Earthquake Mexico
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Trump Banned from Maine Ballot; Supply Threats amid Red Sea Attacks
December 29, 2023 (duration 17m)
[from description] ...Alexander's mother is calling for her son's return. He's my boy, and every day, every minute of the day, I'm just I'm terrified. There are now six Americans presumed captive in Gaza, ...
[from content:encoded] ...Alexander's mother is calling for her son's return. He's my boy, and every day, every minute of the day, I'm just I'm terrified. There are now six Americans presumed captive in Gaza, ...
06:42 Mexico and prevent officials from enforcing federal immigration laws. The
ALARM! Caravan After Caravan Arriving at the Border
December 29, 2023 (duration 31m)
[from category] #mexico
[from itunes:keywords] ...#migrants, #illegalaliens, #citizenship, #trains, #cartels, #nationalsecurity, #newmexico, #thewall, #borderwall, #mexico
04:12 hot spot along the US Mexico border. Tucson agents apprehended
04:35 swell of migrants crossing through Mexico and entering the United
05:34 linking Eagle Pass to Mexico. Why did they do this
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