Intelligence Squared

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No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram, with Sarah Frier and Linda Yueh

In 2010, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger released a photo-sharing app called Instagram, with one simple but irresistible feature: it would make anything you captured look more beautiful. The cofounders cultivated a community of photographers and artisans around the app, and it quickly went mainstream. In less than two years, it caught Facebook's attention: Mark Zuckerberg bought the company for a historic $1 billion when Instagram had only thirteen employees.  In this week's episode Sarah Frier author of the new book 'No Filter' speaks to Linda Yueh about the inside story of the company, how it's shaping our culture and the future of the company under the ownership of Facebook. The episode was hosted by economist and broadcaster Linda Yueh. Subscribe to Intelligence Squared Business here:

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 February 16, 2021  45m