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A Chaldean Numerology Guide

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On the go?  Here’s an audio version for your listening pleasure.  For access to all of the Vibrational Science Podcasts in order click here. A practical guide to using numerology, specifically Chaldean numerology to find the energetic meaning behind numbers and letters.

I fell into the world of numerology back in 2012 seemingly overnight. I wasn’t searching for it since it had never peaked my interested before, but one day I simply became obsessed!

Today I’m a reformed numerologist in the sense that I don’t believe any system whether it be astrology, tarot, or palmistry can tell you who you are, what you will do and what the outcome of your life will be. I say that because I truly believe that you and only you can determine your ultimate reality.

What is numerology? How can numerology help me?
Numerology, like astrology, palmistry and so on is a system based on patterns and correlations that human beings picked up on over time, intuited and then began to elaborate on. Numerology in and of itself deals with the occult significance of numbers and letters, in other words- it’s about defining the energetic signature and meaning of different combinations of numbers and letters and how they in turn affect our lives.

I like to think of these systems and numerology in particular as a way to predict the cosmic weather of my life. It’s similar to my checking the weather in a particular region if I plan on traveling there or alternatively the way a farmer would only plant some seeds in certain seasons. Numerology can help me make optimal decisions depending on the “energetic” weather forecast.

You can also use numerology to ascertain the energy of your home using your address, your relationship compatibility with someone, the cosmic energy of a particular day, month or year and of course you can use numerology to determine the vibrational energy of your name as well as your personality type using your birthdate.

Of the different types of numerology, which one should I use?
Here in the West the two most popular systems of numerology are Chaldean numerology and Pythagorean.

Is one better than the other?  Honestly, I don’t think so.  It’s about using the system that most resonates with you. For example there are many systems of astrology including Western astrology, Vedic astrology and Chinese Astrology.  All can be used by a skilled and intuitive practitioner to help guide you.  The reading will mostly depend on how intuitive the astrologer is as well as how well versed they are in that particular system.

These systems serve as amulets in a sense that can help us channel our intuition.  Because our subconscious picks up on so much information that our conscious minds miss, our subconscious is easily able to use symbolic systems such as numerology.  Using numerology in combination with our innate psychicness is one of my favorite ways to divine and uncover much of the worlds hidden information and transmit it to my conscious mind.

But I digress! Personally I prefer Chaldean numerology for a couple of reasons. One of which is that the significance of the compound numbers is not overlooked. And secondly Chaldean numerology touches on the nuances of numbers in relationship with one another such as the auspiciousness or difficulty some numbers and combinations can bring when used together.
+Click here for history of Chaldean numerology

Ok in all fairness some Pythagorean numerologists look at these aspects as well. If you want to delve more into Pythagorean numerology, check out the gold standard of Pythagorean numerology websites

How does numerology actually work? It has something to do with sounds, letters and vibrations right?
Right! So every symbol used collectively by human minds has it’s own innate energy and vibration. The symbols develop a life force of their own that grows the more people use them. Of course the symbols we are referring to in terms of numerology are letters and numbers.  In numerology each letter is assigned a number that most closely matches it’s frequency. When these numbers and letters are combined there is an overall number associated with that combination which in turn has definitive characteristics.

Below is a Chaldean numerology alphabet chart as well as some of the defining characteristics of each number.

#1  Ruled by the Sun. Masculine energy. Positive aspects: independent, active, entrepreneurial, innovative, original. Negative aspects: bossy, pushy, impatient, tactless. Career archetype: Entrepreneur.

#2  Ruled by the Moon. The most feminine of numbers. Positive aspects: intuitive, creative, sensitive, tactful, patient. Negative aspects: sensitive, moody, irrational. Career archetype: Healer.

#3  Ruled by Jupiter. Masculine energy. Positive aspects: extroverted, imaginative, creative, expressive, witty, charming, lucky! Negative aspects: tendency for gossip, undisciplined, narcissistic, superficial. Career archetype: Performer.

#4  Ruled by Uranus. Positive aspects: knowledgeable, tenacious, loyal, disciplined, reliable, detail oriented. Negative traits: stubborn, opinionated, workaholic. Career archetype: Engineer.

#5  Ruled by Mercury. Masculine energy. Positive aspects: free spirit, intellectual, curious, communicative, adventurous. Negative aspects: selfish, irresponsible, addictive personality. Career archetype: Journalist.

#6  Ruled by Venus. Feminine energy. Positive aspects: nurturing, caring, artistic, attractive, compassionate, domestic.  Negative aspects: obsessive, arrogant, self righteous.

#7  Ruled by Neptune. Feminine energy. Positive aspects: analytical, logical, spiritual (but not religious), philosophical, strategic, musical. Negative aspects: distant, reserved, aloof. Career archetype: Great thinker.

#8  Ruled by Saturn. Masculine energy. Positive aspects: Authoritative, driven, materially successful, endurance, athletic, generous. Negative aspects: Aggressive, dissatisfied, greedy, intolerant, extreme. Career archetype: CEO or a Missionary!

#9  Ruled by Mars. Masculine energy. Positive aspects: humanitarian, artistic, compassionate, globally conscious, nonjudgmental. Negative aspects: defensive, emotional, frustrated.

How do I do the calculations?
Well let’s start with something easy like finding out the energy of your home.  This is super simple because most houses don’t have letters in them, so you don’t even need to know what number a letter is associated with to find out it’s numerological energy!

My house number is 3423 for example.  When I total these numbers 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 the sum equals the compound number of 12 which in turn can be reduced to a 3 (i.e. 1 + 2 = 3.) So my home has an overall 3 energy which is defined as being creative, lively, ambitious and spiritual… of course there is soooo much more, but this is just to give you an idea.

Let’s compare this to my old house number 4412. This address when reduced equals 11/2. By the way, x/x is numerology shorthand for showing the compound number energy as well as the final number when the compound number is reduced.  I’ll delve into compound numbers in a moment, but for now let’s discuss the energy of a “2” house.  A 2 home is considered to be a sanctuary of sensitivity, emotions and harmony.  I can say from first hand experience, that living in a 2 house is distinctly different from living in a 3 house!

Is one better than the other? It depends on you!  I prefer a 3 house because it’s livelier and still very creative, whereas when I lived in a 2 house, I felt as though I had to walk on egg shells because everyone in the house seemed to have a heightened sensitivity in general; whether it be noise, ideas or furniture arrangements!  Some people prefer the 2 energy though because it’s quieter and more intimate than some of the other numbers.

Let’s take a moment to discuss compound numbers…
The following compound numbers can all be reduced to the number 2, yet they all have very different energies associated with them!

11/2 (1 + 1 = 2) is considered a master number because it is comprised of two “1’s”. Anytime a number is duplicated it is generally considered a master number i.e. 11, 22, 33 etc.  (By the way, you can find out more about master numbers which have a specific significance in numerology by following the link on compound numbers at the end of this section). The number 11 is associated associated with vision, imagination and intuition.

29/11/2 ( 2 + 9 = 11 ; 1 + 1 = 2)  The compound number 29 is considered to be a number of struggle, meaning any name, address, or date associated with this number generally will be exposed to more hardships than average.  The reason behind this is that the numbers 2 and 9 are considered inharmonious with each other. Without getting too complicated, another way to see this conflict is to look at the planetary energies associated with these numbers.  The number 2 is akin to moon energy and 9 is represented by mars energy.  If you can imagine the fiery energy of Mars with the intuitive watery energy of moon, you are bound to get conflict and where there is conflict there is a lack of harmony and ease.

38/11/2 ( 3 + 8 = 11/2) This number is considered to be one of the more fortunate and auspicious numbers that reduces to 2.  There are reasons for this and that is the way the compound energies of the individual numbers 3 and 8 work with each other. This number is associated with the functional structured creative.  Not surprisingly there are a number of famous fashion designers who have names that equal 38.
+Click here to read more about the compound numbers

How do I calculate the numerology of my name and birthdate?
Since this is just an introduction to Chaldean numerology, I will use the alphabet chart above with a simplified example using just my first name and my birthdate along with a summary on what may or may not be going for my name in terms of numerological harmony. Ultimately name numerology is about the vibration of the symbol (i.e. name) that you and all those around you associate with who you are. When people think of you they will often times think of your name, how they feel about you and visualize your face all within a heartbeat.  This energy reaches you time and time again. When you think of yourself you again commit to that same energy every time you sign your name etc.

The aim with calculating your name numerology is to ascertain if your name is in synch with the other energies in your life, first and foremost of those being your birthdate. I feel compelled to iterate here that there is no such thing as having bad numerology!  Whatever you have attracted thus far is a perfect representation of your energy and if it has been challenging then that is what you needed in order to be who you are now!

The beauty is now that you know about numerology, you can change your name numerology and bring in more fortuitous energies into your life if you deem necessary. You may be surprised by how powerful an impact the vibration of symbols has had on your life thus far. Again it is much like the weather. You may love cold and rainy weather or you may not!  But if you don’t like the lifestyle associated with cold and rainy weather you could always move!  And so it is the same with name numerology. I have included a few links after the following example of some excellent resources where you can do further calculations on your own.

My first name is Meniyka and my birthday is January 5th 1978.

Day number: 5  This is simply calculated from the day number you were born on. If you were born on the 14th of the month you would also have a reduced day number of 5 (i.e. 1 + 4 =5.) However, the energies associated with being born on the 5th and being born on the 14th are quite different. 14 is a combination of 1 energy ruled by the Sun and 4 energy ruled by the planetary body Uranus. Together they create a communicative 5 that is known for attracting it’s fair share of trouble. The number 14 is one of only five compound numbers known as a karmic number.
+Click here to read more about karmic numbers

Summary: I’m born on the 5th which indicates I value freedom and communication above most things. 5’s also have a propensity for addiction, adventure, travel and living on the wild side.

Life path number: 13/4  The life path number is calculated by individually reducing the month number, day number and year number to single digits and then adding those three numbers together.  *As you grow older, your life path number and name number become more prominent influences than the birthdate number. Since my month and day cannot be reduced any further, we only have to reduce my year of birth (1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 25/7.)  All together: 1 + 5 + 7 = 13/4.

Summary: A life path of 4 indicates I have tendencies for study, learning and amassing a wealth of information. 4’s are also known for being industrious, loyal and valuing integrity and responsibility above all else. 4’s can sometimes be annoying “know it all’s” as well as a bit conservative. *Note that 13/4 is a karmic number so there is much more here than meets the eye!
+Check out the awesome book by Dan Millman (author of Peaceful Warrior) on finding your life purpose using your life path number

Name number of Meniyka: 19/10/1
4  5  5 1 1 2  1 = 19/10/1

Summary: In Chaldean numerology the number 19 is referred to as the Prince of Heaven and is very auspicious when it comes to one’s plans for the future. The number10 that it reduces to is also considered an auspicious number and ultimately 10 reduces to 1 which as I mentioned earlier is ruled by the Sun.  The number 1 is independent, innovative and charismatic.

*There are actually many other significant numerological aspects of my name including the cornerstone M which my name begins with as well as the fact that within my first name there are master numbers including 55 and 11! But we’ll have to leave this for another time because these are advanced concepts and outside the scope of this introduction.

Numerological analysis of Meniyka born on Jan 5, 1978
As you can see the 4 and 5 energies in my birthdate sound a bit at odds and that is because they are!  But it’s this complexity that makes humans so beautiful!  For example, I partied like a rockstar in University and travelled the world, but I always showed up prepared and on time for my exams. And I can count on one hand how many times I have lapsed on a bill in the past 20 years!

What is most important here is that the number 1 which is the overall name numerology for my first name is considered to be one of the most harmonious options for my birthdate, working well with both the numbers 4 and 5. Specifically, the ambitious and entrepreneurial number 1 effectively harnesses the communicative versatile gifts of the 5 as well as the detail oriented, organizational energies of the 4 making for a strong and balanced individual. Sounds like I am tooting my own horn right? But the truth is, my life was very different before I changed my name!

Before I changed the spelling of my first name, it used to equal a 14/5 which had all of the wild energies of the karmic 14! Since the change, I’ve seen the biggest difference in ability to focus my energies which has granted me a sense of peace and fulfillment which in turn has improved my relationships, boosted my confidence and so much more!

I think of my old name energy as hot, wild and windy like the north shore of Hawaii when the trade winds are blowing day and night, whereas my current name has more of the energy of San Diego where it’s about 70 degrees and comfortable year around. Both names are great in their own way, but Meniyka is a lot easier to wear day in and day out than Manika!

Hope you enjoyed this!  If so, please share your thoughts in the comments below or consider leaving a rating and/or review if you listened to the podcast. Lastly, if you are a big fan of Vibrational Sciences you can get a t-shirt of your own in the Shop. You can also become a patron of Vibrational Sciences for as little as $1/month!

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Till next time,

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Vibrational Science Blog | Conscious Creations

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