Close Encounters of the Slurred Kind

Step aboard The Black Swirl dimension hoppers, your ticket to the Anti-Matter Minute! The dimension in which the minutes of the day don’t matter. Join your cosmic guides Joeba Fett, co-pilot Ripley Scott, and their quirky waste droid Zero Frux, as they navigate the unknown and delve into mind-bendingly absurd news articles each week. So strap in and prepare for light-speed laughter, as we embark on a journey through the bizarre and bewildering all the while exploring new themes and special segments that'll keep you chuckling through hyperspace! Welcome to Close Encounters of The Slurred Kind!


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A Smuggler's Story (Life Update)

Have you ever wondered why things happen in life? What IS our purpose on this tiny blue marble in the grand scheme of things? Blast off with Joeba Fett as he provides some life updates, new insights, and some words of inspiration to your 30-minute lunch break.


 September 9, 2020  18m
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