Self:Talk with Ken-ken Somera Podcast

The Self:Talk with Ken-ken Somera Podcast is intended to support those who are struggling to find motivation and self-confidence but are determined about making a positive change in their lives. Join NLP Practitioner and Sales and Persuasion Coach, Ken-ken Somera, as he shares his knowledge to empower people to be the best versions of themselves by breaking down thought processes, eliminating limiting beliefs, and developing positive self-talk techniques. Make this podcast your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration to improve yourself one step at a time.


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episode 2: #8 NLP, Self-Talk, and Overcoming Obstacles an interview session with John Boja

SELF TALK with Ken-ken Somera

Episode #8

I've gotten the chance to interview one of my mentors in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Coaching!

Manila NLP / John Boja" is one of the top mentors I know in regards to NLP here in the Philippines who started practicing NLP during the 80's, He trained with people who created and developed NLP. He coached executives from high technology companies in California like HP, Yahoo, Apple and Seagate...


 July 7, 2023  36m
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