The Jamie Weinstein Show

Political commentator Jamie Weinstein sits down with the most powerful names in politics, business and media to get a better understanding of how they got to where they are, and how they see the world. You'll learn about their biographies, their core beliefs and what they think about what is going on in the world today.


Episode 10: Tomi Lahren

Tomi Lahren is a political commentator and host of her own show for TheBlaze. She’s received millions of views for her Final Thoughts segment on social media, and also waded into controversy for her opinions on topics from race to immigration.


 October 24, 2016  46m

Episode 9: Bill Kristol

Bill Kristol is the editor of the Weekly Standard, and I sat down with him in his D.C. office to chat about why he isn’t supporting Trump, what will happen to the GOP after the election, and how the media has covered this race.


 October 20, 2016  1h0m

Episode 8: Rick Wilson

Rick Wilson is a Never-Trumper, and now the Campaign Strategist for Evan McMullin’s Presidential bid. I talk with Rick about the opposition research that has come out on Trump and why it didn’t come out during the primaries,


 October 17, 2016  55m