Release Notes

Release Notes is a weekly podcast about building online businesses and financial freedom. We discuss inspiration, design, marketing, promotion, business, trends, and tools – everything but the code. Each week, we cover topics for the new or curious independent developer looking to launch or grow online business. Whether your business is SaaS, desktop software, mobile apps, consulting, or a productized service, here you’ll find tips for success as well as warnings about the pitfalls we’ve encountered along the way. The show is hosted by Charles Perry, owner of RelaNet, and Joe Cieplinski, Creative Director of Bombing Brain Interactive.


#2: Going Indie

In this episode, we share our own stories of going indie and consider whether it’s better to gradually transition to indie development or to just jump in head first. We talk about the importance of saving money while you can,


 May 27, 2013  37m

#1: Conference Junkies

In this, our pilot episode, Charles and Joe discuss the importance of conferences to your business and to the Apple developer community in general. We answer the question of whether you should attend a conference (spoiler: Yes, you should!),


 May 17, 2013  33m