The Bubbly Bibi

Welcome to The Bubbly bibi's corner, a podcast dedicated to boosting up your self-confidence and making you feel better about yourself! Here in my podcasts, I'll share with you some of the coolest secrets on how to love to feel more confident in your skin and unleash your personal power! I'll also share some of my personal experiences, struggles and tips! So wherever you are, whether you're in your car, on the treadmill or cycle, I hope you genuinely enjoy the show and that at the end of each episode, you'll be a little bit kinder to yourself! ❤️ Podcast by Nazia Keenoo ????


episode 21: 50. You Don't Have to Be a Productivity Superstar (Daily Special)

The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty. On the days when you have free time, when you have hours upon hours to get shit done, you might feel extra pressure to be productive. You might feel like you need to cross everything off your to-do list. You might feel like if you don’t do the laundry and exercise and walk the dog and cook a healthy meal, then you’re a failure...


 December 1, 2022  6m