Conservation Chat

Conservation Chat, hosted by anthropologist Jacqueline Comito, is a podcast series that explores the relationship between conservation, soil, water, agriculture, and the people of Iowa. This is accomplished through thoughtful interviews with farmers and rural and urban residents about conservation and water quality in the state. Comito is the Director of Iowa Learning Farms, an Iowa State University Extension and Outreach program that has been building a culture of conservation statewide for over ten years.


CC 02: Southern Iowa Farmer Steve McGrew Discusses Cover Crops

In this podcast, I chat with farmer Steve McGrew about using cover crops to help meet the goals in Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy. McGrew gives thoughtful insight into farmer decision making in regards to conservation and crop production.


 February 4, 2015  17m

CC 01: Iowa's Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey

In this podcast, I chat with Secretary Northey about water quality in Iowa and Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy.


 February 3, 2015  38m