SBS Maltese - SBS bil-Malti

Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Maltese-speaking Australians. - Aħbarijiet u stejjer indipendenti li jikkonnettjawk mal-ħajja fl-Awstralja u tal-Maltin Awstraljani.

Eine durchschnittliche Folge dieses Podcasts dauert 9m. Bisher sind 1551 Folge(n) erschienen. Dies ist ein täglich erscheinender Podcast.

Gesamtlänge aller Episoden: 13 days 11 hours 16 minutes


Mother’s Day High Tea at the Maltese Centre - Mother’s Day High Tea fiċ-Ċentru Malti ta’ Parkville

Joe Matina from the Executive of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria talks about the Mother’s Day High Tea at the Maltese Centre in Parkville to celebrate Mother’s Day, on Sunday 5th May. - Joe Matina mill-Esekuttiv tal-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria jitkellem dwar il-Mother’s Day High Tea li qegħdin jorganizzaw fiċ-Ċentru Malti ta’ Parkville nhar il-Ħadd, 5 ta' Mejju biex jiċċelebraw Jum l-Omm.



Lawrence turned his life around after prison. Now he’s helping others start again - Opportunità ta’ bidla fil-ħajja, wara li Lawrence ħareg mill-ħabs

Getting a job after a stint in prison isn’t easy - just ask any of the ex-offenders hired by Fruit2Work. The innovative project delivers fruit, milk and pantry items to businesses in two Australian states, and aims to go national. But this project is about a lot more than delivering food. - Li ssib xogħol wara li tkun għamilt żmien il-habs mhix ħaġa faċli...



Exploring the vast continent of Australia | Victor Vella - Il-kobor u l-ispazji tal-kontinent Awstraljan | Victor Vella

From its stunning landscapes, beaches, bush and unique wildlife, Australia's charm knows no bounds. And, coming from a small island like Malta, there is always new experiences to discover as you travel around Australia. - Mid-dehriet tal-kampanja, għall-bajjiet sbieħ, sal-buxx b’siġar bla tmiem u t-toroq twal, is-sabiħ tal-Awstralja, jinbidel mal-istaġuni. Dejjem hemm x’tiskopri u tesperjenza affarijiet ġodda waqt li tkun qed tivvjaġġja fl-Awstralja...



SBS Radio | News from Malta: 30.04.2024 - Aħbarijiet minn Malta: 30.04.24

News report from Malta by SBS Radio correspondent, Leonard Callus. - Bullettin ta' aħbarijiet minn Malta mill-korrispondent tal-SBS, Leonard Callus.



Night-blooming flowers | Doris Meilak - Fjuri u pjanti ta’ billejl | Doris Meilak

Doris Meilak titkellem dwar pjanti u fjuri li jkunu fl-aqwa tagħhom għad-dawl ta' qamar bil-lejl u li jfewħu l-ġonna tagħna.



SBS Radio | Maltese News: 30.04.2024 - SBS Radio | Aħbarijiet bil-Malti: 30.04.24

SBS Radio Maltese News: 30.04.2024. The latest news from Australia and the rest of the world. - SBS Radio | Aħbarijiet bil-Malti: 30.04.2024 minn Joe Axiaq. L-aħħar aħbarijiet mill-Awstralja u l-kumplament tad-dinja.



The Maltese Community taking part in The International Youth event 'Travel the World in a Day’ - Il-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria se jieħu sehem fl-avveniment taż-żgħażagħ ‘Travel the World in a Day

Joseph Matina from the Executive of the MCCV speaks with Joe Axiaq about The International Youth event 'Travel the World in a Day' and encourages all Maltese people and Maltese language students to attend this special event. - Is-Sur Joe Matina, mill-Esekuttiv tal-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria, jitkellem ma’ Joe Axiaq dwar l-avveniment ‘Travel the World in a Day’ waqt li jħeġġeġ lill-Maltin u l-istudenti tal-Malti jattendu għal ġurnata ta' attivitajiet internazzjonali, inkluża l-kultura Maltija.



News from Malta: 26.04.24 - Aħbarijiet minn Malta: 26.04.24

Bullettin ta' aħbarijiet minn Malta mill-korrispondent tal-SBS, Leonard Callus.



SBS Radio | Maltese News: 26.04.2024 - SBS Radio | Aħbarijiet bil-Malti: 26.04.24

SBS Radio Maltese News: 26.04.2024. The latest news from Australia and the rest of the world. - SBS Radio | Aħbarijiet bil-Malti: 26.04.2024 minn Joe Axiaq. L-aħħar aħbarijiet mill-Awstralja u l-kumplament tad-dinja.



Understanding the profound connections First Nations have with the land - L-għarfien tar-rabtiet profondi tal-Ewwel Nazzjonijiet mal-art

The land holds a profound spiritual significance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, intricately intertwined with their identity, belonging, and way of life. - L-art għandha sinifikat spiritwali profond għall-popli Aboriġini u Torres Strait Islander. Hija marbuta ħaġa waħda mal-identità tagħhom, sens ta’ appartenenza u l-mod tal-ħajja tagħhom.

