Open Third Eye Germany

Im Open Third Eye Podcast sprechen die Protagonisten Layvizu und Papi Chulo OGG über die vielen Facetten des Lebens, außerkörperliche Erfahrungen und die Matrix hinter unserer Welt. Sie philosophieren über all die Themen, die auch die großen Philosophen aufgreifen und versuchen sie in Bezug auf die moderne Welt aufzuarbeiten. Jeder liebt es, Gedanken zu denken, nur um des Denkens willen. Deshalb ist dieser Podcast für alle interessant, die sich für das Leben und seine komplexen Aktionen und Reaktionen interessieren.


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episode 1: The Third Eye and Society

In this first pilot episode of our podcast, we talk about the different social mechanisms that keep you from being happy and keep your third eye closed. We talk about materialism and the people who control our society. In addition, Papi Chulo OGG gives private insights into his life and explains why sometimes you have to go through hell to reach heaven. In short, we talk about the need to find our way back to faith and love. How to do that? We explain that based on our own experience...


 October 19, 2022  41m

episode 2: Broken Heart Syndrom

In this episode of the Open Third Eye Podcast, the protagonists talk about the dangers of love, broken hearts, and the shifted and false image of love and sex in society. Anyone who has ever had a broken heart certainly knows this. You want to escape the cycle of grief but can't find a way out. Exactly this question layvizu and Papi Chulo OGG dedicate this time.

Background Music by: Rama Low


 October 20, 2022  39m

episode 3: Are they mental illnesses or are we living in another dimension? / Papi Chulo O.G.G.'s experiences in prison and forensic psychiatry.

Are mentally ill people really as sick as the pharmaceutical industry claims? Could it not be that these people simply live in another dimension? Layvizu and Papi Chulo O.G.G. get to the bottom of this question today. In addition, Papi Chulo O.G.G. talks about his experiences in prison and in forensic psychiatry and exposes abuses there. If you like deep topics and private insights, this episode is just right for you.

Background Music by: Rama Low


 October 25, 2022  39m
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