Worship Ministry Catalyst

Worship Ministry Catalyst is a networking resource for worship leaders and worship team members. We have been around since May of 2008 and if you haven't yet joined the conversation, we invite you to come sit at the table!



episode 22: WMC, 228 Preparing Worship Ministry For The Post-Covid Summer Ahead

A lot of people are speculating about what summer 2021 is going to look like for the church. I think it's safe to say we should anticipate people taking a lot of time to rest and recuperate over the next few months. In fact, it might be what's needed. Still, we'll have services to plan and lead, when people may not be available, we might even be gone. How are we going to thoughtfully lead worship this summer?


 June 7, 2021  24m

episode 23: WMC, 229: Christi Stills, Worship Ministry as a Pianist and Her Journey as a Composer.

Worship ministry has changed drastically over the last 25 years, and for pianists, that change hasn't always been easy. Today, we hear from Christi Stills who has been a pianist in a traditional, piano and organ worship ministry and has also spent the last 10 years playing with a worship band.

Christi also shares with us about her journey as a composer, her success at getting her music out on Spotify, including one song, Lavender Fog, which has more than half a million plays...


 June 21, 2021  42m

episode 24: Worship Ministry Catalyst Podcast, Episode 230: The Senior Pastor/Worship Leader Relationship

Perhaps the most important relationship in many churches is the one that exists between the worship leader and the senior pastor. And yet, often times it's one of the most difficult. Today, myself and Joe are joined by Dan Thompson as we talk about some of the ways worship team members do their pastor and worship leaders a disservice. We also talk directly to senior pastors and some of the responsibilities they have in protecting and supporting their worship teams...


 July 6, 2021  50m