Letters and Numbers

Explore the world through language and math with a linguist/budding mathematician! In season one of Letters and Numbers, we focus on books - delving into the world of publishers and platforms, who writes (and why!), and what makes some books more successful than others.



episode 2: Why are the Big Five publishers a big deal?

After asking the deceptively simple question, how many publishers are there - really? in episode one, our next installment in this mini-series on publishers and platforms asks why the Big Five are such a big deal...


 January 10, 2023  15m

episode 1: How many publishers are there - really?

In the first season of Letters & Numbers, our focus is on books, starting with a mini-series on publishers and platforms. In this first episode, we answer the deceptively simple question, how many publishers are there - really? Hundreds? Thousands? The answer may surprise - and alarm - you...


 January 3, 2023  14m


In the first season of Letters & Numbers, our focus is on books,  starting with a mini-series on publishers and platforms. 

Join author, linguist, and mathematician-in-the-making Sarah on an exploration of the world through the lens of letters and numbers!


 January 3, 2023  1m