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Podcastempfehlungen von KonScience über CRISPR & Genomeditierung. Bild: Sébastien Thibault via
FG064 Ethik und Genetik
October 29, 2018 (duration 1h47m)

Ethische Fragen und Analysen hinterfragen und leiten eine durch moderne genetische Verfahren voranschreitende Medizin

Robert Ranisch

Die Gen-Schere (CRISPR/Cas) verspricht als neue „Wunderwaffe“ der Lebenswissenschaften das Genom von Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen gezielt zu verändern. Mediziner hoffen, mit der neuen Methode schwere Krankheiten zu heilen. Zwischen Hype und Hoffnung mischen sich kritische Stimmen, zumal bei Keimbahneingriffen an Embryonen auch zukünftige Generationen betroffen sind.

Über ethische Fragen zum Genome Editing macht sich vor allem die Forschungsstelle „Ethik der Genomeditierung“ (EGE) an der Universität Tübingen Gedanken. Dort haben wir den Leiter der Forschungsstelle, Robert Ranisch, getroffen und mit ihm unter anderem über Genom-Editierung, Embryonenselektion oder Gene-Drives gesprochen. Als Wissenschaftler untersucht Ranisch normative Fragen an den Schnittstellen von Technologie, Gesellschaft und Politik. Daneben arbeitet er im Bereich Ethikberatung und unterstützt Organisationen beim Aufbau guter Strukturen und erfolgreicher Wertekommunikation.

Die EGE ist eine Forschungsstelle am Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin, die sich schwerpunktmäßig ethischen Fragen der Genom-Editierung widmet. Sie dokumentiert als deutschlandweit einzigartige Einrichtung über einen längeren Zeitraum die technischen Entwicklungen in den Lebenswissenschaften sowie deren Verarbeitung und Vermittlung in der Öffentlichkeit. Das Ziel der EGE ist es ethische, rechtliche und soziale Herausforderungen der Genom-Editierung zu identifizieren, normative Fragen in institutionalisierter Form zu reflektieren und damit die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für einen transdisziplinären Dialog bereitzustellen.

Shownotes Glossar
  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen – Wikipedia
  • Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin
  • Universitätsklinikum Tübingen – Wikipedia
  • Hippokrates von Kos – Wikipedia
  • Euthanasie – Wikipedia
  • Nationalsozialistische Rassenhygiene – Wikipedia
  • Eugenik – Wikipedia
  • Universitätsklinikum Tübingen - Ethik-Kommission
  • Analytische Philosophie – Wikipedia
  • Autonomes Fahren – Wikipedia
  • Deutscher Ethikrat – Wikipedia
  • Genome Editing – Wikipedia
  • CRISPR/Cas-Methode – Wikipedia
  • Gentechnisch veränderte Tiere – Wikipedia
  • Grüne Gentechnik – Wikipedia
  • Goldener Reis – Wikipedia
  • Gentechnisch veränderter Organismus – Wikipedia
  • GloFish – Wikipedia
  • Dolly (Schaf) – Wikipedia
  • Louise Joy Brown – Wikipedia
  • Social Freezing – Wikipedia
  • Petrischale – Wikipedia
  • Keimbahn – Wikipedia
  • Keimbahntherapie – Wikipedia
  • Somatische Zelle – Wikipedia
  • Jesse Gelsinger - Wikipedia
  • Gene Drive – Wikipedia
  • Malaria – Wikipedia
  • Stechmücken – Wikipedia
  • Jurassic Park – Wikipedia
  • Breitmaulnashorn – Wikipedia
  • Permafrostboden – Wikipedia
  • Humangenomprojekt – Wikipedia
  • Angelina Jolie – Wikipedia

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Neue Gentechnik auch für den Ökolandbau?
April 8, 2016 (duration 8m)
Autor: Röhrig, Peter (Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft)
Sendung: Interview
Hören bis: 15.10.2016 06:50

Debatte um Crispr-Cas - "Schwarz-Weiß kann es in einer solchen komplizierten Frage nicht geben"
June 22, 2016 (duration 6m)
Der Deutsche Ethikrat hat über den Einsatz der genetischen Hochpräzisions-Schere Crispr-Cas9 debattiert. Der Rat könne noch keine abschließende Empfehlung zum Umgang mit dieser Technologie geben, sagte Ethikrat-Mitglied Alena Buyx im DLF. Man stehe erst am Beginn einer Debatte. Zudem könne es kein Schwarz-Weiß in einer solchen komplizierten Frage geben.

Alena M. Buyx im Gespräch mit Maja Ellmenreich, Kultur heute
Hören bis: 29.12.2016 16:41
Direkter Link zur Audiodatei

Mit Crispr/Cas Schweineorgane verändern - Hoffnung für die Xenotransplantation
October 11, 2016 (duration 4m)
Zehntausende Menschen sind vermutlich bereits gestorben, während sie auf ein Spenderorgan zur Transplantation warteten. Mit der Verpflanzung von Tierorganen, der sogenannten Xenotransplantation, könnte vielen geholfen werden. Aber diese Organe werden vom menschlichen Organismus abgestoßen. Anlass zur Hoffnung gibt jetzt das Gentechnik-Verfahren Crispr/Cas.

Von Michael Lange, Forschung aktuell
Hören bis: 19.04.2017 16:36
Direkter Link zur Audiodatei

Podcast recommendations by KonScience about CRISPR/Cas9 & genom editing. Image credit: Sébastien Thibault via
Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas
September 14, 2018 (duration 1h31m)

Guest: Sam Sternberg    Host: Markus Voelter    Shownoter: Thomas Machowinski

CRISPR is a family of DNA sequences in bacteria and archaea that are a part of these organisms’ cellular defense system. A recent discovery showed how this mechanism can be used to edit genes much more easily than legacy methods. In this episode I chat with Sam Sternberg about the naturally occuring CRISPR systems, how they work, and how CRISPR together with its associated enzymes can be used to cut, and subsequently, edit, DNA. We conclude the episode with an outlook on the potential use in medicine.

Check out Sam’s book A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution.

Es gibt außerdem ein Kurz&Knackig Video:

Intro and General 00:02:22

Guest is Samuel Sternberg | CRISPR Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats | CAS9 CRISPR Associated protein 9 | DNA | Gene | RNA | Protein | Enzymes | 2007 Discovery: CRISPR gene sequences stores DNA information from pathogenes / e.g. viruses

Genome Editing with CRISPR/CAS9 00:23:02

Genome Editing | Nucleus | ZFN | TALEN | 23andMe | Homolgy directed repair | Transfection | Off-target effect | GMO | Genome splicing | CRISPR/CAS9 Method in comparsion to traditional genome editing and breeding

Genral Discussion 01:09:45

Patents in Biology | Sam's work in detail | Cas13 edits RNA instead of DNA | Sam's book

Engineering ‘Selfish’ Genes in Mice: Benefits and Risks - Exploring Ethics
June 29, 2018 (duration 57m)
Kim Cooper, Assistant Professor in the Cell and Developmental Biology Section of the UC San Diego Division of Biological Sciences, discusses the advantages and the potential risks of CRISPR/Cas9-based active genetic systems and ways to maximize benefits to society. How do we decide when not to do the things that we can? In the last couple of years, a new “active genetic” technology has been shown to promote efficient inheritance of desired gene modifications in insects. We have now shown that we can do this in rodents. This allows the assembly of complex genotypes that were once unthinkable due to cost, time, and more. Such applications could improve drug testing and mouse models of complex human genetic diseases. These same approaches could also be used to control invasive wild rodent populations and vectors of disease. Despite these benefits, many have raised concerns about unintended consequences of the release of transgenic organisms. Series: "Exploring Ethics" [Show ID: 33672]
Jennifer Doudna in Conversation with Joe Palca
February 6, 2018 (duration 58m)
Hear about Jennifer Doudna's discovery of CRISPR/Cas9, a genome editing tool, and its bioethical implications. Doudna, Professor of Molecular & Cell Biology and Chemistry at UC Berkeley, speaks with NPR's Joe Palca. Series: "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory " [Show ID: 33095]
Editing the Genome - Part Two
March 14, 2016 (duration 27m)
There is a new genetic technology which promises to revolutionise agriculture and transform our influence over the natural world. Research is well underway to create pigs and chickens immune to pandemic influenza, cereals which make their own fertiliser and mosquitoes engineered to wipe out wild populations of the insects which transmit diseases to humans. These are just three examples of what we could create with CRISPR gene editing. Should we be worried about this unprecedented power over animals and plants? The potential for good is enormous. The ethical challenges are profound. Professor Matthew Cobb of the University of Manchester explores the brave new world of CRISPR gene editing. (Photo: Pigs at the Roslin Institute that have been gene-edited with the goal of making them resistant to African Swine Fever virus)

Diese Kuration enthält alle Episoden in denen ich zu Gast bin. Eigene Podcasts (aktuell Rückschau - sind nicht enthalten.
Diddy Kong Racing
November 14, 2017 (duration 49m)
👥 Mitwirkende: Joey, Andy, Marcel, Patrick 📝 Vollständige Shownotes im Web

«Mario Kart» ist der unangefochtene Platzhirsch unter den Kart Racern - auf vielen Konsolen wohl zu Recht. Zu Zeiten des Nintendo 64 schnellte jedoch ein weiterer Kontrahent aus dem Windschatten: «Diddy Kong Racing» von Rare. Wir blicken zurück auf diesen gelungenen N64 Fun Racer und fragen uns, wer am Ende wohl das Rennen macht.

⏭ Weiterführende Informationen:
  • Video: Donkey Kong Racing Trailer
  • Video: DKR’s Failed GameCube Sequel
  • DKR64
  • Verkaufszahlen:
    • Diddy Kong Racing
    • Mario Kart 64
  • Metascores:
    • Diddy Kong Racing
    • Mario Kart 64
  • NBN: „Warum Diddy Kong Racing so viele Speedruns hat“
🎵 Musik:
  • Title Theme – Diddy Kong Racing
🔗 Verwandte Episoden:
  • Nintendo 64
  • Star Wars Episode I: Racer
  • Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day
💝 Kostenlos helfen 💌 Feedback:
  • Episode kommentieren
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  • GAME TALK bewerten
April 25, 2017 (duration 1h9m)
👥 Mitwirkende: Joey, Andy, Marcel 📝 Vollständige Shownotes im Web

Bestehend aus Rare-Veteranen und frischer Verstärkung, hat sich 2015 das Entwicklerstudio «Playtonic Games» formiert. Dank Kickstarter und 2'090'104£ von 73'206 Unterstützern hat das neue alte Studio nun den geistigen Nachfolger zu Banjo-Tooie verwirklicht: Yooka-Laylee. Kann dieses langersehnte "Banjo-Threeie" die Erwartungen an ein klassisches N64 3D Jump 'n' Run erfüllen, ohne gleichzeitig altbacken zu wirken? Wir sagen's dir. Zudem dürfen haufenweise Vergleiche zu Banjo-Kazooie & Banjo-Tooie natürlich nicht fehlen.

⏭ Weiterführende Informationen:
  • Kickstarter-Kampagne
  • Playtonic Games
  • Video: Performance-Vergleich
  • Video: Andy besiegt Capital B
  • A Hat in Time
🔗 Verwandte Episoden:
  • Banjo-Kazooie
💝 Kostenlos helfen 💌 Feedback:
  • Episode kommentieren
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  • GAME TALK bewerten
April 7, 2017 (duration 56m)
👥 Mitwirkende: Joey, Andy, Marcel 📝 Vollständige Shownotes im Web

Banjo-Kazooie war mitverantwortlich für Rares Regentschaft des Nintendo 64. Ein 3D Jump 'n' Run, welches für viele sogar Mario 64 hinter sich liess. Wie der Hype um Playtonic Games' Yooka-Laylee zeigt, ist dieses beinahe ausgestorbene Genre auch heute noch gefragt. Wir begeben uns zurück in die Blütezeit der Spieleschmiede Rare, erzählen euch, was diesen N64-Meilenstein besonders macht und erinnern uns auch an die diversen Nachfolger aus der Banjo-Franchise.

⏭ Weiterführende Informationen:
  • Ice Key ohne Cheats
  • Blaues Stop ’n‘ Swop Ei ohne Cheats
  • Yooka-Laylee
🎵 Musik:
  • Main Title – Grant Kirkhope
  • Spiral Mountain – Grant Kirkhope (Aquatic)
  • Bridge To Gruntilda’s Lair – Grant Kirkhope
  • The End – Grant Kirkhope
🔗 Verwandte Episoden:
  • Yooka-Laylee
  • Nintendo 64
  • Das Spielejahr 1998
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day
💝 Kostenlos helfen 💌 Feedback:
  • Episode kommentieren
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  • GAME TALK bewerten
March 11, 2017 (duration 50m)
👥 Mitwirkende: Joey, Marcel 📝 Vollständige Shownotes im Web

Die Moorhuhnjagd, welche ursprünglich als Werbespiel für die Whisky-Marke Johnnie Walker gedacht war, wurde zum viralen Hit. Haufenweise Ableger und Spin-Offs für diverse Plattformen waren die Folge. Die Marke Moorhuhn hat heute jedoch an Wert verloren. Wir blicken zurück auf diese einst omnipräsente Spielemarke, zugehörige Kuriositäten und den Untergang der Moorhuhn-Franchise.

⏭ Weiterführende Informationen:
  • Rückschau
  • Liste aller Moorhuhn-Spiele
  • Phenomedia AG Skandal
  • Moorhuhn Marlboro-Packung
  • Gimme More Huhn
  • Schlechte Photoshop-Skills
  • Moorhuhn World schliesst
💝 Kostenlos helfen 💌 Feedback:
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  • GAME TALK bewerten

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    [from itunes:new-feed-url]
    Weekend Geek Update
    February 1, 2024 (duration 55m)
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    Listener Mailbag Part II
    March 15, 2021 (duration 1h5m)
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    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 492: Featuring Frank Seravalli and David Carle
    April 16, 2024 (duration 2h55m)
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    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 441: Featuring Keith Yandle
    May 2, 2023 (duration 2h46m)
    [from description] ...ming out of Winnipeg. Florida Boston: 00;05;50;06 Tampa Leafs: 00;33;37;19 Seattle Colorado: 00;52;13;09 Minnesota Dallas: 01;14;07;18 Rangers Jersey: 01;28;29;12 Edmonton LA: 01;50;59;...
    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 433: Featuring Mike Milbury
    March 21, 2023 (duration 3h31m)
    [from description] ...ordan cross the line? The fellas also take a look at the West’s playoffs race. Can Colorado repeat? Or will someone new come out of the west? The guys wrap up the show with the last of th...
    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 432: Featuring Shjon Podein
    March 14, 2023 (duration 3h26m)
    [from description] ...joined (01:31:08:19 - 02:30:12:10) to discuss his time in Philly, winning the Cup in Colorado, his infamous Stanley Cup story, and tons more. But first, the guys open the show recapping t...
    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 388: Featuring Tim Peel
    May 19, 2022 (duration 2h59m)
    [from description] ...ies. The madness from the Battle of Alberta, the Battle of Florida, Rangers fans and Colorado being a wagon. The guys wrap up the show breaking down all the NHL news from this past week, ...
    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 225: Featuring Kevin Hayes
    December 9, 2019 (duration 2h34m)
    [from description] The guys also touch on some NHL news, including the red hot Minnesota Wild and Colorado Avalanche along with the news that Nathan MacKinnon will once again tell less money on his next...
    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 196: Featuring Nathan MacKinnon
    August 14, 2019 (duration 1h47m)
    [from description] On this week's episode of Spittin' Chiclets the guys are joined by Nathan MacKinnon of the Colorado Avalanche. The 23-year-old NHL superstar joins the podcast to talk about training with Sidn...
    Spittin' Chiclets Episode 103: Featuring Tyson Jost + Blake Comeau
    August 17, 2018 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] ...easing their NHL schedule and much more. The guys are also joined by Tyson Jost of the Colorado Avalanche and Blake Comeau of the Dallas Stars for a great interview with the two former te...
    Three Mini Mysteries
    April 15, 2024 (duration 41m)
    [from content:encoded] ...sode, and which might benefit from some crowd-sourcing.Examples of "Bigfoot Tree Forts"Colorado Site discussingTik-Tok Bigfoot StructuresFairy-Braids:This is a real phenomenon - example a...
    Chuck and Julie Show, April 12, 2024
    April 13, 2024 (duration 46m)
    [from description] The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden Guest, Dave Williams Colorado Republican Party Chair Dave Williams just back from a trip to DC defends himself against fa...
    [from content:encoded] The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden Guest, Dave Williams Colorado Republican Party Chair Dave Williams just back from a trip to DC defends himself against fa...
    [from itunes:summary] The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden Guest, Dave Williams Colorado Republican Party Chair Dave Williams just back from a trip to DC defends himself against fa...
    Chuck and Julie Show, December 27, 2023
    December 28, 2023 (duration 50m)
    [from description] ...iwell and Julie Hayden With Guest, Darcy Schoeiing Grassroots activists rally at the Colorado Supreme Court building to stand up to partisan hack judges who hate Trump. Darcy Schoening...
    [from content:encoded] ...iwell and Julie Hayden With Guest, Darcy Schoeiing Grassroots activists rally at the Colorado Supreme Court building to stand up to partisan hack judges who hate Trump. Darcy Schoening...
    [from itunes:summary] ...iwell and Julie Hayden With Guest, Darcy Schoeiing Grassroots activists rally at the Colorado Supreme Court building to stand up to partisan hack judges who hate Trump. Darcy Schoening...
    Chuck and Julie Show, March 17, 2023
    March 20, 2023 (duration 49m)
    [from description] ...guests Ted Trimpa and Mark Pfoff Grassroots now dominate State Republican Parties in Colorado and other stats.  RINOs weep and Dem strategist Ted Trimpa… aka Sword of Soros gives his tak...
    [from content:encoded] ...guests Ted Trimpa and Mark Pfoff Grassroots now dominate State Republican Parties in Colorado and other stats.  RINOs weep and Dem strategist Ted Trimpa… aka Sword of Soros gives his tak...
    [from itunes:summary] ...guests Ted Trimpa and Mark Pfoff Grassroots now dominate State Republican Parties in Colorado and other stats.  RINOs weep and Dem strategist Ted Trimpa… aka Sword of Soros gives his tak...
    Kayaking on the Colorado River
    April 10, 2024 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ...ravel, Fish, Spring.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll kayak on the Colorado River, visiting a natural wonder known as the Emerald Cave. And by the evening, we’ll be cruising th...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ravel, Fish, Spring.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll kayak on the Colorado River, visiting a natural wonder known as the Emerald Cave. And by the evening, we’ll be cruising th...
    [from content:encoded] ... Travel, Fish, Spring. Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll kayak on the Colorado River, visiting a natural wonder known as the Emerald Cave. And by the evening, we’ll be cruising th...
    A Cozy Fall Trip to Pagosa Springs: Part 2
    November 21, 2023 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...heads. Following on from last night’s story, we're returning to Pagosa Springs, Colorado. We’ll start from where we left off last time – at the hot springs, ready to relax. There are stil...
    [from itunes:summary] ...heads. Following on from last night’s story, we're returning to Pagosa Springs, Colorado. We’ll start from where we left off last time – at the hot springs, ready to relax. There are stil...
    [from content:encoded] ...heads. Following on from last night’s story, we're returning to Pagosa Springs, Colorado. We’ll start from where we left off last time – at the hot springs, ready to relax. There are stil...
    A Cozy Fall Trip to Pagosa Springs: Part 1
    November 20, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description]  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll be travelling to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, where autumn has just arrived. This small mountain town is home to the world’s deepest natural ...
    [from itunes:summary]  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll be travelling to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, where autumn has just arrived. This small mountain town is home to the world’s deepest natural ...
    [from content:encoded] ...iking. Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll be travelling to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, where autumn has just arrived. This small mountain town is home to the world’s deepest natural ...
    Plant Your Boots For Freedom #656
    April 4, 2024 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ...her by an exercise class leader at the YMCA in Colorado Springs. We heard snippets of Celtic Music along our route and saw a group of dancers in the parade." Brian McReynolds emailed a ...
    [from content:encoded] ...her by an exercise class leader at the YMCA in Colorado Springs. We heard snippets of Celtic Music along our route and saw a group of dancers in the parade." Brian McReynolds emailed a ...
    St Patrick's day
    March 12, 2020 (duration 2h18m)
    [from description] ...Colorado. We attended the Larkspur, Colorado Renaissance Festival in the last two years. We have repeatedly sat in the audience to see, sing with(from the audience) and enjoy a musical tr...
    [from content:encoded] ...Colorado. We attended the Larkspur, Colorado Renaissance Festival in the last two years. We have repeatedly sat in the audience to see, sing with(from the audience) and enjoy a musical tr...
    Irish Kisses in Twenty Twenty
    January 9, 2020 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] up!" Tom Cochran emailed: "Hi Mark, Tom C from the highlands of western Colorado. Just recently found your podcast from a post on my Clan’s Facebook page. Have listened to several now...
    [from content:encoded] up!" Tom Cochran emailed: "Hi Mark, Tom C from the highlands of western Colorado. Just recently found your podcast from a post on my Clan’s Facebook page. Have listened to several now...
    Celtic Tunes by Celtic Women for Mother's Day
    May 10, 2018 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] this a nicely named episode." Lane Rose emailed: "Hey Mark, I live in Northern Colorado, where It has been raining almost non stop for the last three days, and Rainy Day in the Celtic ...
    [from content:encoded] this a nicely named episode." Lane Rose emailed: "Hey Mark, I live in Northern Colorado, where It has been raining almost non stop for the last three days, and Rainy Day in the Celtic ...
    Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games 2017
    April 27, 2017 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...istening to the podcasts regularly on my way to teach each morning or on trips to Colorado and Wyoming. They are a great treat when you live where no trip is local. Buying from iTunes als...
    [from content:encoded] ...istening to the podcasts regularly on my way to teach each morning or on trips to Colorado and Wyoming. They are a great treat when you live where no trip is local. Buying from iTunes als...
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