Intelligence Squared

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Bellingcat Founder Eliot Higgins on Navalny, Syria and Skripal

In this week's episode Eliot Higgins, founder of Bellingcat, tells the dramatic story of how he went from college dropout to pioneering a new category of reporting that has cracked some of the biggest cases in the world. Drawing from his new book We Are Bellingcat, Higgins reveals the tools his investigators use, from software that helps pinpoint the location of an image, to an app that can nail down the time a photo was taken. He discussed Bellingcat’s investigations into the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons, and the recent poisoning of Russian politician Alexei Navalny. The event will be hosted by Manveen Rana, senior investigative journalist at The Times and Sunday Times. To buy Eliot and Bellingcat's new book click here: To sign up for our live online event with KATE WINSLET on February 10 click here:

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 February 5, 2021  1h1m