Help! I'm A Parent with Emma and Ollie Proudlock

Ollie and Emma Proudlock need help! They'll be sharing their experiences raising their brand new baby Bonnie Lou, and along the way they're calling on family, friends, some famous names and their listeners, for advice on being new parents! Our lovely friends and sponsors Never Fully Dressed have an exclusive discount code for listeners of this podcast. Use code PROUDLOCKS15 for 15% off at


episode 2: Jobbies

Don't get the wrong idea, this episode isn't JUST about poo. Honest. Emma and Ollie Proudlock tackle tricky sleep routines, baby bath panics, shout out to Team Reflux, and we meet Madame Infacol. Oh yeah, and quite a bit of poo.  And we want to...


 October 17, 2022  28m

episode 1: Through The Sunroof

We've done it! Episode 1! To kick things off Emma and Ollie Proudlock discuss Bonnie’s birth, the decisions they made leading up to the special day and hear from Ollie’s mum, Lena about how he ‘popped out’ and her surprising revelation on...


 October 9, 2022  34m

Coming Soon

Ollie & Emma Proudlock need help! They'll be sharing their experiences raising their brand new baby Bonnie Lou, and along the way they're calling on family, friends, some famous names and their listeners, for advice on being new parents! They also...


 October 3, 2022  1m

Help! I'm Almost A Parent

The calm before the baby storm... Our lovely friends and sponsors Never Fully Dressed have an exclusive discount code for listeners of this podcast.  Use code PROUDLOCKS15 for 15% off at...


 July 26, 2022  3m