vuelve a España, b...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Simeone se queda y Mbappé no viene
    November 9, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] El deporte del jueves con Jesús Gallego: renovación de Simeone, el Real Madrid descarta a Mbappé, victoria del Villarreal en la Europa League, el Betis recibe al Aris Li...
    [from itunes:summary] El deporte del jueves con Jesús Gallego: renovación de Simeone, el Real Madrid descarta a Mbappé, victoria del Villarreal en la Europa League, el Betis recibe al Aris Li...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Los protagonistas de 'El Clásico'
    October 26, 2023 (duration 24m)
    [from description] El programa del jueves con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: mirada al Barça-Real Madrid con João Félix, Jude Bellingham y Gil Manzano, Europa League, previa del Italia España y re...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del jueves con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: mirada al Barça-Real Madrid con João Félix, Jude Bellingham y Gil Manzano, Europa League, previa del Italia España y re...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Laporta culpa al madridismo
    October 19, 2023 (duration 24m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | Laporta culpa al madridismo
    [from description] ...ueves con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: entrevista de Joan Laporta señalando al Real Madrid por el Caso Negreira, repasamos las posibles sedes del Mundial 2030, previa de la jornada 1...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ueves con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: entrevista de Joan Laporta señalando al Real Madrid por el Caso Negreira, repasamos las posibles sedes del Mundial 2030, previa de la jornada 1...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Guardiola intentó convencer a Bellingham
    October 13, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...o y el deporte del día: Guardiola llamó al inglés para que cortara su acuerdo con el Real Madrid, previa del Noruega-España de clasificación a la Eurocopa y resto de fútbol, el Sanedrón con...
    [from itunes:summary] ...o y el deporte del día: Guardiola llamó al inglés para que cortara su acuerdo con el Real Madrid, previa del Noruega-España de clasificación a la Eurocopa y resto de fútbol, el Sanedrón con...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Lunes rojiblanco
    September 25, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...n Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca de la victoria del Atlético de Madrid al Real Madrid, previa de la jornada 7 de liga y del España-Suiza de la Nations League, resto de fútbol, m...
    [from itunes:summary] ...n Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca de la victoria del Atlético de Madrid al Real Madrid, previa de la jornada 7 de liga y del España-Suiza de la Nations League, resto de fútbol, m...
    Las noticias de las 20 | Dos víctimas por la grabación y difusión del vídeo sexual de canteranos del Real Madrid
    September 18, 2023 (duration 22m)
    [from title] ...las 20 | Dos víctimas por la grabación y difusión del vídeo sexual de canteranos del Real Madrid
    La contra | La vida privada
    September 14, 2023 (duration 1m)
    [from description] Jabois reflexiona sobre la detención de varios canteranos del Real Madrid por difundir presuntamente un vídeo sexual sin consentimiento.
    [from itunes:summary] Jabois reflexiona sobre la detención de varios canteranos del Real Madrid por difundir presuntamente un vídeo sexual sin consentimiento.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Cuatro canteranos del Real Madrid investigados por filtrar un vídeo sexual
    September 14, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | Cuatro canteranos del Real Madrid investigados por filtrar un vídeo sexual
    [from description] Tres de los futbolistas han sido detenidos esta mañana en la Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid y la Guardia Civil ha decretado libertad para los acusados tras tomarles declaración. El ...
    [from itunes:summary] Tres de los futbolistas han sido detenidos esta mañana en la Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid y la Guardia Civil ha decretado libertad para los acusados tras tomarles declaración. El ...
    Las noticias de las 20 | Cuatro canteranos del Real Madrid detenidos
    September 14, 2023 (duration 23m)
    [from title] Las noticias de las 20 | Cuatro canteranos del Real Madrid detenidos
    Hora 25 Deportes | España hace historia
    August 15, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...dial, previa de la Supercopa de Europa Sevilla-Manchester City, presentado Kepa en el Real Madrid y resto de fútbol, baloncesto, tenis, motociclismo y más deporte.
    [from itunes:summary] ...dial, previa de la Supercopa de Europa Sevilla-Manchester City, presentado Kepa en el Real Madrid y resto de fútbol, baloncesto, tenis, motociclismo y más deporte.
    Hora 25 Deportes | El Real Madrid busca portero
    August 10, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | El Real Madrid busca portero
    Hora 25 Deportes | España consigue su primer objetivo
    July 26, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...emenino de Australia y Nueva Zelanda que ya está en octavos de final, las giras de Real Madrid, FC Barcelona y Atlético de Madrid en sus respectivas pretemporadas y el sorprendente fichaje ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...emenino de Australia y Nueva Zelanda que ya está en octavos de final, las giras de Real Madrid, FC Barcelona y Atlético de Madrid en sus respectivas pretemporadas y el sorprendente fichaje ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Empieza la puja por Mbappé
    July 24, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...según sky Sports, acepta una oferta millonaria del fútbol árabe, primer partido del Real Madrid 23/24, Canales se despide del Betis y resto de fútbol, Fórmula 1, Tour de Francia, natación y...
    [from itunes:summary] ...según sky Sports, acepta una oferta millonaria del fútbol árabe, primer partido del Real Madrid 23/24, Canales se despide del Betis y resto de fútbol, Fórmula 1, Tour de Francia, natación y...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Posible sanción de cinco partidos a Valverde
    June 28, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...o: el juez instructor propone a Competición cinco partidos de sanción al jugador del Real Madrid por su puñetazo a Baena, Junta Directiva del Barça, reférendum por el escudo del Atlético y ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...o: el juez instructor propone a Competición cinco partidos de sanción al jugador del Real Madrid por su puñetazo a Baena, Junta Directiva del Barça, reférendum por el escudo del Atlético y ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Joselu vuelve a su casa
    June 20, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el Real Madrid ficha a su primer delantero del verano, Víctor Orta llega al Sevilla, resto de mercado, se...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el Real Madrid ficha a su primer delantero del verano, Víctor Orta llega al Sevilla, resto de mercado, se...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Messi no, Bellingham sí
    June 7, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...e va al Inter de Miami y dice no al Barça, acuerdo oficial entre Borussia Dortmund y Real Madrid por Bellingham, Osasuna se puede quedar sin Conference League y más fútbol, baloncesto, Rola...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e va al Inter de Miami y dice no al Barça, acuerdo oficial entre Borussia Dortmund y Real Madrid por Bellingham, Osasuna se puede quedar sin Conference League y más fútbol, baloncesto, Rola...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Benzemá, por el momento, sí
    June 1, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...en Sevilla de la séptima Europa League, el futuro de Karim Benzemá y del plantel del Real Madrid, la despedida de Jordi Alba y el resto del deporte, con la Fórmula 1 en Montmeló y la final de la NBA.
    [from itunes:summary] ...en Sevilla de la séptima Europa League, el futuro de Karim Benzemá y del plantel del Real Madrid, la despedida de Jordi Alba y el resto del deporte, con la Fórmula 1 en Montmeló y la final de la NBA.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Budapest, nueva opción para el Sevilla
    May 30, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...o: 'las 15' se plantean volver a la Selección de Jorge Vilda, el posible delantero del Real Madrid, reunión de futuro en el Atlético, la previa de la séptima final del Sevilla en la Europa ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...o: 'las 15' se plantean volver a la Selección de Jorge Vilda, el posible delantero del Real Madrid, reunión de futuro en el Atlético, la previa de la séptima final del Sevilla en la Europa ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Otra final a la vista
    May 16, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa del Manchester City-Real Madrid de vuelta de semifinales de Champions League donde los blancos buscan otra final, Jordi Cr...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa del Manchester City-Real Madrid de vuelta de semifinales de Champions League donde los blancos buscan otra final, Jordi Cr...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Combate nulo entre Madrid y City
    May 10, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | Combate nulo entre Madrid y City
    [from description] El programa del miércoles con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca del Real Madrid 1-1 Manchester City, previa del otro partido de Champions y las semifinales de Europa Leagu...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del miércoles con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca del Real Madrid 1-1 Manchester City, previa del otro partido de Champions y las semifinales de Europa Leagu...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Choque de trenes
    May 8, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] El programa del lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa del Real Madrid-Manchester City de semifinales de Champions League con el regreso de Guardiola al Bernabéu...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa del Real Madrid-Manchester City de semifinales de Champions League con el regreso de Guardiola al Bernabéu...
    Hora 25 Deportes | La Copa, en juego
    May 5, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...del viernes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa de la final de Copa del Rey Real Madrid-Osasuna con todo el equipo de la SER desde Sevilla, el Sanedrón especial Copa con Raúl Pér...
    [from itunes:summary] ...del viernes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa de la final de Copa del Rey Real Madrid-Osasuna con todo el equipo de la SER desde Sevilla, el Sanedrón especial Copa con Raúl Pér...
    Hora 25 Deportes | El Barça prepara su hoja de ruta
    May 4, 2023 (duration 24m)
    [from description] ... a Messi, último día de la jornada 33 de liga, mirada a la final de la Copa del Rey Real Madrid-Osasuna, resto de fútbol, Euroliga, Fórmula 1, Mutua Madrid Open y más deporte.
    [from itunes:summary] ... a Messi, último día de la jornada 33 de liga, mirada a la final de la Copa del Rey Real Madrid-Osasuna, resto de fútbol, Euroliga, Fórmula 1, Mutua Madrid Open y más deporte.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Fútbol non-stop
    May 1, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...l de Copa del Rey de este sábado, resto de fútbol, la previa del polémico Partizan-Real Madrid de Euroliga desde Belgrado, Badosa eliminada en el Mutua Madrid Open, resaca del fin de semana...
    [from itunes:summary] ...l de Copa del Rey de este sábado, resto de fútbol, la previa del polémico Partizan-Real Madrid de Euroliga desde Belgrado, Badosa eliminada en el Mutua Madrid Open, resaca del fin de semana...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Por fin vuelve la Fórmula 1
    April 28, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...remio de Azerbaiyán con sesión al sprint incluida, las sanciones por la pelea entre Real Madrid y Partizan y más Euroliga, previa de la jornada 32 de Liga Santander, El Sanedrón con Raúl Pé...
    [from itunes:summary] ...remio de Azerbaiyán con sesión al sprint incluida, las sanciones por la pelea entre Real Madrid y Partizan y más Euroliga, previa de la jornada 32 de Liga Santander, El Sanedrón con Raúl Pé...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Laporta intenta explicarse
    April 17, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...rensa para hablar sobre el 'Caso Negreira' que no convence a todos, previa del Chelsea-Real Madrid y resto de Champions, más fútbol, empieza el Conde de Godó de tenis, baloncesto, motocicli...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rensa para hablar sobre el 'Caso Negreira' que no convence a todos, previa del Chelsea-Real Madrid y resto de Champions, más fútbol, empieza el Conde de Godó de tenis, baloncesto, motocicli...
    Hora 25 Deportes |
    April 14, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] El programa del viernes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el entrenador del Real Madrid confirma que cumplirá su año de contrato en la previa de la jornada 29 de liga que empieza...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del viernes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el entrenador del Real Madrid confirma que cumplirá su año de contrato en la previa de la jornada 29 de liga que empieza...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Ancelotti se reivindica
    April 11, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...go y el deporte del día: Ancelotti saca pecho de trabajo y resultados en la previa del Real Madrid-Chelsea, resto de cuartos de final de la Champions, Laporta hablará por primera vez del Ca...
    [from itunes:summary] ...go y el deporte del día: Ancelotti saca pecho de trabajo y resultados en la previa del Real Madrid-Chelsea, resto de cuartos de final de la Champions, Laporta hablará por primera vez del Ca...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Exhibición copera
    April 6, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...esús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca del Clásico de Copa del Rey con 0-4 para el Real Madrid, Lampard llega al Chelsea a una semana de la Champions, polémica con Mbappé en el PSG y más...
    [from itunes:summary] ...esús Gallego y el deporte del día: resaca del Clásico de Copa del Rey con 0-4 para el Real Madrid, Lampard llega al Chelsea a una semana de la Champions, polémica con Mbappé en el PSG y más...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Los árbitros hablan, Rubiales no
    February 28, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...lado del Caso Negreira, previa de las semifinales de Copa del Rey Osasuna-Athletic y Real Madrid-Barça, Fórmula 1, las lesiones de Alcaraz y Nadal, baloncesto y más deporte.
    [from itunes:summary] ...lado del Caso Negreira, previa de las semifinales de Copa del Rey Osasuna-Athletic y Real Madrid-Barça, Fórmula 1, las lesiones de Alcaraz y Nadal, baloncesto y más deporte.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Primera querella del 'Caso Negreira'
    February 24, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...ijo por posible delito de corrupción deportiva o fraude deportivo, previa del derbi Real Madrid-Atlético y resto de la jornada 23, El Sanedrón con Raúl Pérez, pretemporada de Fórmula 1, bal...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ijo por posible delito de corrupción deportiva o fraude deportivo, previa del derbi Real Madrid-Atlético y resto de la jornada 23, El Sanedrón con Raúl Pérez, pretemporada de Fórmula 1, bal...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Vuelve el Rey
    February 20, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] El programa del lunes con Toni López y el deporte del día: la previa del Liverpool-Real Madrid desde dentro, el 'Caso Negreira' continúa con su repercusión en el fútbol español. Además,...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del lunes con Toni López y el deporte del día: la previa del Liverpool-Real Madrid desde dentro, el 'Caso Negreira' continúa con su repercusión en el fútbol español. Además,...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Hay un título en juego
    February 10, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] El programa del viernes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el Real Madrid busca el primer título del año en el Mundial de Clubes, previa de la jornada 21 de Liga Sa...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del viernes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el Real Madrid busca el primer título del año en el Mundial de Clubes, previa de la jornada 21 de Liga Sa...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Problemas para Messi
    February 9, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...Champions, el PSG eliminado de Copa y el hermano de Messi hablando mal del Barça, el Real Madrid prepara la final del Mundial y resto de fútbol, Euroliga, mercado de la NBA, Copa de España ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Champions, el PSG eliminado de Copa y el hermano de Messi hablando mal del Barça, el Real Madrid prepara la final del Mundial y resto de fútbol, Euroliga, mercado de la NBA, Copa de España ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Prueba Mundial para el Real Madrid
    February 7, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | Prueba Mundial para el Real Madrid
    [from description] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: un Real Madrid con bajas prueba su racha irregular en las semifinales del Mundialito de clubes, el futuro...
    [from itunes:summary] El programa del martes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: un Real Madrid con bajas prueba su racha irregular en las semifinales del Mundialito de clubes, el futuro...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Barça eufórico, Madrid preocupado
    January 16, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | Barça eufórico, Madrid preocupado
    [from description] ...porte del día: resaca dulce del primer título del año para el Barça y agria para el Real Madrid, Sampaoli en duda en Sevilla, previa de los octavos de Copa del Rey y más fútbol, Mundial de ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...porte del día: resaca dulce del primer título del año para el Barça y agria para el Real Madrid, Sampaoli en duda en Sevilla, previa de los octavos de Copa del Rey y más fútbol, Mundial de ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Un Clásico en Arabia
    January 13, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...ón con Raúl Pérez, previa de la jornada 17 de Liga Santander con el derbi Athletic-Real Sociedad, resto de fútbol, vuelve a jugar Ricky Rubio, Euroliga, la Selección Española en el Mundial ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ón con Raúl Pérez, previa de la jornada 17 de Liga Santander con el derbi Athletic-Real Sociedad, resto de fútbol, vuelve a jugar Ricky Rubio, Euroliga, la Selección Española en el Mundial ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Primer título en juego
    January 10, 2023 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa de la Supercopa de España con Valencia-Real Madrid y Betis-Barça, se ultima la salida de Joao Félix del Atlético y se activa la opción Memphis...
    [from itunes:summary] ...con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: previa de la Supercopa de España con Valencia-Real Madrid y Betis-Barça, se ultima la salida de Joao Félix del Atlético y se activa la opción Memphis...
    Hora 25 Deportes | El Rey Mago de las Bateas
    January 6, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ... en el primer partido de la jornada 16 de liga con gol de Iago Aspas, previa del Villarreal-Real Madrid y el resto de encuentros, más fútbol, El Sanedrón especial de Reyes Magos con Raúl Pé...
    [from itunes:summary] ... en el primer partido de la jornada 16 de liga con gol de Iago Aspas, previa del Villarreal-Real Madrid y el resto de encuentros, más fútbol, El Sanedrón especial de Reyes Magos con Raúl Pé...
    Hora 25 Deportes | 'El Gordo' de la Copa
    December 23, 2022 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...el deporte del día: las imágenes de la Copa y el sorteo de dieciseisavos de final. El Real Madrid visitará el estadio Príncipe Felipe, donde juega sus partidos el Club Polideportivo Cacereñ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...el deporte del día: las imágenes de la Copa y el sorteo de dieciseisavos de final. El Real Madrid visitará el estadio Príncipe Felipe, donde juega sus partidos el Club Polideportivo Cacereñ...
    Hora 25 Deportes | El Real Madrid ficha futuro
    December 15, 2022 (duration 24m)
    [from title] Hora 25 Deportes | El Real Madrid ficha futuro
    [from description] El deporte del jueves con Jesús Gallego: El Madrid ficha al brasileño a Endrick, delantero de 16 años comparado con Ronaldo, previa de la final d...
    [from itunes:summary] El deporte del jueves con Jesús Gallego: El Madrid ficha al brasileño a Endrick, delantero de 16 años comparado con Ronaldo, previa de la final d...
    Hora 25 Deportes | La Liga no da tregua
    October 21, 2022 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ... Gallego y el deporte del día: la previa del fin de semana tiene como protagonistas al Real Madrid y al Sevilla como choque destacado del sábado. Además, viajamos a Texas para hablar con Ál...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Gallego y el deporte del día: la previa del fin de semana tiene como protagonistas al Real Madrid y al Sevilla como choque destacado del sábado. Además, viajamos a Texas para hablar con Ál...
    Hora 25 Deportes | La Liga está abierta
    October 18, 2022 (duration 23m)
    [from description] ...protagonismo para el partido del Cívitas Metropolitano. Además, la previa del Elche-Real Madrid, el juicio a Neymar, los ecos del Balón de Oro y la tercera jornada de Euroliga.
    [from itunes:summary] ...protagonismo para el partido del Cívitas Metropolitano. Además, la previa del Elche-Real Madrid, el juicio a Neymar, los ecos del Balón de Oro y la tercera jornada de Euroliga.
    Hora 25 Deportes | Con la cabeza en Ucrania
    October 10, 2022 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...Gallego y el deporte del día: previa de la cuarta jornada de Champions con un Shakhtar-Real Madrid en Polonia, último tren para Sevilla, Barça y Atlético, previa del España-Estados Unidos f...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Gallego y el deporte del día: previa de la cuarta jornada de Champions con un Shakhtar-Real Madrid en Polonia, último tren para Sevilla, Barça y Atlético, previa del España-Estados Unidos f...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Prohibido fallar
    October 3, 2022 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ... de la tercera jornada de Champions con Atlético, Barça y Sevilla en el alambre y el Real Madrid defendiendo liderato, Gonzalo Higuaín anuncia su retirada, resto de fútbol, Alpine sigue fal...
    [from itunes:summary] ... de la tercera jornada de Champions con Atlético, Barça y Sevilla en el alambre y el Real Madrid defendiendo liderato, Gonzalo Higuaín anuncia su retirada, resto de fútbol, Alpine sigue fal...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Los 24 cánticos violentos del derbi
    September 22, 2022 (duration 24m)
    [from description] ... Gallego: La Liga denuncia 24 cánticos violentos entre los aficionados del Atlético y Real Madrid, el futuro de Piqué y Busquets en el Barça, Selección y resto de Nations League, previa del...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Gallego: La Liga denuncia 24 cánticos violentos entre los aficionados del Atlético y Real Madrid, el futuro de Piqué y Busquets en el Barça, Selección y resto de Nations League, previa del...
    Programa especial desde la prisión de Soto del Real
    September 5, 2022 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] Hablamos sobre la vida en la cárcel desde la prisión de Soto del Real en Madrid. Los testimonios de presos, funcionarios, terapeutas, capellanes, el director del centr...
    [from itunes:summary] Hablamos sobre la vida en la cárcel desde la prisión de Soto del Real en Madrid. Los testimonios de presos, funcionarios, terapeutas, capellanes, el director del centr...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Arranca la Champions
    September 5, 2022 (duration 25m)
    [from description] ...s Gallego y el deporte del día: la mejor previa de la Champions y los protagonistas de Real Madrid, Barça, Sevilla y Atlético. El cierre a la jornada 4 en Primera División. El fútbol intern...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s Gallego y el deporte del día: la mejor previa de la Champions y los protagonistas de Real Madrid, Barça, Sevilla y Atlético. El cierre a la jornada 4 en Primera División. El fútbol intern...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Cara y cruz en el sorteo de Champions
    August 25, 2022 (duration 28m)
    [from description] ...con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: Sorteo de Champions asequible para Atlético y Real Madrid y difícil para Barça y Sevilla, noticias de mercado a una semana del cierre y más fútbol, V...
    [from itunes:summary] ...con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: Sorteo de Champions asequible para Atlético y Real Madrid y difícil para Barça y Sevilla, noticias de mercado a una semana del cierre y más fútbol, V...
    Hora 25 Deportes | Casemiro se va emocionado
    August 22, 2022 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...l lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el Casemiro más blando se despide del Real Madrid y se presenta en Manchester, termina la segunda jornada de liga marcada por el incidente co...
    [from itunes:summary] ...l lunes con Jesús Gallego y el deporte del día: el Casemiro más blando se despide del Real Madrid y se presenta en Manchester, termina la segunda jornada de liga marcada por el incidente co...
    Classic Big Interview: Steve McManaman Part Two
    April 4, 2024 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...ason two.In part two, we hear about the clever, deft chip at the Camp Nou which helped Real Madrid into the Champions League final, a final that bequeathed the elegant midfielder his second...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ason two.In part two, we hear about the clever, deft chip at the Camp Nou which helped Real Madrid into the Champions League final, a final that bequeathed the elegant midfielder his second...
    Classic Big Interview: Steve McManaman Part One
    April 2, 2024 (duration 33m)
    [from description] ...f my interview with Steve McManaman from season two.The four years that Steve spent at Real Madrid can be summed up in two Champions League wins, two league titles, and one remark from none...
    [from itunes:summary] ...f my interview with Steve McManaman from season two.The four years that Steve spent at Real Madrid can be summed up in two Champions League wins, two league titles, and one remark from none...
    BITESIZE | Ramon Calderon: Zizou, the bet that paid off
    March 29, 2024 (duration 5m)
    [from description] Today’s story comes from former Real Madrid president Ramón Calderón, who says how promoting Zinedine Zinedine from the position of re...
    [from itunes:summary] Today’s story comes from former Real Madrid president Ramón Calderón, who says how promoting Zinedine Zinedine from the position of re...
    Classic Big Interview: Ramon Calderon Part One
    March 5, 2024 (duration 30m)
    [from description] ...hance to hear my interview with Ramon Calderon from season two.In part one, the former Real Madrid president recalls his time as a supporter: watching the likes of Alfredo Di Stefano play a...
    [from itunes:summary] ...hance to hear my interview with Ramon Calderon from season two.In part one, the former Real Madrid president recalls his time as a supporter: watching the likes of Alfredo Di Stefano play a...
    BITESIZE | Steve McManaman: When Zizou became the King of Europe
    February 29, 2024 (duration 5m)
    [from description] from Steve McManaman, who speaks about how Zinedine Zidane’s frustrating start at Real Madrid was quickly forgotten after the 2002 Champions League final win over Bayer Leverkusen.Listen...
    [from itunes:summary] from Steve McManaman, who speaks about how Zinedine Zidane’s frustrating start at Real Madrid was quickly forgotten after the 2002 Champions League final win over Bayer Leverkusen.Listen...
    Classic Big Interview: Paul Clement Part One
    January 24, 2024 (duration 45m)
    [from description] my interview with Paul Clement from season one.Season 2013/14 was a special one for Real Madrid. It was the season of La Decima, their 10th European crown. Paul, assistant to Carlo Ancel...
    [from itunes:summary] my interview with Paul Clement from season one.Season 2013/14 was a special one for Real Madrid. It was the season of La Decima, their 10th European crown. Paul, assistant to Carlo Ancel...
    BITESIZE | Ramon Calderon: Becks was a class act
    January 8, 2024 (duration 5m)
    [from description] Today’s story comes from former president of Real Madrid, Ramon Calderon, who pays tribute to David Beckham’s talent and supremely professional att...
    [from itunes:summary] Today’s story comes from former president of Real Madrid, Ramon Calderon, who pays tribute to David Beckham’s talent and supremely professional att...
    Classic Big Interview: David Provan Part Two
    December 14, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ... Willie Henderson and Jimmy Johnstone, and brilliant stuff about the dodgy defeat by Real Madrid in the 1980 European Cup quarter-final.Subscribe to The Big Interview YouTube channel H...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Willie Henderson and Jimmy Johnstone, and brilliant stuff about the dodgy defeat by Real Madrid in the 1980 European Cup quarter-final.Subscribe to The Big Interview YouTube channel H...
    Classic Big Interview: Gaizka Mendieta Part Two
    December 7, 2023 (duration 41m)
    [from description] ... season one.In part two, we hear about how Valencia had the confidence to usually beat Real and Barca, and scoring perhaps THE greatest-ever goal, against Atlético Madrid in the 1999 Copa d...
    [from itunes:summary] ... season one.In part two, we hear about how Valencia had the confidence to usually beat Real and Barca, and scoring perhaps THE greatest-ever goal, against Atlético Madrid in the 1999 Copa d...
    Classic Big Interview: Graeme Souness Part Two
    November 9, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from description] British midfielder of all time. In Part Two, we hear about tough tackling against Real Madrid, la dolce vita in Italy with Sampdoria, and spearheading a revolution at Rangers.Subscribe...
    [from itunes:summary] British midfielder of all time. In Part Two, we hear about tough tackling against Real Madrid, la dolce vita in Italy with Sampdoria, and spearheading a revolution at Rangers.Subscribe...
    BITESIZE | Victor Sanchez: Raul jumped straight to the top table
    September 15, 2023 (duration 8m)
    [from description] Today’s story comes from Victor Sanchez, who describes how Raul fell into Real Madrid’s lap in a historic twist of fate.Listen to the original full episodes:Víctor Sánchez: Cap...
    [from itunes:summary] Today’s story comes from Victor Sanchez, who describes how Raul fell into Real Madrid’s lap in a historic twist of fate.Listen to the original full episodes:Víctor Sánchez: Cap...
    BITESIZE | Victor Sanchez: Fabio Capello’s Real Madrid revolution
    September 1, 2023 (duration 5m)
    [from title] BITESIZE | Victor Sanchez: Fabio Capello’s Real Madrid revolution
    [from itunes:title] BITESIZE | Victor Sanchez: Fabio Capello’s Real Madrid revolution
    [from itunes:subtitle] BITESIZE Episode | Victor Sanchez: Fabio Capello’s Real Madrid revolution
    Mbappe? Neymar? Haaland? Kane? My take on Madrid's task to replace Benzema
    June 7, 2023 (duration 14m)
    [from title] Mbappe? Neymar? Haaland? Kane? My take on Madrid's task to replace Benzema
    [from itunes:title] Mbappe? Neymar? Haaland? Kane? My take on Madrid's task to replace Benzema
    [from description] Real Madrid were not prepared for, nor are they equipped to cope with, the loss of their Ballon d'Or...
    **REPOST** Is Benzema Real Madrid's greatest No.9?
    June 5, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from title] **REPOST** Is Benzema Real Madrid's greatest No.9?
    [from itunes:title] **REPOST** Is Benzema Real Madrid's greatest No.9?
    BITESIZE | Stuart Baxter: ‘I Might Sign Michael Laudrup from Real Madrid
    April 21, 2023 (duration 7m)
    [from title] BITESIZE | Stuart Baxter: ‘I Might Sign Michael Laudrup from Real Madrid
    [from itunes:title] BITESIZE | Stuart Baxter: ‘I Might Sign Michael Laudrup from Real Madrid
    [from itunes:subtitle] BITESIZE episode | Stuart Baxter: ‘I Might Sign Michael Laudrup from Real Madrid
    Chelsea could have copied Real Madrid, but are a pale imitation of Champions League's greatest club - ESPN Weekly
    April 12, 2023 (duration 18m)
    [from title] Chelsea could have copied Real Madrid, but are a pale imitation of Champions League's greatest club - ESPN Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Chelsea could have copied Real Madrid, but are a pale imitation of Champions League's greatest club - ESPN Weekly
    Brazil, Real Madrid, Spurs, Ancelotti & Poch - Who Will Blink First? ESPN Weekly
    March 30, 2023 (duration 16m)
    [from title] Brazil, Real Madrid, Spurs, Ancelotti & Poch - Who Will Blink First? ESPN Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Brazil, Real Madrid, Spurs, Ancelotti & Poch - Who Will Blink First? ESPN Weekly
    Ancelotti's Liverpool obsession pays off in style - ESPN Weekly
    February 22, 2023 (duration 24m)
    [from description] ...ool - stretching back decades and culminating in last night's incredible 5-2 win for his Real Madrid team at Anfield. EnjoyG Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ...ool - stretching back decades and culminating in last night's incredible 5-2 win for his Real Madrid team at Anfield. EnjoyG Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    'They just want to hurt you': Adam Lallana on Liverpool v Real Madrid
    February 20, 2023 (duration 15m)
    [from title] 'They just want to hurt you': Adam Lallana on Liverpool v Real Madrid
    [from itunes:title] 'They just want to hurt you': Adam Lallana on Liverpool v Real Madrid
    [from itunes:subtitle] 'They just want to hurt you': Adam Lallana on Liverpool v Real Madrid Preview
    Adam Lallana: 'I've been told I don't play like an English footballer – I'm proud to have Spanish blood in me'
    January 17, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ... are going to lose a Champions League final, you might as well lose it to the mighty Real Madrid. And why Luca Modric is pound for pound the best midfielder in the world.This episode of The...
    [from itunes:summary] ... are going to lose a Champions League final, you might as well lose it to the mighty Real Madrid. And why Luca Modric is pound for pound the best midfielder in the world.This episode of The...
    ESPN Weekly: Long balls? 3-4-3? How Xavi's Barca won the Supercopa Clasico
    January 16, 2023 (duration 17m)
    [from description] Hola!This is my column for ESPN on how Barca beat Real Madrid 3-1 in Sunday's Supercopa final - Xavi's first trophy as Camp Nou manager. EnjoyG*******...
    [from itunes:summary] Hola!This is my column for ESPN on how Barca beat Real Madrid 3-1 in Sunday's Supercopa final - Xavi's first trophy as Camp Nou manager. EnjoyG*******...
    ESPN Weekly: Tales from the Rebel Cup – or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Copa Del Rey
    January 3, 2023 (duration 20m)
    [from description] Just before Real Madrid play in the Copa Del Rey – the start of an avalanche of romantic and unpredictable footb...
    [from itunes:summary] Just before Real Madrid play in the Copa Del Rey – the start of an avalanche of romantic and unpredictable footb...
    **REPOST** Is Benzema Real Madrid's greatest No.9?
    October 18, 2022 (duration 38m)
    [from title] **REPOST** Is Benzema Real Madrid's greatest No.9?
    [from itunes:title] **REPOST** Is Benzema Real Madrid's greatest No.9?
    Every piece of evidence suggests Real Madrid win, but... Clasico Q&A Part Two
    October 15, 2022 (duration 15m)
    [from title] Every piece of evidence suggests Real Madrid win, but... Clasico Q&A Part Two
    [from itunes:title] Every piece of evidence suggests Real Madrid win, but... Clasico Q&A Part Two
    Víctor Sánchez: Capello Transformed Madrid with One Phrase: We Train as We Play
    October 11, 2022 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Víctor Sánchez: Capello Transformed Madrid with One Phrase: We Train as We Play
    [from itunes:title] Víctor Sánchez: Capello Transformed Madrid with One Phrase: We Train as We Play
    [from itunes:subtitle] Víctor Sánchez Part One: Capello Transformed Madrid with One Phrase: We Train as We Play
    Simeone: Atleti's Emperor with No Clothes #ESPNweekly
    September 21, 2022 (duration 16m)
    [from description] Hola!This week's EPSN column focuses on the fallout from the weekend's Mardrid derbi. in which Real Madrid beat Atleti 2-1. I consider the parlous state of Atleti and Simeone's future, plus the r...
    [from itunes:summary] Hola!This week's EPSN column focuses on the fallout from the weekend's Mardrid derbi. in which Real Madrid beat Atleti 2-1. I consider the parlous state of Atleti and Simeone's future, plus the r...
    Can inspired Betis reach nirvana at the Bernabeu? #EPSNweekly
    August 30, 2022 (duration 17m)
    [from description] Manuel Pellegrini's Real Betis are on the rise, and they play their La Liga co-leaders Real Madrid at the Bernabeu on Sa...
    [from itunes:summary] Manuel Pellegrini's Real Betis are on the rise, and they play their La Liga co-leaders Real Madrid at the Bernabeu on Sa...
    Barca's Big Gamble (Q&A Part one)
    August 12, 2022 (duration 32m)
    [from description] ...nancial situation, player registration and Frenkie de Jong. You'll also get an update on Real Madrid, as they prepare for another momentous season.EnjoyG Hosted on Acast. See
    [from itunes:summary] ...nancial situation, player registration and Frenkie de Jong. You'll also get an update on Real Madrid, as they prepare for another momentous season.EnjoyG Hosted on Acast. See
    The Clásico report: Vegas, baby. Vegas.
    July 27, 2022 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ... one, but I was as transfixed by the latest chapter of the rivalry between Barcelona and Real Madrid as usual.So many storylines - and I hope most of them are in here. Hazard fails as false...
    [from itunes:summary] ... one, but I was as transfixed by the latest chapter of the rivalry between Barcelona and Real Madrid as usual.So many storylines - and I hope most of them are in here. Hazard fails as false...
    Real Madrid and Mbappe: The Empire WILL Strike Back
    May 24, 2022 (duration 19m)
    [from title] Real Madrid and Mbappe: The Empire WILL Strike Back
    [from itunes:title] Real Madrid and Mbappe: The Empire WILL Strike Back
    BITESIZE | Paul Clement: The Day CR7 Told me to Chill Out
    May 20, 2022 (duration 5m)
    [from description] Today you’ll hear from Paul Clement, Carlo Ancelotti’s former assistant manager at Real Madrid, who reveals how Cristian Ronaldo helped calm him down in the tunnel before the 2014 Champio...
    [from itunes:summary] Today you’ll hear from Paul Clement, Carlo Ancelotti’s former assistant manager at Real Madrid, who reveals how Cristian Ronaldo helped calm him down in the tunnel before the 2014 Champio...
    'There's no level above Liverpool': Q&A part one
    May 2, 2022 (duration 41m)
    [from description] ...elayed it by a few days. So here's myself and Pete Jenson chewing over Liverpool 2 Villarreal 0 and Man City 4 Real Madrid 3 - and what we expect from this week's second legs.EnjoyG Hosted ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...elayed it by a few days. So here's myself and Pete Jenson chewing over Liverpool 2 Villarreal 0 and Man City 4 Real Madrid 3 - and what we expect from this week's second legs.EnjoyG Hosted ...
    Ian Cathro: How Conor Coady Ran the Wolves System
    March 17, 2022 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ...s key to the way the team operated.Also in part two: how to beat Carlo Ancelotti’s Real Madrid.Subscribe to The Big Interview YouTube channel Hosted on Acast. See for...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s key to the way the team operated.Also in part two: how to beat Carlo Ancelotti’s Real Madrid.Subscribe to The Big Interview YouTube channel Hosted on Acast. See for...
    Courtois v Messi: Can the best goalkeeper in the world stop PSG?
    March 8, 2022 (duration 10m)
    [from description] HolaThibaut Courtois, the Real Madrid goalkeeper, is in the form of his life. He will need to produce heroics to take Los Blan...
    [from itunes:summary] HolaThibaut Courtois, the Real Madrid goalkeeper, is in the form of his life. He will need to produce heroics to take Los Blan...
    David Beckham: Big Interview Icon
    February 8, 2022 (duration 22m)
    [from description] ...and his abilities in general – are underrated.Lastly, former president of Real Madrid, Ramon Calderon, gushes with praise for Becks. During his last season in Spain, instead of sulking and ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...and his abilities in general – are underrated.Lastly, former president of Real Madrid, Ramon Calderon, gushes with praise for Becks. During his last season in Spain, instead of sulking and ...
    Classic Big Interview: James Milner
    February 1, 2022 (duration 40m)
    [from description] ...When I spoke with James, his pain from the 2018 Champions League final defeat by Real Madrid was still palpable, but he vowed to channel it so that he could put things right. Little did he ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...When I spoke with James, his pain from the 2018 Champions League final defeat by Real Madrid was still palpable, but he vowed to channel it so that he could put things right. Little did he ...
    Xavi v Ancelotti: Supercopa Clasico preview
    January 11, 2022 (duration 17m)
    [from description] Here comes a peculiar Clasico - Real Madrid v Barcelona ... in Saudi Arabia.Here's what I think about the circumstances around the S...
    [from itunes:summary] Here comes a peculiar Clasico - Real Madrid v Barcelona ... in Saudi Arabia.Here's what I think about the circumstances around the S...
    A Night at the Opera, or a night at The Improv? Why Madrid's midfield may need a new script
    November 25, 2021 (duration 20m)
    [from title] A Night at the Opera, or a night at The Improv? Why Madrid's midfield may need a new script
    [from itunes:title] A Night at the Opera, or a night at The Improv? Why Madrid's midfield may need a new script
    Classic Big Interview: Owen Hargreaves
    November 1, 2021 (duration 40m)
    [from description] ... taught him to be ultra-competitive. When he went up against the likes of Luis Figo at Real Madrid in the 2001 Champions League semi-final, he soon felt worthy of the task. Owen played in t...
    [from itunes:summary] ... taught him to be ultra-competitive. When he went up against the likes of Luis Figo at Real Madrid in the 2001 Champions League semi-final, he soon felt worthy of the task. Owen played in t...
    Alaba, Aguero & Something About Xavi: Post-Clasico Q&A
    October 25, 2021 (duration 45m)
    [from description] Hola!Hope you enjoyed yesterday's Clasico, which finished Barcelona 1 Real Madrid 2. Myself and Pete Jenson answers your questions covering Alaba's goal, Depay, Modric, A...
    [from itunes:summary] Hola!Hope you enjoyed yesterday's Clasico, which finished Barcelona 1 Real Madrid 2. Myself and Pete Jenson answers your questions covering Alaba's goal, Depay, Modric, A...
    One Giant Leap For Vinicius - Clasico Q&A (part two)
    October 22, 2021 (duration 32m)
    [from description] ...What does the rest of Spanish football make of the global fascination with Barcelona and Real Madrid? And how will a faltering Barcelona cope with Vinicius as the Real Madrid forward develo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...What does the rest of Spanish football make of the global fascination with Barcelona and Real Madrid? And how will a faltering Barcelona cope with Vinicius as the Real Madrid forward develo...
    Barca: More Questions Than Ansu's - Clasico Q & A, part one
    October 21, 2021 (duration 42m)
    [from description] ...sico - in this first part, we connect the Champions League performances of Barcelona and Real Madrid to the possible outcome of the weekend's La Liga meeting. And the focus falls on two of ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...sico - in this first part, we connect the Champions League performances of Barcelona and Real Madrid to the possible outcome of the weekend's La Liga meeting. And the focus falls on two of ...
    Vinny Samways: Ossie’s Pivote
    August 31, 2021 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...rable giant-killing thrashings which Vinny was on the right side of, one against Real Madrid when at Las Palmas, and one against Barcelona when he was at Sevilla.You'll love this Big Interv...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rable giant-killing thrashings which Vinny was on the right side of, one against Real Madrid when at Las Palmas, and one against Barcelona when he was at Sevilla.You'll love this Big Interv...
    Rating Atleti, Sevilla, La Real and Betis' La Liga chances - Q & A (part two)
    August 19, 2021 (duration 33m)
    [from description] With Messi gone and both Barcelona and Madrid reassessing their long-term finances, our socios ask Graham and Pete Jenson about the teams m...
    [from itunes:summary] With Messi gone and both Barcelona and Madrid reassessing their long-term finances, our socios ask Graham and Pete Jenson about the teams m...
    Casemiro, Simeone, Morelos - March Q&A part two
    March 29, 2021 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ..., Granada; who Rangers could find in La Liga to replace Alfredo Morelos and the value to Real Madrid of the wonderful Casemiro. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ..., Granada; who Rangers could find in La Liga to replace Alfredo Morelos and the value to Real Madrid of the wonderful Casemiro. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Cristiano Ronaldo: Big Interview Icon
    January 15, 2021 (duration 28m)
    [from description] ...egularly ribbed – but it only drove him on to work even harder.Then there’s former Real Madrid assistant manager Paul Clement’s tale of Ronnie calming him down in the tunnel before the 2014...
    [from itunes:summary] ...egularly ribbed – but it only drove him on to work even harder.Then there’s former Real Madrid assistant manager Paul Clement’s tale of Ronnie calming him down in the tunnel before the 2014...
    Zinedine Zidane: Big Interview Icon
    December 11, 2020 (duration 26m)
    [from description] ...!Next up is Steve McManaman, who speaks about how Zizou endured a frustrating start at Real Madrid. Then came the 2002 Champions League final win over Bayer Leverkusen, and nobody doubted t...
    [from itunes:summary] ...!Next up is Steve McManaman, who speaks about how Zizou endured a frustrating start at Real Madrid. Then came the 2002 Champions League final win over Bayer Leverkusen, and nobody doubted t...
    La Liga Q & A, with Graham and Pete Jenson
    November 27, 2020 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ... reports on Spanish football for the Daily Mail and La Liga TV.Barca, Madrid, Atleti, La Real and more. Enjoy Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ... reports on Spanish football for the Daily Mail and La Liga TV.Barca, Madrid, Atleti, La Real and more. Enjoy Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Pep v Zizou - Part 2
    August 6, 2020 (duration 25m)
    [from description] HolaThis is my look ahead to this week's Champions League last-16 tie between Manchester City and Real Madrid.Enjoy Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] HolaThis is my look ahead to this week's Champions League last-16 tie between Manchester City and Real Madrid.Enjoy Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Guest #100 Rio Ferdinand: Addicted to Winning
    July 23, 2020 (duration 52m)
    [from description] ...m a lesson in the semi. At Man United they ripped Juventus to shreds but a year later Real Madrid narrowly put them out in a ding-dong 6-5 aggregate win, when Raúl stretched him like never ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...m a lesson in the semi. At Man United they ripped Juventus to shreds but a year later Real Madrid narrowly put them out in a ding-dong 6-5 aggregate win, when Raúl stretched him like never ...
    World Cup 2010 Revista! When Vicente met Ottmar
    June 16, 2020 (duration 53m)
    [from description] ...een Vicente Del Bosque and Ottmer Hitzfeld, the two coaches, when they were in charge of Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.And, of course, the game. A weird one, at the end of which Spain would...
    [from itunes:summary] ...een Vicente Del Bosque and Ottmer Hitzfeld, the two coaches, when they were in charge of Real Madrid and Bayern Munich.And, of course, the game. A weird one, at the end of which Spain would...
    Jimmy Bullard: Bend it like Riquelme
    April 21, 2020 (duration 44m)
    [from description] ...s signed from Gravesend & Northfleet by his boyhood heroes West Ham United, it was real Roy of the Rovers stuff.Jimmy adored Zizou, and loved the arthouse movie Zidane: A 21st Century P...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s signed from Gravesend & Northfleet by his boyhood heroes West Ham United, it was real Roy of the Rovers stuff.Jimmy adored Zizou, and loved the arthouse movie Zidane: A 21st Century P...
    Classic Big Interview: Steve McManaman
    October 22, 2019 (duration 40m)
    [from description] ...e pitch. He epitomised elegance, passing ability and vision, and graced the field with Real Madrid legends such as Roberto Carlos, Zinedine Zidane, Raul and the Brazilian Ronaldo. There was...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e pitch. He epitomised elegance, passing ability and vision, and graced the field with Real Madrid legends such as Roberto Carlos, Zinedine Zidane, Raul and the Brazilian Ronaldo. There was...
    Classic Big Interview: Ramon Calderon Part One
    September 10, 2019 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ...amon Calderon from season two.As president, Ramon helped usher in a new golden era for Real Madrid, not long after the club had flirted with bankruptcy. We delve back in time to hear about ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...amon Calderon from season two.As president, Ramon helped usher in a new golden era for Real Madrid, not long after the club had flirted with bankruptcy. We delve back in time to hear about ...
    Champions League Final Compilation: Milner on Kyiv, Carra on Istanbul, Souness on Paris
    May 30, 2019 (duration 30m)
    [from description] ...r 2018 where he reflects on the pain of last year's Champions League final defeat to Real Madrid… but also how much they learned, and will now take into the weekend.Jamie Carragher then tak...
    [from itunes:summary] ...r 2018 where he reflects on the pain of last year's Champions League final defeat to Real Madrid… but also how much they learned, and will now take into the weekend.Jamie Carragher then tak...
    The Big Clasico Q and A: Part Two
    February 26, 2019 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ... of my preview of tomorrow's Copa Del Rey semi-final second leg between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. I'll also be touching on this Saturday's Clasico.Graham Hosted on Acast. See
    [from itunes:summary] ... of my preview of tomorrow's Copa Del Rey semi-final second leg between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. I'll also be touching on this Saturday's Clasico.Graham Hosted on Acast. See
    The Big Clasico Q and A: Part One
    February 25, 2019 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...previews of this Wednesday's Copa Del Rey semi-final second leg between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. I'll also be touching on next Saturday's Clasico Hosted on Acast. See
    [from itunes:summary] ...previews of this Wednesday's Copa Del Rey semi-final second leg between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. I'll also be touching on next Saturday's Clasico Hosted on Acast. See
    Ryan Fraser Part One: Eddie, Ronnie and a dog called Maisie
    February 5, 2019 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...d of Ryan Fraser involves cooking, dog-walking, meditation, what he learned from playing Real Madrid and how Eddie Howe compares to Pep Guardiola. This is one of the best interviews we've d...
    [from itunes:summary] ...d of Ryan Fraser involves cooking, dog-walking, meditation, what he learned from playing Real Madrid and how Eddie Howe compares to Pep Guardiola. This is one of the best interviews we've d...
    James Milner: Lessons from Kiev
    January 24, 2019 (duration 21m)
    [from description] ...rned when that spotlight was at its brightest - the 2018 Champions League final, against Real Madrid. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ...rned when that spotlight was at its brightest - the 2018 Champions League final, against Real Madrid. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Kevin Bridges Part Two: Teamtalks and Pep Talk
    December 13, 2018 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ... great Ajax team of the nineties and why Pep's Barca were better than the all-conquering Real Madrid of the past few years.Enjoy!Graham Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ... great Ajax team of the nineties and why Pep's Barca were better than the all-conquering Real Madrid of the past few years.Enjoy!Graham Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Will Ronaldo Triumph From Turin? Champions League Q&A Special
    September 17, 2018 (duration 33m)
    [from description] ... season's Champions League campaign. Today, I give my answers.I will give my reasons why Real Madrid cannot be written off despite the loss of their talismanic forward. And what of Cristian...
    [from itunes:summary] ... season's Champions League campaign. Today, I give my answers.I will give my reasons why Real Madrid cannot be written off despite the loss of their talismanic forward. And what of Cristian...
    Will Messi Miss Ronaldo? Q&A Special
    September 3, 2018 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...or not he will miss going mano-a-mano with Cristiano Ronaldo.And I take a closer look at Real Madrid's summer transfer business and discuss how Spanish football will be affected by the end ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...or not he will miss going mano-a-mano with Cristiano Ronaldo.And I take a closer look at Real Madrid's summer transfer business and discuss how Spanish football will be affected by the end ...
    European Super Cup Preview: Godin, Griezmann & a Good Summer for Simeone
    August 14, 2018 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...listeners!All eyes will be on Tallinn on Wednesday evening, where city rivals Atleti and Real Madrid will compete for the European Super Cup.In this special preview episode I take a close l...
    [from itunes:summary] ...listeners!All eyes will be on Tallinn on Wednesday evening, where city rivals Atleti and Real Madrid will compete for the European Super Cup.In this special preview episode I take a close l...
    It's Coming Home: Sweden v England Preview
    July 6, 2018 (duration 36m)
    [from description] ...stiano Ronaldo and the reasons why the Portuguese might now be considering his career at Real Madrid.Dasvidanya!Graham Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ...stiano Ronaldo and the reasons why the Portuguese might now be considering his career at Real Madrid.Dasvidanya!Graham Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Nagelsmann wird Europameister und übernimmt Real!
    March 28, 2024 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ... Österreich, Julian Nagelsmann übernimmt danach Real Madrid und Ralf Rangnick schlüpft in die pinkfarbene Ballonseide des DFB.“ Weitere Themen der Unbestechlichen: Das Mainzer Gastspiel in ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Österreich, Julian Nagelsmann übernimmt danach Real Madrid und Ralf Rangnick schlüpft in die pinkfarbene Ballonseide des DFB.“ Weitere Themen der Unbestechlichen: Das Mainzer Gastspiel in ...
    Was erlaube, Tuchel?
    November 9, 2023 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ...m königlichen Achtelfinale nach Leipzig. In der K.o-Runde warten Arsenal oder auch Real Madrid. „Machbar, absolut machbar“, flötet Guidos Partner Meigl ins Podcast-Mikro, „Bayern wäre schl...
    [from itunes:summary] ...m königlichen Achtelfinale nach Leipzig. In der K.o-Runde warten Arsenal oder auch Real Madrid. „Machbar, absolut machbar“, flötet Guidos Partner Meigl ins Podcast-Mikro, „Bayern wäre schl...
    „Union Berlin spielt berechenbar“
    August 26, 2022 (duration 46m)
    [from content:encoded] Real! Madrid! Toni Kroos, Karim Benzema, Luka Modric und Carlo Ancelotti! Selbst der Busfahrer der K...
    RB Leipzig im Finale, Werner mit Siegtor
    May 7, 2021 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ... keinen Moment an Chelsea London und Timo Werner im Duell gegen Real Madrid und sah sich bestätigt. „Real hat keine Chance, Timos Kopfball-Torpedo hat den Zug aufs Gleis gesetzt.“ Und um ei...
    [from content:encoded] ... keinen Moment an Chelsea London und Timo Werner im Duell gegen Real Madrid und sah sich bestätigt. „Real hat keine Chance, Timos Kopfball-Torpedo hat den Zug aufs Gleis gesetzt.“ Und um ei...
    [from itunes:summary] ... keinen Moment an Chelsea London und Timo Werner im Duell gegen Real Madrid und sah sich bestätigt. „Real hat keine Chance, Timos Kopfball-Torpedo hat den Zug aufs Gleis gesetzt.“ Und um ei...
    Cristiano Ronaldo – What happens in Vegas…
    March 28, 2024 (duration 42m)
    [from description] ... 2009 in Las Vegas. Kurz zuvor ist der Wechsel von “CR7” von Manchester United zu Real Madrid perfekt geworden, diesen Jahrhundert-Wechsel feiert der Superstar mit seiner Entourage im Glück...
    [from content:encoded] ... 2009 in Las Vegas. Kurz zuvor ist der Wechsel von “CR7” von Manchester United zu Real Madrid perfekt geworden, diesen Jahrhundert-Wechsel feiert der Superstar mit seiner Entourage im Glück...
    [from itunes:summary] ... 2009 in Las Vegas. Kurz zuvor ist der Wechsel von “CR7” von Manchester United zu Real Madrid perfekt geworden, diesen Jahrhundert-Wechsel feiert der Superstar mit seiner Entourage im Glück...
    City Win Manchester Derby
    March 26, 2024 (duration 30m)
    [from description] ... the Etihad as goals from Jess Park and Bunny Shaw sealed the win. Also this weekend saw Real Madrid & Barcelona face off in Spain and Hashtag United beat Newcastle in the National League C...
    [from itunes:summary] ... the Etihad as goals from Jess Park and Bunny Shaw sealed the win. Also this weekend saw Real Madrid & Barcelona face off in Spain and Hashtag United beat Newcastle in the National League C...
    [from content:encoded] ...t the Etihad as goals from Jess Park and Bunny Shaw sealed the win.Also this weekend saw Real Madrid & Barcelona face off in Spain and Hashtag United beat Newcastle in the National Leag...
    Will Endrick be football's next superstar?
    March 25, 2024 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...ley on Saturday. So how good is Brazil's next big thing - and where will he fit in at Real Madrid when he completes his move to the Bernabeu this summer? Ayo Akinwolere is joined by The Ath...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ley on Saturday. So how good is Brazil's next big thing - and where will he fit in at Real Madrid when he completes his move to the Bernabeu this summer? Ayo Akinwolere is joined by The Ath...
    [from content:encoded] ...bley on Saturday.So how good is Brazil's next big thing - and where will he fit in at Real Madrid when he completes his move to the Bernabeu this summer?Ayo Akinwolere is joined by The Athl...
    Is Haaland destined for Real Madrid?
    February 28, 2024 (duration 35m)
    [from title] Is Haaland destined for Real Madrid?
    [from description] ... fresh challenge?  There’s always been a suspicion that Haaland will one day join Real Madrid. But is a move now less likely with the potential arrival of Kylian Mbappe? Or is Madrid the...
    [from itunes:summary] ... fresh challenge?  There’s always been a suspicion that Haaland will one day join Real Madrid. But is a move now less likely with the potential arrival of Kylian Mbappe? Or is Madrid the...
    How do PSG replace Mbappe?
    February 20, 2024 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ...told Paris Saint Germain of his decision to leave the club at the end of the season with Real Madrid the expected destination but as their superstar departs, what next for PSG? Ayo Akinwole...
    [from itunes:summary] ...told Paris Saint Germain of his decision to leave the club at the end of the season with Real Madrid the expected destination but as their superstar departs, what next for PSG? Ayo Akinwole...
    [from content:encoded] ...told Paris Saint Germain of his decision to leave the club at the end of the season with Real Madrid the expected destination but as their superstar departs, what next for PSG?Ayo Akinwoler...
    Weekend Preview: Can Villa hold off Man United?
    February 9, 2024 (duration 46m)
    [from description] ...Spain and Germany face off, with Jon MacKenzie filling us in on all the ramifications of Real Madrid vs Girona and Bayer Leverkusen vs Bayern Munich. And finally, both the Asian Cup and AFC...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Spain and Germany face off, with Jon MacKenzie filling us in on all the ramifications of Real Madrid vs Girona and Bayer Leverkusen vs Bayern Munich. And finally, both the Asian Cup and AFC...
    [from content:encoded] ...Spain and Germany face off, with Jon MacKenzie filling us in on all the ramifications of Real Madrid vs Girona and Bayer Leverkusen vs Bayern Munich.And finally, both the Asian Cup and AFCO...
    Will Real Madrid finally get Mbappe?
    January 4, 2024 (duration 42m)
    [from title] Will Real Madrid finally get Mbappe?
    [from description] Victory last night means Real Madrid have reached the halfway stage of La Liga as league leaders on goal difference. But in t...
    [from itunes:summary] Victory last night means Real Madrid have reached the halfway stage of La Liga as league leaders on goal difference. But in t...
    Is Xavi losing his grip on the Barcelona job?
    December 19, 2023 (duration 28m)
    [from description] Jude Bellingham’s Real Madrid aren’t the only team upstaging the mighty Barcelona this season…  The Catalans are already...
    [from itunes:summary] Jude Bellingham’s Real Madrid aren’t the only team upstaging the mighty Barcelona this season…  The Catalans are already...
    [from content:encoded] Jude Bellingham’s Real Madrid aren’t the only team upstaging the mighty Barcelona this season… The Catalans are already ...
    Will Ancelotti leave Real Madrid for Brazil?
    November 29, 2023 (duration 23m)
    [from title] Will Ancelotti leave Real Madrid for Brazil?
    [from description] The lure of Real Madrid has proven almost irresistible to the world’s best players and coaches for decades... Su...
    [from itunes:summary] The lure of Real Madrid has proven almost irresistible to the world’s best players and coaches for decades... Su...
    Xabi Alonso: Europe's next 'super coach'
    November 14, 2023 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...hown within his side as well as assessing what could come next for the former Liverpool, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich midfielder. Produced by Guy Clarke Additional Production by Mike Stavr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...hown within his side as well as assessing what could come next for the former Liverpool, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich midfielder. Produced by Guy Clarke Additional Production by Mike Stavr...
    [from content:encoded] ...hown within his side as well as assessing what could come next for the former Liverpool, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich midfielder.Produced by Guy ClarkeAdditional Production by Mike Stavrou...
    Have Dortmund moved on from Bellingham?
    November 8, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...undesliga title on the final day of the 2022/23 season before selling Jude Bellingham to Real Madrid in the summer, the panel analyse what is possible for Edin Terzic's side both domestical...
    [from itunes:summary] ...undesliga title on the final day of the 2022/23 season before selling Jude Bellingham to Real Madrid in the summer, the panel analyse what is possible for Edin Terzic's side both domestical...
    [from content:encoded] ...undesliga title on the final day of the 2022/23 season before selling Jude Bellingham to Real Madrid in the summer, the panel analyse what is possible for Edin Terzic's side both domestical...
    Are Real Madrid leaving Barcelona behind?
    October 31, 2023 (duration 37m)
    [from title] Are Real Madrid leaving Barcelona behind?
    [from description] Are Real Madrid about to leave Barcelona behind, both on and off the pitch? After losing Saturday’s El C...
    [from itunes:title] Are Real Madrid leaving Barcelona behind?
    Hazard retires - how will he be remembered?
    October 11, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...ility - make his achievements all the more impressive? We detail why his dream move to Real Madrid didn't work out and hear from Premier League defenders who actually had to try and stop Ed...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ility - make his achievements all the more impressive? We detail why his dream move to Real Madrid didn't work out and hear from Premier League defenders who actually had to try and stop Ed...
    [from content:encoded] ...bility - make his achievements all the more impressive?We detail why his dream move to Real Madrid didn't work out and hear from Premier League defenders who actually had to try and stop Ed...
    How 'Bellingham Phenomenon' has taken over Real Madrid
    August 21, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from title] How 'Bellingham Phenomenon' has taken over Real Madrid
    [from description] ...pening two La Liga games Jude Bellingham has enjoyed a meteoric start to his career with Real Madrid. The Athletic's Guillermo Rai and Dermot Corrigan join Ayo Akinwolere to analyse Belling...
    [from itunes:summary] ...pening two La Liga games Jude Bellingham has enjoyed a meteoric start to his career with Real Madrid. The Athletic's Guillermo Rai and Dermot Corrigan join Ayo Akinwolere to analyse Belling...
    Real Madrid sign Bellingham - and they’re not done yet
    June 8, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from title] Real Madrid sign Bellingham - and they’re not done yet
    [from description] How Real Madrid won the race to sign Jude Bellingham and why he chose La Liga over the Premier League.. ...
    [from itunes:summary] How Real Madrid won the race to sign Jude Bellingham and why he chose La Liga over the Premier League.. ...
    Vinícius Júnior has had enough
    May 24, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ... Edjogo-Owono, after Vinicius Junior was once again racially abused while playing for Real Madrid. La Liga have sanctioned Valencia with a partial stadium closure for five matches. But is...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Edjogo-Owono, after Vinicius Junior was once again racially abused while playing for Real Madrid. La Liga have sanctioned Valencia with a partial stadium closure for five matches. But is...
    [from content:encoded] ... Edjogo-Owono, after Vinicius Junior was once again racially abused while playing for Real Madrid.La Liga have sanctioned Valencia with a partial stadium closure for five matches.But is tha...
    What rest of Europe thinks of Man City's dominance
    May 18, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] So the treble is very much on for Manchester City after they swept aside Real Madrid to reach the final of the Champions League in what Pep Guardiola described as one of the...
    [from itunes:summary] So the treble is very much on for Manchester City after they swept aside Real Madrid to reach the final of the Champions League in what Pep Guardiola described as one of the...
    [from content:encoded] So the treble is very much on for Manchester City after they swept aside Real Madrid to reach the final of the Champions League in what Pep Guardiola described as one of the...
    Why Bellingham to Real isn't a done deal. Yet.
    May 10, 2023 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ... Sam Lee and Raphael Honigstein to explore Jude Bellingham's proposed summer transfer to Real Madrid, over a return to England and the Premier League... Why Man City have positioned themsel...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Sam Lee and Raphael Honigstein to explore Jude Bellingham's proposed summer transfer to Real Madrid, over a return to England and the Premier League... Why Man City have positioned themsel...
    [from content:encoded] ... Sam Lee and Raphael Honigstein to explore Jude Bellingham's proposed summer transfer to Real Madrid, over a return to England and the Premier League...Why Man City have positioned themselv...
    Could Barcelona lose their best player for free this summer?
    March 23, 2023 (duration 29m)
    [from description] ...thletic’s Barcelona writers Pol Ballus & Laia Cervelló Herrero. After victory against Real Madrid sent them 12 points clear, Barcelona might have La Liga all wrapped up. But their problems ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...thletic’s Barcelona writers Pol Ballus & Laia Cervelló Herrero. After victory against Real Madrid sent them 12 points clear, Barcelona might have La Liga all wrapped up. But their problems ...
    [from content:encoded] ...etic’s Barcelona writers Pol Ballus & Laia Cervelló Herrero.After victory against Real Madrid sent them 12 points clear, Barcelona might have La Liga all wrapped up.But their problems a...
    Man City, Chelsea, Real Madrid? Who will win the race to sign Josko Gvardiol
    March 14, 2023 (duration 28m)
    [from title] Man City, Chelsea, Real Madrid? Who will win the race to sign Josko Gvardiol
    [from description] ...uardiola need to sell a defender first, can Todd Boehly's Chelsea keep spending and does Real Madrid's Champions League lure still trump the Premier League's riches? Host Mark Chapman is jo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...uardiola need to sell a defender first, can Todd Boehly's Chelsea keep spending and does Real Madrid's Champions League lure still trump the Premier League's riches? Host Mark Chapman is jo...
    How Real Madrid schooled Liverpool - on and off the field
    February 22, 2023 (duration 28m)
    [from title] How Real Madrid schooled Liverpool - on and off the field
    [from description] ... on a classic night of Champions League action as Liverpool were dealt a sucker punch by Real Madrid at Anfield. From gift-wrapped goals, to Gomez, to Galacticos there is a gulf between the...
    [from itunes:summary] ... on a classic night of Champions League action as Liverpool were dealt a sucker punch by Real Madrid at Anfield. From gift-wrapped goals, to Gomez, to Galacticos there is a gulf between the...
    The Rise of Vinicius Jr & Spanish Football's Problem With Racism
    February 9, 2023 (duration 20m)
    [from description] Mark Chapman is joined by The Athletic's Dermot Corrigan & Mario Cortegana to discuss the rise of Real Madrid's Brazilian superstar Vinicius Jr and the recent spate of racist incidents he has had to...
    [from itunes:summary] Mark Chapman is joined by The Athletic's Dermot Corrigan & Mario Cortegana to discuss the rise of Real Madrid's Brazilian superstar Vinicius Jr and the recent spate of racist incidents he has had to...
    [from content:encoded] joined by The Athletic's Dermot Corrigan & Mario Cortegana to discuss the rise of Real Madrid's Brazilian superstar Vinicius Jr and the recent spate of racist incidents he has had to...
    Mbappe, Real Madrid & the transfer saga that won’t go away
    January 18, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from title] Mbappe, Real Madrid & the transfer saga that won’t go away
    [from description] ...iscuss a new chapter in one of football’s biggest transfer sagas...Kylian Mbappe and Real Madrid. Are PSG doing the right things to keep him? How might his relationship with teammate Neymar...
    [from itunes:summary] ...iscuss a new chapter in one of football’s biggest transfer sagas...Kylian Mbappe and Real Madrid. Are PSG doing the right things to keep him? How might his relationship with teammate Neymar...
    Barcelona & Real Madrid, hated rivals who need each other more than ever
    January 9, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from title] Barcelona & Real Madrid, hated rivals who need each other more than ever
    [from description] ...y The Athletic's Dermot Corrigan, Pol Ballus & Guillermo Rai to discuss how Barcelona & Real Madrid, rivals on the pitch for decades,  have become close off the field and need each other mo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...y The Athletic's Dermot Corrigan, Pol Ballus & Guillermo Rai to discuss how Barcelona & Real Madrid, rivals on the pitch for decades,  have become close off the field and need each other mo...
    Did Man City get a raw deal at Liverpool?
    October 17, 2022 (duration 33m)
    [from description] ...ld - is he right? Also, we’ll cross to Spain to look back on an El Clasico victory for Real Madrid that puts Barcelona manager Xavi under pressure with The Athletic's Deromot Corrigan. Lear...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ld - is he right? Also, we’ll cross to Spain to look back on an El Clasico victory for Real Madrid that puts Barcelona manager Xavi under pressure with The Athletic's Deromot Corrigan. Lear...
    [from content:encoded] ...eld - is he right?Also, we’ll cross to Spain to look back on an El Clasico victory for Real Madrid that puts Barcelona manager Xavi under pressure with The Athletic's Deromot Corrigan. Lear...
    Inside Barcelona's Summer Transfer Window: De Jong, Laporta & 'Levers FC'
    August 3, 2022 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ... game of the new La Liga season, Bernardo Silva interest, Frenkie de Jong's choices, why Real Madrid actually need a competitive rival and if there is any chance of a Lionel Messi comeback....
    [from itunes:summary] ... game of the new La Liga season, Bernardo Silva interest, Frenkie de Jong's choices, why Real Madrid actually need a competitive rival and if there is any chance of a Lionel Messi comeback....
    [from content:encoded] ... game of the new La Liga season, Bernardo Silva interest, Frenkie de Jong's choices, why Real Madrid actually need a competitive rival and if there is any chance of a Lionel Messi comeback....
    Champions League Final Preview: Mo Salah's Real Madrid Revenge
    May 28, 2022 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] Champions League Final Preview: Mo Salah's Real Madrid Revenge
    [from description] ...ned by bet365's Steve Freeth to preview the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid... Do Madrid dare lose this following Mbappe's public rejection? And if Liverpool were t...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ned by bet365's Steve Freeth to preview the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid...
    Kylian Mbappe's New Deal: How PSG Shocked Real Madrid & What Happens Now?
    May 25, 2022 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Kylian Mbappe's New Deal: How PSG Shocked Real Madrid & What Happens Now?
    [from description] ...ster City. Plus, is it a good idea for Mbappe to have power over big club decisions, who Real Madrid could turn their attention to next and if their Champions League final against Liverpool...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ster City. Plus, is it a good idea for Mbappe to have power over big club decisions, who Real Madrid could turn their attention to next and if their Champions League final against Liverpool...
    Why Mbappe stayed at PSG & City's shrewd early Haaland move
    May 23, 2022 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...appe, why City moving for Erling Haaland early means they didn't face competition from Real Madrid who will no doubt look to react in the transfer market. And Phil Hay will join us - in a m...
    [from itunes:summary] ...appe, why City moving for Erling Haaland early means they didn't face competition from Real Madrid who will no doubt look to react in the transfer market. And Phil Hay will join us - in a m...
    [from content:encoded] ...appe, why City moving for Erling Haaland early means they didn't face competition from Real Madrid who will no doubt look to react in the transfer market.And Phil Hay will join us - in a mu...
    Erling Haaland to Manchester City Announced
    May 10, 2022 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...hester City... From his link-up play to his injury record, his public desire to play for Real Madrid and assurances over Guardiola's future. Plus, the "myth" about Pep and big egos in the d...
    [from itunes:summary] ...hester City... From his link-up play to his injury record, his public desire to play for Real Madrid and assurances over Guardiola's future. Plus, the "myth" about Pep and big egos in the d...
    [from content:encoded] ...hester City... From his link-up play to his injury record, his public desire to play for Real Madrid and assurances over Guardiola's future.Plus, the "myth" about Pep and big egos in the dr...
    Business of Sport: Was the Super League illegal?
    September 30, 2021 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...e Athletic's Matt Slater to explain why UEFA are locked in a legal battle with Barcelona Real Madrid & Juventus as the Super League fallout continues. Dr Katarina Pijetlovic an expert on br...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...e Athletic's Matt Slater to explain why UEFA are locked in a legal battle with Barcelona Real Madrid & Juventus as the Super League fallout continues.
    [from itunes:summary] ...e Athletic's Matt Slater to explain why UEFA are locked in a legal battle with Barcelona Real Madrid & Juventus as the Super League fallout continues. Dr Katarina Pijetlovic an expert on br...
    Kylian Mbappe to Real Madrid: The Transfer That Didn't Happen
    September 1, 2021 (duration 37m)
    [from title] Kylian Mbappe to Real Madrid: The Transfer That Didn't Happen
    [from description] ... Athletic's Spanish football correspondent, Dermot Corrigan, to assess the fall-out from Real Madrid's failed pursuit of PSG forward Kylian Mbappe... Dermot explains the origins of Real Pre...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Dan and Flo discuss Real Madrid's failed pursuit of Kylian Mbappe and the decline of La Liga's powers...
    Ronaldo’s return to Manchester United: How the deal was done
    August 30, 2021 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...rgets in the no.9 department. All this plus updates on Kylian Mbappe's potential move to Real Madrid in the last two days of the window, Chelsea's pursuit of Jules Kounde which now looks un...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rgets in the no.9 department. All this plus updates on Kylian Mbappe's potential move to Real Madrid in the last two days of the window, Chelsea's pursuit of Jules Kounde which now looks un...
    [from content:encoded] ...argets in the no.9 department.All this plus updates on Kylian Mbappe's potential move to Real Madrid in the last two days of the window, Chelsea's pursuit of Jules Kounde which now looks un...
    Ex-Real Madrid President on how the club works & Super League
    April 29, 2021 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Ex-Real Madrid President on how the club works & Super League
    [from description] Host Mark Chapman and The Athletic's football news reporter Matt Slater are joined by former Real Madrid President Ramon Calderon to get his perspective on the how the Super League proposal was...
    [from itunes:summary] Host Mark Chapman and The Athletic's football news reporter Matt Slater are joined by former Real Madrid President Ramon Calderon to get his perspective on the how the Super League proposal was...
    Ornstein on Ozil departure and Chelsea in for Erling Haaland
    January 18, 2021 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...this summer, with the club hoping to steal a march on the likes of Man City, Man Utd and Real Madrid who were laying in wait for the Norwegian's release clause to become active in 2022. Plu...
    [from itunes:summary] ...this summer, with the club hoping to steal a march on the likes of Man City, Man Utd and Real Madrid who were laying in wait for the Norwegian's release clause to become active in 2022. Plu...
    [from content:encoded] ...this summer, with the club hoping to steal a march on the likes of Man City, Man Utd and Real Madrid who were laying in wait for the Norwegian's release clause to become active in 2022.Plus...
    Salah's Liverpool future in focus after Barca flirtation and Arsenal gearing up for busy January window
    December 22, 2020 (duration 47m)
    [from description] ...iew to the Spanish press last week, is this a public fluttering of eyes at Barcelona and Real Madrid or an attempt to nudge Liverpool into giving him a new contract? And there's been anothe...
    [from itunes:summary] ...iew to the Spanish press last week, is this a public fluttering of eyes at Barcelona and Real Madrid or an attempt to nudge Liverpool into giving him a new contract? And there's been anothe...
    [from content:encoded] ...iew to the Spanish press last week, is this a public fluttering of eyes at Barcelona and Real Madrid or an attempt to nudge Liverpool into giving him a new contract?And there's been another...
    Solskjaer’s Haaland pursuit & Guardiola's contract uncertainty
    October 27, 2020 (duration 36m)
    [from description] ...a Liga journalist Dermot Corrigan who’ll give us reactions from inside Barcelona and Real Madrid after this weekend’s El Clásico. To read all the articles we discuss on today’s podcast in f...
    [from itunes:summary] ...a Liga journalist Dermot Corrigan who’ll give us reactions from inside Barcelona and Real Madrid after this weekend’s El Clásico. To read all the articles we discuss on today’s podcast in f...
    [from content:encoded] ...a Liga journalist Dermot Corrigan who’ll give us reactions from inside Barcelona and Real Madrid after this weekend’s El Clásico.To read all the articles we discuss on today’s podcast in fu...
    Pogba not first choice for Real Madrid & Fabrice Muamba on Sancho protest
    June 2, 2020 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Pogba not first choice for Real Madrid & Fabrice Muamba on Sancho protest
    [from itunes:title] Pogba not first choice for Real Madrid & Fabrice Muamba on Sancho protest
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