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    #4: Wie lernen wir, Fakten von Fake-News zu unterscheiden? An der Bar mit Investigativ-Journalistin Lea Weinmann
    April 24, 2024 (duration 57m)
    46:52 Da muss man ein bisschen aufpassen, was man macht. 31:31 Oder sieht man alles? 47:58 Und dann muss man halt gucken, was man bis dahin zusammenkriegt.
    Listener Letters!
    April 24, 2024 (duration 51m)
    47:23 Man. 01:42 I forgot all about this. Man, I can't contain myself. 03:47 this blow off the fucking floor, man, I went in.
    Schutz vor der nächsten Backdoor: Lehren aus der xz-Affäre und Einblicke in Social Engineering - mit Prof. Dr. Stephan G. Humer
    April 24, 2024 (duration 1h44m)
    48:17 Natürlich muss man ehrlicherweise sagen, wenn man eine Aufgabe übernimmt, 23:35 Und man macht eigentlich nur etwas, wenn man es muss. Also wenn man keine andere Wahl hat. 35:21 die man nicht mitbekommt.
    #012 Warum sind Hilfsmittel unsexy?
    April 24, 2024 (duration 32m)
    30:16 man weitaus weniger Stress. 14:55 Wenn man das selber bezahlen würde, dann wäre man wahrscheinlich arm. 18:27 Also wenn man das alles zusammenrechnet, wenn man die Zahl sieht,
    Name Dropping 49 > Lutz Neumann - Einmal Mond und Zurück
    April 24, 2024 (duration 1h30m)
    [from content:encoded] Name Dropping 49 mit Lutz Neumann. Cover. Foto: Sabine Streckhardt. Lutz hat eine Leidenschaft für den Weltraum, die Fotografi...
    04:10 dort oder so, sondern es gibt da Olonkin City. 24:09 dass man wahrscheinlich eher das filmt, woran man vorbeifährt, 1:28:07 man kann sein leben auch elliptisch gestalten indem man dann
    Der Mensch in der Digitalisierung mit Jessica Lehmann
    April 24, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    05:09 man hat unterschrieben für Sicherheit, man möchte wissen, was man macht, 05:12 das kann man gut, man fühlt sich sicher in dem, was man macht. 25:44 man Digitalisierung und Arbeitswelt googelt, kommt man glaube ich drauf.
    Den Mund etwas länger auflassen
    April 23, 2024 (duration 1h4m)
    04:11 man steht zusammen, man weiß, wie wichtig das irgendwie ist. 15:53 Was man daraus macht. 45:42 Probieren kann man es.
    Ep. 572 w/ John Li Co-Founder & CEO at Vimcal
    April 23, 2024 (duration 52m)
    23:36 Yep. Okay. This is cool. Yeah. That's sweet, man. 08:50 man. Doing it manually and just messing it up so badly. Yeah. Because when you when you schedule an external meetings, you have two choices. You do it manually. 51:41 Perfect. Alright. Thanks, man. Well, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to be on the show, and I look forward to keeping in touch with you, and have a good rest of your day.
    Ep. 571 w/ Will Robinson CEO at Encapture
    April 23, 2024 (duration 47m)
    40:37 Man, I'll give you just some hot zingers here. 46:51 Very cool, Will. Well, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to be on the show, and I look forward to keeping in touch with you and have a good rest of your day, man. 02:14 And so, and candidly, I had a really funny experience. I did a summer abroad, one summer and I was talking to some, some other American students. We were at lunch one day and I remember saying, hey, you know, next summer is the, is kind of the last summer of college, and what are you guys gonna do in the summer? And they all said, well, we're gonna move to New York City and do investment banking. And I I had no idea what that meant.
    Ep. 570 w/ Rob Greig CEO Cornucopias Game
    April 23, 2024 (duration 50m)
    07:48 No. That's cool, man. So what got you kind of passionate about the blockchain and web 3? And then let's dive into what you're building today. 49:10 A 100%. That's that's very cool, man. Well, how about we close the show with mentioning where people can get more information about yourself, the game, and any other links you wanna mention? 14:41 You'd see Spider Man 2's here on every single poster in the land, and that's how they would build community either on existing IP or or they would just blast it out there. So so this you know, one of the challenges in web 3 is actually building your game really early on and being immersive within the community. And and that for me was was, you know, it was so it's so exciting to to see if we could actually do that. So so there's lots of reasons why we why we wanted community involved game, in a new upcoming exciting space is, yeah, is just too good an opportunity to miss.
    Ep. 569 w/ Arie Trouw CEO/CTO/Co-Founder XYO
    April 23, 2024 (duration 51m)
    51:18 Very cool, Ari. Well, I really appreciate you again taking the time out of your day to be on the show, and I look forward to keeping in touch with you and have a good rest of your day, man.
    Ep. 568 w/ Griffin Parry CEO/Founder at m3ter
    April 23, 2024 (duration 46m)
    03:24 And then I stayed there for 12, 13 years. So I sort of think of myself as a sky, man and boy. And in terms of what I did, like there was a through line from, I was a management consultant when I joined. I did a lot of strategy work, but then I started bridging into sort of business development and new product development. So it was a really exciting time in media at the time. 12:57 So, a wise man described it, Meta to me as a pricing enablement platform the other day. I actually thought that was rather good. So I might start using it. But, to explain what it is, so we're a platform and we help B2B software vendors build painlessly and change prices easily. And we're particularly focused on companies who are deploying usage based pricing strategies and particularly focused on companies that have reached a certain level of complexity.
    Ep. 567 w/ Brian Stevens CEO at Neural Magic
    April 23, 2024 (duration 46m)
    32:14 100%. This world down the road where, man, that looks really incredible. And so that's the stuff that I think worries me the most in the next, you know, number of years. 35:16 Is your is your is your, the thing you pick going to be automated away or is it going to be empowered? And I'm multi camp, like all these degrees ago, I'm just, maybe I'm contrarian, but I'm on the camp like these, these, the, the jobs are still going to exist, but man, you're going to be just supercharged, you know, not just, like out there with a, you know, back at, back at your HOMV, the comp, just the you'd write a 1,000 line program. Right. And back then, like just the taxing that you had on the infrastructure, it could take it an hour to compile that program. So the reality of it was, and so look at today's computers, like you can file in seconds.
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