The Jerk

The Jerk show will read out the best stories from Reddit. We’ll capture the raw power, the emotion, and the humor of the best threads, and bring them to life for an audience of listeners of all ages. In most cases, you get to decide/comment who the biggest JERK was in the story. The Jerk show will read out surprising, interesting, and true stories from Reddit and also from you.


Why I tip female Streamers so much Money - r-TIFU

Who was the biggest Jerk?

Jerk OR Not a Jerk?

#thejerk #jerk #biggestjerk #streamer #tip

Listen to some Great Motivational Speeches ????

podcast reddit, reddit storytime reddit top posts r/confession r/entitledparents r/tifu r/prorevenge r/maliciouscompliance r/choosingbeggers r/entitledpeople r/IDOWorkHereLady r/Idontworkherelady r/personalfinance r/AmITheA**hole r/AITA


 June 26, 2022  14m

My Sister-in-Law desires me to PAY for her Wedding but DOESN’T wish me concerned - Finance Reddit Podcast

Who was the biggest Jerk?

Jerk OR Not a Jerk?

#thejerk #jerk #biggestjerk #wedding #finance

Listen to some Great Motivational Speeches ????

podcast reddit, reddit storytime reddit top posts r/confession r/entitledparents r/tifu r/prorevenge r/maliciouscompliance r/choosingbeggers r/entitledpeople r/IDOWorkHereLady r/Idontworkherelady r/personalfinance r/AmITheA**hole r/AITA


 June 19, 2022  15m