I Should Be Writing

"I should be writing" is what people say, but they rarely do it. This podcast is designed to help you get past those blocks, whether it's what your teacher told you when you were a kid, to being totally sure you'll never be as good as (FAV AUTHOR) so you might as well quit.



episode 11: [ISBW] The Landscape of Grief with Scott Alexander Howard

S20 Ep11: In which we travel "The Other Valley" with Scott Alexander Howard "I wrote it in a blissful who cares? Mentality, like, 'oh, well, genre will sort itself out.'" - Scott Alexander Howard In this episode, we're joined by Scott Alexander...



episode 12: [ISBW] Riding the Revision Rollercoaster

S20 Ep 12: In Which Mur Plans to Turn Hurt Feelings into Finished Drafts "I read over the notes and I got mad and I got my feelings hurt." - Mur (being fussy) I've received my edit letter about Infinite Archive, so I'm handling all the emotions that...



episode 13: [ISBW] From Patent Memos to Nebula Nods with Wole Talabi

S20 Ep13: In Which Mur Attends Wole Talabi's Creative Alchemy "The primary driver of my sense of success is, 'do I feel happy with what I've done?'" - Wole Talabi Mur chats with Wole Talabi, an engineer turned author (but still engineer). They...

