
Buzzcast is a roundtable discussion about podcasting from the people at Buzzsprout. We'll cover current events and news, podcast strategy, tools we are using, and dip into the Customer Support mailbag to test our podcasting knowledge. If you want to stay up-to-date on what's working in podcasting, Buzzcast is the show for you.


The Life-Changing Power of Podcasts with Elsie Escobar

Elsie Escobar shares what it was like being a podcaster before it was "cool," how to capitalize on having your podcast featured or promoted, and the unique struggles facing female podcasters.

Listen to Elsie's show, "She Podcasts," and join the She Podcasts FB Group.

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• Tweet us at @buzzcastpodcast, @albanbrooke, @kfinn, and @JordanPods
• Send a "boostagram" through Fountain or Castamatic
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Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!

fyyd: Podcast Search Engine

 August 6, 2021  1h19m