The Mystic Temple Podcast

Welcome to The Mystic Temple Podcast, where we explore the depths of mysticism and metaphysics to empower and support people through this human experience. The teachings in this podcast are channeled from the universe through International Spiritual Teacher, Monica Bey. We believe in the power that lies within every individual to become their most powerful self and that everyone has the birthright to a direct connection to the universe or God. These episodes are recordings from the Mystic Temple TV show, which airs on Mystic Circle TV. Join us each week for new episodes filled with teachings and insights to support your spiritual journey. Unlock your full potential and explore the mysteries of yourself and the universe.


Divinity Session #4: Fire, Fear & Alchemy

As we dive deeper into The Book of Rasheeda, this passage reveals the truth of alchemy! Learn more: M


 March 18, 2024  28m

Divinity Session #3: The Secret To A Great Life

Continuing from the 1st passage of the Book of Rasheeda, Divinity Session #3 reveals deep truths about human suffering and how to limit it. Learn more:  


 March 18, 2024  36m

Divinity Session #2: You Have Spiritual Gifts

Divinity Session #2 of Mystic Temple, revealing another passage of The Book of Rasheeda. The divine has revealed that we have spiritual gifts, how your spiritual gifts should be used and more secrets from the universe! Learn more:


 March 18, 2024  20m

Divinity Session #1: World Premier

In this premiere Divinity Session, The Divine Mother, Monica Bey, introduces the foundational passage from “The Book of Rasheeda,” offering a glimpse into the profound spiritual wisdom it contains. This session unveils what Mystic Temple stands...


 March 18, 2024  20m