How's Work? with Esther Perel

This season on How's Work?, iconic couples therapist Esther Perel focuses on the hard conversations we're afraid to have in our jobs: Colleagues navigating the new etiquette of a work from home workforce. Newsrooms whose journalists feel that covering breaking news has broken them. A doctor who wants to walk away from his profession, during a pandemic. And lobbyists whose fight for racial equality ends up dividing them. Esther Perel brings a new perspective to the invisible forces that shape workplace dynamics, connections, and conflict through one-time therapy sessions with coworkers, cofounders, and colleagues—listen and learn as you hear your own workplace dilemmas play out in the lives of others.


Sex Work: An Unofficial Resume

Friends and fellow dancers at a strip club: one brings years of experience, the other a youthful energy that turns angry at times. They’re here to talk about boundaries that are crossed, educating “civilians" about their work, family acceptance, and how they'll transition from the sex work industry into professional careers. Can sex work be a bullet point on a resume? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


 February 18, 2020  49m

The Break-Up

They flew fighter jets together in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then they co-founded a successful business. Now, for the first time in their adult lives, they’re ready to part ways professionally, but they don’t know what their lives would look like without their "brother of choice." Side-by-side on Esther's couch, they talk about letting go of the fierce loyalty bonds forged in the cockpit. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


 February 11, 2020  54m

Prologue: What Couples Therapy Teaches Us About Work

In this prologue, Esther Perel introduces us to the idea of the “relational dowry.” Each of us has a relationship resume that is cultivated at home - in our families, our communities, and our romantic lives - that influences the way we interact with our colleagues at work. Here we meet a few of the people Esther will invite into her office over the course of the series: coworkers, cofounders, bosses and employees, and family members who work together. Learn more about your ad choices...


 February 3, 2020  24m