Marathon Talk

Marathon Talk has returned in 2022 as part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors family. Hosted by Martin Yelling and the great Deena Kastor, every two weeks we'll bring you news, views and some amazing guest interviews from across the world of marathons and running.


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episode 38: E38: Mark Rodgerson & Katie Garrity - The Visually-Impaired Six Star Hopeful

Marathons form very unique bonds within the running community, but when your life is in your guide’s hands it’s truly a bond like no other. That’s where 6 Star hopeful Mark Rodgerson’s story sheds light on the joys of running - he joins us on...


 March 8, 2024  1h3m

episode 39: E39: Andrew Kastor - Deena’s Coach & Husband

This week’s guest needs no introduction to Deena - he’s her coach, her husband, and now a Boston Marathon qualifier after an admirable performance in LA. It’s a joy to catch up with Coach Kastor fresh from his 3 hour and 13 minute run as he...


 March 22, 2024  1h4m

episode 40: E40: Helen Thorn - Comedian, Author and Back-to-Back Marathon Runner

All that running does for wellbeing is well-documented, but Helen Thorn’s marathon journey is an uplifting reminder to us all.   In the wake of a divorce, it became a central tenet to her mental health - now it’s central to her huge goal this...



episode 42: E42: Anya Culling - Lockdown Runner-Turned-Elite International Athlete

What a story Anya Culling written, from humble beginnings to the elite field in a matter of years. She plans to continue her upward trajectory as her tale was one of so many stunning performances from the recent TCS London Marathon! Anya joins us as...


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