Business Confidential Now with Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

★ PRACTICAL ★ TIMELESS ★ NO NONSENSE ★ Discover the business issues hiding in plain view that matter to your bottom line. Created for smart business owners, executives, managers, and entrepreneurs who want to increase their business leadership effectiveness and side-step the School of Hard Knocks. Each Thursday you’ll hear top-line insights, tools and straight talk from experts, authors and change makers who share their secrets for more success on a wide range of business topics. These are the trusted advisors, the ones Big Business pay big bucks for, who are quietly igniting change behind closed doors and transforming businesses around world. And now, you can join those conversations too by simply tuning in. It’s easy. Our topics vary from week to week because business is multi-faceted and the higher you climb in your organization the more information you need to effectively lead your company and keep all of its moving parts aligned and moving forward. We talk about everything from leadership and people management, to sales, marketing, and finance, corporate governance and risk management. Why? Because business has lots of nooks and crannies...


episode 21: What Every Smart Manager Needs to Know About Ethical Leadership with Rick Swegan

Ethical Leadership

Ethical leadership is about much more than not breaking the law.

What does it mean for your career in the future of your business? Why does it matter if you can still be law abiding?

Those are a few of the things we’ll be exploring with Rick Swegan, coauthor of the new book, The Practice of Ethical Leadership: Insights from Psychology and Business in Building an Ethical Bottom Line...



episode 22: Expert Lead Generation Tips to Help You Maximize Results and Minimize Cost with Josh Ramsey


Who wouldn’t benefit from expert lead generation tips, especially if they’re designed to help you maximize results and minimize costs, right?

That’s why I’m so excited to welcome Josh Ramsey today...

