Cricket's Campfire

We attempt to simplify some of life's most complicated questions. Why does money exist? What is in the news that's interesting? How did the Sun form? Come sit by the fire and we'll tell some tall tales, news, and science. Join our discord: podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Podtrac -


episode 11: Facebook & Australia Fighting, 3D Metal Printing, YouTube Expanded Parental Controls and Fortnite Paying You! [BONUS] At the end!

Facebook & Australia just can't seem to agree on what's fair for news publishers quite yet, causing what some have called the "splinternet." 3D printing folks might know that plastic can be fairly strong but it has it's limits still. A new company is coming out with a solution that involves 3D printing metal. YouTube has expanded parental controls for the "teen" group, allowing better control between "Kids" and "Adults"...


 February 25, 2021  14m

episode 12: Twitter Working on a "Safety" Mode, Firefox Beefs Up Cookie Security, John Deere - Right to Not Repair, Good News for Coffe (Huh?)

Today we're covering a few interesting tidbits from the news world. First up - Twitter is working on a new safety feature that stops harassment through their platform. Then we dig into Firefox and how it's adjusted the way it handles cookies (data saved from websites) and how that impacts your security. After that, we're looking at John Deere and their relapse on a repair agreement they came to in 2018...


 February 26, 2021  20m

episode 13: Galaxy 4 Year Updates, Fast Food Automation, Airforce F-35 is a Failure, [FUN TOPIC] Beware of Bears in Outhouses...

This morning we're going to spin out something brand new to our listeners and gather feedback on a poll from within Facebook. Please go and vote if you'd like to keep Fun Fact Saturday! >> Facebook Link


 February 27, 2021  16m

episode 14: [NO SCRIPT, SEASON FINALE!] Doctor Operating in Zoom During Court, Facebook & AR Glasses, Google Private tab is not Private, Bill Gates Android vs iOS, SolarWinds & ...

Welcome to the final episode of Innovated Tech season 1! We're going to be trying a few other new things throughout the week, today, we'll be throwing the script away! Our topics will include a doctor that was operating during a court appearance for a traffic violation. Next up, we're going to discuss Facebook's new augmented reality glasses and incorporating facial recognition to them, potentially...


 February 28, 2021  17m