The Spinning-Backfist

Please understand that this is a dark comedy, not just a crazy lunatic of a man speaking chaotically, as my stories may sound at times. Trust me when I say I have no upside to releasing these weird and sometimes violent stories and incidents. I’m a person who was victimized, ridiculed, attacked, and stuffed in an isolation cell for 3 months. I survived but not without a bit of mental instability every now and then which trust me, wasn’t as bad before that happened nightmare happened. This goes for every episode. All I want is to share and hope people Listen to my stories about my life, while I pick mma winners for the week. Which I’m damn good at even though I personally only bet on them with $5 at the most. So other than that enjoy the podcast//:) After halting my search for the real Bigfoot after an unfortunate Rainforest Fiasco. I Bigfoot Holmes decided to put my efforts into Podcasting. It's been 1 year and a few hit-and-miss laters, but this one seems like the one. Hosted and created by the 1-man gang himself, Bigfoot Holmes every week...


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episode 1: Jason Hopkins Joins The Podcast to Explain To Me How I Can Get Battle Ready

3 minutes in to the podcast Mr. Jason Hopkins who served in US NAVY and was wrestler for my father, and a teammate of mine growing up joins the podcast to explain How The Battle Ready training program has enhanced his health and life. We also reminisce a bit on some younger days growing up In Coldwater, Michigan. Thanks for sharing Jason. --- Last episode of Flatlined with RW Casto

#BattleReady #NavySeal #Sports


 December 23, 2021  35m
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