2 Guys And A Chainsaw

We're just two die-hard horror fans presenting new thoughts and takes on both favorite and obscure horror films from yesterday to today. We watch and review one horror movie a week from the perspective of fun, with a lot of film criticism thrown in.



episode 240: Scrooged

Though some may not classify it as much of a “horror” story as our typical fare, Scrooged is in fact based on Charles Dickens’ classic Christmas ghost story, “A Christmas Carol”. So we feel fully justified in pulling out one of our favorite movies ever and reliving it with you this holiday season.

Happy Holidays, loyal listeners!

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Scrooged (1988)

Episode 240, 2 Guys and a Chainsaw

Todd: Welcome to another episode of Two Guys and a Chainsaw. I’m Todd.

Craig: And I’m Craig.

Todd: Well, Merry Christmas, Craig.

Craig: Merry Christmas to you.

Todd: What a pleasant Christmas it’s been. Right.

Craig: You know, with all the craziness that’s going on in the world. It’s nice to have some things that, uh, Feel at least a little bit normal, you know, putting up the Christmas tree, ordering all of your Christmas presents from Amazon.

Okay. Watching these Christmas movies that pop up every year on cable. And it honestly, I just, but, uh, it really is nice to have a little bit of normalcy and, um, The the Christmas season has lifted my spirits this year.

Todd: Well, you know, Christmas is the time of year, even though maybe we get together with a few more family members than we will be this year, we do spend it indoors, right.

We sit inside or our living rooms, hopefully around a fire or a video of a fire crackling on the screen, lounging around in our pajamas, watching holiday films or in our case. Holiday horror films. And I can’t think that it’s, you know, we didn’t go out to do this on purpose, but I can’t help. But think that there’s something subconscious about what we did this year, where we ended up choosing horror comedies for Christmas.

I mean, we did Santa’s sleigh. We did Anna and the apocalypse. And this week we went very light on the horror actually to something that we. I think we can justify as a horror movie, but gosh, darn it. It’s just one of the, two of our most favorite Christmas movies of all time. And it’s called Scrooged, starring bill Murray from 1988.

And I mean, it’s based on the original, uh, Christmas ghost story.

Craig: Yeah.

Todd: Right. So, I mean, we certainly certainly are justified in doing any version of a Christmas Carol that’s out there. Right. They’re all go stories.

Craig: I think. So I tried to talk you into doing this last year and you’re like, I don’t know, dude, I don’t know if this is really a horror movie and I, you know, relented and said, all right, you’re probably right.

But. This year when we were looking around at things to do, I actually saw this movie pop up on several horror movie lists. And the more I thought about it, the movie is not scary. It is not a scary movie. Children could watch this movie, but it definitely has horror elements and the source material, like you said, Charles Dickens, a Christmas Carol is, you know, that scary ghost story that they.

Talk about in the Christmas carols, there’ll be scary. Ghost stories and tales of the glory. You know, like this is it. This is the, this is, he goes story of Christmas and I love the source material and, you know, I’ve read the novella. It’s great. I’ve seen a lot of, uh, different adaptations of it and I’ve liked, I think all of them, uh, Muppet’s Christmas.

Carol is lovely.

Todd: Oh, don’t get me started

Craig: even, I’m not a huge Jim Carrey fan, but I thought the Jim Carey, a animated adaptation was actually really good.

Todd: You know what? We love that one, the one that’s a little creepy that’s animated using the image movers or whatever that Robertson meccas was doing there for a little while.

We actually really liked that one in our house and we do watch that a lot. And that one has some pretty scary elements too, because it also follows. Closer to the source material, which is a little scarier at moments, you know, the death character. There’s a little bit more there. It gets a little more philosophical and he has a couple of characters under his cloak, right?

What are they sorrow and pity, or I can’t remember what they are. Anyway. Yeah. And that, and that’s follows even closer to the source of material. And I think ends up a little scarier as a result. This movie is lighter. And like I said, I think this year we were, we seem to be in the mood for lighter horror movies for Christmas time.

And so it’s really appropriate to do. And bill Murray, Oh God, bill Murray is just one of my. All-time favorite actors just because he makes everything he’s in feels so effortless. Like he’s an improviser by trade and everyone who’s ever worked with him says that including Richard Donner, who directed this movie said that, uh, the hardest thing about directing bill, bill Murray is you don’t direct him.

You, you basically, you hold him back. You tell him to pull back because. He will improvise everything. He’ll just go off. And a lot of this movie apparently was improvised and there was a bit of tension between Richard Donner and bill Murray on this bill Murray doesn’t actually have fond memories of working on this film.

He thought it was a bit of a slog

Craig: came off. Yeah, weird, right. It, well, it’s weird and unfortunate because I guess when the movie was made, bill Murray had kind of pulled back a little bit. He wasn’t working as much, you know, he just wasn’t feeling that into it. In fact, I think he had moved out of the country and he was just the, he, he wasn’t feeling it.

Todd: He was from psyched out by his Ghostbuster success just a few years before this. Um, and kind of felt like that was so big and so successful that. It could very well be the most successful thing he’s ever done in his career, which was kind of a depressing thought. And so he thought about just giving up, acting entirely at that.


Craig: right. And he said, you know, there would be times when he would maybe want to work, but the scripts that he was getting just weren’t appealing. He had been offered this script at least a year or two before. They actually made it and he had turned it down even though he was interested. And so when it came back around again, we decided to do it, but he personally, Marie wasn’t satisfied with the script.

So they did a lot of reworking of the script. What Marie says basically is they just ripped it to shreds and started putting pieces back to back together. Uh, he said that they, uh, amped up the, uh, romantic. Plot, they fidgeted with some stuff with, uh, the family. And when I, when I, when he says the family, I assume they mean his secretary Grace’s family, which is an excellent part of this movie.

That’s why, like, I have been nervous since we decided to do this about talking about it because I love. Everything about it, no matter what, what we ended up talking about over the next 50 minutes or whatever, I’m going to think back and say, Oh my God, I can’t believe we didn’t talk about that because, Oh, I just love everything about it.

But anyway, Marie says that the final product is very different. Then the original script. And he said that they shot a lot and really fast. They shot it really fast and they shot a lot of material. And he said, tons of it ended up on the cutting room floor. And what we get is kind of a hodgepodge of little bits and pieces of what they were going for.

And I think that ultimately, Marie wasn’t fully satisfied with the final product. But I’m going to disagree with him. I think that this movie is fantastic. It’s, it’s one of my favorite Christmas movies. It’s one of my favorite movies. End stop. It’s hilarious. Uh, there are amazing people in it and it’s a sweet redemption story and more so than in any other movie.

I find bill Murray, so captivating and charming in this movie, he has so many levels. He plays the hard-ass businessman who seemingly doesn’t care about anybody. He plays that so naturally, and it’s so easy to believe, but then there are other moments when you see his vulnerability and his soft side and his.

Chemistry with Karen Allen, who is his love interest is so sweet and natural. Like, uh, he just blows me away in this movie. It’s my favorite bill Murray movie by far.

Todd: Yeah. I mean, and he has to care. He is the movie. I mean the movie centers around him. If, if. And I think Eddie Murphy had been considered or offered a position, um, uh, in this role, uh, there was one other actor I believe was seriously considered for this ended up going to Murray.

And again, after all the reworking, he agreed to do it, but this was really his first time ever having to carry a film. He was always an ensemble player before this. And so I think that probably made him a bit nervous as well. And they said he has a very work of enlight. Mentality on the set, even though, you know, he’s so beloved now, like people laugh about bill Murray and they joke about him and he’s got goofy stuff he’s done and random things that he does in real life.

Right. And I hear he’s a new Yorker through and through. He still lives there and he’ll just go down the street with ’em whenever he’s walking out, outside, you know, not no entourage, no nothing, but he’ll have a fist full of dollar bills in his hand. And we’ll put one in the cup of every panhandler that he comes across.

You know, that’s funny

Craig: yet. I’ve. Oh, yeah, go ahead. I was thinking, I think I was going to say the same thing. You’re getting ready to stay, right,

Todd: right. Yeah. Yet I’ve also heard he is kind of a Dick to work with at times. And the way he conducts his business is kind of dickish too. I mean, he doesn’t have an agent.

He has a phone number and it’s attached to like an answering machine and you can call it. You can be anybody. You can be the, the biggest producer in the world. And in order to get ahold of him, you got to leave the stupid message on this answering machine. And wonder if he’s ever going to get back to you.

And, uh, there are roles. I think it might’ve been Charlie’s angel that he kind of basically took last minute and just kind of called and said, yeah, I’m going to accept it. You know, when are you going to start shooting and then just sort of showed up. Did his thing and then left and didn’t always leave a very good impression on the cast, the crew that was working

Craig: with him.

Yeah. I have heard that. Personally, he’s kind of an asshole. And, um, I actually knew somebody in college who was related to him by marriage and, uh, had, had met him at a family reunion or something. And they said he was really kind of a Dick. He was really aloof, but whatever

Todd: much, like many of the characters he plays, I guess, huh?

Maybe that’s why it works so well.

Craig: If you look kinda the history of SNL, like he was a big Dick to Gilda Radner, which is kind of an unknown. Forgivable sin to me, like she was desperately in love with him and he kind of dicked her around, but whatever, you know, we all have our moments regardless. Um, he’s very, very talented and his talent is on full display in this movie.

Todd: Absolutely. And, and much like, you know, the two of us, this movie is beloved now by lots of people. It’s very much on television. Uh, this time of year, it’s a, one of those regular, this is the movie we’ve got to kind of watch around the season. It’s become that in the wake of its release, it’s released it didn’t do too bad.

I think it made over a hundred million on a 32 million budget. I think it was a little disappointing. In terms of the reception that it got from critics, the audience seemed to kind of find it. Okay. But I was shocked, you know, I’ve said on this, on the show before that Roger Ebert is kind of one of my, one of my, one of my role models.

And I tend to agree with almost everything he says about films, but he gave this movie a one-star review when it came out.

Craig: Yup. He said it was the worst adaptation of a Christmas Carol that he’d ever seen. Yeah.

Todd: Crazy. And he just felt like it was just negative. He said there was like no joy in it. This is cynical guy.

Who’s just bomb. Humbugging his way through it. How are we supposed to relate to this guy? How are we supposed to find any joy in this movie? I totally disagree actually completely disagree with him. I don’t know if he ever later revised his opinion of this movie as he often did. I couldn’t find any evidence of that.

It doesn’t really matter. Right. What matters is what we have to say about here now to them.

Oh, so w I mean, where to

Craig: begin, I mean, let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s start at the very beginning. It’s a very good place to start it. It opens up, you know, with this, you know, classic kind of. Aerial shot shooting through the clouds. And I have to mention right off the bat. So I don’t forget to mention Danny Elfman score in this movie is amazing.

I love it. Like from the very beginning, it’s very Christmasy, but dark Christmas, it’s almost kind of a children’s book. Wire sound in the background, but it just, it sets the tone. So well

and the first thing we see, if you hadn’t seen the movie before, you would think, what the heck am I getting into? Because you don’t realize that what it really is a trailer for a movie that this, uh, network that Frank Cross bill Murray’s character. Uh, is the president or lead programming guy? I don’t know.

He’s he’s executive at this place. We see a trailer for the night. The reindeer died,

Todd: starring Lee majors, million dollar man.

Craig: And it’s so funny, like Sansa’s workshop is getting attacked by like, Terrorists with machine guns and elves and Santa and Santo’s wives like go to their arsenal of machine guns. There are defending the workshop and then Lee majors, the $6 million man shows up and, uh, it’s just classic.

And there are so many. Cameos in this movie, like, Oh my God, I can’t think of a movie where there are more cameos of famous people. Uh, right after the night, the rain deer died. We have Bob glaze, old fashioned, Cajun Christmas with Robert Goulay on like a raft and like alligators are chasing him while he’s singing silver bells.

And it’s so funny. And the catchphrase for the. Seasonal movies on this network, IBC or something, whatever it is is you’ll love it. Y you Ellie, very

Todd: cute.

Craig: And then we’re introduced to Frank Cross, uh, bill Murray. Who is very disappoint. Oh, we also see their promo for their big event, which is a live production of what they’re calling Scrooge, but it’s Charles Dickens, a Christmas Carol, and it’s very classic and very traditional buddy.

Hackett is that what his name

Todd: is? Buddy Hackett. His group

Craig: is playing Scrooge and it’s got Mary Lou Retton is tiny tip people, solid gold dancers, this solid gold dancers. If, if. If you were to show this to your son in 10 years, he would have no idea who these people were, but these names were so ingrained in our consciousness.

In the 1980s, Mary Lou Retton was America’s sweet heart. She was this cute sweet little gymnast. Um, the solid gold dancers. My God, I remember watching solid gold. I don’t even remember what it was on. Was it on, on Saturday mornings or on Friday nights or something, but it was just, it was show girls on network television.

It was great. They’re in it, but they show the PR the promo and it’s a very traditional, and he’s disappointed in it. We have spent $40 million on a lie TV show. You guys have got an ad with America’s favorite old farm. Reading a book in front of a fireplace. Now I have to kill

Todd: all of you. That’s not

Craig: good TV.

And then he shows his

drug addiction. International terrorism. Chiller

is important to remember the true me. Oh Christmas, don’t miss the Charles Dickens immortal

Todd: and Bobcat Goldthwait is one of the young, I guess, decision-makers at this table or whatever, and is absolutely appalled by this. And I also, I love Bobcat Goldthwait he, you know, He annoyed the hell out of me when I was a kid and as an adult, I have since really copped to his humor style. And I think he’s one of the most brilliant comedians ever.

Honestly, he was so funny and he’s great in this as well. This nice kind of happy-go-lucky

Craig: guy,

Todd: who’s just, you know, he’s just kind of trying to make his Mark and. He goes up to bill Murray and tells him, Oh,

Craig: don’t you think we’re

Todd: going to scare people. And, and he gets dismissed. And, and this is the beginning of, you know, well, we see his true colors, obviously.

Uh, as he’s walking out Bobcat Goldthwait has this little interaction with him and Frank Cross just kind of says to him, Oh, you know what? I’ll take that under advisement. Thank you very much. And as he walks by, he goes to his secretary and he looks over at her and his secretary. His name is, um,

Craig: grace played by the incomparable, Alfre, Woodard,

Todd: uh,

Craig: so many good people in this movie, Alfre, Woodard.

I just freaking love her. Anyway. What

Todd: else do you remember her from?

Craig: Oh my God. She’s been in a bazillion things. The thing that I liked her most in. Did you ever see that movie? Um, With a iron man. What’s his name?

Todd: Robert Downey Jr.

Craig: Robert Downey, Jr. Heart and souls. Did you ever

Todd: see that? Oh yeah, he’s a

Craig: guy.

And like, she was one of these like five ghosts that he had to help or whatever. Sweet, wonderful movie. But she’s been in a bazillion thing. She’s she’s a genius. And gorgeous and young in this movie. And so sweet. And this is a part like, that’s the thing that I like about this movie, her part, I mean, she’s the, um, Oh gosh, and a Christmas

Todd: Bob Cratchit.

Craig: She’s the Bob Cratchit in this movie and she’s perfect. She, you know, she’s poor. This all takes place in Chicago and, and sh I think she lives in one of them. You know, poorer areas of Chicago, of which there are many, but she has this big family and they are barely getting by. They’re living in this small apartment.

This, you know, she’s got a bunch of kids. Her husband has passed away. Her mother lives with her and her youngest son. Calvin is the tiny Tim character in, in this movie instead of being physically handicapped, he’s emotionally damaged because he witnessed his father’s murder. And so he’s muted. He hasn’t spoken since that time.

And I didn’t write down the actor’s name, who plays Calvin because he was a little tiny kid. I have no idea if he’s done anything else, but so I’ll clean up my language. So fricking cute.

Todd: You

Craig: can’t stand it. He’s the perfect tiny Tim and grace is the perfect Bob Cratchit. She’s so easy to love. And, uh, anyway,

Todd: This is how this whole show is going to go for us today. I think

Craig: I’m just going to gush over the whole thing. Bobcat Goldthwait like you said, I found him funny, you know, when I was a kid, but yeah, he was a little bit of noxious. He plays against type in this movie usually. Yeah. He’s very loud and aggressive.

And in this movie, he’s very meek and mild and, um, sweet. He doesn’t approach Frank aggressively. He’s just like, you’ve been framed. People think I’m way off base here. Yes. You won’t hear a Ted off base, sir. Um, the thing looked like the Manson family Christmas special. Well, it’s a little late to get this kind of feedback that’s because, um, first time I’ve ever seen it, so.

Todd: You’re right. I

Craig: sprung it on you. It’s not that bad. It’s just lose like, um, you know, probably with the gun in the blood and the guy shooting up. If I can change it, I’ll let you know in five minutes. Thank you, sir. Thank you. And then Frank. Tells grace to call security and have him thrown out and fired. And you see him sitting on the curb, outside the building, trying to figure out what he’s going to say to his fiance.

Like, Oh yeah, we’ll have to move into a studio apartment, but maybe it’ll be nice and taking a bus, taking the bus to work isn’t so bad. And then you don’t really see him again much until the end of the movie. In fact, I was, I started watching this. We decided to do it late. And as we do every year, as soon as we saw that it was going to be on cable, we DVR it.

So I had it ready to go, but we started watching it. And we got about 10 minutes in and I’m like, Oh Alan, they’re cutting out so much. And so I switched over to Amazon and paid four bucks to rent it. And the stuff that they cut out was fairly inconsequential, but necessary for the full experience of the movie and some of the stuff that they cut out.

What were the little tiny scenes we see of Bobcat? Goldthwait. Continuing to struggle and be put upon throughout. And that’s important.

Todd: Yeah. Important. But he does, he does become kind of a running gag. Right? It’s like, he’s just basically for the rest of the movie until the climax at the end, he’s stumbling around in the streets with a bottle of alcohol, but either.

In one scene falls out of his bag and breaks as he gets splashed with water or in another scene gets taken out of his hand as a car drives by. He can’t even get his last fix and just gets more and more on hinge presumably as it goes through. So yeah, we keep popping back to him every now and then, but it’s not like he’s a part of the main story until it kind of wraps back around, uh, at the very, very end.

Craig: Right. Another person who I just want to mention is Mary Ellen trainer is in this movie. She plays somebody who works with Frank and her role is really insignificant, but she’s so recognizable. I mean, she did tons of Donner’s movies.

Todd: Mom and Goonies.

Craig: Yep. And she was in all the lethal weapon movies. Um, and so just even just her presence elevates this movie for me.

But then, uh, Frank starts giving his, dictating his Christmas list to grace and he’s either giving out towels or VCRs. And he’s only giving out VCRs to the important people. Everybody else gets towels and gray says your brother, and he says towel. And she says, your only brother, like, I just, I also love this relationship between Scrooge Frank and grace.

Like, she’s not so put upon that she can’t kind of speak her mind. I mean, he always wins. Like at one point, he comes into her part of the office and she’s got a drawing that was made by one of her kids. And it looks like a kid’s drying and he pulls it off the wall and says, how many fingers does Mrs.

Claus have? And she says 11 and he crumples it up and says, right. It’s crap. Get it out of here. I don’t want it on the wall. Like, he’s such a jerk, but it’s like, they’ve worked together for so long. That she knows how to deal with him. And, yeah, that’s cool too. His boss, whose name? I don’t know if it’s his first name or last name.

He calls him Preston, Robert Mitchum, another huge star who they didn’t think that they were going to be able to get to do this movie because it was such a small role, but he agreed to do it. And they were all just completely enamored by him. Which shows us that cats and dogs are beginning to watch television.

These scientists, the rights we should start programming right now within 20 years, they could become steady viewers. I’m going through my notes. What I told my partner last night was what the reason I’m worried about doing this movie is because I feel like every single part I love. And so I’m going to feel like I want to talk about every single part and we can’t.

Um, so I’m trying to focus on the important stuff. Frank’s baby brother James comes to visit him in his office, and I assume that this is supposed to be the nephew role from the original. Source material. His little brother is played by bill Murray’s little brother. And in fact, uh, three, I have no idea how many siblings bill Murray has in total, but three of his brothers are established working actors and all three of them appear in this movie.

Um, one plays his little brother, one place, his dad and a flashback and another. Is a guest at a Christmas party later in the movie,

Todd: which is cool. And his dad, ed was also the mayor. Well, his dad and the flashback, one of his brothers was also the mayor in Groundhog’s day.

Craig: And yes. And the boss in a Christmas vacation, the whole Chevy chase, his boss, and they have a talk.

And, you know, I don’t remember exactly what they say, but it’s just obvious that the little brother wants to have a relationship with this big brother. And he invites him to Christmas and says, what are the chances of you actually coming to Christmas dinner this year? And bill Murray is like, uh, zero. Um, but bill Murray does say, look.

I like you and I like spending time with you. I hope you have a good new year, any disappears and goes away to accept a humanitarian of the year award.

Todd: This is hilarious.

Craig: Even these little things. I may be reading too much into it, but I really don’t think so. The relationship with, with Murray and his little brother, you can tell that there’s genuine feeling and warmth there. They’re just such different people that they don’t mesh. And Frank is kind of messed up and eventually we see in the flashbacks.

Why that is, but that doesn’t come until later first, the Jacob Marley character in the form of, uh, Frank’s former deceased boss, Lou Hayward played by John, another huge guy, Charlie from Charlie’s angels visits him. Uh, and it’s great. Like. It’s all very supernatural. Like he explodes into the room and he’s all corpse like and gross.

And. Bill Murray is reacting to him. He shoots him a bunch of times with a gun. And the ghost is like, I don’t mind you hitting me Frank, but try to lay off the booze or because he accidentally shoots the booze bottle or something.

Todd: This might be the most horror of the whole movie. Really. It’s pretty gross.

He’s kind of basically a dead zombie dude. They didn’t go the ghost route, which you get with some of these Christmas carols where, you know, he comes in as a spirit, but he’s there almost like a zombie. And there’s a gag where, you know, he’s drinking, uh, bill Murray shoots him several times and you know, a mouse crawls out of his skull golf ball rolls a lot of his skull.

And, and, and after he shot him a few times, he’s presumably got holes in them when he drinks. Uh, the, like all the water leaks out like a cartoon, but then, you know, he grabs him and he holds him, pushes him magically through the window and of the skyscraper that they’re in and holds him out over the street below the ghost is just laughing at him.

And, uh, as he’s holding him out there, his arm starts to fall off and, and bill Murray is grabbing it as armed, but he’s just tearing it apart. And it’s a little gross actually, but it’s. It’s all very dusty, you know, and, and, and corpse like, and, and eventually tears his arm off as he plummets down and then wakes up back at the studio.

And this is where everything kind of comes back to. Whereas in the Christmas, Carol, everything comes back to Scrooge’s bed in this movie, right. Everything after these little episodes comes back to this production of Scrooge in the TV studio where they’re rehearsing it for the live production. And that’s a really clever device, really kind of neat because then it allows for some really interesting, um, transitions, you know, where he’s suddenly he’s there on the set kind of in the middle of a, of a scene that was very similar to what he just left.

And I love that and yeah. And it’s cool because too, as everybody else kind of sees that he’s grounded, it’d be coming unhinged. They’re all like, Oh, you know, you need to take a break. Maybe you should go, you should go away. It gets them a lot of goofy things to do. And then there’s another guy too who gets introduced what the ghost tells him is that at 12 o’clock or seven o’clock or something tomorrow, you’re going to be visited by your first spirit.

And he’s having lunch with. His boss and his boss is giving him the news is about to give him the news that he’s hired somebody else to kind of take over for him for a little while to help him out at more or less as an assistant. But it’s clear that this guy’s gunning for the job and this guy’s name is Bryce Cummings.

It’s the douchey his name you could imagine. And he comes in, you know, super douchey as well.

Craig: Well, we meet again. Hi, how are you?

Todd: Oh, look at this.

Craig: Blue is bad color for New York. Frank, I realized this is coming at you pretty damn fast, but I want you to understand that my only function here is to take some of the

Todd: burden off your shoulders.

Craig: A lot of men in your position would see me as a threat. It’s only natural. That’s me.

Todd: And then this sets up this scene where he’s like, Oh, Oh, I see you. Like in his head, he thinks this guy’s the ghost.

Craig: Yeah. And Murray’s acting here is hilarious. Like he’s, he’s like trying to subtly like, say to the ghosts, like I know it’s you, but he’s not really saying anything. It’s all through looks and like just little lip movements, but he’s clearly uncomfortable, which makes the other.

Guys Bryce and his boss at the table think that he’s unhinged. And you would, I mean, that’s what it looks like. He looks like he’s losing it. His boss even says something like don’t fall apart on me, Frank. Yeah, he does. Cause he, cause he thinks that guy is the ghost, but he’s also having hallucinations.

Like he orders a high ball to drink and when the waiter puts it down, he looks down and he sees him. Eyeball in it and freaks out. Of course, nobody else sees it. And then he looks over and a waiter is serving a, um,

Todd: Baked Alaska.

Craig: Yeah. Baked like on Flom Bay or whatever. He sees the waiters uniform catch fire.

It’s not really happening, but we see that he’s seeing it and he’s freaking out. And eventually he excuses himself. And gets up and runs over and throws an ice bucket on this waiter who is not on fire. He says, I am sorry for a minute. I thought you were Richard Pryor,

which nobody yet younger than us we’ll get. Uh, but Richard Pryor was a very, very. Hugely famous black comedian, but notoriously at one point, I think in the process of using drugs, caught himself on fire. Yeah. So it’s a little, uh, in joke there. And then he walks out and there’s physical comedy where he slips and falls and jumps back up.

And I read that that was. An accident. Like he really did fall, which again, just to me, speaks to bill Murray’s talent, that something like that an accident can happen and you can make it work. It looks fantastic. And it looks so good. It looks like intentional physical comedy done really well, but really it was just an accident that he played with.


Todd: it’s hilarious.

Craig: So good. When the boss or the, the dead boss. After he left, when Frank wakes back up in his office, the phone dials itself, and it dials a woman. Named Claire, her answering machine picks up. Marie leaves a message saying, I know it’s been a long time since we talked, but I need to talk to you.

Like it’s, it’s very frantic. And it turns out that this is a woman that he had been in a relationship with like 15 years ago. She ends up showing up the next day on set. After Frank has dealt with the sensor’s complaints about. Being able to see solid gold dancers,

this costume on the air. Why not? Well specifically you can see her nipples. I want to see her nipples, but this is a Christmas. Oh, well, Charles Dickens would have wanted to see her nipples then. You can probably see them say, these guys are really looking.

She shows up and she calls him lumpy for reasons we’ll find out later, but she is just so. From the second you see her, I mean, even the score does kind of this angelic thing

Todd: when it shows her

Craig: for the first time she’s played by Karen Allen, most people would probably know Karen Allen from the Indiana Jones movies, Raiders of the lost Ark and kingdom of the crystal skull.

She was in these love interest in those movies. She was also in star, man. I remember her from, um, the film adaptation of the glass menagerie. She played the Maura in the glass menagerie and Oh my God. Devastating performance in that movie, but she’s so I told Alan as we were watching this together last night, cause he likes this movie too.

I say Karen Allen is just the Hitomi of the girl next door. She is just. Gorgeous in the sweetest, most innocent, beautiful way. I just love her. And she’s great in this movie. And her role in this movie is basically to be, you know,

Todd: she’s,

Craig: she’s the girl that could. Have changed his life. She’s the girl that could have fixed his cynicism and his negativity, but it just didn’t work out.

And we see that, but just, and the other thing that I love is that any time that he’s with her, his. Whole demeanor changes when he’s focused on her. Now, when he’s distracted by his life, like when a crew person comes and says, Oh, we’ve got these door mice and they’re supposed to have antlers, but we can’t get them to stay on with the glue.

And he’s like, well, did you try staples? And Claire’s like, don’t, you dare, I’ll call the ASP, whatever. So, so he’s easily distracted and easily shifts back into his other. Personality, but when it’s just the two of them, he’s a totally different person, but it’s, it’s believable. Like she makes him a better person.

And that I feel like is kind of the trajectory of the movie that he has to learn to embrace that. But it’s not easy.

Todd: It’s so interesting too. How she just kind of. Deals with him. You can tell they have a history and she’s just so positive. It’s like she looks past most of his assholeishness really, and is willing to just.

Kind of forget that because she’s seen him before he was that Dick, she knew him when he was struggling and working his way up through the studio, which is what his, the majority of his ghost of Christmas, past experiences, like after he leaves that restaurant, he gets calls a cab and a crazy old taxi jumps up and he gets into it.

This cab driver is hilarious and he’s the kind of guy thought that he had been in. Films, but actually it’s more of a musician. His name is David Johansen and he was a good friend of Marie’s. And I guess, um, Sam Kinison was originally considered for this role, but this guy, cause he was a friend of morays one out and he’s Graham.


Craig: He is great. Sam Kinison would have been good.

Todd: Yeah, he would have also been good. Yeah.

Craig: This guy, David Johansen, uh, is, is really good in the role. And you’re right. Like I know he has been in other things. I’ve seen him in other things, but I remember him as a musician, he worked, uh, with a band whose name escapes me right now, but I remember him as Buster Poindexter because they on MTV.

His video for hot, hot, hot, how you feel in hot, hot, hot,

Todd: like

Craig: that got played all the time. So I remember him from that. And from this, but he’s hilarious. And in his, uh, taxi cab, much like back to the future, you know, they travel back in time and like, you see the meter for the taxi rolling back in time and they go back to the 1950s where you see Franks.

Childhood. And he’s sitting in front of a TV on Christmas and his mom’s there and pregnant with his younger brother and she’s smoking cigarettes. His dad shows up and apparently his dad’s a butcher and he gives him, he’s like, Hey, I got you a present again. This is one of Marie’s older brothers. And he throws down a package and, and cute, cute little Frank four year old, Frank opens it up and it’s.

A cut of a veal. He’s like, but daddy, I wanted to shoot you. And the dad berates him for being ungrateful. And, uh, the mom says, ah, come on. He’s only forward. And the dad this light and I love it. So all day long, I listen to people, give excuses why they can’t work. My back hurts my legs ache. I’m only.

Guys, Frank cries, much to the amusement of the ghost of Christmas past. And he says, you know, you don’t really have a childhood. The ghost says, and he’s like I do too. I’ve got all these memories, but it turns out all of his memories are. Really things that he saw on TV, which makes sense why he would have gone into television.

Cause that was his whole childhood. He had nothing else. We then jumped to an office party sometime, uh, at IBC when Frank was just, uh, an intern, everybody else is partying and having a great time. And the ghost says, yeah, they used to have these groups. Epic parties every year until you took over. Um, and everybody’s having fun and, but he leaves he’s, he’s propositioned by this hot girl.

Boukie his girlfriend from perfect strangers, but he turns her down and leaves. And that’s when he meets Claire. He’s just walking down the street and she opens a door and he walks right into it. And that’s where the nickname lumpy comes from. And they have a very cute, charming meeting where he’s flirting with her.

And in my notes, I wrote, ah, even lumpy can be charming. He is, he’s so charming in this moment, like regardless of what I’ve heard about bill Murray, if I were Claire in this moment, I would have been charged. He’s sweet. He’s goofy. Uh, it’s just so cute and it surprises me. I don’t recall ever having seen bill Murray play this part before.

It’s, it’s very, very endearing. Then we get the history of their relationship, which is sweet, but ultimately sad.

Todd: Yeah. I mean, they, they, you know, they seem to be getting along just fine. They seem to live together in an apartment. They give each other gifts for Christmas and, uh, and then, uh, he ends up playing this dog in a kid’s show.

So he’s in the big dog costume, uh, sweating his way to the top. Everything kind of comes to a head when she comes to visit him at the studio. And he’s on a quick break at this very same time. His boss invites him to go out for a dinner and he’s like, this, this could be my big break. The boss has never invited me out for dinner before.

And so you should come with me and she says, well, I can’t come with you because I’ve got this, this charity event I’ve got to, I’ve got to work. And he’s like, well,

Craig: what’s the more, no, they, they are supposed to together. They’re supposed to be having dinner with friends. She says, they’re our best friends.

And, and he says, well, we can have dinner with them anytime. And she says, anytime, it’s Christmas Eve, we’ve had this plan for months. And he says, well, you can’t expect the executive of a big network to make plans for months. Basically in this moment, he chooses work very callously for her. She’s clearly upset and he’s very callous and chooses.

A work opportunity, which ultimately for him pans out, but, and she even says, I think we should take a break and he just puts the dog head back on. It’s like, okay, well, whatever, I’ll talk to you later. And that’s kind of the end of it. And it’s so sad. You see her, you know, he’s walking back onto set and she.

Calls out to him, but he doesn’t even look back and she just says, Merry Christmas. And that’s the end. And that’s, you know, that was apparently the end of their relationship, which has led him to where he is now. And he claims that another one of my favorite lines, right after that, he pops, as you said before, back into the studio where the show is rehearsing and Claire’s character in.

The show. I think her name’s Fanny and the book is saying to Ebeneezer, I hope you’re happy with the path that you’ve chosen and billboard goes after it says, well, I am happy with the path I’ve chosen you little bitch. You be happy with the book that you would choose. Well, I am happy with the path that I’ve chosen, your little bag.

But then he’s unhinged again again, and he’s walking, trying to find where she works and she works at it’s called operation reach out. It’s like a homeless shelter there. He runs into some homeless people. All three of them famous, but I didn’t look it up at the time. And Ramsey is one of them and Ramsey also from the Goonies and

Todd: deadly friend was like

Craig: one of our very first episodes.

Todd: Yeah. That’s so memorable.

Craig: This was one of her last appearances and she’s very, very sweet in this movie. Um, and he has some back and forth with them. It’s very cute. But then he deals with Claire. And he confesses to her, like he says, I’ve been thinking a lot about the past and you know, kind of like how, if things had been different, maybe you would have done differently.

Things differently. And she’s like, are you talking about regret? And he’s like, yeah, I guess. And she says, well, the good thing about regret is it’s never too late. You can always change. And it seems very sweet. And

Todd: she’s given him this big opening right now.

Craig: Exactly. But then they’re interrupted. By an emergency at the shelter.

And again, he just switches, you know, as soon as things aren’t going right. His way, he turns very callous and he’s rude to the volunteers that she works with. And she’s so patient with him, like she’s kind of almost unbelievably patient because he’s such an asshole. He’s an asshole. He’s such an asshole,

Todd: but also it kind of hammers home.

The point that there is probably nobody else on this earth that could handle him, but her. Right. Like, like in every way, shape or form, like these two are pretty well destined to be together if he’s ever going to be with anybody. Right.

Craig: Yeah. She brings out the best in him and you know, if he could just get a grip, but he’s a total Dick and she says he invites her out.

To go do something. And she says, I will. I just, I just have to take care of this real quick. And he’s like, forget it. Nevermind. And he goes to leave and she calls out to him again, any turns around and he says, let me give you some advice, scrape them off Claire. You want to save somebody, save yourself. And he turns around and walks away.

And she says, well, that’s, that’s, that’s real nice at Christmas. And he turns around and says, Bah humbug. I mean, God, this, another thing that I love about this movie is that it’s totally modernized, but it is an excellent adaptation of the source material. Is it follows the story so closely. I mean, it just adds these modern touches

Todd: and it manages to do so in a world where everybody is familiar with this Christmas tale.

Right? So like, Somehow, even though Frank is fully aware that he’s going through this experience, it’s still fresh and new and troubles him, you know, and has its emotional impact and effect on him. So, uh, it’s, it’s really clever. I mean, it’s a very clever script, I think in that way.

Craig: All right. So all the time that we’ve been talking about this, I’ve been watching the clock as I always do.

And I really already 50 minutes in and we still got a good part of the movie to talk about. So. I’m going to go ahead and say, Merry Christmas, this is your special extended, yeah. Episode of two guys and a chainsaw,

Todd: a very special episode of two guys in a chain so

Craig: much that I want to talk about. Um, as he’s walking out, as he’s leaving Claire and walking out one of these guys who I totally recognize he’s been in a million things, right.

Maybe you should look him up real quick. I don’t know. But one, one of the three guys that he had made a connection with these homeless people, one of them asks him for $2 so that he can have some place to say and Frank brushes him off and goes away. And I bring it up because it comes up again later, but then we there’s.

Uh, a scene, uh, with Frank and Bryce, where Frank tells Bryce that, you know, he’s the one in charge and Bryce’s, uh, just a Dick throughout and is totally condescending, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But everybody leaves the set and all of the lights go out. And then the ghost of Christmas present arrived arrives.

And this scene. Is one of my, and maybe I’m hyperbolic. And maybe I say this too often, but this may be one of my favorite scenes in any movie. Ever. So

Todd: I know what you’re talking about, right? You’re talking about Carol Kane’s performance as the ghost of Christmas present, who basically is a ballbar. Oh, she comes in and she puts up a thing.

It’s called the ball breaker. Sweet. And she’s got a Tutu on and she’s running around as a ferry and cannot stop kicking bill Murray’s ass throughout this entire thing. She’s punching him in the face. Phase she’s kicking him in the balls. She’s slapping him, just pulling his lip. I guess one time she pulled his lip and he was, she actually pretty much hit him for all of these.

So they claim to the point where she was a little troubled by it and was crying on set from having to beat him up. And, uh, she busted his lip and they had to, uh, you know, he couldn’t film with him for a few days while that healed. Yeah.

Craig: Yeah, there’s, there’s a part where she grabs his lip and pulls it and that little connective tissue ripped and they had to halt production it’s so,

Todd: you know, I, I think this is funny.

I understand this is funny. This, this kind of humor does not really appeal to me. And so this is actually, this is where we’re going to diverge here. This is my least favorite part.

Craig: It’s all right. You can be wrong.

Todd: Thank you. Oh, thank you. No, I’m positive. I’m wrong. Do you know why? I know I’m wrong is because I watched this with my wife today and she would not stop laughing.

She was curled up in a ball laughing so hard through this entire bit. Like. Every little smack and slap and kick just seemed funnier and funnier to her. W w the funniest part of the whole movie for her. And, uh, I was like, okay, well, it’s just not my thing, but, uh, I, I understand you like to see women beat up on guys, I guess.

It’s great. I’m married to you.

Craig: It’s Carol Kane. And she’s just funny.

Todd: She’s always funny.

Craig: She’s always funny. She just has, I mean, even just. In real life, like she has a funny voice and I don’t know it was her laugh.

Just to get better, so much joy in beating this guy up. And she’s so funny. Oh my God. Uh, and so where did they go? Uh, I, I had to write this down because I imagine other people are like this too, but in my everyday life, I am constantly quoting. Movies and television shows. There are several from this movie, but one of them is, uh, she tells him to close his eyes.

Yeah. You closed your arms. And I say that all the time, like people would understand,

Oh my God. And so she takes him to graces. Apartment. We see their family. They’re a very, very sweet family. We see that Calvin, you know, is mute and we find out that he saw his father murdered. Um, but we also see that he’s kind of a savant. Like all these kids are trying to figure out this puzzle and they can’t, but he can, Frank talks to the ghost and says, well, you know, this can be fixed, you know?

Uh, Maybe grace is due for a race and. She grabs his ear and he’s like, ah, probably, Oh, definitely. She’s definitely new for it. Right. And then it goes to his brother’s house, um, where we meet his wife, Wendy, who I, I didn’t write her name down, but she’s very recognizable too. She was in lots of TV shows. She was in hot and Cleveland.

She was. In a show on HBO, a dirty show on HBO called dream on in the night. Um, she’s beautiful. And she’s really sweet in this movie. And we see, we watch they’re having a Christmas Eve party. And so they’re opening presents and, and the brother opens his present and he gets a VCR and he’s bragging, like showing his friends, look, my brother got me a VCR and Frank is like, That doesn’t look like a towel.

Uh that’s from my ex secretary, like he’s mad about it. And then they’re, they’re playing trivial pursuit. And the question is what was the name of the ship that took them all to Gilligan’s Island and the ghost plugs his ears. Wait while they answer and the brother gets it wrong, but Frank doesn’t hear all of this.

And when she unplugs his ears, another line that I use all the time because,

Todd: and I

Craig: do it all the time because I’m crazy.

Todd: Oh my gosh.

Craig: So he pops out of there and the ghost is gone now and he pops into. Under the street. Like, I don’t think it’s the sewer. Exactly. But it’s like a storm

Todd: storm drain. Yeah.

Craig: The guy who he denied money to the guy who asked him for $2 is down there dead.

Frozen sitting up frozen, smiling, because he had been a very, you know, gregarious, smiley kind of guy. And he’s down there frozen and smiling. And Frank has a moment where he says, Maybe I should have given you those $2. And it sounds stupid when I say it, but in the moment it’s, it’s kinda, heart-wrenching like, it’s a moment of realization for him.

Like seriously, I could have given you $2 and then you. Wouldn’t be here and it’s sad. And then he pops out of there back on set and he, you know, again, burst straight into the scene. Um, and grace and Brice usher him out and he turns to everybody, it says, all right, everybody. Good luck. I feel real weird about tonight.

Yeah. And then the show starts to air and they push them into an elevator. And the ghost of Christmas future is in there and he freaks out.

All right, John, I’ve got to pick up the fridge. I know what you came for. Come and get it. You.

Oh, it just cracked me up. It turns out that it was just the actor who’s playing the ghost of Christmas future

Todd: movie.

Craig: It’s so funny.

Todd: That’s such a great fake-out moment that it’s hilarious.

Craig: So he, but then he goes up to his office and then the real ghost arrives. And I found this part. If any part, was it all scary? I found this part a little scary. You think like when the ghost showed up, like yeah, he he’s sitting, he’s sitting in front of this.

Bank of televisions, right?

Todd: And the ghost, his face kind of appears and grows a little bigger and bigger on the TV. Then you see this hand reach out of the television. And Frank doesn’t even notice it at this point, but goes to grab him just as it’s about to grab him. Somebody pops in

Craig: pops in, but just before that, Frank opens his Christmas present from his brother and it’s a handmade through 3m.

With a picture of them when they were little kids with an inscription that says to the best brother a guy ever had,

and he cries and I almost cried just saying it.

Todd: Yep. Elliot bursts in the room. He’s gone postal basically. And he’s got a shotgun and this is the moment where he goes crazy and he’s chasing Frank through the offices and trying to shoot him and kill him. Frank is dodging and running around and yeah, it’s a, it’s a pretty tense scene.

Craig: It really was just the appearance of that last ghost.

Like the, the bank of televisions behind Frank is every individual television is showing the arrival of the ghost of Christmas future on the special. But then you see from the whole bank from the very bottom, the real ghost of Christmas future, which is more. Grotesque than television one a little more gruesome, not a lot.

I mean, it’s not super gory or anything, but not much different. It comes in from the bottom of the screen and it just kind of takes over all of the screens in what was probably a pretty easy effect, but it looks. Super natural Elliot chases, Frank around and, uh, Franken’s up in the elevator with the real ghost of Christmas, past or future.

Who he at first thinks as the actor, until the ghost opens up his robe to show what you had mentioned before in the original, um, story, the ghost of Christmas future has these children. I think in the original there’s only two, but I don’t remember gross, disgusting children underneath, and they’re like hunger and poverty or.

Something like that. I don’t remember it’s social commentary in the original, but the, the ghost opens up his robe and these yucky puppet things are like reaching out and screaming through his rib cage. Again, not scary, but still fun. Practical puppety effects. I like it. I think it’s, it looks great. Oh, it does.

And the ghost has like a television screen for a face and it’s all kind of thing. Flashing and, and he visits the future exclusively through this elevator, which I also thought was really kind of a cool device that this elevator takes them to different periods in time. And the first, uh, scene that he visits is Calvin Grace’s son.

In a padded room somewhere and grace visiting him and being told she has to leave, even though she only just got there. And she says, you know, Merry Christmas, Calvin I’ll, I’ll see ya. And she leaves him alone. And then Calvin looks up. As though he can see Frank and looks him right in the eyes. And Frank turns around and he’s like, this is just the possible future, right?

Like, I can, I can fix this. You know, I know the lead doctors at whatever hospital or whatever I can fix it. He’s still trying to talk himself out of, this is my fault. Then it cuts to a scene of Claire eating a restaurant in a fancy restaurant and she looks totally different. She’s totally. Done up in these fancy clothes and overly dramatic makeup.

And she’s sitting there with, you know, fancy ladies and there are homeless kids outside. And, um, she says something critical about them. And one of the other ladies says, Oh, come on Claire. It’s Christmas. And she says, I wasted 20 years of my life. Thetic little creatures. Like those. Finally, thank God. A friend of mine said to me, scrape them off Claire.

You want to save somebody, save yourself. And she cries as she says it. Like, again, I just love Karen Allen’s performance because she plays against the character that she had been playing. But just in that moment, you see. She knows what she’s become. It’s such a subtle moment, but it just works so well. And then just like in the original, uh, in, in the book, um, and not exactly but same scene, uh, Frank arrives at a cremation and there is a casket getting ready to be put into the fire, Wendy.

The brother’s wife, uh, is standing beside it. So he thinks that his brother is being cremated and he feels terrible. And he’s thinking about how he can change that. But then his brother joins his wife. And so Frank walks up to the coffin and, and sees that it’s him. And they start pushing the coffin into the fire.

And he. Is trying to hold it back and he’s pleading with his brother to help him. Um, and just the things that he’s saying, like, please don’t let them. Hurt me, Jimmy. Ah, he got, you can hear it in my voice. It’s killing them. Please. Don’t let them hurt me. Please.

Todd: Don’t yell. That’s kind of re regresses right back to that.

Yeah. And he ends up in the coffin and there’s flames at his feet. And then, uh, suddenly he burst back out of the elevator and he’s back in front of. Elliot, but this is that moment. This is that moment when Scrooge wakes up and he’s a completely changed, man, he starts dancing around. So he kind of grabs Elliot and

Craig: they’re there like almost literally dancing

Todd: around and, uh, it’s just completely flabbergasted by the whole thing.

And he offers him a high level executive position and all this

Craig: stuff office

Todd: he’s like, dude, you want an office up here? And he’s going to like, Oh no, actually

Craig: I don’t like your office. Kisses him on the mouth. It’s hilarious.

Todd: And then, I mean, and then the rest of it, this is, this is the screen huge thing, you know, he runs out and into the production and interrupts the production of the show, right.

At the point where. Oh buddy Hackett, as you know, Bunnings are screwed, just flipping a coin down to the boy to get him the Christmas goose or whatever, though. The end of this movie is, is another thing that gets criticized, I think a little bit, or at least was at the time, especially by Roger Ebert.

Craig: It’s kinda long is I was so surprised when, because I love it.

I love this last monologue, but I was surprised when I looked at the timestamp that there was like, 10 or more minutes left. It goes on for a while. I really like it. I mean, it’s his redemptive moment he’s changed and he talks about it and it’s Christmasy and it’s a wonderful message that I think everybody needs to hear.

Of course we’re not all scrooges, but we can all be more appreciative of. The things that we have in our life, we could all be nicer. We could all be more patient. And that’s what he talks about. Through this whole thing, bill Murray, I I’m just impressed with them. Yeah. He comes across as really genuine in this moment to the point of getting choked up and teary and I believe it.

It’s great.

Todd: Yeah. And it’s random and it kind of has a build and, and I guess. There was a whole thing written out for him that he totally ignored, uh, and just went off on his own, running around and doing random things. And then, you know, when he’s kind of done with this speech or whatever, they start seeing the song put a little love in your heart.

Everybody just chimes in and sinks. It’s a little corny. I mean, but this is, you know, it’s a Christmas movie. They tend to be corny like this.

Craig: It’s true. It is a little corny, but I don’t care. I love it. But no, I can’t. Let this go. We’re only going to ever get to talk about this movie one time. And some of the things from this monologue, he talks about, you know, a live show on Christmas Eve, what kind of asshole?

Would make people do that. And one of the crew members is like, you asshole.

Todd: Fair

Craig: enough. And then he, he shows the picture that his brother gave him. His brother and family are watching live on TV. Look, I got a great brother looking at this here. My brother, James look up cutie was back then.

look at me with the. The ears is the taxi driving down the street with the doors open and got my hair growing. Huh? Yeah, I got this for Christmas today from him. I gave him a towel.

Todd: The

Craig: VCR is from grace. James. It’s cool. Copying up to his bad ways.

Todd: He’s admitting that.

Craig: And then there’s a bunch of silly stuff.

Like, I don’t know, he takes a baby from one of the cast members and pretends to drop it. And it’s just a prop baby. And there’s a mistletoe gag with one of the. Solid gold dancers. He kisses one of the solid gold dancers. Meanwhile, Elliot’s in the control booth, like shooting it up. And, um, Richard Donner is an extra in that scene and he ends it after he kisses the solid gold dancer, he says, Oh, that was a good kiss.

It was really good, but it wasn’t. Great. There’s really only been one. Great. And he calls out to Claire and basically begs her for one last chance. And so she is watching two from her, uh, charity place. So she runs out to catch a cab and it’s. The ghost cab driver. And she says, can you get me to this building, whatever in three minutes.

And he’s like, which floor?

So then everybody in the studios that singing Christmas carols, it’s really fun and sentimental and nice. And he has this monologue. I’m not crazy. It’s Christmas Eve. It’s it’s the one night of the year when we all at the little nicer week. We, we smile a little easier. We, we, we, we share a little more for a couple of hours out of the whole year.

We are the people that we always hoped we would be. It’s a miracle. It’s really a sort of a miracle because it happens every Christmas Eve. And if you waste that miracle, you’re going to burn for it. I know what I’m talking about. At the end of his monologue, Calvin Grace’s son tugs on his coat and he picks him up and says, You know, did you have something to say little man or something like that?

And Calvin says, God bless us, everyone. And you know, the kid has been used, so it’s a big deal. And his mom Alfre, Woodard is overjoyed and comes and grabs him. And then Claire shows up and they embrace. And, uh, it’s just so sweet. And then what you said. Uh, the, the piano starts playing and Alfre, Woodard leads.

You know, everybody’s singing a little love in your heart, which is a great song anyway. And, uh, you see everybody. All over the city or nation. I don’t know, singing and coming together. Bill Murray, you know, friends over the head, topic theater odd, it’s like telling different sections to sing and calling them out.

That’s where it ends. And for a silly horror comedy, this is, uh, one of the most heartwarming. Christmas movies. I just, ah, I can’t say enough. I just love it. It’s one of my favorite movies period. The end.

Todd: Thank you for listening to another episode of two guys.

Craig: I know, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I knew it. I knew that I would talk and talk and talk, uh, but I don’t regret it. I I’ve wanted to talk about the movie for a long time and we’re only going to get to do it one time. And I had to say what I wanted to say, and I got through it. Barely without crying.

Todd: Oh my gosh.

I’m so glad we finally got this out of the way.

No, you know, I love this movie too. It’s fantastic. It’s stood the test of time. I really feel like it has. And uh, and we always fire it up at least once a year. It it’s I w I can’t say anything more than what you said, Craig. Uh, I w I highly recommend if you haven’t seen this movie yet, or you haven’t seen it in a long time.

Uh, it’s just what you need right now. And Merry Christmas to everyone.

Craig: Merry Christmas.

Todd: Thank you for being listeners all through the year. We’ve got a lot more coming. No, COVID is going to keep us down. That’s right. And if you enjoyed this podcast, please share it with a friend and you can find us online as you well know.

And we’ll go to two guys. I read 40 net.com. Leave us a message. Good. Where YouTube channel, subscribe to us there and leave us a message there as well until next time. I’m Todd

Craig: and I’m Craig

Todd: with two guys and a chainsaw.

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 December 23, 2020  1h11m