Learning German In India

Hello! I'm Vaishnavi, a German teacher living in Pune, Maharashtra, India and I wish to bring you the joy of knowing a foreign language and it's culture, customs and traditions! No matter where in the world you live, if you're keen on learning the German language and knowing more about Germany and the Germans, my podcast is the place to start!



episode 3: Das ABC - Alphabets in German

Did you know that German alphabets are similar to those of English but have four extra letters? In this podcast, you can learn how to pronounce alphabets in German. Oh, and do sing along to the Alphabet Song! #learngerman #languagelearning


 July 4, 2020  2m

episode 2: Socialising - Greetings in German

Hey there! In today's episode, I'm going to teach you how to say a few simple, commonly-used greetings by Germans. For each one, I'll give you a situation-based example too...


 July 2, 2020  4m

episode 1: First Steps

Many people often ask me, "Why did you learn German?" In this podcast, I talk about what motivated me to learn German.


 June 29, 2020  1m