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    August 14, 2021 (duration 0m)
    [from description] Manchester United Podden gjør comeback!I flunkende ny drakt og format har vi bestemt oss for å gjenn...
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - E417: August & September
    September 10, 2019 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E417: August & September
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - E416: Ny sesong, nye muligheter.
    August 13, 2019 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E416: Ny sesong, nye muligheter.
    [from description] Manchester united er tilbake og det med en overbevisende 4-0 seier mot Chelsea.Podden er også tilbak...
    Manchester United Podden - E415: Del 2 - Sesongoppsummering
    June 17, 2019 (duration 1h17m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E415: Del 2 - Sesongoppsummering
    [from description] I den store sesongavslutningen av Manchester United Podden, oppsummerer vi fotballsesongen 2018/19. I del 1. går vi igjennom alt som s...
    Manchester United Podden - E414: Sesongoppsummering
    June 16, 2019 (duration 1h22m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E414: Sesongoppsummering
    [from description] I den store sesongavslutningen av Manchester United Podden, oppsummerer vi fotballsesongen 2018/19. I del 1. går vi igjennom alt som s...
    Manchester United Podden - E413: Påskespesial
    April 23, 2019 (duration 1h22m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E413: Påskespesial
    [from description] Manchester United Podden er endelig tilbake og det med en spesialpodcast. Her tar vi for oss struktu...
    Manchester United Podden - E412: Reality check
    February 14, 2019 (duration 1h2m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E412: Reality check
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - E411: Back on track
    February 4, 2019 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E411: Back on track
    [from description] United kom seg tilbake på vinnersporet mot Leicester etter et magisk øyeblikk fra Pogba og Rashford....
    Manchester United Podden - E410: WWWWWWW
    January 24, 2019 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E410: WWWWWWW
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - E409: Solskjær
    January 8, 2019 (duration 1h12m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E409: Solskjær
    [from description] Ole Gunnar Solskjær har tatt over United og vi tar fatt på 2019 med stor optimisme. Julens resultater, spillernes prestasjoner, overgan...
    Manchester United Podden - E408: Ups and downs
    November 12, 2018 (duration 56m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E408: Ups and downs
    [from description] Seier i Torino, tap i Manchester. En hektisk uke med comeback mot Bournemouth og Juventus og så tap mot city ligger bak os...
    Manchester United Podden - E407: Fifty million down the drain...
    October 30, 2018 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E407: Fifty million down the drain...
    [from description] ...en gjennomført underholdende match, Martial er i kjempeform og det er gøy å se United igjen. Dette og kampene mot Bornemouth og Juventus i ukens sending.
    Manchester United Podden - E406: Chelsea, Juventus og grunn til optimisme?
    October 24, 2018 (duration 1h5m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E406: Chelsea, Juventus og grunn til optimisme?
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - E405: Snipp, snapp snute.
    October 3, 2018 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E405: Snipp, snapp snute.
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - E404: Ett skritt frem, to tilbake.
    September 26, 2018 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E404: Ett skritt frem, to tilbake.
    [from description] av det med negativt fortegn. Peder, Rasmus og Henrik jobber seg gjennom ukens United stoff.
    Manchester United Podden - E403: Turf Moor Please!
    September 4, 2018 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E403: Turf Moor Please!
    [from description] ...i oss mer av det samme mot Watford etter landslagspausen. Men kan vi friskmelde United og Mourinho etter kun én seier? Henrik, Rasmus og Jan Thomas diskuterer.
    Manchester United Podden - E0402: #PodBack
    August 31, 2018 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - E0402: #PodBack
    [from description] ...r en trist og lei sesongåpning for å spre entusiasme, glede og håp for en bedre United-tid utover høsten. Henrik, Peder og Jan Thomas er tilbake for å diskutere Mourinho in, eller Mourinho out.
    Manchester United Podden - 401: Kan Sure-Mou få United til å ta nye steg?
    August 8, 2018 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 401: Kan Sure-Mou få United til å ta nye steg?
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 331: Sommerpod nr.2
    July 27, 2018 (duration 46m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 331: Sommerpod nr.2
    [from description] ... gangen med Rasmus på besøk. Rykter står i fokus denne gang, samt de to kampene United har spilt siden sist.Beklager noe dårlig lydkvalitet.
    Manchester United Podden - 330: Sommerpod
    July 24, 2018 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 330: Sommerpod
    [from description] Henrik og Jan Thomas tar et kort avbrekk fra sommervarmen for å gi en oppdatering på United. Vi snakker om starten på pre season, overganger eller mangel på de og den generelle ståa i klu...
    Manchester United Podden - 326: Captain Carrick sikret oss ligasølvet, nå tar vi FA-cupen!
    May 15, 2018 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 326: Captain Carrick sikret oss ligasølvet, nå tar vi FA-cupen!
    [from description] Peder og Jan Thomas diskuterer Uniteds avslutning på Premier League sesongen. Det har vært opp- og nedturer, men det ble sølv til s...
    Manchester United Podden - 326: Captain Carrick sikret oss ligasølvet, nå tar vi FA-cupen!
    May 15, 2018 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 326: Captain Carrick sikret oss ligasølvet, nå tar vi FA-cupen!
    [from description] Peder og Jan Thomas diskuterer Uniteds avslutning på Premier League sesongen. Det har vært opp- og nedturer, men det ble sølv til s...
    Manchester United Podden - 325: Que sera sera...
    April 25, 2018 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 325: Que sera sera...
    [from description] ...d skal Arsene Wenger beseires en siste gang. Peder og Henrik gir deg ukens dose united preik.
    Manchester United Podden - 325: Que sera sera...
    April 25, 2018 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 325: Que sera sera...
    [from description] ...d skal Arsene Wenger beseires en siste gang. Peder og Henrik gir deg ukens dose united preik.
    Manchester United Podden - 324: Vi tar fra de rike og gir til de fattige
    April 20, 2018 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 324: Vi tar fra de rike og gir til de fattige
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 324: Vi tar fra de rike og gir til de fattige
    April 20, 2018 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 324: Vi tar fra de rike og gir til de fattige
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 323: Festbremserne!
    April 12, 2018 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 323: Festbremserne!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 323: Festbremserne!
    April 12, 2018 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 323: Festbremserne!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 322: Fra himmel til helvete.
    March 14, 2018 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 322: Fra himmel til helvete.
    [from description] Ting snur fort i fotball, men hvorfor i svingene må det snu så fort for Manchester United. vi graver i møkka og prøve å gjøre oss kloke på hvorfor det kan gå så bra mot Liver...
    Manchester United Podden - 322: Fra himmel til helvete.
    March 14, 2018 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 322: Fra himmel til helvete.
    [from description] Ting snur fort i fotball, men hvorfor i svingene må det snu så fort for Manchester United. vi graver i møkka og prøve å gjøre oss kloke på hvorfor det kan gå så bra mot Liver...
    Manchester United Podden - 321: Comeback kings!
    March 6, 2018 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 321: Comeback kings!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 321: Comeback kings!
    March 6, 2018 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 321: Comeback kings!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 320: Make or break!
    February 14, 2018 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 320: Make or break!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 320: Make or break!
    February 14, 2018 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 320: Make or break!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 319: Hva nå Mourinho?
    February 12, 2018 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 319: Hva nå Mourinho?
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 319: Hva nå Mourinho?
    February 12, 2018 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 319: Hva nå Mourinho?
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 318: Alexis!
    January 25, 2018 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 318: Alexis!
    [from description] ...til City, sa de. Han vil spille for Pep, sa de. Og nå er han altså klar... for Manchester United! Henrik, Peder og Jan Thomas diskuterer vår nye nummer 7 og utsiktene for resten av sesongen.
    Manchester United Podden - 318: Alexis!
    January 25, 2018 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 318: Alexis!
    [from description] ...til City, sa de. Han vil spille for Pep, sa de. Og nå er han altså klar... for Manchester United! Henrik, Peder og Jan Thomas diskuterer vår nye nummer 7 og utsiktene for resten av sesongen.
    Manchester United Podden - 317: Godt nytt år!
    January 11, 2018 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 317: Godt nytt år!
    [from description] Godt nytt år til alle lyttere! Vi evaluerer julefotballen, som for Uniteds ender i en god ukes pause i varmere strøk. Hvordan vil det slå ut når kampene starter igjen? ...
    Manchester United Podden - 317: Godt nytt år!
    January 11, 2018 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 317: Godt nytt år!
    [from description] Godt nytt år til alle lyttere! Vi evaluerer julefotballen, som for Uniteds ender i en god ukes pause i varmere strøk. Hvordan vil det slå ut når kampene starter igjen? ...
    Manchester United Podden - 316: Grinchen stjal jula!
    December 31, 2017 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 316: Grinchen stjal jula!
    [from description] Huff og huff... Hvor ble jula av? Det som så ut som et overkommelig juleprogram ble likere United anno desember 2015 under van Gaal enn vi kunne drømme om. Fasiten ble til slutt 4-3-2 og ingen...
    Manchester United Podden - 316: Grinchen stjal jula!
    December 31, 2017 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 316: Grinchen stjal jula!
    [from description] Huff og huff... Hvor ble jula av? Det som så ut som et overkommelig juleprogram ble likere United anno desember 2015 under van Gaal enn vi kunne drømme om. Fasiten ble til slutt 4-3-2 og ingen...
    Manchester United Podden - 315: Get back on that horse!
    December 13, 2017 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 315: Get back on that horse!
    [from description] ... gå løs på oppgaven i forkant av en (enkel?) hjemmekamp mot Bournemouth. Kan United komme seg raskt tilbake på hesten?
    Manchester United Podden - 315: Get back on that horse!
    December 13, 2017 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 315: Get back on that horse!
    [from description] ... gå løs på oppgaven i forkant av en (enkel?) hjemmekamp mot Bournemouth. Kan United komme seg raskt tilbake på hesten?
    Manchester United Podden - 314: Tid for Manchester derby!
    December 6, 2017 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 314: Tid for Manchester derby!
    [from description] Med United i kontringshumør og en De Gea i det umulige hjørnet, ble det en forrykende kamp mot Arsenal, ...
    Manchester United Podden - 314: Tid for Manchester derby!
    December 6, 2017 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 314: Tid for Manchester derby!
    [from description] Med United i kontringshumør og en De Gea i det umulige hjørnet, ble det en forrykende kamp mot Arsenal, ...
    Manchester United Podden - 313: Tett i tett med kamper
    November 30, 2017 (duration 2h9m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 313: Tett i tett med kamper
    [from description] Juleprogrammet er så smått igang i Premier League og United har fått en god start på en meget hektisk periode. Straks venter Arsenal og Peder og Henrik set...
    Manchester United Podden - 313: Tett i tett med kamper
    November 30, 2017 (duration 2h9m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 313: Tett i tett med kamper
    [from description] Juleprogrammet er så smått igang i Premier League og United har fått en god start på en meget hektisk periode. Straks venter Arsenal og Peder og Henrik set...
    Manchester United Podden - 312: Comeback Kings!
    November 22, 2017 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 312: Comeback Kings!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 312: Comeback Kings!
    November 22, 2017 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 312: Comeback Kings!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 311: Tre svært viktige poeng
    November 1, 2017 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 311: Tre svært viktige poeng
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 311: Tre svært viktige poeng
    November 1, 2017 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 311: Tre svært viktige poeng
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 310: Slakt i Huddersfield
    October 25, 2017 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 310: Slakt i Huddersfield
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 310: Slakt i Huddersfield
    October 25, 2017 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 310: Slakt i Huddersfield
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 309: Bussjåfør Mourinho?
    October 19, 2017 (duration 44m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 309: Bussjåfør Mourinho?
    [from description] Etter to ukers landslagspause sparket United i gang ligafotballen igjen borte mot Liverpool. Det endte endte med én målsjanse for Uniteds ...
    Manchester United Podden - 309: Bussjåfør Mourinho?
    October 19, 2017 (duration 44m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 309: Bussjåfør Mourinho?
    [from description] Etter to ukers landslagspause sparket United i gang ligafotballen igjen borte mot Liverpool. Det endte endte med én målsjanse for Uniteds ...
    Manchester United Podden - 308: Anfield neste!
    October 9, 2017 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 308: Anfield neste!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 308: Anfield neste!
    October 9, 2017 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 308: Anfield neste!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 307: Hjemme bra, borte best!
    September 29, 2017 (duration 38m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 307: Hjemme bra, borte best!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 307: Hjemme bra, borte best!
    September 29, 2017 (duration 38m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 307: Hjemme bra, borte best!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 306: Mourinhos godstog farer videre!
    September 19, 2017 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 306: Mourinhos godstog farer videre!
    [from description] ...e poeng i PL. Det er fasiten når Peder, Rasmus og Henrik gir deg en ny episode av Manchester United Podden.
    Manchester United Podden - 306: Mourinhos godstog farer videre!
    September 19, 2017 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 306: Mourinhos godstog farer videre!
    [from description] ...e poeng i PL. Det er fasiten når Peder, Rasmus og Henrik gir deg en ny episode av Manchester United Podden.
    Manchester United Podden - 305: Champions League er tilbake på Old Trafford!
    September 13, 2017 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 305: Champions League er tilbake på Old Trafford!
    [from comments]
    Manchester United Podden - 305: Champions League er tilbake på Old Trafford!
    September 13, 2017 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Manchester United Podden - 305: Champions League er tilbake på Old Trafford!
    [from comments]
    Raphael Varane's TIME UP? | Tapsoba and Frimpong interest | Amad to LEAVE? | Bournemouth preview
    April 12, 2024 (duration 46m)
    [from description] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst team up again to bring you the latest Manchester United news including some transfer stories in and out as well as the latest on Raphael V...
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst team up again to bring you the latest Manchester United news including some transfer stories in and out as well as the latest on Raphael V...
    [from content:encoded] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst team up again to bring you the latest Manchester United news including some transfer stories in and out as well as the latest on Raphael V...
    John Murtough to leave Manchester United - A breakdown of his time at the club
    April 10, 2024 (duration 1h2m)
    [from title] John Murtough to leave Manchester United - A breakdown of his time at the club
    [from itunes:title] John Murtough to leave Manchester United - A breakdown of his time at the club
    Sir Alex RELEASED me, now I'm a DOCTOR | Dr Alan Tonge on Alex Ferguson's early years at Manchester United and quitting football for a PHD
    April 1, 2024 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Sir Alex RELEASED me, now I'm a DOCTOR | Dr Alan Tonge on Alex Ferguson's early years at Manchester United and quitting football for a PHD
    [from description] Dr Alan Tonge sat down with the Manchester Evening News's Tyrone Marshall to tell his story from being a Manchester United youth tea...
    [from itunes:title] Sir Alex RELEASED me, now I'm a DOCTOR | Dr Alan Tonge on Alex Ferguson's early years at Manchester United and quitting football for a PHD
    Kobbie Mainoo appreciation society | The future of Manchester United and UEFA Champions League qualification | Brentford preview
    March 29, 2024 (duration 1h9m)
    [from title] Kobbie Mainoo appreciation society | The future of Manchester United and UEFA Champions League qualification | Brentford preview
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston return to discuss the latest Manchester United news, including an appreciation of Kobbie Mainoo's progress, the latest on United'...
    [from itunes:title] Kobbie Mainoo appreciation society | The future of Manchester United and UEFA Champions League qualification | Brentford preview
    EXCLUSIVE: Nathan Aspinall on quitting football for darts, Luke Littler, Marcus Rashford, Erik ten Hag and his hopes for 2024
    March 27, 2024 (duration 50m)
    [from description] World #4 and Manchester United fan Nathan Aspinall joined Steven Railston for a special Manchester is RED podcast...
    [from itunes:summary] World #4 and Manchester United fan Nathan Aspinall joined Steven Railston for a special Manchester is RED podcast...
    [from content:encoded] World #4 and Manchester United fan Nathan Aspinall joined Steven Railston for a special Manchester is RED podcast...
    What next for Ten Hag? | Casemiro's future role | Lisandro Martinez to return
    March 25, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] George Smith and Samuel Luckhurst review all the latest Manchester United news and discuss the future roles of Erik ten Hag and Casemiro as we edge closer t...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst returns to review the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] George Smith and Samuel Luckhurst review all the latest Manchester United news and discuss the future roles of Erik ten Hag and Casemiro as we edge closer t...
    Gareth Southgate to replace Erik ten Hag? | Kobbie Mainoo's England call up | Harry Maguire speaks out on his past
    March 22, 2024 (duration 46m)
    [from description] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news including reports Gareth Southgate could replace Erik ten Hag, as well as cel...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news including reports Gareth Southgate could replace Erik ten Hag, as well as cel...
    How the GLAZERS 'service' United debt to retain cash as financial results are released | FFP PSR and funding the new Old Trafford
    March 13, 2024 (duration 27m)
    [from title] How the GLAZERS 'service' United debt to retain cash as financial results are released | FFP PSR and funding the new Old Trafford
    [from description] Dave Powell and Seb Parkinson discuss the latest Manchester United financial results and how they affect or don't affect the club's plans for a new s...
    [from itunes:title] How the GLAZERS 'service' United debt to retain cash as financial results are released | FFP PSR and funding the new Old Trafford
    Derby Humiliation for the Manchester United
    March 4, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] Derby Humiliation for the Manchester United
    [from description] Manchester United suffer a bitter defeat to Manchester City on derby day. Rashford's hopeful goal wa...
    [from itunes:title] Derby Humiliation for the Manchester United
    Rashford SPEAKS OUT | Bruno's 'injury' as Fulham troll United | In-depth 192nd Manchester derby preview
    March 1, 2024 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Rashford SPEAKS OUT | Bruno's 'injury' as Fulham troll United | In-depth 192nd Manchester derby preview
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst, Tyrone Marshall and Simon Bajkowski preview the Manchester derby as well as a look back at United's win over Forest, Rashford's interview with playe...
    [from itunes:title] Rashford SPEAKS OUT | Bruno's 'injury' as Fulham troll United | In-depth 192nd Manchester derby preview
    I drove 1,400 MILES to play football during the pandemic - The James Weir story
    February 28, 2024 (duration 48m)
    [from description] Former Manchester United academy graduate James Weir sat down with The Manchester Evening News to relive hi...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay sit down with James Weir, a former Manchester United academy graduate with a story to tell.
    [from itunes:summary] Former Manchester United academy graduate James Weir sat down with The Manchester Evening News to relive hi...
    Deep Fake Sheikh - Does Sheikh Jassim exist? | Jim Ratcliffe main talking points: Mason Greenwood, Old Trafford and Dan Ashworth | Fulham preview
    February 23, 2024 (duration 1h7m)
    [from description] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news including an in-depth look at what happened during Samuel's trip to meet with...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news including an in-depth look at what happened during Samuel's trip to meet with...
    Newcastle posturing over Dan Ashworth | INEOS to transform United's recruitment strategy | PSG interest for Rashford | U-21 Manchester Derby review
    February 21, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] ...NEOS to transform United's recruitment strategy | PSG interest for Rashford | U-21 Manchester Derby review
    [from description] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news including a review of the u-21 Manchester Derby, the latest on the Dan Ashwor...
    [from itunes:title] ...NEOS to transform United's recruitment strategy | PSG interest for Rashford | U-21 Manchester Derby review
    Dan Ashworth closing in on Manchester United move | Luton review | Top four in sight
    February 19, 2024 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Dan Ashworth closing in on Manchester United move | Luton review | Top four in sight
    [from description] ...'s 2-1 win at Luton and discuss the on going situation with Dan Ashworth's move to Manchester United, after reports emerge of him being on gardening leave for '20 months.' ???? Liste...
    [from itunes:title] Dan Ashworth closing in on Manchester United move | Luton review | Top four in sight
    Kylian Mbappe to Manchester United | Dan Ashworth wants United job | Rashford's next move | | Luton preview
    February 16, 2024 (duration 31m)
    [from title] Kylian Mbappe to Manchester United | Dan Ashworth wants United job | Rashford's next move | | Luton preview
    [from description] ...iew Man Utd's trip to Luton as well as news Kylian Mbappe is available and whether United could cash in on Rashford with FFP and PSR budgets tight. The pair also discuss the developin...
    [from itunes:title] Kylian Mbappe to Manchester United | Dan Ashworth wants United job | Rashford's next move | | Luton preview
    Manchester is RED | Dan Ashworth to Manchester United | INEOS 25% confirmed | Best Irish United players
    February 14, 2024 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | Dan Ashworth to Manchester United | INEOS 25% confirmed | Best Irish United players
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss United's interest in bringing Dan Ashworth to Manchester United and rate the club's top 10 Irish players. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit ...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | Dan Ashworth to Manchester United | INEOS 25% confirmed | Best Irish United players
    Manchester is RED | Rebuilding Old Trafford | Varane's future | David Gill quotes | Aston Villa preview
    February 9, 2024 (duration 42m)
    [from description] ???? Listen to the latest Man Utd Manchester is RED podcast: Rich Fay and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Rich Fay and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news, including the topic of rebuilding or renovating Old Trafford.
    [from itunes:summary] ???? Listen to the latest Man Utd Manchester is RED podcast: Rich Fay and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester...
    Manchester is RED | Why United CAN'T sign a new striker | Marcus Rashford statement | Best and worst Post-Ferguson signings RANKED
    January 31, 2024 (duration 56m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | Why United CAN'T sign a new striker | Marcus Rashford statement | Best and worst...
    [from description] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United deadline day news including a discussion on the best and worst of United's transfe...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | Why United CAN'T sign a new striker | Marcus Rashford statement | Best and worst...
    Time to cash in on Marcus Rashford | Bayindir vs Onana for number 1 | Wolves preview
    January 29, 2024 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ... | Download our app and subscribe for exclusive and ad-free content: Learn...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Rich Fay and Samuel Luckhurst dissect United’s win over Newport County.
    [from itunes:summary] ... | Download our app and subscribe for exclusive and ad-free content: Learn...
    Manchester is RED | It's OVER for Anthony Martial | Reacting to Klopp leaving Liverpool | Newport FA Cup preview
    January 26, 2024 (duration 55m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news as well as the breaking news (on air) that Jurgen Klopp will leave Liverpool ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news as well as the breaking news (on air) that Jurgen Klopp will leave Liverpool ...
    Manchester is RED | Anthony Martial refusing to move | Mason Greenwood for sale | Amad to replace Antony
    January 19, 2024 (duration 50m)
    [from description] Rich Fay and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including Anthony Martial’s decision to remain at Old Trafford until the end ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Rich Fay and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including Anthony Martial’s decision to remain at Old Trafford
    [from itunes:summary] Rich Fay and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including Anthony Martial’s decision to remain at Old Trafford until the end ...
    Manchester is RED | Financial results explained | FFP and PSR constraints | Michael Olise and Karim Benzema links
    January 17, 2024 (duration 47m)
    [from description] Rich Fay and Tyrone Marshall discuss the lastest Manchester United financial results and transfer gossip, as well as a deeper dive into the criticism...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Rich Fay and Tyrone Marshall discuss the lastest Manchester United financial results and transfer gossip
    [from itunes:summary] Rich Fay and Tyrone Marshall discuss the lastest Manchester United financial results and transfer gossip, as well as a deeper dive into the criticism...
    Manchester is RED | Antony’s poor form addressed | Jadon Sancho FINISHED | Tottenham preview
    January 12, 2024 (duration 55m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston dissect the latest Manchester United news including the departure of Jadon Sancho and Ten Hag publicly addressing Anton...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston dissect the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston dissect the latest Manchester United news including the departure of Jadon Sancho and Ten Hag publicly addressing Anton...
    Manchester is RED Midweek | Transfer gossip, news and reviews | Timo Werner joins Spurs | New goalkeeper coming in
    January 10, 2024 (duration 36m)
    [from description] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay team up to discuss the latest Manchester United news and gossip as well as looking ahead to United's Premier League clash with Tot...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay team up to discuss the latest Manchester United news and gossip
    [from itunes:summary] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay team up to discuss the latest Manchester United news and gossip as well as looking ahead to United's Premier League clash with Tot...
    Manchester is RED | How United rebuild under INEOS | Behind enemy lines Wigan v Man Utd preview
    January 7, 2024 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | How United rebuild under INEOS | Behind enemy lines Wigan v Man Utd preview
    [from description] Seb Parkinson is joined by Tyrone Marshall and Nick Seddon to discuss Manchester United. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | How United rebuild under INEOS | Behind enemy lines Wigan v Man Utd preview
    Manchester is RED | Anthony Martial WILL NOT stay | INEOS visit Carrington | Transfers latest
    January 5, 2024 (duration 58m)
    [from description] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Manchester is RED | INEOS takeover latest | Erik ten Hag’s uncertain future | Transfers In and Out
    January 2, 2024 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 2-1 defeat at Forest, INEOS’ takeover, Erik ten Hag’s future an...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news…
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 2-1 defeat at Forest, INEOS’ takeover, Erik ten Hag’s future an...
    Liverpool 0-0 Man Utd | The fall out from Anfield | Impressive Mainoo | Standard of refereeing
    December 18, 2023 (duration 43m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 0-0 draw awat at Anfield, the impressive Kobbie Mainoo and a wi...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United talking points
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 0-0 draw awat at Anfield, the impressive Kobbie Mainoo and a wi...
    Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-1 Bayern Munich | Graham Potter latest | Six players United need to move on | Liverpool preview
    December 15, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-1 Bayern Munich | Graham Potter latest | Six players United need to mo...
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 1-0 defeat at home to Bayern Munich, the transfer issues United...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-1 Bayern Munich | Graham Potter latest | Six players United need to mo...
    Manchester is RED | Bournemouth THRASH Man Utd | Another inquest begins | Bayern Munich preview
    December 11, 2023 (duration 36m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news from Hotel Football as Bayern Munich come to town in the Champions League. Th...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall report on the latest Manchester United news...
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news from Hotel Football as Bayern Munich come to town in the Champions League. Th...
    Manchester is RED | BANNED journalist speaks out | McTominay and Antony’s continued improvement | Bournemouth preview
    December 8, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 2-1 win over Chelsea, McTominay’s continued brilliant form, bei...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news…
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 2-1 win over Chelsea, McTominay’s continued brilliant form, bei...
    Manchester is RED | Another inquest | Rashford needs to be dropped | Chelsea Preview
    December 4, 2023 (duration 52m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 1-0 defeat at Newcastle, Martial and Rashford’s poor showing an...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news…
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall discuss the latest Manchester United news including the 1-0 defeat at Newcastle, Martial and Rashford’s poor showing an...
    Manchester is RED | DOWN AND (ALMOST) OUT | Onana to lose his place | Magnificent Mainoo | Newcastle preview
    December 1, 2023 (duration 46m)
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including Onana’s place being under threat, the 3-3 draw away in Turkey, Kobb...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news…
    [from itunes:summary] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the latest Manchester United news including Onana’s place being under threat, the 3-3 draw away in Turkey, Kobb...
    Manchester is RED Extra | Samuel Luckhurst RAW as another Andre Onana gaffe puts United all-but out of the Champions League
    November 30, 2023 (duration 21m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED Extra | Samuel Luckhurst RAW as another Andre Onana gaffe puts United all-but out ...
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst reports from Istanbul as Manchester United draw 3-3 away vs Galatasaray as Andre Onana steals the headlines for all the wrong...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED Extra | Samuel Luckhurst RAW as another Andre Onana gaffe puts United all-but out ...
    Manchester is RED | Everton 0-3 Man Utd | Academy stars shine | Galatasaray preview
    November 27, 2023 (duration 52m)
    [from description] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news, including heaping praise on Alejandro Garnacho after the wonder goal against...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Tyrone Marshall and Rich Fay discuss the latest Manchester United news, including heaping praise on Alejandro Garnacho after the wonder goal against...
    Manchester is RED | Another squad clear-out planned | Everton preview | Player ratings so far
    November 24, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from description] Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news, including the business that United must get done in January, Samuel’s contro...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news, including the business that United must get done in January, Samuel’s contro...
    Manchester is RED | Changes coming at the top | Technical director rumours | International break rumours
    November 20, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from description] Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news including the rumoured changes at the top, with a change at chief executive a...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst discuss the latest Manchester United news including the rumoured changes at the top, with a change at chief executive a...
    Manchester is RED | Collapse in Copenhagen | Positives can be taken | Luton preview
    November 10, 2023 (duration 51m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay to dissect the latest Manchester United news including the fallout from Wednesday night’s defeat in Denmark as well as the...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay to dissect the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay to dissect the latest Manchester United news including the fallout from Wednesday night’s defeat in Denmark as well as the...
    Manchester is RED | Has Erik ten Hag lost the dressing room? | Worst start since 1962 | Fulham v Man Utd preview
    November 3, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst to dissect Manchester United’s 3-0 home defeat to Newcastle United in the Carabao Cup, discuss whether now is t...
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst to dissect Manchester United’s 3-0 home defeat to Newcastle United in the Carabao Cup, discuss whether now is t...
    [from content:encoded] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst to dissect Manchester United’s 3-0 home defeat to Newcastle United in the Carabao Cup, discuss whether now is t...
    Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-3 Man City | Pressure grows on Ten Hag | Newcastle preview
    October 30, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay to dissect the latest Manchester United news, including reviewing the Manchester derby and the fall out the defeat has cau...
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay to dissect the latest Manchester United news, including reviewing the Manchester derby and the fall out the defeat has cau...
    [from content:encoded] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Rich Fay to dissect the latest Manchester United news, including reviewing the Manchester derby and the fall out the defeat has cau...
    FULL TIME | Man Utd 1-0 Copenhagen | Andre Onana saves United | Erik ten Hag press conference
    October 25, 2023 (duration 21m)
    [from title] FULL TIME | Man Utd 1-0 Copenhagen | Andre Onana saves United | Erik ten Hag press conference
    [from description] ... v Copenhagen, as well as listen to Erik ten Hag's post match press conference, as Manchester United are saved by two players who have been under a lot of criticism. Learn more about ...
    [from itunes:title] FULL TIME | Man Utd 1-0 Copenhagen | Andre Onana saves United | Erik ten Hag press conference
    FULL TIME | Sheffield United 1-2 Manchester United | Tributes to Sir Bobby Charlton | Erik ten Hag press conference
    October 22, 2023 (duration 25m)
    [from title] FULL TIME | Sheffield United 1-2 Manchester United | Tributes to Sir Bobby Charlton | Erik ten Hag press conference
    [from itunes:title] FULL TIME | Sheffield United 1-2 Manchester United | Tributes to Sir Bobby Charlton | Erik ten Hag press conference
    Manchester is RED | Sancho’s escape route | Squad bloat | Casemiro conundrum | Sheffield Utd v Man Utd Preview
    October 20, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall to dissect the latest Manchester United news and preview the Sheffield United game on Saturday. Learn more about your ad c...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston, Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall preview Man Utd v Sheffield United
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall to dissect the latest Manchester United news and preview the Sheffield United game on Saturday. Learn more about your ad c...
    Manchester is RED | Sheikh Jassim withdraws | Jim Ratcliffe latest | Old Trafford renovation
    October 16, 2023 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst to dissect the weekend’s huge Manchester United news, with Sheikh Jassim having withdrawn his bid for taking over at Manchester Unit...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston, Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst dissect the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Tyrone Marshall and Samuel Luckhurst to dissect the weekend’s huge Manchester United news, with Sheikh Jassim having withdrawn his bid for taking over at Manchester Unit...
    Manchester is RED | International break | How has the season gone so far? | How a journalist covers United
    October 13, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | International break | How has the season gone so far? | How a journalist covers United
    [from description] ...tional break, review the season so far and discuss what the day-to-day of covering United looks like for them, with some stories from inside the mixed zone, and talk about their favou...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | International break | How has the season gone so far? | How a journalist covers United
    Manchester is RED | Man Utd 2-1 Brentford | McTominay saves blushes | Rashford miles off the pace | Erik ten Hag’s most difficult chapter
    October 9, 2023 (duration 51m)
    [from description] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall review United’s 2-1 win over Brentford and assess the season so far as Erik ten Hag navigates his most diff...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall review United’s 2-1 win over Brentford.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston and Tyrone Marshall review United’s 2-1 win over Brentford and assess the season so far as Erik ten Hag navigates his most diff...
    Manchester is RED | Lady Cathy Ferguson’s impact on United | Brentford preview | Takeover news
    October 6, 2023 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | Lady Cathy Ferguson’s impact on United | Brentford preview | Takeover news
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | Lady Cathy Ferguson’s impact on United | Brentford preview | Takeover news
    Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-1 Palace | What's going wrong at United? | Galatasaray Preview
    October 2, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-1 Palace | What's going wrong at United? | Galatasaray Preview
    [from description] Rich Fay and Samuel Luckhurst discuss Man United's defeat to Palace and preview the Champions League clash with Galatasaray in this short, but...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | Man Utd 0-1 Palace | What's going wrong at United? | Galatasaray Preview
    Manchester is RED | Burnley 0-1 Man Utd | Evans masterclass | McTominay and Hannibal positive | Crystal Palace Carabao Cup preview
    September 25, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst to dissect the week’s Manchester United news, including reviewing the 1-0 win over Burnley, highlight some of the standout p...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst dissect the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst to dissect the week’s Manchester United news, including reviewing the 1-0 win over Burnley, highlight some of the standout p...
    Manchester is RED | Unrest in Man Utd dressing room | Ten Hag won’t be sacked | Burnley Preview
    September 22, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Rich Fay and Samuel Luckhurst to dissect the week’s Manchester United news, including unrest in the dressing room and why the manager is not facing the sa...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston, Rich Fay and Samuel Luckhurst dissect the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Rich Fay and Samuel Luckhurst to dissect the week’s Manchester United news, including unrest in the dressing room and why the manager is not facing the sa...
    Manchester is RED | Man Utd 1-3 Brighton | A club in crisis | Hojlund vs Martial | Casemiro concern
    September 18, 2023 (duration 40m)
    [from description] Ty and Steven dissect the week’s Manchester United news, including a full review of their 3-1 humbling at home to Brighton on Saturday,...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Tyrone Marshall and Steven Railston dissect the latest Manchester United news.
    [from itunes:summary] Ty and Steven dissect the week’s Manchester United news, including a full review of their 3-1 humbling at home to Brighton on Saturday,...
    FULL TIME | Man Utd 1-3 Brighton | Worst start in Premier League era | Erik ten Hag's post match press conference
    September 16, 2023 (duration 22m)
    [from description] Manchester United 1-3 Brighton review ft. Tyrone Marshall and Erik ten Hag. Learn more about your ad...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United 1-3 Brighton review ft. Tyrone Marshall and Erik ten Hag. Learn more about your ad...
    [from content:encoded] Manchester United 1-3 Brighton review ft. Tyrone Marshall and Erik ten Hag. Learn more about your ad...
    Manchester is RED | Sancho open to leaving United | Maguire’s treatment and statement | Sofyan Amrabat to make debut | Brighton Preview
    September 15, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Manchester is RED | Sancho open to leaving United | Maguire’s treatment and statement | Sofyan Amrab...
    [from description] Rich Fay and Samuel Luckhurst dissect the week’s Manchester United news including the Jadon Sancho situation and what his future holds, the Harry Magui...
    [from itunes:title] Manchester is RED | Sancho open to leaving United | Maguire’s treatment and statement | Sofyan Amrab...
    Manchester is RED | Ten Hag's Dilemma | Evan Ferguson | Four New Signings Needed | Sancho's Return To Training
    September 12, 2023 (duration 52m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckurst and Tyrone Marshall to discuss the latest Manchester United news including Sancho’s return to training, Antony’s delayed return, Evan Ferguson...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston, Samuel Luckhurst and Tyrone Marshall discuss the lastest Manchester United news
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckurst and Tyrone Marshall to discuss the latest Manchester United news including Sancho’s return to training, Antony’s delayed return, Evan Ferguson...
    Manchester is RED | Sancho controversy continues | Van de Beek on the move? | Mounting injury issues
    September 9, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Tyrone Marshall to chew the fat on the latest Manchester United headlines including the continuing Sancho saga, what next for Donny van de Beek, t...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Steven Railston is joined by Tyrone Marshall to chew the fat on the latest Manchester United headlines!
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Tyrone Marshall to chew the fat on the latest Manchester United headlines including the continuing Sancho saga, what next for Donny van de Beek, t...
    Midweek Man Utd | United release Antony statement | International break chat | Phil Jones's return
    September 6, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Midweek Man Utd | United release Antony statement | International break chat | Phil Jones's return
    [from description] Seb Parkinson and Sam Hutchison are back for this midweek episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, to discuss the international break from a United standpoint, go through t...
    [from itunes:title] Midweek Man Utd | United release Antony statement | International break chat | Phil Jones's return
    Manchester is RED | Arsenal 3-1 Man Utd | Transfer window assessment | Sancho controversy
    September 4, 2023 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] Sam Hutchison is joined by Tyrone Marshall for this episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, to review Arsenal 3-1 Man Utd, assess all the incomings at Manchester Uni...
    [from itunes:summary] Sam Hutchison is joined by Tyrone Marshall for this episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, to review Arsenal 3-1 Man Utd, assess all the incomings at Manchester Uni...
    [from content:encoded] Sam Hutchison is joined by Tyrone Marshall for this episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, to review Arsenal 3-1 Man Utd, assess all the incomings at Manchester Uni...
    FULL TIME | Arsenal 3-1 Manchester United | Ten Hag complains about refereeing decisions | Post-match press conferences
    September 3, 2023 (duration 30m)
    [from title] FULL TIME | Arsenal 3-1 Manchester United | Ten Hag complains about refereeing decisions | Post-match press conferences
    [from itunes:title] FULL TIME | Arsenal 3-1 Manchester United | Ten Hag complains about refereeing decisions | Post-match press conferences
    Midweek Man Utd | Last minute transfers | Injury troubles deepen| Arsenal v Man Utd preview
    August 30, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...utchison join up to bring you this episode of the Midweek Man Utd podcast from the Manchester Evening News, to cover the worsening injury troubles for Ten Hag to deal with, some of th...
    [from itunes:summary] ...utchison join up to bring you this episode of the Midweek Man Utd podcast from the Manchester Evening News, to cover the worsening injury troubles for Ten Hag to deal with, some of th...
    [from content:encoded] ...utchison join up to bring you this episode of the Midweek Man Utd podcast from the Manchester Evening News, to cover the worsening injury troubles for Ten Hag to deal with, some of th...
    Midweek Man Utd | Amrabat v Gravenberch | Casemiro decline? | Takeover Latest | Hojlund under pressure
    August 23, 2023 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] Seb Parkinson and Sam Hutchison are back to discuss all things Manchester United, including transfers that could still happen, how the poor start to the season cou...
    [from itunes:summary] Seb Parkinson and Sam Hutchison are back to discuss all things Manchester United, including transfers that could still happen, how the poor start to the season cou...
    [from content:encoded] Seb Parkinson and Sam Hutchison are back to discuss all things Manchester United, including transfers that could still happen, how the poor start to the season cou...
    Mason Greenwood to leave Manchester United | Manchester is RED ft. Samuel Luckhurst
    August 21, 2023 (duration 15m)
    [from title] Mason Greenwood to leave Manchester United | Manchester is RED ft. Samuel Luckhurst
    [from description] Samuel Luckhurst and Steven Railston discuss the Mason Greenwood decision by Manchester United. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:title] Mason Greenwood to leave Manchester United | Manchester is RED ft. Samuel Luckhurst
    Manchester is RED | Spurs 2-0 Man Utd | Antony poor again | Gravenberch links
    August 21, 2023 (duration 50m)
    [from description] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst for the Manchester is RED podcast to speak on Man Utd’s disappointing 2-0 loss to Spurs, how United have to ...
    [from itunes:summary] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst for the Manchester is RED podcast to speak on Man Utd’s disappointing 2-0 loss to Spurs, how United have to ...
    [from content:encoded] Steven Railston is joined by Samuel Luckhurst for the Manchester is RED podcast to speak on Man Utd’s disappointing 2-0 loss to Spurs, how United have to ...
    FULL TIME | Spurs 2-0 Manchester United | Lacklustre team performance | Ten Hag's press conference
    August 19, 2023 (duration 22m)
    [from title] FULL TIME | Spurs 2-0 Manchester United | Lacklustre team performance | Ten Hag's press conference
    [from itunes:title] FULL TIME | Spurs 2-0 Manchester United | Lacklustre team performance | Ten Hag's press conference
    Manchester is RED | Man Utd beat Wolves | Onana’s controversial debut | Transfer news
    August 15, 2023 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] Dan Murphy is joined by Samuel Luckhurst for this episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, discussing the 1-0 win over Wolves, how the midfield disappointed United ...
    [from itunes:summary] Dan Murphy is joined by Samuel Luckhurst for this episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, discussing the 1-0 win over Wolves, how the midfield disappointed United ...
    [from content:encoded] Dan Murphy is joined by Samuel Luckhurst for this episode of the Manchester is RED podcast, discussing the 1-0 win over Wolves, how the midfield disappointed United ...
    146 – ”Enigma.. vad fan är det?”
    January 30, 2020 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...oddtrion tillbaka, och i sedvanlig ordning försöker vi förstå oss på gåtan Manchester United. Uniteds ökenvandring har varat längre än poddtrions, och i veckans[...]
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...oddtrion tillbaka, och i sedvanlig ordning försöker vi förstå oss på gåtan Manchester United. Uniteds ökenvandring har varat längre än poddtrions, och i veckans[...]
    [from itunes:summary] ...oddtrion tillbaka, och i sedvanlig ordning försöker vi förstå oss på gåtan Manchester United. Uniteds ökenvandring har varat längre än poddtrions, och i veckans[...]
    #145 – ”Stark kuriosa”
    December 20, 2019 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] Solskjaers Manchester United har under den senaste tiden följt upp den tunga vinsten mot Spurs med en väldigt f...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Solskjaers Manchester United har under den senaste tiden följt upp den tunga vinsten mot Spurs med en väldigt f...
    [from itunes:summary] Solskjaers Manchester United har under den senaste tiden följt upp den tunga vinsten mot Spurs med en väldigt f...
    #143 – ”Brunkigt mittenmöte”
    November 1, 2019 (duration 53m)
    [from description] ... vänt nu? Det (försöker) panelen prata om i veckans avsnitt. Känslan är att Manchester United har kommit upp till[...]
    [from itunes:subtitle] ... vänt nu? Det (försöker) panelen prata om i veckans avsnitt. Känslan är att Manchester United har kommit upp till[...]
    [from itunes:summary] ... vänt nu? Det (försöker) panelen prata om i veckans avsnitt. Känslan är att Manchester United har kommit upp till[...]
    #142 – ”Hyckleri”
    October 11, 2019 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ...n fullskalig kris. Efter förlusten mot Newcastle råder det inga tvivel om att Manchester United befinner sig[...]
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...n fullskalig kris. Efter förlusten mot Newcastle råder det inga tvivel om att Manchester United befinner sig[...]
    [from itunes:summary] ...n fullskalig kris. Efter förlusten mot Newcastle råder det inga tvivel om att Manchester United befinner sig[...]
    #141 – ”Dystopisk berg- och dalbana”
    September 27, 2019 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] Har Manchester United sprungit rakt in i väggen och vaknat upp i en krishärd? Om det tvistar de lärde, o...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Har Manchester United sprungit rakt in i väggen och vaknat upp i en krishärd? Om det tvistar de lärde, o...
    [from itunes:summary] Har Manchester United sprungit rakt in i väggen och vaknat upp i en krishärd? Om det tvistar de lärde, o...
    #139 – ”Hans agent är ju sämst!”
    August 29, 2019 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...låg hybrisen om hörnet, i detta avsnitt börjar vi hissa röd flagg. Var står Manchester United sensommaren 2019? Efter en imponerande inledande[...]
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...låg hybrisen om hörnet, i detta avsnitt börjar vi hissa röd flagg. Var står Manchester United sensommaren 2019? Efter en imponerande inledande[...]
    [from itunes:summary] ...låg hybrisen om hörnet, i detta avsnitt börjar vi hissa röd flagg. Var står Manchester United sensommaren 2019? Efter en imponerande inledande[...]
    #132 – #OGSin-effekt vs #Mouout-effekt
    January 10, 2019 (duration 56m)
    [from description] Ett ”snällt” spelschema till trots; Manchester United under Ole Gunnar Solskjaers ledning mår bra och spelar fin fotboll. Men – har vi att gö...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Ett ”snällt” spelschema till trots; Manchester United under Ole Gunnar Solskjaers ledning mår bra och spelar fin fotboll. Men – har vi att gö...
    [from itunes:summary] Ett ”snällt” spelschema till trots; Manchester United under Ole Gunnar Solskjaers ledning mår bra och spelar fin fotboll. Men – har vi att gö...
    #131 – ”Julmirakel”
    December 20, 2018 (duration 58m)
    [from description] Manchester United och Stretford Empire har fått sitt julmirakel. José Mourinho är ett minne blott, o...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United och Stretford Empire har fått sitt julmirakel. José Mourinho är ett minne blott, o...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United och Stretford Empire har fått sitt julmirakel. José Mourinho är ett minne blott, o...
    #128 – ”Tio bästa och tio sämsta spelarköpen”
    November 2, 2018 (duration 0m)
    [from description] Manchester United slog tillbaka Everton med 2-1 i en tillställning som var positiv fram till reducer...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United slog tillbaka Everton med 2-1 i en tillställning som var positiv fram till reducer...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United slog tillbaka Everton med 2-1 i en tillställning som var positiv fram till reducer...
    #127 -”Parma” (Före Everton)
    October 28, 2018 (duration 0m)
    [from description] ... är tillbaka för att stanna, ser vi tillbaka på en resultatmässigt tung vecka. Manchester United lyckades sånär vända mot Chelsea, och man lyckades[...]
    [from itunes:subtitle] ... är tillbaka för att stanna, ser vi tillbaka på en resultatmässigt tung vecka. Manchester United lyckades sånär vända mot Chelsea, och man lyckades sånär få en rejäl fart på den posit...
    [from itunes:summary] ... är tillbaka för att stanna, ser vi tillbaka på en resultatmässigt tung vecka. Manchester United lyckades sånär vända mot Chelsea, och man lyckades sånär få en rejäl fart på den posit...
    #126 – ”Det är ingen enkel ekvation”
    October 16, 2018 (duration 0m)
    [from description] Efter förrförra veckans bejublade poddcomeback tog vårt samtalsobjekt Manchester United sig själva i kragen, och vi kan såklart inte göra annat än att inse vår roll i det hela. Podden[...]
    [from itunes:subtitle] Efter förrförra veckans bejublade poddcomeback tog vårt samtalsobjekt Manchester United sig själva i kragen, och vi kan såklart inte göra annat än att inse vår roll i det he...
    [from itunes:summary] Efter förrförra veckans bejublade poddcomeback tog vårt samtalsobjekt Manchester United sig själva i kragen, och vi kan såklart inte göra annat än att inse vår roll i det he...
    #121 – ”Rumpig tackling”
    October 12, 2017 (duration 0m)
    [from description] Ett av fotbollsvärldens hetaste möten står för dörren, Manchester United mot Liverpool. Givetvis så avhandlar vi (om än skyndsamt), som varje gång inför rivalmö...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Ett av fotbollsvärldens hetaste möten står för dörren, Manchester United mot Liverpool. Givetvis så avhandlar vi (om än skyndsamt), som varje gång inför rivalmö...
    [from itunes:summary] Ett av fotbollsvärldens hetaste möten står för dörren, Manchester United mot Liverpool. Givetvis så avhandlar vi (om än skyndsamt), som varje gång inför rivalmö...
    #120 – ”Ut och lek med er”
    October 8, 2017 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] Manchester United kan inte sluta vinna, och efter en tids uppehåll känner podden att det är dags att...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United kan inte sluta vinna, och efter en tids uppehåll känner podden att det är dags att...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United kan inte sluta vinna, och efter en tids uppehåll känner podden att det är dags att...
    #117 – ”Three in a row”
    August 26, 2017 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] Manchester United har öppnat säsongen minst sagt starkt, och podcasten vill inte vara sämre utan hak...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United har öppnat säsongen minst sagt starkt, och podcasten vill inte vara sämre utan hak...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United har öppnat säsongen minst sagt starkt, och podcasten vill inte vara sämre utan hak...
    #114 – ”Ashley Youngs USP”
    February 13, 2017 (duration 49m)
    [from description] Ett välspelande Manchester United städade undan Watford i lördags, och nu går laget in i cupmania. I veckans podd fok...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Ett välspelande Manchester United städade undan Watford i lördags, och nu går laget in i cupmania. I veckans podd fok...
    [from itunes:summary] Ett välspelande Manchester United städade undan Watford i lördags, och nu går laget in i cupmania. I veckans podd fok...
    #113 – Full av metadon
    January 13, 2017 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] Manchester United har tågat fram och tagit seger efter seger, men från podden har det varit tyst. Na...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United har tågat fram och tagit seger efter seger, men från podden har det varit tyst. Na...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United har tågat fram och tagit seger efter seger, men från podden har det varit tyst. Na...
    #111 – Hantverkarpodden
    November 3, 2016 (duration 49m)
    [from description] Manchester United fortsätter att vara inkonsekventa, och insatserna har svajat betänkligt på senare ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United fortsätter att vara inkonsekventa, och insatserna har svajat betänkligt på senare ...
    [from itunes:summary] Manchester United fortsätter att vara inkonsekventa, och insatserna har svajat betänkligt på senare ...
    #110 – Stoke är Stoke
    October 13, 2016 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] Efter det sura poängtappet mot Stoke senast ska Manchester United nu ta sig an ärkerivalen från Merseyside. Laget reser till Anfield på måndag för et...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Efter det sura poängtappet mot Stoke senast ska Manchester United nu ta sig an ärkerivalen från Merseyside. Laget reser till Anfield på måndag för et...
    [from itunes:summary] Efter det sura poängtappet mot Stoke senast ska Manchester United nu ta sig an ärkerivalen från Merseyside. Laget reser till Anfield på måndag för et...
    Episode #26 - A Brighton Spark on a Dreary Day
    September 29, 2020 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] After a 3-2 win at Brighton, Brian & Damo recount one of the most remarkable final minutes in Manchester United history.
    [from content:encoded] After a 3-2 win at Brighton, Brian & Damo recount one of the most remarkable final minutes in Manchester United history.
    Episode #25 - A Royal Beating by Palace at Old Trafford
    September 21, 2020 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] Brian and Damo return with anger and analysis of Manchester United's 3-1 loss to Crystal Palace at Old Trafford.
    [from content:encoded] Brian and Damo return with anger and analysis of Manchester United's 3-1 loss to Crystal Palace at Old Trafford.
    Episode #24 - Previewing season 2020-21
    September 17, 2020 (duration 1h27m)
    [from description] New music, new season, same Manchester United talk! Brian & Damo return to preview the new campaign and the signings that may still come in.
    [from content:encoded] New music, new season, same Manchester United talk! Brian & Damo return to preview the new campaign and the signings that may still come in.
    Episode #23 - The Europa Adventure Ends
    August 19, 2020 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] Brian & Damo discuss Manchester United's Europa League semi-final loss to Sevilla, and get tough on the personnel changes...
    [from content:encoded] Brian & Damo discuss Manchester United's Europa League semi-final loss to Sevilla, and get tough on the personnel cha...
    Episode #22 - Hunting The Foxes
    July 29, 2020 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] Brian & Damo celebrate a victory over Leicester City that guarantees Manchester United Champions League football next season.
    [from content:encoded] Brian & Damo celebrate a victory over Leicester City that guarantees Manchester United Champions League football next season.
    Episode #20 - Wembley Woes
    July 20, 2020 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] Brian and Damo discuss Manchester United's horrible 3-1 loss to Chelsea in the FA Cup, and ponder whether David De Gea should be dropped.
    [from content:encoded] Brian and Damo discuss Manchester United's horrible 3-1 loss to Chelsea in the FA Cup, and ponder whether David De Gea ...
    Episode #18 - The Saints Come Marching In
    July 15, 2020 (duration 1h16m)
    [from description] Brian and Damo react to a terribly disappointing evening at Old Trafford, as Manchester United missed the chance to go third in the Premier League.
    [from content:encoded] Brian and Damo react to a terribly disappointing evening at Old Trafford, as Manchester United missed the chance to go third in the Premier League.
    Episode #15 - The Brighton Side of Life
    July 1, 2020 (duration 47m)
    [from description] Brian & Damo are in the mood to talk after Manchester United's glorious 3-0 away win at Brighton & Hove Albion.
    [from content:encoded] Brian & Damo are in the mood to talk after Manchester United's glorious 3-0 away win at Brighton & Hove Albion.
    Episode #14 - Captain's Quarter-Final
    June 28, 2020 (duration 38m)
    [from description] Brian & Damo discusses Manchester United's 2-1 FA Cup win away at Norwich, and consider the upcoming league game at Brighton.
    [from content:encoded] Brian & Damo discusses Manchester United's 2-1 FA Cup win away at Norwich, and consider the upcoming league game at Brighton.
    Episode #13 - United We Stand
    June 25, 2020 (duration 40m)
    [from itunes:title] Episode #13 - United We Stand
    [from title] Episode #13 - United We Stand
    [from description] Brian and Damo are joined by WWE NXT UK star Ashton Smith to discuss Manchester United's 3-0 win over Sheffield United at Old Trafford.
    Episode #11 - Project Restart
    June 17, 2020 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] ... Relegation. Brian Elliott and Damian Mackle (WWE's Killian Dain) look back at Manchester United's season so far, and preview the big game with Spurs on Friday evening.
    [from content:encoded] ... Relegation. Brian Elliott and Damian Mackle (WWE's Killian Dain) look back at Manchester United's season so far, and preview the big game with Spurs on Friday evening.
    Episode #5 - Putting Partizan to the sword
    November 8, 2019 (duration 1h7m)
    [from itunes:summary] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) and's Brian Elliott are in better mood after Manchester United's 3-0 victory over Partizan Belgrade sees the team through to the last 32 of the Europa League.
    [from description] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) and's Brian Elliott are in better mood after Manchester United's 3-0 victory over Partizan Belgrade sees the team through to the last 32 of the Europa League.
    [from content:encoded] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) and's Brian Elliott are in better mood after Manchester United's 3-0 victory over Partizan Belgrade sees the team through to the last 32 of the Europa League.
    Episode #4: Back to square one after a disappointing 1-0 loss at Bournemouth
    November 2, 2019 (duration 1h8m)
    [from itunes:summary] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) and editor Brian Elliott console themselves after Manchester United's loss on Saturday afternoon.
    [from description] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) and editor Brian Elliott console themselves after Manchester United's loss on Saturday afternoon.
    [from content:encoded] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) and editor Brian Elliott console themselves after Manchester United's loss on Saturday afternoon.
    Episode #2 - Post-match analysis of the 1-0 victory over Partizan Belgrade
    October 25, 2019 (duration 55m)
    [from itunes:summary] WWE's Killian Dain (Damo Mackle) joins editor Brian Elliott to discuss Thursday's Manchester United game in the Europa League.
    [from description] ...ain (Damo Mackle) joins editor Brian Elliott to discuss Thursday's Manchester United game in the Europa League.
    [from content:encoded] ...ain (Damo Mackle) joins editor Brian Elliott to discuss Thursday's Manchester United game in the Europa League.
    FA Cup magic is alive at Old Trafford and Molineux – Football Weekly
    March 18, 2024 (duration 58m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Paul MacInnes, Jordan Jarrett-Bryan and Robyn Cowen after Manchester United beat Liverpool in extra time in a thrilling game to make the FA Cup semi-finals. H...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Paul MacInnes, Jordan Jarrett-Bryan and Robyn Cowen after Manchester United beat Liverpool in extra time in a thrilling game to make the FA Cup semi-finals
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Paul MacInnes, Jordan Jarrett-Bryan and Robyn Cowen after Manchester United beat Liverpool in extra time in a thrilling game to make the FA Cup semi-finals. H...
    Kevin De Bruyne back with a bang for Manchester City – Football Weekly
    January 15, 2024 (duration 56m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Paul MacInnes, Nedum Onuoha and Nooruddean Choudry as Manchester City beat Newcastle in a thriller at St James’ Park, Spurs hold Manchester United and fan...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Paul MacInnes, Nedum Onuoha and Nooruddean Choudry as Manchester City beat Newcastle in a thriller at St James’ Park, Spurs hold Manchester United and fan...
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Paul MacInnes, Nedum Onuoha and Nooruddean Choudry as Manchester City beat Newcastle in a thriller at St James’ Park, Spurs hold Manchester United and fan...
    Will a new striker solve problems for faltering Arsenal? – Football Weekly podcast
    January 1, 2024 (duration 56m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Paul Watson after Arsenal and Manchester United suffer on final matches of 2023. Help support our independent journalism at thegua...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Paul Watson after Arsenal and Manchester United suffer on the final weekend of Premier League football in 2023
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Paul Watson after Arsenal and Manchester United suffer on final matches of 2023. Help support our independent journalism at <a ...
    Have Manchester United turned over a new leaf? – Football Weekly
    December 27, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Have Manchester United turned over a new leaf? – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Have Manchester United turned over a new leaf? – Football Weekly
    [from description] ... MacInnes to discuss the Premier League games on Boxing Day – including wins for Manchester United, Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. Help support our independent journalism at theguar...
    Liverpool and Manchester City drop points in the title race – Football Weekly
    December 18, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay and Jonathan Liew as Manchester City draw once again and Liverpool fail to make chances count against Manchester United. ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay and Jonathan Liew as Manchester City draw once again and Liverpool fail to make chances count against Manchester United
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay and Jonathan Liew as Manchester City draw once again and Liverpool fail to make chances count against Manchester United. ...
    Manchester United crash out of Europe after latest limp display – Football Weekly
    December 13, 2023 (duration 51m)
    [from title] Manchester United crash out of Europe after latest limp display – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United crash out of Europe after latest limp display – Football Weekly
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Mark Langdon, Jonathan Fadugba and Philippe Auclair to react to Manchester United’s worst every Champions League campaign. Help support our independent journalism a...
    Manchester United lurch back into crisis and are Villa in title race? - Football Weekly
    December 11, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Manchester United lurch back into crisis and are Villa in title race? - Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United lurch back into crisis and are Villa in title race? - Football Weekly
    Fortress Villa Park and McTominay magic – Football Weekly Extra
    December 7, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from description] Robyn Cowen is joined by Jonathan Liew, Will Unwin and Nooruddean Choudry as Manchester United beat Chelsea, while Aston Villa emerge as potential title contenders. Help support...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Robyn Cowen is joined by Jonathan Liew, Will Unwin and Nooruddean Choudry as Manchester United beat Chelsea, while Aston Villa emerge as potential title contenders
    [from itunes:summary] Robyn Cowen is joined by Jonathan Liew, Will Unwin and Nooruddean Choudry as Manchester United beat Chelsea, while Aston Villa emerge as potential title contenders. Help support...
    A chaotic Istanbul classic and Arsenal’s easy night – Football Weekly Extra
    November 30, 2023 (duration 52m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Mark Langdon and Lars Sivertsen as Manchester United throw away a two-goal lead twice to leave themselves in a perilous Champions Leagu...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Mark Langdon and Lars Sivertsen as Manchester United throw away a two-goal lead twice to leave themselves in a perilous Champions League position
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Mark Langdon and Lars Sivertsen as Manchester United throw away a two-goal lead twice to leave themselves in a perilous Champions Leagu...
    Goals galore at Chelsea and Manchester United lead form table - Football Weekly
    November 13, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Goals galore at Chelsea and Manchester United lead form table - Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Goals galore at Chelsea and Manchester United lead form table - Football Weekly
    Manchester United and Arsenal crash out of Carabao Cup – Football Weekly Extra
    November 2, 2023 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester United and Arsenal crash out of Carabao Cup – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United and Arsenal crash out of Carabao Cup – Football Weekly Extra
    [from URL]
    Manchester United left feeling blue after City boss derby – Football Weekly
    October 30, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Manchester United left feeling blue after City boss derby – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United left feeling blue after City boss derby – Football Weekly
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Will Unwin as City comfortably beat United in the game of the weekend. Help support our independent journalism at
    Galatasaray leave United in disarray and VAR tape causes a stir - Football Weekly
    October 4, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Galatasaray leave United in disarray and VAR tape causes a stir - Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Galatasaray leave United in disarray and VAR tape causes a stir - Football Weekly
    [from description] ...ed by Jonathan Wilson, Archie Rhind-Tutt and Lars Sivertsen to discuss defeats for Manchester United and Arsenal as well as the release of the VAR bungle audio from Spurs. Help suppor...
    Manchester United slump again as Arsenal return in style – Football Weekly Extra
    September 21, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Manchester United slump again as Arsenal return in style – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United slump again as Arsenal return in style – Football Weekly Extra
    [from description] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Mark Langdon and Archie Rhind-Tutt discuss Manchester United, Arsenal and the Champions League. Help support our independent journalism at theg...
    Manchester United in perma-crisis as Premier League returns – Football Weekly Extra
    September 14, 2023 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Manchester United in perma-crisis as Premier League returns – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United in perma-crisis as Premier League returns – Football Weekly Extra
    [from URL]
    Lionesses fly home while Spurs 2.0 blossom under Angeball - Football Weekly podcast
    August 21, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay and Nedum Onuoha as Chelsea and Manchester United fail to impress. Help support our independent journalism at
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay and Nedum Onuoha as Chelsea and Manchester United fail to impress in the Premier League
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Barney Ronay and Nedum Onuoha as Chelsea and Manchester United fail to impress. Help support our independent journalism at <a href="https...
    VAR controversy at Old Trafford and big spenders at Stamford Bridge - Football Weekly
    August 16, 2023 (duration 50m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Philippe Auclair and Will Unwin as Manchester United labour to a 1-0 win over Wolves.. Help support our independent journalism at thegu...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Philippe Auclair and Will Unwin as Manchester United labour to a 1-0 win over Wolves.
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Philippe Auclair and Will Unwin as Manchester United labour to a 1-0 win over Wolves.. Help support our independent journalism at <a...
    Two down, one to go for Manchester City after FA Cup final – Football Weekly
    June 5, 2023 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Troy Townsend, Robyn Cowen and Jim Burke as City defeat United at Wembley, Celtic land their own treble and Barça win the Women’s Champions League. Help sup...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Troy Townsend, Robyn Cowen and Jim Burke as City defeat United at Wembley, Celtic land their own treble and Barça win the Women’s Champions League
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Troy Townsend, Robyn Cowen and Jim Burke as City defeat United at Wembley, Celtic land their own treble and Barça win the Women’s Champions League. Help sup...
    Crisis, what crisis? Liverpool hit Manchester United for seven – Football Weekly
    March 6, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Crisis, what crisis? Liverpool hit Manchester United for seven – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Crisis, what crisis? Liverpool hit Manchester United for seven – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Liverpool, Manchester United
    Manchester City investigated, an EFL round-up and Southend United – Football Weekly
    February 8, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester City investigated, an EFL round-up and Southend United – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Manchester City investigated, an EFL round-up and Southend United – Football Weekly
    Manchester United cruise to Wembley and a Mundial cameo – Football Weekly Extra
    February 2, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Manchester United cruise to Wembley and a Mundial cameo – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United cruise to Wembley and a Mundial cameo – Football Weekly Extra
    Manchester United close on Wembley and an FA Cup preview – Football Weekly Extra
    January 26, 2023 (duration 45m)
    [from title] Manchester United close on Wembley and an FA Cup preview – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United close on Wembley and an FA Cup preview – Football Weekly Extra
    A throwback classic between Arsenal and Manchester United – Football Weekly
    January 23, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] A throwback classic between Arsenal and Manchester United – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] A throwback classic between Arsenal and Manchester United – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Arsenal, Manchester United, Premier League
    Palace halt Manchester United charge. Plus the John Yems findings – Football Weekly Extra
    January 19, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Palace halt Manchester United charge. Plus the John Yems findings – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Palace halt Manchester United charge. Plus the John Yems findings – Football Weekly Extra
    VAR infuriates and Manchester United end Gunners perfect start – Football Weekly
    September 5, 2022 (duration 1h3m)
    [from title] VAR infuriates and Manchester United end Gunners perfect start – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] VAR infuriates and Manchester United end Gunners perfect start – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Premier League, Football, Manchester United, Arsenal, Video assistant referees (VARs), Sport, Podcasts, Podcasting
    Manchester United bounce back and Ellen White bows out – Football Weekly
    August 23, 2022 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Manchester United bounce back and Ellen White bows out – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United bounce back and Ellen White bows out – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Manchester United
    Have West Ham’s Europa League hopes gone up in smoke? – Football Weekly
    April 29, 2022 (duration 52m)
    [from description] ...e Europa League and Europa Conference League semis, plus down the running order is Manchester United v Chelsea. Help support our independent journalism at
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...e Europa League and Europa Conference League semis, plus down the running order is Manchester United v Chelsea
    [from itunes:summary] ...e Europa League and Europa Conference League semis, plus down the running order is Manchester United v Chelsea. Help support our independent journalism at <a href="https://www...
    Liverpool reinforce gulf in class with Manchester United – Football Weekly
    April 20, 2022 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Liverpool reinforce gulf in class with Manchester United – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Liverpool reinforce gulf in class with Manchester United – Football Weekly
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, John Brewin and Ben Fisher after Liverpool thrash Manchester United and the Football League season draws closer to its conclusion. Help support our in...
    Manchester United bow out and Chelsea’s statement saga – Football Weekly
    March 16, 2022 (duration 54m)
    [from title] Manchester United bow out and Chelsea’s statement saga – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United bow out and Chelsea’s statement saga – Football Weekly
    [from description] ...n, Lars Sivertsen, Jonathan Fadugba and Sid Lowe are on the pod as Atlético knock Manchester United out of Europe. Help support our independent journalism at
    Elanga saves Manchester United and Conte’s Spurs woes – Football Weekly Extra
    February 24, 2022 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Elanga saves Manchester United and Conte’s Spurs woes – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:title] Elanga saves Manchester United and Conte’s Spurs woes – Football Weekly Extra
    As Manchester United falter again, will Wolves go fourth? - Football Weekly
    February 14, 2022 (duration 55m)
    [from title] As Manchester United falter again, will Wolves go fourth? - Football Weekly
    [from itunes:title] As Manchester United falter again, will Wolves go fourth? - Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Premier League, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Manchester United, Football, Sport
    Wolves wreck it for Ralf and are Barcelona back? – Football Weekly
    January 4, 2022 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ...nning, Paul MacInnes, Lars Sivertsen and Sid Lowe as Ralf Rangnick loses his first Manchester United game. Help support our independent journalism at
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Manchester United, Barcelona
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...nning, Paul MacInnes, Lars Sivertsen and Sid Lowe as Ralf Rangnick loses his first Manchester United game
    Liverpool demolish Manchester United. Plus banners and toes – Football Weekly
    October 25, 2021 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Liverpool demolish Manchester United. Plus banners and toes – Football Weekly
    [from description] ...endenning, Jonathan Wilson and Barney Ronay to dissect Liverpool’s demolition of Manchester United at Old Trafford, and review the rest of the weekend’s Premier League action. Help su...
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Manchester United, Liverpool, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Sport
    Manchester United fight back again and Bruce bows out – Football Weekly Extra
    October 21, 2021 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Manchester United fight back again and Bruce bows out – Football Weekly Extra
    [from URL]
    [from url]
    Magnificent Mo Salah and Manchester United stumble again – Football Weekly
    October 4, 2021 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Magnificent Mo Salah and Manchester United stumble again – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Premier League, Liverpool, Everton, Manchester United, Manchester City
    Ronaldo’s dream second debut for Manchester United – Football Weekly
    September 13, 2021 (duration 50m)
    [from title] Ronaldo’s dream second debut for Manchester United – Football Weekly
    [from description] ...n Brewin, Jamie Jackson and Troy Townsend to review Cristiano Ronaldo’s dazzling Manchester United return, Romelu Lukaku’s triumphant homecoming at Chelsea and the rest of the action ...
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo, Premier League
    Manchester United fan protests, Bale brilliance and more – Football Weekly
    May 3, 2021 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Manchester United fan protests, Bale brilliance and more – Football Weekly
    Bielsa pips Pep as United beat City, plus using xG in Scrabble – Football Weekly
    April 12, 2021 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Bielsa pips Pep as United beat City, plus using xG in Scrabble – Football Weekly
    [from itunes:keywords] Leeds United, Manchester City, West Ham United, Champions League, Premier League, Football, Sport
    Tommy Docherty remembered and Kevin De Bruyne's brilliance – Football Weekly
    January 4, 2021 (duration 58m)
    [from description] ...ewin to discuss the weekend’s Premier League action, the Old Firm and the former Manchester United manager Tommy Docherty, who has died aged 92. Help support our independent journalis...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ewin to discuss the weekend’s Premier League action, the Old Firm and the former Manchester United manager Tommy Docherty, who has died aged 92
    [from itunes:summary] ...ewin to discuss the weekend’s Premier League action, the Old Firm and the former Manchester United manager Tommy Docherty, who has died aged 92. Help support our independent journalis...
    Manchester United hit six, Liverpool get seven and 100 top players – Football Weekly
    December 21, 2020 (duration 56m)
    [from title] Manchester United hit six, Liverpool get seven and 100 top players – Football Weekly
    [from description] ...ndenning, Flo Lloyd-Hughes and Jonathan Liew to discuss free-scoring Liverpool and Manchester United, the deepening crisis at Arsenal and the Guardian’s top 100 male footballers. Help...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ndenning, Flo Lloyd-Hughes and Jonathan Liew to discuss free-scoring Liverpool and Manchester United, the deepening crisis at Arsenal and the Guardian’s top 100 male footballers
    Manchester United tumble out of the Champions League – Football Weekly
    December 9, 2020 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Manchester United tumble out of the Champions League – Football Weekly
    [from description] ...rry Glendenning, Jordan Jarrett Bryan, Jacob Steinberg and Barney Ronay to discuss Manchester United bowing out of the Champions League, the incident involving Istanbul’s Basaksehir’s...
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Champions League, Istanbul Basaksehir, Manchester United, Millwall, Paris Saint-Germain
    A Mourinho masterclass and depressing scenes at Millwall – Football Weekly
    December 7, 2020 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ... Max Rushden to discuss the weekend’s talking points - including wins for Spurs, Manchester United and Chelsea. The latter of which re-ignites the ongoing debate about whether Marcelo...
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Black Lives Matter movement, Arsenal, Manchester United, League One, League Two, Chelsea, Leeds United, Tottenham Hotspur, Premier League
    [from itunes:summary] ... Max Rushden to discuss the weekend’s talking points - including wins for Spurs, Manchester United and Chelsea. The latter of which re-ignites the ongoing debate about whether Marcelo...
    Manchester United's inconsistency and Giroud's fab four – Football Weekly Extra
    December 3, 2020 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Manchester United's inconsistency and Giroud's fab four – Football Weekly Extra
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Liew and Marcus Bean to discuss United, Oliver Giroud and question if Pablo Picasso is French. Plus; Archie Rhind-Tutt joins us for ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Liew and Marcus Bean to discuss Manchester United, Oliver Giroud and question if Pablo Picasso is French. Plus; Archie Rhind-Tutt jo...
    Manchester United malaise, pressing and handball – Football Weekly Extra
    November 5, 2020 (duration 49m)
    [from title] Manchester United malaise, pressing and handball – Football Weekly Extra
    [from description] Max Rushden is joined by Jonathan Wilson, Natasha Henry and Jonathan Liew to discuss Manchester United’s defending, wins for Chelsea, Dortmund and Barça, the dress code for managers and...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden is joined by Jonathan Wilson, Natasha Henry and Jonathan Liew to discuss Manchester United’s Champions League defending, wins for Chelsea, Dortmund and Barça, the dress code...
    Partey on deadline day and a Messi happiness index – Football Weekly
    October 6, 2020 (duration 51m)
    [from description] ...uding Arsenal’s signing of Atlético midfielder Thomas Partey, Edinson Cavani to Manchester United and Jack Wilshere to nowhere, plus an update from the top leagues around the continen...
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Sport, Transfer window, Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A, European club football, Arsenal, Manchester United, Lionel Messi
    [from itunes:summary] ...uding Arsenal’s signing of Atlético midfielder Thomas Partey, Edinson Cavani to Manchester United and Jack Wilshere to nowhere, plus an update from the top leagues around the continen...
    Winners and losers as Premier League's 352-day season ends – Football Weekly
    July 27, 2020 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...n Wilson and Lars Sivertsen discuss the final day of the Premier League season, as Manchester United and Chelsea clinch Champions League places, and Aston Villa avoid relegation by a ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] The pod squad discuss the final day of the Premier League season as Manchester United and Chelsea clinched top-four spots and and Aston Villa survived by a point
    [from itunes:summary] ...n Wilson and Lars Sivertsen discuss the final day of the Premier League season, as Manchester United and Chelsea clinch Champions League places, and Aston Villa avoid relegation by a ...
    Memories of Jack Charlton and Man City's Cas verdict – Football Weekly
    July 13, 2020 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...bute to former Leeds United and England defender Jack Charlton. Also they react to Manchester City’s Cas verdict, round-up the key talking points from the Premier League and take a lo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...bute to former Leeds United and England defender Jack Charlton. Also they react to Manchester City’s Cas verdict, round-up the key talking points from the Premier League and take a lo...
    Mason Greenwood and the Manchester United renaissance – Football Weekly
    July 6, 2020 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Mason Greenwood and the Manchester United renaissance – Football Weekly
    [from URL]
    [from url]
    Liverpool on edge of glory and a rare Manchester United hat-trick – Football Weekly Extra
    June 25, 2020 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Liverpool on edge of glory and a rare Manchester United hat-trick – Football Weekly Extra
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, FA Cup, Sport, Liverpool, Manchester United, Arsenal
    The Manchester United v Arsenal rivalry revisited – Football Weekly
    April 27, 2020 (duration 51m)
    [from title] The Manchester United v Arsenal rivalry revisited – Football Weekly
    [from description] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Nicky Bandini and John Brewin discuss Manchester United 0-1 Arsenal from 2002, Sir Alex Ferguson v Arsène Wenger, legacies, tackles, Mark ...
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Premier League, Arsenal, Sport, Manchester United
    Heroic Villans, Liverpool march on and transfer nonsense – Football Weekly Extra
    January 30, 2020 (duration 56m)
    [from description], Mark Langdon and Lars Sivertsen discuss Liverpool and inevitable victories, a Manchester United victory in vain, Arsenal winning with youth and a lot of questions about Canada. H...
    [from itunes:subtitle], Mark Langdon and Lars Sivertsen discuss Liverpool and inevitable victories, a Manchester United victory in vain, Arsenal winning things with youth and a lot of questions about Canada
    [from itunes:summary], Mark Langdon and Lars Sivertsen discuss Liverpool and inevitable victories, a Manchester United victory in vain, Arsenal winning with youth and a lot of questions about Canada. H...
    Is the Carabao Cup the world's best tournament? – Football Weekly Extra
    October 31, 2019 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...Marcus Bean discuss an extraordinary Anfield contest, Ole regaining control of the Manchester United wheel, Richard Keogh’s sacking, Colchester history and beans. Help support our ind...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...Marcus Bean discuss an extraordinary Anfield contest, Ole regaining control of the Manchester United wheel, Richard Keogh’s sacking, Colchester history and beans
    [from itunes:summary] ...Marcus Bean discuss an extraordinary Anfield contest, Ole regaining control of the Manchester United wheel, Richard Keogh’s sacking, Colchester history and beans. Help support our ind...
    Liverpool's joy of six, United adrift and a leaping policeman – Football Weekly
    September 23, 2019 (duration 1h21m)
    [from title] Liverpool's joy of six, United adrift and a leaping policeman – Football Weekly
    Liverpool lord it, Spurs shocked and Barnes bangers – Football Weekly
    August 26, 2019 (duration 1h14m)
    [from description] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Tim Stillman discuss defeats for Tottenham and Manchester United, Ashley and Harvey Barnes on target, goals galore on the continent and a new crime...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Tim Stillman discuss defeats for Tottenham and Manchester United, Ashley and Harvey Barnes on target, goals galore on the continent and a new crime...
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Tim Stillman discuss defeats for Tottenham and Manchester United, Ashley and Harvey Barnes on target, goals galore on the continent and a new crime...
    Premier League title race goes to the wire – Football Weekly
    May 6, 2019 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...pool forcing the title race to the final weekend, Chelsea stumbling over the line, Manchester United unable to cliché their way out of trouble, an emotional Aaron Ramsey and Football ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...pool forcing the title race to the final weekend, Chelsea stumbling over the line, Manchester United unable to cliché their way out of trouble, an emotional Aaron Ramsey and Football League climaxes
    [from itunes:summary] ...pool forcing the title race to the final weekend, Chelsea stumbling over the line, Manchester United unable to cliché their way out of trouble, an emotional Aaron Ramsey and Football ...
    Top two dominate, Manchester United collapse and a Benteke goal – Football Weekly
    April 22, 2019 (duration 1h15m)
    [from title] Top two dominate, Manchester United collapse and a Benteke goal – Football Weekly
    [from description] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Lars Sivertsen discuss Manchester City and Liverpool’s Premier League dominance, defensive collapses for Arsenal and Manche...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and Lars Sivertsen discuss Manchester City and Liverpool’s Premier League dominance, defensive collapses for Arsenal and Manche...
    Manchester United rock PSG, plus Football Leaks – Football Weekly Extra
    March 7, 2019 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Manchester United rock PSG, plus Football Leaks – Football Weekly Extra
    Liverpool have lift-off before showdown with Manchester City – Football Weekly
    December 31, 2018 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ... Gregg Bakowski discuss the dominant thrashing of Arsenal, players flying again at Manchester United, early kick-offs and Neil Etheridge saving penalties from presidents
    [from itunes:subtitle] ... Gregg Bakowski discuss the dominant thrashing of Arsenal, players flying again at Manchester United, early kick-offs and Neil Etheridge saving penalties from presidents
    [from itunes:summary] ... Gregg Bakowski discuss the dominant thrashing of Arsenal, players flying again at Manchester United, early kick-offs and Neil Etheridge saving penalties from presidents
    Goodbye Mourinho, hello Solskjær – Football Weekly Extra
    December 20, 2018 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, John Brewin and Ewan Murray discuss José Mourinho’s Manchester United exit, Carabao Cup action, bottle-throwers, fitba, Bundesliga pace-setters, Premier Le...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, John Brewin and Ewan Murray discuss José Mourinho’s Manchester United exit, Carabao Cup action, bottle-throwers, fitba, Bundesliga pace-setters, Premier Le...
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, John Brewin and Ewan Murray discuss José Mourinho’s Manchester United exit, Carabao Cup action, bottle-throwers, fitba, Bundesliga pace-setters, Premier Le...
    Stalemate at Old Trafford and Wolves at Chelsea's door – Football Weekly Extra
    December 6, 2018 (duration 1h16m)
    [from description], Amy Lawrence and Mike Calvin discuss ‘four crap goals’ in the game between Manchester United and Arsenal, Morgan Gibbs-White, a very strange game in Brighton, the French for ‘putt...
    [from itunes:subtitle], Amy Lawrence and Mike Calvin discuss ‘four crap goals’ in the game between Manchester United and Arsenal, Morgan Gibbs-White, a very strange game in Brighton, the French for ‘putt...
    [from itunes:summary], Amy Lawrence and Mike Calvin discuss ‘four crap goals’ in the game between Manchester United and Arsenal, Morgan Gibbs-White, a very strange game in Brighton, the French for ‘putt...
    Touchline scuffles, Messi's arm and five-goal hauls – Football Weekly
    October 22, 2018 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ..., Jonathan Wilson and Paul MacInnes as they discuss Chelsea’s dramatic draw with Manchester United, Fulham’s shocking defence, five-star Luka Jovic and much more
    [from itunes:keywords] Football, Chelsea, Manchester United, Sport
    [from itunes:subtitle] ..., Jonathan Wilson and Paul MacInnes as they discuss Chelsea’s dramatic draw with Manchester United, Fulham’s shocking defence, five-star Luka Jovic and much more
    Manchester United hammered, Sturridge's stunner and Hampden rumble – Football Weekly
    October 1, 2018 (duration 1h16m)
    [from title] Manchester United hammered, Sturridge's stunner and Hampden rumble – Football Weekly
    [from description] ... at the weekend’s action, commencing with West Ham’s emphatic 3-1 victory over Manchester United. Is Mourinho’s position untenable after United’s worst start in 29 years?
    [from itunes:subtitle] ... at the weekend’s action, commencing with West Ham’s emphatic 3-1 victory over Manchester United. Is Mourinho’s position untenable after United’s worst start in 29 years?
    Spurs sweep Manchester United aside, plus deadline-day delights – Football Weekly Extra
    February 1, 2018 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Spurs sweep Manchester United aside, plus deadline-day delights – Football Weekly Extra
    Spurs sweep Manchester United aside, plus deadline-day delights – Football Weekly Extra
    February 1, 2018 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Spurs sweep Manchester United aside, plus deadline-day delights – Football Weekly Extra
    Stranzl im Interview und der LASK gegen ManUnited (#29)
    March 9, 2020 (duration 29m)
    [from title] Stranzl im Interview und der LASK gegen ManUnited (#29)
    [from itunes:title] Stranzl im Interview und der LASK gegen ManUnited (#29)
    LASK top, Salzburg floppt und Deutschlands Fan-Krise (#28)
    March 4, 2020 (duration 19m)
    [from description] ...un tatsächlich auch Titelfavorit sind, was im Europa-League-Kracher gegen Manchester United zu erwarten ist und welche Konsequenzen eine Cup-Pleite für die Salzburger haben könnte, an...
    [from itunes:summary] ...un tatsächlich auch Titelfavorit sind, was im Europa-League-Kracher gegen Manchester United zu erwarten ist und welche Konsequenzen eine Cup-Pleite für die Salzburger haben könnte, an...
    Premier League: Das Finale der besten Fußballliga der Welt (#65)
    April 25, 2019 (duration 27m)
    [from description] ...e in der Premier League am Mittwoch vergeblich auf Schützenhilfe des Erzrivalen Manchester United. Mit der 0:2-Heimniederlage gegen Manchester City im Derby rutschte die Klopp-Elf wie...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e in der Premier League am Mittwoch vergeblich auf Schützenhilfe des Erzrivalen Manchester United. Mit der 0:2-Heimniederlage gegen Manchester City im Derby rutschte die Klopp-Elf wie...
    Schweinsteiger on Mourinho & UTD: They Wanted Rid Of Me
    April 18, 2024 (duration 47m)
    [from description] ...esliga’s, to reminisce on his impressive playing career, including his move to Manchester United where he was reunited with former coach Louis Van Gaal and how things took a turn for ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...esliga’s, to reminisce on his impressive playing career, including his move to Manchester United where he was reunited with former coach Louis Van Gaal and how things took a turn for ...
    Arsenal Need To Beat Man City | Fan Debate 2024
    March 28, 2024 (duration 1h28m)
    [from description] ...nd side prepare for Euro 2024.The title race hots up at the weekend with champions Manchester City hosting leaders Arsenal at the Etihad in one of the biggest games of the season. Can...
    [from itunes:summary] ...nd side prepare for Euro 2024.The title race hots up at the weekend with champions Manchester City hosting leaders Arsenal at the Etihad in one of the biggest games of the season. Can...
    The Business End Of The Season | Fan Debate 2024
    March 8, 2024 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] ...y place to start is the title race as league leaders Liverpool host treble-winners Manchester City on Sunday. Is it pivotal for the title race and could free-scoring Arsenal potential...
    [from itunes:summary] ...y place to start is the title race as league leaders Liverpool host treble-winners Manchester City on Sunday. Is it pivotal for the title race and could free-scoring Arsenal potential...
    Craig Bellamy Reveals All On Golf Club Incident & Newcastle Fall-Out
    October 25, 2023 (duration 42m)
    [from description] ... League footballer turned coach Craig Bellamy.Craig takes on Gary at the Cube in Manchester before a fascinating sit-down interview.Having clocked up over 500 professional appearances...
    [from itunes:summary] ... League footballer turned coach Craig Bellamy.Craig takes on Gary at the Cube in Manchester before a fascinating sit-down interview.Having clocked up over 500 professional appearances...
    Fan Debate New Season 2023/24
    August 8, 2023 (duration 1h44m)
    [from description] ... billed up to be an incredible 2023/24 Premier League season.From Treble winners Manchester City, their title contenders, and top four hopefuls to relegation battles and everything in...
    [from itunes:summary] ... billed up to be an incredible 2023/24 Premier League season.From Treble winners Manchester City, their title contenders, and top four hopefuls to relegation battles and everything in...
    Marcus Rashford Exclusive with Gary Neville
    August 3, 2023 (duration 37m)
    [from description] On The Overlap this week, we have an exclusive interview with England and Manchester United star Marcus Rashford, brought to you by Sky Bet.We caught up with Rashford during ...
    [from itunes:summary] On The Overlap this week, we have an exclusive interview with England and Manchester United star Marcus Rashford, brought to you by Sky Bet.We caught up with Rashford during ...
    Poch to Chelsea? Spurs Job, United & Liverpool Ownership, Relegation & Top 4 | Fan Debate Part 2
    April 29, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Poch to Chelsea? Spurs Job, United & Liverpool Ownership, Relegation & Top 4 | Fan Debate Part 2
    [from itunes:title] Poch to Chelsea? Spurs Job, United & Liverpool Ownership, Relegation & Top 4 | Fan Debate Part 2
    [from acast:episodeurl] poch-to-chelsea-spurs-job-united-liverpool-ownership-relegat
    Ruud van Nistelrooy talks his Man United career, Sir Alex Ferguson & life as a manager
    March 30, 2023 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Ruud van Nistelrooy talks his Man United career, Sir Alex Ferguson & life as a manager
    [from itunes:title] Ruud van Nistelrooy talks his Man United career, Sir Alex Ferguson & life as a manager
    [from description] ...nd how he first got into football. He also reveals how he nearly didn't sign for Manchester United due to a serious knee injury that threatened to derail his career.Ruud talks about h...
    Manchester United’s New Potential Ownership Explained | In Focus
    March 3, 2023 (duration 27m)
    [from title] Manchester United’s New Potential Ownership Explained | In Focus
    [from itunes:title] Manchester United’s New Potential Ownership Explained | In Focus
    [from acast:episodeurl] manchester-uniteds-new-potential-ownership-explained-in-focu
    The Carabao Cup Final Aftermath | In Focus
    March 1, 2023 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ...Jamie Carragher, Carl Anka & Laurie Whitwell from the Athletic and fans from Manchester United & Newcastle. We discuss Manchester United’s rise and what this means for the clu...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Jamie Carragher, Carl Anka & Laurie Whitwell from the Athletic and fans from Manchester United & Newcastle. We discuss Manchester United’s rise and what this means for the clu...
    Who will win the league? Who makes top 4? | Overlap Fan Debate Part 3
    February 10, 2023 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...eason.Then the attention turns to the top four. Can Newcastle make the top 4? Will Manchester United & Spurs be able to claim a Champions League place? And could the likes of Brig...
    [from itunes:summary] ...eason.Then the attention turns to the top four. Can Newcastle make the top 4? Will Manchester United & Spurs be able to claim a Champions League place? And could the likes of Brig...
    The Overlap Fan Debate Midseason Special Part 2 | With Gary Neville & Jamie Carragher
    November 10, 2022 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...agher, Robbie Lyle and the best English fan channels.In this part we chat to the Manchester clubs as well as Wolves, West Ham, Bournemouth, Forest and Leeds.Chapters:00:00-17:08 Manch...
    [from itunes:summary] ...agher, Robbie Lyle and the best English fan channels.In this part we chat to the Manchester clubs as well as Wolves, West Ham, Bournemouth, Forest and Leeds.Chapters:00:00-17:08 Manch...
    The Overlap Fan Debate Midseason Special Part 1 | With Gary Neville & Jamie Carragher
    November 8, 2022 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...where we discuss the rest of the teams in the Premier League including the two Manchester clubs.Chapters:00:00-15:25 Liverpool15:26-26:07 Tottenham26:08-34:56 Arsenal34:57-42:20 Chels...
    [from itunes:summary] ...where we discuss the rest of the teams in the Premier League including the two Manchester clubs.Chapters:00:00-15:25 Liverpool15:26-26:07 Tottenham26:08-34:56 Arsenal34:57-42:20 Chels...
    Arsenal on top, Liverpool's struggles, Haaland & Man Utd resilience | Overlap Fan Debate Xtra
    October 12, 2022 (duration 1h14m)
    [from description] ...aurie Whitwell and some of the biggest fan channels from Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester City & Manchester United.We dive into Arsenal’s rise & Liverpool’s poor start, then tal...
    [from itunes:summary] ...aurie Whitwell and some of the biggest fan channels from Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester City & Manchester United.We dive into Arsenal’s rise & Liverpool’s poor start, then tal...
    The Overlap Live Fan Debate with Gary Neville & Jamie Carragher | Start of Season 22/23 Part 1
    August 4, 2022 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ... who will win the league, the battle for top four, and if Ronaldo needs to leave Manchester United. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    [from itunes:summary] ... who will win the league, the battle for top four, and if Ronaldo needs to leave Manchester United. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
    Alan Shearer reveals all on all Mike Ashley, Manchester United & more
    November 11, 2021 (duration 40m)
    [from title] Alan Shearer reveals all on all Mike Ashley, Manchester United & more
    [from itunes:title] Alan Shearer reveals all on all Mike Ashley, Manchester United & more
    [from URL]
    Jamie Carragher takes Gary Neville around Bootle: Liverpool, England, MNF & more
    October 21, 2021 (duration 56m)
    [from itunes:subtitle] Ahead of Manchester United v Liverpool, my full interview with Jamie Carragher, brought to you by Sky Bet, is...
    [from description] Ahead of Manchester United v Liverpool, my full interview with Jamie Carragher, brought to you by Sky Bet, is...
    [from itunes:summary] Ahead of Manchester United v Liverpool, my full interview with Jamie Carragher, brought to you by Sky Bet, is...
    Harry Maguire on Manchester United captaincy, World Cup heart-break and turning down Pep
    July 27, 2021 (duration 42m)
    [from title] Harry Maguire on Manchester United captaincy, World Cup heart-break and turning down Pep
    [from itunes:title] Harry Maguire on Manchester United captaincy, World Cup heart-break and turning down Pep
    [from itunes:subtitle] Joining Gary on the third episode of The Overlap, is Manchester United Captain Harry Maguire.Harry talks about what it was like breaking through at Sheff...
    Rio: Rashford Worry, Sir Alex & Liverpool Rivalry | Stick To Football Episode 25
    April 4, 2024 (duration 1h34m)
    [from description] and Ian Wright are joined by Premier League legend Rio Ferdinand. Ahead of Manchester United v Liverpool on Sunday, the former Red Devils defender and club team-mates of Gary ...
    [from itunes:summary] and Ian Wright are joined by Premier League legend Rio Ferdinand. Ahead of Manchester United v Liverpool on Sunday, the former Red Devils defender and club team-mates of Gary ...
    Les Ferdinand: The Demise of English Strikers & Sacking Managers
    March 26, 2024 (duration 1h23m)
    [from description] ... Les away without discussing the 1995/96 seasonthat seen Manchester United pip Newcastle United to the Premier League title.If you liked the episode don't for...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Les away without discussing the 1995/96 seasonthat seen Manchester United pip Newcastle United to the Premier League title.If you liked the episode don't for...
    Southgate to United & Dodging International Duty
    March 21, 2024 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Southgate to United & Dodging International Duty
    [from itunes:title] Southgate to United & Dodging International Duty
    [from acast:episodeurl] southgate-to-united-dodging-international-duty
    Solskjaer Reveals All On Haaland, Ronaldo & Manchester United Exit
    March 6, 2024 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] Solskjaer Reveals All On Haaland, Ronaldo & Manchester United Exit
    [from itunes:title] Solskjaer Reveals All On Haaland, Ronaldo & Manchester United Exit
    [from acast:episodeurl] solskjaer-reveals-all-on-haaland-ronaldo-united-exit
    Wayne Rooney: United Career, Management & Boxing?
    February 21, 2024 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] Wayne Rooney: United Career, Management & Boxing?
    [from itunes:title] Wayne Rooney: United Career, Management & Boxing?
    [from acast:episodeurl] rooney-united-career-management-boxing
    Champions League Fallout & United's New Sporting Director? | Stick to Football EP 19
    February 16, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] Champions League Fallout & United's New Sporting Director? | Stick to Football EP 19
    [from itunes:title] Champions League Fallout & United's New Sporting Director? | Stick to Football EP 19
    Messi vs Haaland, Bruno's Freedom, FFP & De Bruyne Returns
    January 18, 2024 (duration 1h18m)
    [from description] ...o you by Sky Bet. We kick things off with the aftermath of Tottenham’s draw at Manchester United and how Gary caused a stir by arguing Spurs could finish above Liverpool by the end of...
    [from itunes:summary] ...o you by Sky Bet. We kick things off with the aftermath of Tottenham’s draw at Manchester United and how Gary caused a stir by arguing Spurs could finish above Liverpool by the end of...
    Roy Forced Out & Tapping Up Gerrard | Transfer Special
    January 10, 2024 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] signing players as well as the time he tried to convince Steven Gerrard to join Manchester United whilst on international duty.Roy talks about his transfer stories as Sunderland ma...
    [from itunes:summary] signing players as well as the time he tried to convince Steven Gerrard to join Manchester United whilst on international duty.Roy talks about his transfer stories as Sunderland ma...
    Rory McIlroy Opens Up On LIV Golf & Being A United Fan
    January 3, 2024 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Rory McIlroy Opens Up On LIV Golf & Being A United Fan
    [from itunes:title] Rory McIlroy Opens Up On LIV Golf & Being A United Fan
    [from acast:episodeurl] rory-mcilroy-opens-up-on-liv-golf-being-a-united-fan
    Secret Santa, Parties & Football At Christmas!
    December 21, 2023 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] ...tchen"18:23 Jill watching Mary Earps pick up the SPOTY Award20:00 Liverpool 0-0 Manchester United reaction27:55 Christmas Dinner arrives29:04 Christmas as footballers39:20 Super 648:2...
    [from itunes:summary] ...tchen"18:23 Jill watching Mary Earps pick up the SPOTY Award20:00 Liverpool 0-0 Manchester United reaction27:55 Christmas Dinner arrives29:04 Christmas as footballers39:20 Super 648:2...
    Jaap Stam on Leaving United, Losing In Istanbul & Ten Hag
    December 13, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Jaap Stam on Leaving United, Losing In Istanbul & Ten Hag
    [from itunes:title] Jaap Stam on Leaving United, Losing In Istanbul & Ten Hag
    [from acast:episodeurl] jaap-stam-on-leaving-united-losing-in-istanbul-ten-hag
    United’s Press Leaks, Pep Lashes Out & Being Late!
    December 7, 2023 (duration 1h5m)
    [from title] United’s Press Leaks, Pep Lashes Out & Being Late!
    [from itunes:title] United’s Press Leaks, Pep Lashes Out & Being Late!
    Beckham Reveals All on Messi & Netflix Doc | EP 2
    October 4, 2023 (duration 46m)
    [from description] ...rt Beckham documentary released, David relives his glittering career with former Manchester United team-mates Gary Neville and Roy Keane alongside compatriots Ian Wright, Jamie Carrag...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rt Beckham documentary released, David relives his glittering career with former Manchester United team-mates Gary Neville and Roy Keane alongside compatriots Ian Wright, Jamie Carrag...
    The Sancho Saga at Manchester United | EP 1
    September 27, 2023 (duration 53m)
    [from title] The Sancho Saga at Manchester United | EP 1
    [from itunes:title] The Sancho Saga at Manchester United | EP 1
    [from description] ...ussion and debate from the football world, including the latest on Jadon Sancho at Manchester United, whether Arsenal have a leadership problem and why have Chelsea faulted under Maur...
    Futbol Americas Episode 347: Pulisic out of European competition
    April 19, 2024 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] future ? One on one interview with Haji Wright before the big semifinal game vs Manchester United in the FA CUP. And Aly Kriegger breaks down matchday 5 of NWSL Learn more about yo...
    [from itunes:summary] future ? One on one interview with Haji Wright before the big semifinal game vs Manchester United in the FA CUP. And Aly Kriegger breaks down matchday 5 of NWSL Learn more about yo...
    [from content:encoded] ...his future ?One on one interview with Haji Wright before the big semifinal game vs Manchester United in the FA CUP.And Aly Kriegger breaks down matchday 5 of NWSL Learn more about you...
    Gab and Juls: Is time nearly up for Erik ten Hag?
    April 8, 2024 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Liverpool's 2-2 draw with Manchester United and ask about Erik ten Hag's statements afterwards where he discussed losing seven...
    [from itunes:summary] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Liverpool's 2-2 draw with Manchester United and ask about Erik ten Hag's statements afterwards where he discussed losing seven...
    [from content:encoded] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Liverpool's 2-2 draw with Manchester United and ask about Erik ten Hag's statements afterwards where he discussed losing seven...
    Liverpool's Title Slip Up?
    April 8, 2024 (duration 52m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester United and Liverpool's 2-2 draw and break down how the dropped points will affect the tit...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Liverpool fail to beat Man United for a third time this season; Postecoglou halftime changes aid Tottenham win; Same old Chelsea
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to Manchester United and Liverpool's 2-2 draw and break down how the dropped points will affect the tit...
    Havertz Sends Arsenal Back on Top
    April 7, 2024 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to a dominant day in the Premier League title race as Arsenal and Manchester City get important wins ahead of Liverpool's trip to Manchester United on Sunday. Steve N...
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to a dominant day in the Premier League title race as Arsenal and Manchester City get important wins ahead of Liverpool's trip to Manchester United on Sunday. Steve N...
    [from content:encoded] The FC crew react to a dominant day in the Premier League title race as Arsenal and Manchester City get important wins ahead of Liverpool's trip to Manchester United on Sunday. Steve N...
    Can Man United Spoil Liverpool's Title Charge?
    April 6, 2024 (duration 53m)
    [from title] Can Man United Spoil Liverpool's Title Charge?
    [from description] The FC crew preview Liverpool's visit to Manchester United and question if the FA Cup result three weeks earlier will be on the players mind ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Can Manchester United derail Liverpool's title chances?; Steve Nicol on Mo Salah frustrations; Athletic ...
    Palmer Saves The Day For Chelsea
    April 5, 2024 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to a chaotic 4-3 win for Chelsea over Manchester United and argue if either team deserved to win the game. Frank Leboeuf also joins the sh...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Cole Palmer hat trick steals win for Chelsea vs Man United; Mac Allister stars in important Liverpool win; Who wins the PL title?
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to a chaotic 4-3 win for Chelsea over Manchester United and argue if either team deserved to win the game. Frank Leboeuf also joins the sh...
    Foden & Odegaard Keep Title Race Tight
    April 4, 2024 (duration 52m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to the Premier League title race as Manchester City beat Aston Villa 4-1 behind Phil Foden's hat trick. Plus, Arsenal take care of Luton...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Foden scores a hat trick as City beat Villa 4-1, Arsenal easy win vs Luton, Chelsea vs Man United preview
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to the Premier League title race as Manchester City beat Aston Villa 4-1 behind Phil Foden's hat trick. Plus, Arsenal take care of Luton...
    Man United Can't Escape Brentford Sting
    March 31, 2024 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Man United Can't Escape Brentford Sting
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester United's 1-1 draw against Brentford and question how the Red Devils continue to gain poin...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United can't see out late win at Brentford; Dortmund get first win at Bayern in 10 years; Aston Vill...
    Man United Going South(gate)?
    March 24, 2024 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Man United Going South(gate)?
    [from description] Brazil in international friendly play and if Gareth Southgate is the answer for Manchester United. Plus, the fellas discuss if anyone can ever actually replace Jurgen Klopp at Live...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Is Gareth Southgate a good fit for Manchester United? Can anyone actually replace Jurgen Klopp? Copa America groups set
    Is Chelsea a Laughing Stock?
    March 21, 2024 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] news during this international break including Gareth Southgate being linked to Manchester United and if he is a good fit for the club. Plus, Bruno Fernandes defends his intensity ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...helsea's Supporters Trust issues letter to Todd Boehly, Is Southgate right for Man United?
    [from itunes:summary] news during this international break including Gareth Southgate being linked to Manchester United and if he is a good fit for the club. Plus, Bruno Fernandes defends his intensity ...
    Southgate to Replace Ten Hag?
    March 20, 2024 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to rumors of Manchester United wanting to bring England manager Gareth Southgate to Old Trafford. And, Real Madri...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United Want Gareth Southgate?, Courtois Suffers Another Injury Blow, Can Xavi Reconsider ...
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to rumors of Manchester United wanting to bring England manager Gareth Southgate to Old Trafford. And, Real Madri...
    Man United Turnaround?
    March 19, 2024 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Man United Turnaround?
    [from description] The FC crew continue to react to Manchester United's thrilling FA Cup quarterfinal victory over Liverpool and praise the Red Devils f...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Breaking down Man United's comeback vs Liverpool; Did Raheem Sterling deserve Chelsea fans boos?; Barcelona's UCL chances
    Gab and Juls: Klopp’s quadruple dreams shattered
    March 18, 2024 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens analyse an FA Cup quarterfinal thriller between Manchester United and Liverpool, after Jurgen Klopp’s men fell to a last-minute defeat at Old Traffo...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United and Liverpool thriller; Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Chelsea all grab wins
    [from itunes:summary] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens analyse an FA Cup quarterfinal thriller between Manchester United and Liverpool, after Jurgen Klopp’s men fell to a last-minute defeat at Old Traffo...
    UEFA Champions League Quarterfinal Draw Revealed
    March 16, 2024 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...guys breakdown each matchup and predict who will go through. Plus, a look ahead to Manchester United vs Liverpool in the FA Cup Quarterfinals and predict who will move on in the compe...
    [from itunes:subtitle] UCL Quarterfinals draw pits the favorites against each other; Can anyone knockoff Manchester City?; Man United-Liverpool FA Cup preview
    [from itunes:summary] ...guys breakdown each matchup and predict who will go through. Plus, a look ahead to Manchester United vs Liverpool in the FA Cup Quarterfinals and predict who will move on in the compe...
    Liverpool & Man City's War of Words
    March 9, 2024 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ... Sunday. Craig Burley and Steve Nicol also slam Erik ten Hag for continuing to say Manchester United are headed in the right direction. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...Alexander-Arnold's trophy comments spark Man City rebuttal; Ten Hag reiterates Man United headed in "right direction"
    [from itunes:summary] ... Sunday. Craig Burley and Steve Nicol also slam Erik ten Hag for continuing to say Manchester United are headed in the right direction. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Gab and Juls: Were Real Madrid lucky to get past RB Leipzig?
    March 7, 2024 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ... guys also discuss Ligue 1’s new name, Erling Haaland’s future & ask whether Manchester United are making plans to replace Erik ten Hag in the summer. Learn more about your ad choices...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Real Madrid narrowly escapes Leipzig; Haaland speaks on his future; Who could be the next Man United manager?
    [from itunes:summary] ... guys also discuss Ligue 1’s new name, Erling Haaland’s future & ask whether Manchester United are making plans to replace Erik ten Hag in the summer. Learn more about your ad choices...
    City come out on top in the derby; Chaotic refereeing in Madrid and England; Mbappe responds to halftime sub
    March 4, 2024 (duration 1h7m)
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens look back on a limp showing from Manchester United as Manchester City dominate the derby. The guys react to refereeing chaos in Real ...
    [from itunes:summary] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens look back on a limp showing from Manchester United as Manchester City dominate the derby. The guys react to refereeing chaos in Real ...
    [from content:encoded] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens look back on a limp showing from Manchester United as Manchester City dominate the derby. The guys react to refereeing chaos in Real ...
    Another Lackluster Result For Bayern
    March 2, 2024 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] ...ll be able to bounce back vs Lazio in the Champions League. Plus, a preview of the Manchester Derby as Man City host Man United, the guys discuss if United have a chance to beat the d...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ll be able to bounce back vs Lazio in the Champions League. Plus, a preview of the Manchester Derby as Man City host Man United, the guys discuss if United have a chance to beat the d...
    [from content:encoded] ...ll be able to bounce back vs Lazio in the Champions League. Plus, a preview of the Manchester Derby as Man City host Man United, the guys discuss if United have a chance to beat the d...
    Athletic dismantle Atleti
    March 1, 2024 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ... likely with the players knowing that Tuchel isn't there to stay? And in the Prem, Manchester United will look to defy all odds and trip up their Manchester rival's title aspirations....
    [from itunes:summary] ... likely with the players knowing that Tuchel isn't there to stay? And in the Prem, Manchester United will look to defy all odds and trip up their Manchester rival's title aspirations....
    [from content:encoded] ... likely with the players knowing that Tuchel isn't there to stay? And in the Prem, Manchester United will look to defy all odds and trip up their Manchester rival's title aspirations....
    Gab and Juls: Chelsea stumble on
    February 29, 2024 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...United in the FA Cup, make their predictions for the quarterfinals with Liverpool, Manchester United and Manchester City also in the hat, and wonder what the future holds for Paul Pog...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, and Manchester United all advance in FA Cup; Paul Pogba gets four-year ban
    [from itunes:summary] ...United in the FA Cup, make their predictions for the quarterfinals with Liverpool, Manchester United and Manchester City also in the hat, and wonder what the future holds for Paul Pog...
    Haaland's 5 Star Performance
    February 28, 2024 (duration 59m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester City 6-2 win over Luton Town in the 5th round of the FA Cup behind Erling Haaland's 5 goa...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Erling Haaland Puts 5 Past Luton, Manchester United players’ request for day off after defeat, Luis Enrique: We have to get used to pl...
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to Manchester City 6-2 win over Luton Town in the 5th round of the FA Cup behind Erling Haaland's 5 goa...
    Gab and Juls: Are Arsenal still favourites against Porto?
    February 22, 2024 (duration 1h7m)
    [from description] ...s Inter Milan's 1-0 win over Atletico Madrid, Sir Jim Ratcliffe's latest plans for Manchester United & whether Sergiño Dest is right to criticise the Copa Americas being hosted in the...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s Inter Milan's 1-0 win over Atletico Madrid, Sir Jim Ratcliffe's latest plans for Manchester United & whether Sergiño Dest is right to criticise the Copa Americas being hosted in the...
    [from content:encoded] ...s Inter Milan's 1-0 win over Atletico Madrid, Sir Jim Ratcliffe's latest plans for Manchester United & whether Sergiño Dest is right to criticise the Copa Americas being hosted in...
    Arsenal Put 6 Past West Ham
    February 12, 2024 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] ... 6-0 win over West Ham and what this means for the Premier League title race. Plus Manchester United keave Villa park with a 2-1 win. And, Ivory Coast complete the comeback to beat Ni...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Arsenal Hammer West Ham, Man United Beat Aston Villa 2-1, Ivory Coast Win The AFCON
    [from itunes:summary] ... 6-0 win over West Ham and what this means for the Premier League title race. Plus Manchester United keave Villa park with a 2-1 win. And, Ivory Coast complete the comeback to beat Ni...
    Mainoo Rescues Man United
    February 2, 2024 (duration 1h18m)
    [from title] Mainoo Rescues Man United
    [from description] The FC crew react to Kobbie Mainoo's late winner for Manchester United and question if the Red Devils are turning a corner with more players returning fr...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Kobbie Mainoo saves the day for Man United with a late winner; Real Madrid move past Getafe thanks to Joselu's brace; Transfer deadline day
    Rashford Available for Man United
    January 30, 2024 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Rashford Available for Man United
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester United's statement confirming Marcus Rashford is available for selection on Thursday afte...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Rashford available for Man United on Thursday; Virgil van Dijk on his Liverpool future; Thomas Tuchel to Barcelona?
    Man United's Rashford Headache
    January 29, 2024 (duration 43m)
    [from title] Man United's Rashford Headache
    [from description] The FC crew react to some FA Cup 4th round features including Manchester United 4-2 win over Newport county, they also discuss Marcus Rashford absence from the sq...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United Beat Newport County 4-2 Despite Marcus Rashford's Absence, Liverpool Thrash Norwic...
    Gab and Juls: Do Manchester City need Erling Haaland back?
    January 15, 2024 (duration 1h14m)
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Manchester City's 3-2 comeback victory over Newcastle United and ask whether Erling Haaland is as ne...
    [from itunes:summary] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Manchester City's 3-2 comeback victory over Newcastle United and ask whether Erling Haaland is as ne...
    [from content:encoded] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Manchester City's 3-2 comeback victory over Newcastle United and ask whether Erling Haaland is as ne...
    Vini Makes Clasico History
    January 15, 2024 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...h line after his first half hat trick. Plus, Don Hutchison joins the show to recap Manchester United & Tottenham's 2-2 draw. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:subtitle] Real Madrid thrash Barcelona in Supercopa final; Man United & Tottenham share the spoils at Old Trafford; Leverkusen continues incredible Bundesliga form
    [from itunes:summary] ...h line after his first half hat trick. Plus, Don Hutchison joins the show to recap Manchester United & Tottenham's 2-2 draw. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Return of KDB
    January 14, 2024 (duration 53m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to a thrilling 3-2 win from Manchester City over Newcastle and praise Kevin De Bruyne for a stellar display off the bench to tur...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Kevin De Bruyne gets Man City's title race on track; Another Cole Palmer winner for Chelsea; Man United vs Tottenham preview
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to a thrilling 3-2 win from Manchester City over Newcastle and praise Kevin De Bruyne for a stellar display off the bench to tur...
    Bayern Start 2024 With A Win
    January 13, 2024 (duration 55m)
    [from description] ...phy. And, a preview of this weekends Premier League matches including Newcastle vs Manchester City and Manchester United vs Tottenham. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] ...phy. And, a preview of this weekends Premier League matches including Newcastle vs Manchester City and Manchester United vs Tottenham. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ...phy. And, a preview of this weekends Premier League matches including Newcastle vs Manchester City and Manchester United vs Tottenham. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphon...
    Not a Happy New Year for Arsenal
    January 1, 2024 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] ... Tottenham go? And the guys discuss some of the fallout from another disappointing Manchester United performance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] ... Tottenham go? And the guys discuss some of the fallout from another disappointing Manchester United performance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] ... Tottenham go? And the guys discuss some of the fallout from another disappointing Manchester United performance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Man United's Miserable Month
    December 31, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from title] Man United's Miserable Month
    [from description] The FC crew react to yet another Manchester United loss and question how much longer Erik ten Hag can continue to blame factors other...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Nottingham Forest defeat Man United; Man City dominate Sheffield with eyes set on Liverpool; Is Cole Palmer Chelsea's best business under Boehly?
    Manchester City Crowned Club World Cup Champions
    December 23, 2023 (duration 45m)
    [from description] The FC crew reacts to Manchester City beating Fluminense for their first Club World Cup trophy and discuss the changes com...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man City take down Fluminense to win the Club World Cup; Aston Villa drop points to Sheffield United; The latest edition of Shaka's Power Rankings
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew reacts to Manchester City beating Fluminense for their first Club World Cup trophy and discuss the changes com...
    Man United Hold Liverpool at Anfield
    December 18, 2023 (duration 1h9m)
    [from title] Man United Hold Liverpool at Anfield
    [from description] The FC crew react to a disappointing 0-0 draw between Manchester United and Liverpool. Steve Nicol and Craig Burley react to the game and question if Live...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United hold Liverpool to a draw at Anfield; Arsenal defeat Brighton to go top of the table; Real Mad...
    Man City Squanders Another Lead
    December 17, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester City's 2-2 draw at Crystal Palace and question how the defending champions continually le...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man City blow another lead vs Crystal Palace; Barcelona drop points at Valencia; Do Man United have a chance at Liverpool?
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to Manchester City's 2-2 draw at Crystal Palace and question how the defending champions continually le...
    Gab and Juls: Time running out for Ten Hag?
    December 14, 2023 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Erik ten Hag’s future at Manchester United following their elimination from the Champions League. The guys also recognize Giorg...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United are bounced from the Champions League; PSG draws to Dortmund but advances; Messi-R...
    [from itunes:summary] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Erik ten Hag’s future at Manchester United following their elimination from the Champions League. The guys also recognize Giorg...
    Rock Bottom for Man United
    December 13, 2023 (duration 56m)
    [from title] Rock Bottom for Man United
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester United's 1-0 loss to Bayern Munich which saw the Red Devils crash out of European competi...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United exit UCL with a whimper; Favorites to win UCL; UCL Group F predictions
    Bournemouth Batter Manchester United
    December 10, 2023 (duration 1h8m)
    [from title] Bournemouth Batter Manchester United
    [from description] The FC Crew are joined by Rob Dawson to discuss Manchester United's 3-0 loss to Bournemouth at home. Then, they analyze Liverpool's win against Crys...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United embarrassed by Bournemouth; Liverpool survive against Crystal Palace; Aston Villa ...
    McTominay Brace Bests Chelsea
    December 7, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from description] The FC crew reacts to the thrilling clash between Manchester United and Chelsea and breaks down one of United's best performances of the season. Then,...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United get past Chelsea; City drops points to Aston Villa; Liverpool take care of Sheffield
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew reacts to the thrilling clash between Manchester United and Chelsea and breaks down one of United's best performances of the season. Then,...
    Rice Rice Baby
    December 6, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...aland's outburst on Sunday. Also, Mark Ogden breaks down the dropping standards at Manchester United and previews the Red Devils clash against Chelsea. Learn more about your ad choice...
    [from itunes:subtitle] City but not Haaland; Nemanja Matic says Pogba & Sancho were always late at Man United
    [from itunes:summary] ...aland's outburst on Sunday. Also, Mark Ogden breaks down the dropping standards at Manchester United and previews the Red Devils clash against Chelsea. Learn more about your ad choice...
    One Way Traffic in Newcastle
    December 3, 2023 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to Newcastle's dominant 1-0 victory over Manchester United and question the club's direction under Erik ten Hag after another lifeless perfor...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Newcastle dominate Manchester United; Arsenal go 4 points clear of at the top of the table; Rodrygo's red hot form
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to Newcastle's dominant 1-0 victory over Manchester United and question the club's direction under Erik ten Hag after another lifeless perfor...
    Ten Hag Backs Onana
    December 2, 2023 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] Andre Onana after another poor performance in the Champions League and argue if Manchester United stand a chance in their trip to Newcastle on Saturday. Plus, Jan Aage Fjortoft and...
    [from itunes:summary] Andre Onana after another poor performance in the Champions League and argue if Manchester United stand a chance in their trip to Newcastle on Saturday. Plus, Jan Aage Fjortoft and...
    [from content:encoded] Andre Onana after another poor performance in the Champions League and argue if Manchester United stand a chance in their trip to Newcastle on Saturday. Plus, Jan Aage Fjortoft and...
    Onana on his way out?
    December 1, 2023 (duration 56m)
    [from description] The FC crew reacts to Andre Onana's performance against Galatasaray and discuss whether or not Manchester United will need to move on from him. Plus, a preview of Barcelona-Atlético Madrid ahead ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United's dire goalkeeping situation; Barcelona-Atléti preview; Shaka's Power Rankings
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew reacts to Andre Onana's performance against Galatasaray and discuss whether or not Manchester United will need to move on from him. Plus, a preview of Barcelona-Atlético Madrid ahead ...
    Gab and Juls: Can Man United rescue their Champions League campaign?
    November 30, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from title] Gab and Juls: Can Man United rescue their Champions League campaign?
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens dissect Manchester United’s 3-3 draw with Galatasaray in the Champions League to set up a dramatic matchday ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United draw to Galatasaray; Controversial VAR decision costs Newcastle; Sin bin trials approved
    6 Goal Thriller at RAMS Park
    November 30, 2023 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] The FC Crew react to Champions League Fixtures including Manchester United 3-3 draw vs Galatasaray. Plus, Real Madrid beat Napoli 4-2 and Arsenal blow past L...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester United Draw 3-3 vs Galatasaray, Real Madrid Shine vs Napoli, Can The FC Crew Remember His...
    [from itunes:summary] The FC Crew react to Champions League Fixtures including Manchester United 3-3 draw vs Galatasaray. Plus, Real Madrid beat Napoli 4-2 and Arsenal blow past L...
    Ratcliffe's Red Devil Revolution?
    November 17, 2023 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] The FC crew continue to asses the future of Manchester United as Jim Ratcliffe prepares to buy a 25% stake in the club. The guys argue if the sa...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Who lasts longer at Man United: Sancho or Ten Hag?; Haaland injures ankle in 2-0 win; Mark Ogden's PL Best XI So Far
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew continue to asses the future of Manchester United as Jim Ratcliffe prepares to buy a 25% stake in the club. The guys argue if the sa...
    Man U sale; Napoli manager change; Messi mania
    November 16, 2023 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Richard Arnold’s departure from Manchester United and ask what changes Sir Jim Ratcliffe will bring once his minority stake purchase h...
    [from itunes:summary] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Richard Arnold’s departure from Manchester United and ask what changes Sir Jim Ratcliffe will bring once his minority stake purchase h...
    [from content:encoded] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Richard Arnold’s departure from Manchester United and ask what changes Sir Jim Ratcliffe will bring once his minority stake purchase h...
    Darke after VAR
    November 16, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from description] ...rke and they discuss more about VAR and if the game is better because of it. Plus, Manchester United CEO Richard Arnold is set to leave ahead of Jim Ratcliffe's arrival. And, Julien L...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Ian Darke Gives His Opinion on VAR, Manchester United CEO to Step Down, Julien Laurens’ Top 5 International Week Storylines
    [from itunes:summary] ...rke and they discuss more about VAR and if the game is better because of it. Plus, Manchester United CEO Richard Arnold is set to leave ahead of Jim Ratcliffe's arrival. And, Julien L...
    Man United's Misfiring Attackers
    November 12, 2023 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] Man United's Misfiring Attackers
    [from description] The FC crew reflect on Manchester United's 1-0 victory over Luton Town and question if Man United can survive with minimal ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United defeat Luton thanks to Lindelof winner; Newcastle fall at Bournemouth; Real Madrid flying without Bellingham
    Gab and Juls: Champions League nightmare for Manchester United
    November 9, 2023 (duration 1h18m)
    [from title] Gab and Juls: Champions League nightmare for Manchester United
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens discuss Manchester United’s nightmare 4-3 loss to FC Copenhagen in the Champions League. They also run throu...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United fall to Copenhagen; Recap of UCL MD4; Chelsea get past 9-man Tottenham
    VAR Undoes United
    November 9, 2023 (duration 53m)
    [from title] VAR Undoes United
    [from description] The FC crew reacts to 10-man Manchester United's loss in the Champions League to Copenhagen and discuss whether Marcus Rashford s...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Copenhagen takes down Man United; Real Madrid qualify for the Round of 16; Arsenal gets past Sevilla
    Can Manchester United get back to winning form?
    November 4, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Can Manchester United get back to winning form?
    [from description] The FC crew previews Manchester United's upcoming game against Fulham this weekend and whether Erik ten Hag is in trouble...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Can Manchester United get a win against Fulham?; Who wins Der Klassiker: Dortmund or Bayern?; Las Palmas...
    Bayern Munich's First Warning?
    November 3, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...n this year's Ballon d'Or. Plus, Frank Leboeuf breaks down who would take over for Manchester United if the Red Devils sack Erik ten Hag this season. Learn more about your ad choices....
    [from itunes:subtitle] Bayern fall to Saarbrucken ahead of Der Klassiker this weekend; Is Ten Hag's time up at Man United?; Jan Aage Fjortoft on Messi's Ballon d'Or win
    [from itunes:summary] ...n this year's Ballon d'Or. Plus, Frank Leboeuf breaks down who would take over for Manchester United if the Red Devils sack Erik ten Hag this season. Learn more about your ad choices....
    Gab and Juls: Man United’s meltdown continues
    November 2, 2023 (duration 1h2m)
    [from title] Gab and Juls: Man United’s meltdown continues
    [from description] Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens dive into another horrible night for Manchester United and Erik ten Hag as they were humiliated by Newcastle in the Carabao Cup. They als...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Man United embarrassed by Newcastle; Bayern upset in the Pokal; Messi wins the Ballon d'Or
    Total Humiliation for Ten Hag
    November 2, 2023 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] The FC crew react to Newcastle's reserves dominating Manchester United at Old Trafford. The guys question the effort from the Manchester United players a...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Newcastle thrash Manchester United at Old Trafford; West Ham upset Arsenal; Chelsea get back on track vs Newcastle
    [from itunes:summary] The FC crew react to Newcastle's reserves dominating Manchester United at Old Trafford. The guys question the effort from the Manchester United players a...
    Chelsea's Constant Crisis
    November 1, 2023 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] Chelsea's continued struggles and what they need to do to turn it around. Plus, Manchester United take on Newcastle, the guys debate whether Man United can get back on track agains...
    [from itunes:subtitle] What can Chelsea do to turn their season around?, Man United look to get back on track against Newcastle, Saudi Arabia set to host 2034 World Cup
    [from itunes:summary] Chelsea's continued struggles and what they need to do to turn it around. Plus, Manchester United take on Newcastle, the guys debate whether Man United can get back on track agains...
    Lionel Messi Wins Eighth Balon d'Or
    October 31, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ... Balon d'Or, and offering predictions for the award in 2024. Then, they chat about Manchester United and the struggles they are going through this season. Also, Mario Melchiot joins t...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Messi wins Balon d'Or, Manchester United Struggles continue, Gündoğan disappointed with El Clasico performance
    [from itunes:summary] ... Balon d'Or, and offering predictions for the award in 2024. Then, they chat about Manchester United and the struggles they are going through this season. Also, Mario Melchiot joins t...
    Haaland Embarrasses Ten Hag's Man United
    October 30, 2023 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] Haaland Embarrasses Ten Hag's Man United
    [from description] The FC react to the Manchester Derby as Man City beat Man United 3-0 and also the guys discuss the controversial calls i...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Manchester City cruise past Manchester United 3-0, Liverpool easy 3-0 win over Nottingham Forest, As...
    Maguire & Onana's Man United Redemption
    October 25, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from title] Maguire & Onana's Man United Redemption
    [from description] The FC crew react to Manchester United's 1-0 win over Copenhagen and break down how Harry Maguire & Andre Onana became un...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Maguire and Onana become unlikely heroes for Manchester United; Gabriel Jesus' brilliant effort vs Sevilla; Another Jude Bellingham goal for Real Madrid
    No Way for Norway
    October 16, 2023 (duration 1h7m)
    [from description] .... Mark Ogden then joins the show to discuss the latest news on the bidding war for Manchester United. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from itunes:summary] .... Mark Ogden then joins the show to discuss the latest news on the bidding war for Manchester United. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    [from content:encoded] .... Mark Ogden then joins the show to discuss the latest news on the bidding war for Manchester United. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
    Sheikh Jassim Withdraws Man United Bid
    October 15, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from title] Sheikh Jassim Withdraws Man United Bid
    [from description] The FC crew react to Sheikh Jassim withdrawing his bid for Manchester United. Rob Dawson joins the show to explain why the bid is being pulled and what it mean...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Sheikh Jassim withdraws bid for Manchester United; Don Hutchison's PL Early Season Awards; United States 1-3 Germany review
    Man United Get Off Scott Free
    October 8, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Man United Get Off Scott Free
    [from description] The FC crew react to a thrilling come from behind victory from Manchester United in which Scott McTominay scored two goals in added time to steal the victory for t...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Scott McTominay scores two late goals in Man United comeback; Chelsea make it back-to-back PL wins; Jude Bellingham double lifts Real Madrid past Osasuna
    Gab and Juls: Is Luis Enrique to blame for PSG's problems?
    October 5, 2023 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] ...nd ask who is to blame for PSG's poor start to the season? The guys also criticize Manchester United after their 3-2 defeat against Galatasaray, weigh-in on FIFA's World Cup 2030 plan...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Newcastle take down PSG; Man United embarrassed by Galatasaray; Reacting to FIFA's World Cup 2030 plans
    [from itunes:summary] ...nd ask who is to blame for PSG's poor start to the season? The guys also criticize Manchester United after their 3-2 defeat against Galatasaray, weigh-in on FIFA's World Cup 2030 plan...
    Manchester United's Misery
    October 4, 2023 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] Manchester United's Misery
    [from description] ...stently impact games at the highest level. Plus, the guys react to yet another Man United loss as Craig Burley criticizes Erik ten Hag for continuing to play Sofyan Amrabat at left ba...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Bellingham dazzles again as Real Madrid defeat Napoli; Manchester United lose 6th game in 10 matches; Arsenal fall at Lens as Saka goes off injured
    45: Leverkusen's Landmark Victory, Arsenal's Double Troubles, and the FA Cup's Controversial Change
    April 19, 2024 (duration 59m)
    [from description] Emi Martinez's penalty shootout antics.A look at the Champions League exits of Manchester City and Arsenal, and what these mean for their seasons.The magic of the FA Cup semi-fina...
    [from itunes:summary] Emi Martinez's penalty shootout antics.A look at the Champions League exits of Manchester City and Arsenal, and what these mean for their seasons.The magic of the FA Cup semi-fina...
    36: Racism, Mourinho and Deeney, Ivan Toney, AFCON + Asian Cup
    January 23, 2024 (duration 52m)
    [from description] Well we have all this:RacismMourinho and Deeney sackings Ivan Toney returnManchester United poaching Omar Berrada AFCON and Asian cup standings and Asian cup backgroundF...
    [from itunes:summary] Well we have all this:RacismMourinho and Deeney sackings Ivan Toney returnManchester United poaching Omar Berrada AFCON and Asian cup standings and Asian cup backgroundF...
    28: Bobby Charlton, England qualify, Tonali's "lap of honour", Ref Watch, Who is England's greatest every player?
    October 24, 2023 (duration 41m)
    [from description] Bottom line up front: Bobby Charlton sadly passes away - reaction from us, Manchester United and Manchester CityKey Points:Apologies some of the audio isn't great and we'll lo...
    [from itunes:summary] Bottom line up front: Bobby Charlton sadly passes away - reaction from us, Manchester United and Manchester CityKey Points:Apologies some of the audio isn't great and we'll lo...
    24: NLD and a Desmond, Jermaine Jenas and @RefSupportUK, Ajax & Feyenoord, Hat Tricks (Kane didn't get one) and Grabara
    September 26, 2023 (duration 53m)
    [from description] ...anned and Grabara upsets Galatasaray. Jadon Sancho moves further away from being a Manchester United player, reaction to the blunted Blades and Chelsea's next nine games.Quiz: We lear...
    [from itunes:summary] ...anned and Grabara upsets Galatasaray. Jadon Sancho moves further away from being a Manchester United player, reaction to the blunted Blades and Chelsea's next nine games.Quiz: We lear...
    9: European Trophies, West Ham, Man City, Barca and Sport Washing
    June 13, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...e make the switch permanent?European Trophies: We discuss West Ham United and Manchester City as they go on European gloryJoey on Villa: Joey takes us through his journey with Vi...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e make the switch permanent?European Trophies: We discuss West Ham United and Manchester City as they go on European gloryJoey on Villa: Joey takes us through his journey with Vi...
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