Star Trek Stories

A podcast where we hang out with friends, watch episodes from across the Star Trek franchise, and chat about them! This is a show for both newcomers and long-time fans alike, as part of we what do here is explore perspectives on Star Trek and storytelling in general. We're currently watching through a curated 100 episode list titled "Venturing Through The Universe." In this list, we're exploring how the Star Trek franchise has grown and changed over the decades, beginning with its origins in 1964 and seeing where it ends up in the modern day. We'll go on adventures with Mister Spock, listen to Patrick Stewart wax philosophically about humanity, and see how high Captain Pike's towering pompadour can get. Covering the good, the bad, and the ugly, we'll get a look at just about everything Star Trek has to offer. So grab your headphones, cue up an episode, and get lost in a silly little Star Trek story with us. Make it so! Do you like what we have to say? Do you vehemently disagree with our steaming, hot takes? Then share your own perspectives with us over on Discord at Hosted by Jaron Hatch and Aaron Cole.


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episode 1: Nerd Movies I: Star Wars

On tonight's episode of Star Wars Stories... wait, what? Star Wars? How the hell did that get in here?? Well I suppose we should address the elephant in the room. Much like how Star Trek is a thing, Star Wars is also a thing. Or so I'm told. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not an expert. So let's a get a die-hard, a casual, and a newbie to help us figure out what's so special about Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.

Episode discussion starts at 29:04...


 March 20, 2023  1h48m

episode 2: Nerd Movies II - The Batman

We are the night. We are vengeance. We are... taking a break from Star Trek episodes, as we are wont to do from time to time. For our much deserved vacation from the rigors of Starfleet, we are visiting scenic Gotham City. Amidst the grimy and oppressive architecture, we can spot numerous creatures in their native habitat: bats, cats, penguins, and... riddlers. Join as we brave the urban wilds of 2022's The Batman.

Episode discussion starts at 34:40...


 June 19, 2023  2h13m

episode 4: Nerd Movies IV - Mad Max: Fury Road

Oh, what a lovely day. It's time for bullets. It's time for guzzoline. It's time for war boys. It's time for Max. So witness! WITNESS!! Witness as we take the drive to the chrome lined gates of Valhalla in 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road.

Episode discussion starts at 33:23.

Hosted by Jaron Hatch, Aaron Cole, Aren Hatch, Rachel Murtagh, & Kait Wright.

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 February 12, 2024  1h54m
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