Other People's Shoes

On my show, I aim to create a space that allows us all to hear each other's points of view. Constructive dialog helps us all realize that truly hearing another person's story can enrich our lives. After all, when you walk in Other People's Shoes, you really do get a different perspective on life.



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episode 1: Dear Carter & Adia,

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter in the mail? The act of writing a letter holds a profound power, transcending the limitations of time and space to forge connections and express sentiments with unmatched sincerity. In a world inundated with fleeting digital communications, a handwritten or thoughtfully composed letter bears a unique weight, echoing the depths of the writer's emotions and thoughts...



episode 2: Dear Dads & Moms,

What are the best two words in the English language? I believe the best two words are "next time". My guest today is Lee Ann Mancini. Lee Ann believes, that parents who choose not to raise their children in the Christian faith may miss out on its rich tapestry of values, traditions, and community. Christianity provides a moral compass and a purpose rooted in love, compassion, and service to others...



episode 3: Dear Grandpa,

Where were you in 1985? The Judds were singing about an amazing Grandpa. "Grandpa Tell me 'bout the good old days Sometimes it feels like This world's gone crazy". My guest today is Matthew Thomas. Matt is in law enforcement. Matt's bond with his grandfather, a veteran of World War II, was profound and enduring. Through stories of courage and sacrifice, his grandfather instilled in him the significance of honor, duty, and integrity...



episode 4: Dear Northern Light,

When you think of the Northern Lights what comes to mind? My guest today is Amber Fuhriman. Amber writes a letter to her dad and shares why he made such an impact on her life. The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, paint the Arctic skies with a mesmerizing dance of vibrant colors...


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