Munchkin Land

An in-depth look at the Steve Jackson Games card game.


Munchkin Land #003: The Good, The Bad, and The Munchkin

In this installment, the players move out of their mom's dungeon and head west - Jackalopes and Sock Holiday are waiting to defeat the heroes in The Good, The Bad, and The Munchkin.


 July 30, 2012  1h26m

Munchkin Land #002: Expansion Sets

In this installment, the players examine many of the expansion sets available for Munchkin, and realize that five sets at once may be too much to handle.


 July 5, 2012  1h56m

Munchkin Land #001: Welcome To Munchkin

In this first episode, the hosts explain the game, and play the base game for your enjoyment.


 July 3, 2012  1h2m