SBS Maltese - SBS bil-Malti

Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Maltese-speaking Australians. - Aħbarijiet u stejjer indipendenti li jikkonnettjawk mal-ħajja fl-Awstralja u tal-Maltin Awstraljani.

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Gesamtlänge aller Episoden: 13 days 13 hours 49 minutes


Maltralian – The Maltese Ethnolect of Australia - Maltralian – The Maltese Ethnolect of Australia

Author and linguist of the Maltese Language in Australia, Roderick Bovingdon speaks with Joe Axiaq about the use of the Maltese language in Australia, published in his latest edition of Maltralian – The Maltese Ethnolect of Australia.


L-awtur u studjuż tal-Malti fl-Awstralja, Roderick Bovingdon jitkellem ma’ Joe Axiaq, dwar l-użu tal-Malti fl-Awstralja, ippubblikat fl-aħħar edizzjoni tal-istudju tiegħu Maltralian – The Maltese Ethnolect of Australia.


 January 9, 2020  16m

In Malta this week - F'Malta din il-ġimgħa

SBS Radio correspondent in Malta, Leonard Callus, with the news headlines in Malta, this week.


Il-korrispondent tal-SBS f’Malta, Leonard Callus, jirrapporta dwar l-aħbarijiet ewlenin f’Malta f’din l-aħħar ġimgħa.


 January 9, 2020  10m

2019 - a year which saw species loss accelerating faster than ever - 2019 – sena li fiha l-ispeċi tal-annimali komplew jintilfu

A United Nations report is urging us to change our behavior to protect many of the Earth's iconic species from extinction and create a sustainable future. Species loss is accelerating to a rate tens or hundreds of times faster than in the past.


Rapport tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti qed iħeġġed lil kulħadd biex tinbidel l-imġieba tagħna biex ikunu protetti l-ispeċi tal-annimali milli jintilfu fil-futur.


 January 9, 2020  7m

From the Maltese political scene - Mix-xena politika Maltija

SBS Radio correspondent in Malta, Leonard Callus reports on the Maltese political scene this week.  


Il-korrispondent tal-SBS f’Malta, jirrapporta dwar l-aħbarijiet ewlenin  b’rabta max-xena politika Maltija f’din l-aħħar ġimgħa.


 January 9, 2020  9m

How 2019 looked for the economy - L-ekonomija fl-Awstralja fl-2019

Australia's economy continued its 29-year run of uninterrupted economic expansion in 2019 but that growth has slowed to a decade-long low.



L-ekonomija fl-Awstralja kompliet tikber fl-2019, imma dan it-tkabbir kompla jonqos imqabbel mas-snin ta’ qabel.


 January 6, 2020  4m

2019 - Top Stories in Malta - 2019 - Aħbarijiet ewlenin f’Malta

SBS Radio correspondent in Malta, Leonard Callus reports about the top stories in Malta, in 2019, including the investigation of the assassination of journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, and the resignation of the Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat...


 January 3, 2020  9m

From the Maltese political scene - Mix-xena politika Maltija

SBS Radio correspondent in Malta, Leonard Callus reports about the latest developments in the investigations of murdered journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia and the political effects.


Il-korrispondent tal-SBS f’Malta, Leonard Callus jirrapporta dwar l-aħħar żviluppi fil-qtil tal-ġurnalista, Daphne Caurna Galizia u l-effetti politiċi.


 December 19, 2019  7m

Maltese Opposition Leader publishes Egrant Inquiry - Il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Malti jippubblika r-rapport sħiħ tal-Inkjesta, Egrant

SBS Radio correspondent in Malta, Leonard Callus, reports on the publication of the Egrant Inquiry by the leader of the Opposition, Adrian Delia.


Il-korrispondent tal-SBS f’Malta, Leonard Callus jirrapporta dwar l-għoti ta’ kopja tal-Inkjesta Egrant lill-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni  Adrian Delia, u l-pubblikazzjoni tagħha.


 December 19, 2019  8m

Victor Vella – Christmas in Maltese Poetry (3) - Victor Vella – Il-Milied fil-Poeżija Maltija (3)

Author Victor Vella talks about Christmas in Maltese Poetry .


L-awtur u xandar Victor Vella jagħti ħarsa qasira lejn il-Milied fil-poeżija Maltija.


 December 12, 2019  9m

Victor Vella – Christmas in Maltese Poetry (2) - Victor Vella – Il-Milied fil-Poeżija Maltija (2)

Author Victor Vella talks about Christmas in Maltese Poetry .


L-awtur u xandar Victor Vella jagħti ħarsa qasira lejn il-Milied fil-poeżija Maltija.


 December 12, 2019  9m