The Virtue Podcast

Welcome to the Virtue Podcast with Cathe Laurie. In every season, there is always room for growth. We believe that faith grows best in a group community that is centered on the study of God’s Word and deeply rooted in living out the gospel, life on life. Join us weekly as Cathe and the teaching team share thoughts to reinforce our Bible study and discussion time. Monthly episodes feature Girl Talk discussions with Cathe and special guests. Learn more at


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episode 1: Episode 1: Galatians 1:1-24 | Cathe Laurie

Whether you’ve been in Christ for two days, two years, or two decades, one thing is certain: we all need the gospel. We never grow out of it. The gospel is milk; it is meat; it is the appetizer; it is the dessert! In this podcast, Cathe introduces our study in Galatians and reminds us that we need a daily reset by being in God’s Word. By embracing the Gospel, we discern what is real, what is true, and what it good.   

To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to virtue.harvest...



episode 2: Episode 2: Galatians 2:1-3:9 | Tiffany Velasquez

Galatians might not read like a typical love letter, but Paul loved the believers in the churches there and wanted to keep them accountable. After preaching the gospel throughout the region on his first visit, many Gentiles were saved, and new believers were growing in their faith. But troublemakers infiltrated the church, convincing them that faith wasn’t enough without keeping the law, too.

Paul was understandably angry because gospel revision of any kind is gospel reversal...



episode 3: Episode 3: Galatians 3:10-4:7 | Leah Case

The Galatians started out well, but troublemakers convinced them they had to do more to be accepted by God. That’s the pitfall of legalism; it distorts the gospel and cheats us out of the intimacy and joy of grace through faith.

In this episode, Leah reminds us to focus and rejoice in the truth that we don’t work for salvation; we walk in it. Grace sets us free to grow in faith and live it out in daily life.  

To join a Harvest women’s small group, go to virtue.harvest...



episode 4: Episode 4: Galatians 4:8-31 | Shelley Hurley

Have you ever prayed with someone to receive the Lord and seen the weight of sin lifted? You can just feel the joy and freedom in the air! Then sometime later they chose to go back to their old life. It’s so heartbreaking to see them in shackles again. In this episode, Shelley considers how legalism takes the heart out of Christianity. Choosing religion over relationship is like chasing shadows. The Holy Spirit gives us freedom from the heavy burden of trying to earn God’s favor...


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