Global Us: What connects us all

There are eight billion people on Earth and we are better connected than ever before. How can we make use of that? From Global 3000 comes Global Us - because we need joint action now more than ever.


Info-film: Is Climate Change a Security Risk?

As a result of climate change, more and more regions are turning into inhospitable deserts. Fertile soil becomes so desiccated or saline that nothing will grow in it. There's increasing less to eat. Hunger and thirst force ever more people to flee their homes. Competition and conflict over dwindling resources are all but pre-ordained.


 November 30, 2015  2m

Pakistan: Impact of Climate Change

Weather in Pakistan is getting more extreme and unpredictable. In June, 2015, the country was hit by one of the worst heat waves ever. Just two months later, floods devastated homes and fields, displacing thousands of people within their own country. Almost nowhere else are the signs of climate change as visible as in Pakistan. The poor rural population is hit hardest by the radical changes in their environment.


 November 30, 2015  4m

Colombia: Protecting the tropical forest

The small national park of Los Colorados is one of Colombia's most important forests and a paradise rich with animal life. But the pressure from outside is growing: a busy road, deforestation and above all the nearby town are all having an impact on life in the park. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, or IUCN, is seeking solutions...


 November 23, 2015  7m

USA: Climate change in Alaska

Climate change has already reached Alaska. In fact the largest state in the US is especially hard hit. Temperatures here are rising twice as fast as the global average. That's resulting in more forest fires and in problems for local fishing communities. And melting ice threatens to wipe many villages off the map.


 November 23, 2015  4m