MODIFYING AREA is a place to explore progressive, alternative projects in the arts, culture, and politics. It is a combination of just listening, questioning, and learning more about our current state. We’re all coming from different backgrounds, are different socialized, and are in different stages of our lives. It is easy to make mistakes, misunderstand each other, stuck in our minds. But we can also learn from each other and grow together as a bigger community.


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episode 4: Episode 4: Shapeshifting (Nas Tea)

Willkommen zurück aus der Sommerpause! Dieses Mal mit Performer*in, Videokünstler*in und DJ Nas Tea aus Hamburg! Es geht darum die richtige Form zu finden, die Form für sich, in der eigenen Praxis, in der eigenen Identität – im System, mit dem System – gegen/ohne das System, aber zusammen, nicht allein. 



Youtube: https://www...


 October 14, 2020  32m

episode 3: Episode 3: MISSION LIFELINE (Axel Steier)

Die 3. und letzte Folge für diesen Sommer beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Seenotrettung. Dafür habe ich mit Axel Steier, Mitgründer des Vereins MISSION LIFELINE über die aktuelle Lage an den EU-Außengrenzen inmitten von COVID-19 gesprochen und wie es möglich ist aktiv zu helfen.

Links zur Unterstützung:



 July 6, 2020  12m

episode 2: Episode 2: Built to Scale (Emily Barker)

Today's guest is Emily Barker artist and activist from LA. 

Emily will talk about their first Solo exhibition "Built to Scale" at Murmurs Gallery in LA that deals with the topic of the inaccessibility of architecture for disabled people. We will also touch the topic of how able-bodied people can be better allies and also need to be to make life more accessible for everyone...


 May 25, 2020  30m

episode 1: Episode 1: Künstler Künstlerin (Alexander Norton)

First Episode of modifying area with Alexander Norton the founder of the platform Künstler Künstlerin. 

She is an artist, comedian, and writer herself. Together we speak about art in times of COVID-19, the Fast and the Furious, the meaning of names, and touch the topic of the current protests and situation in Germany, England and the US. 

Links to Alexander Norton's work and projects:  

Website: alexlovesworking...


 May 18, 2020  36m
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