Deep Diggs

Step into the dimly lit world of 'Deep Diggs,' where host Miles Deep awaits to guide you through the most bone-chilling stories and true crimes known to man. With each episode, you'll unravel the threads of the most perplexing mysteries, confront the criminal mind, and dare to distinguish fact from fiction. If you're fascinated by the eerie and the unexplained, this is the podcast that will transform your darkest curiosities into a riveting reality.


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episode 1: Ep1. Green River Killer

In the quiet corridors of the Pacific Northwest, where ancient forests whisper secrets and emerald waters flow with an eerie tranquility, a chilling enigma once lurked in the shadows. Like a phantom haunting the lush landscapes, the Green River Killer emerged from the depths of the wilderness, leaving a trail of darkness that stained the region for decades...


 December 19, 2023  30m

episode 2: Ep2. Dyatlov Pass Incident

In the heart of the unforgiving Ural Mountains, where the wind speaks of forgotten secrets and the snow conceals the sins of the past, lies a chilling mystery that defies explanation."

Nine souls, bound by the pursuit of adventure, dared to challenge the icy embrace of the unknown. Little did they know that their journey would lead them to the very threshold of terror."

On a cold, starless night, the expedition took a sinister turn...


 December 19, 2023  33m

episode 3: Ep3. Skinwalker Ranch

Welcome, dear listeners, to the darkest corners of the unknown, where reality and folklore collide. I'm your guide through the shadows, and this is "Whispers from the Void: Tales of Skinwalker Ranch."

Nestled in the desolate heart of the Utah desert, Skinwalker Ranch stands as a sinister beacon, a place where the fabric of reality frays and the boundaries between the natural and supernatural blur into an unsettling tapestry of mystery...


 December 20, 2023  30m
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