Let's Talk Wellness Now

A podcast on health, wellness and education by Dr. Debra Muth - the owner of Serenity Health Care Center outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Phoenix Factor, the premier women's health protocol for high-performing female executives. Please visit letstalkwellnessnow.com for more information!



episode 119: Episode 119: Life Without Sugar with Danielle Daem

Danielle Daem and Dr. Deb explore what life can be without sugar. Don’t know if you have a sugar addiction? Danielle shares what to look for to identify the addiction and her unique approach to helping to kick the sugar habit. 

Do not miss these highlights:

[4:43] Sugar addiction is worse than a heroin addiction

[9:55] The relationship between what we’re eating and our future

[14:13] Sugar is attached to every single emotion

[17:00] People are being sick because of their emotions and it goes into a deeper cellular level

[20:13] Some of the signs that you’re having a problem with sugar addiction

[23:25] Ways to get started kicking the sugar habit

[27:40] We don’t look at sugar as a toxic chemical but it is one of the number one toxic chemicals that we have around us every single day

[33:13] You can get all the sugar fuel you need from whole real foods

[33:56] Benefits people can expect once they start breaking up with sugar

[43:35] It’s not about beating yourself up. You’ve got to shift into love, honor, trust and support your body

[45:14] Enforced the importance of the right community, where you can actually feel safe and not judged and shamed

[47:12] We need to empower ourselves to stand on our own, be confident about our choices and set healthy boundaries.

[51:23] Choose your freedom and not let that addiction have the power over you

Resources Mentioned

Get your free 3 part video series from Dani Daem at https://coach.danielledaem.com/stresseating

For the best in Gluten-Free Flour and Gluten Support Supplements, visit https://gf-naturals.com/ 

About our Guest:

Danielle Daem is a Sugar Freedom Coach & Speaker who is passionate about helping women reshape their relationship with sugar so they can reclaim control over their health and energy once and for all!

Having struggled with sugar addiction herself, she knows exactly how difficult and overwhelming the journey can be. Using her extensive knowledge in nutrition, personal experience, and coaching, Dani helps her clients discover a new way of living in which sugar cravings and guilt no longer controls their health and life.

Danielle is also the co-host of the Quit Sugar Summit, an annual online event bringing the most up to date research and information in the world of nutrition and sugar addiction.

You can find Dani at: 





Transcription for Epsiode #119:

LTWN Intro 0:02
Welcome to Let’s Talk Wellness Now, I’m your host, Dr. Deb. This is where we talk about everything wellness, and learn to defy aging and live our lives on our own terms.

Debra Muth 0:16
Hey everyone, this is Dr. Deb and I am with my guest today Danielle, who is a author, keynote speaker podcaster and a sugar freedom coach and speaker. Yes, we are going to talk about that all addicting conversation today, which is sugar. You know, the sugar addiction is so incredible in this country. They say it is more powerful than heroin, which we all know to be true that if you’ve ever tried to stop eating sugar, you know exactly what I’m talking about. So, Danielle is, like I said a sugar freedom coach and speaker who’s passionate about helping women reshape their relationship with sugar, so they can reclaim control over their health and energy once for all. Having struggled with a sugar addiction herself. She knows exactly how difficult and overwhelming this journey can be. using her extensive knowledge in nutrition, personal experience and coaching. Danny helps her clients discover a new way of living in which sugar cravings and guilt no longer controls their life or their health. Danny is the co host of the quit sugar summit, an annual online event bringing the most up to date research and information to the world of nutrition and sugar addiction.

Debra Muth 1:45
I personally can’t wait to have this conversation with Dani. I am a sugar addict myself have been my entire life and every day struggle to keep sugar out of my diet and some days I’m successful and some days, I am totally not successful. For people who know me you know I love to bake I love to cook. I’ve created GF Naturals and and I’m always baking recipes to share that product line. But I am looking for new ways to make those old fashioned products that I love so much healthier version these days using monk fruit using applesauce using other alternatives to sweeteners and sugars that are healthier options for us. So let’s get started chatting here with Danny so she can show us exactly what we need to stay sugar free. And before we do that we’re going to hear from one of our sponsors.

Gluten Free Ad 2:51
Let’s talk Wellness Now has been sponsored by gf naturals, gluten free baking just got a whole lot easier. Whether it’s for you or a loved one. Avoiding gluten in baked goods can be a real challenge. But it’s so important for those with celiac disease, or another health concern affected by gluten. Of course, we were all grateful when some creative chef and chemists figured out clever ways to substitute regular wheat flours with other ingredients. But often it came with careful measurements, uneven substitutions and complicated calculations at gf naturals. We’ve uncomplicated the whole matter. You can use our gluten free baking mix in the exact same quantities as other flowers for all your delicious baking recipes. No confusing math, no scientific blending, simple swap it out. And in the identical measurement. It’s so easy. Enjoy your time in the kitchen, making scrumptious goodies for all the season. Using gf naturals, one for one flour, and have fun baking again.

Debra Muth 4:06
Welcome back, everybody. This is Dr. Deb and I am with Danielle Daem today. And we are talking about freedom from sugar addiction. And this is such a great topic. I’m so excited because I am one of those sugar addicts myself. And every day I say not today, right and making healthier versions of things and still get your sweet treat or your Fix without having all the negative things of sugar. So Danielle, welcome to the show.

Danielle Daem 4:36
Thank you so much, Deb. I’m so excited to be here and talk about this really important topic. Obviously, such an important topic.

Danielle Daem 4:43
I mean, so many people don’t understand that sugar addiction is worse than a heroin addiction in the fact that getting off of it is much more difficult than getting off of heroin in part because it’s everywhere, right? We can’t get away from it and just the addiction that it has on us. Because it’s a legal substance. So this is a big subject that we need to be talking about. How did you get involved in the sugar freedom?

Danielle Daem 5:10
Yeah, what a great question. And obviously a great place to start. And I’ll try to keep it short. Because obviously, I have my own journey with sugar. And you know, in hindsight, you know, being perfect now that I can look back at my childhood and understand what was going on. You know, I’ve been addicted to sugar my whole life, and my mom still is, you know, it was all part of my family. And I think so many people can relate with that when we think of childhood, you know, it’s the dessert after after dinner every night. And every time we did something good, we would get, you know, we would get rewarded with the treats, right candy, or I fell down and hurt myself, I would also get rewarded with ice cream or candy. And I actually have a side note, but a funny, funny note, I have very vivid memories of sneaking into the kitchen, when my parents were like outside doing yard work or something. And I would be stealing my dad sugar cubes, like he had them in his coffee, and they were on the counter. And I remember I used to, like, load my pockets with cubes, and then go to my bedroom and just eat them. And, you know, let alone I was a picky eater growing up. So you know, I only wanted to eat pasta and cheese, and just white bread and all the things. So, you know, that definitely fed my sugar addiction at a young age. And you know, combined with obviously, society. And you know, from there, I kind of, you know, went on my own journey that just unfolded and I wasn’t aware of it, of course, you know, I went off to university and thought I was eating healthy and looking after myself, you know, I’d go to the gym, but then on weekends, I would come home and eat pizza and pastime. You know, we go for ice cream every weekend or a couple times a week, you know, I’m you know, not thinking much of it because I was still young. And obviously, my metabolism was still going strong, but wasn’t really an issue at the time. And I didn’t know any better. Like, I think most of us don’t. And, for me, things really started to turn actually, when I started, you know, I went out in the workforce, and I was actually working at a job that to be brutally honest with all of you was sucking my soul. And you know, it was a really miserable office job. I was in the finance industry of all things. And it was a really toxic environment in many ways. And I’m grateful for that experience. And you know, in the two years that I kind of worked in that industry. Looking back, I can see what I was doing now is I was using sugar to numb out you know, I’m come home miserable every evening, just totally misaligned with life and happiness. And I would grab a bottle of wine and you know, a bunch of candy or pizza or pasta, and I would go and have a bath and I would just numb out Netflix wine and sugar. Like the trifecta of numbing out. Right? Yeah. This went on. I think a lot of people can relate to that. Right?

Debra Muth 7:39
Especially over the last year, right? Yes,

Danielle Daem 7:42
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And you know, a lot of us well 99% of us don’t ever get the tools you know, growing up to understand what’s really going on and then actually shift you know, our patterns about how we actually nourish and nurture ourselves during you know, things like a pandemic. So, yeah, to sum up, so from there, you know, I kind of luckily my husband and I knew enough and we quit our jobs and we actually went traveling in South America for a year and that’s where things really started to change. You know, I started kind of just having not only that I start connecting with the my spirituality, but I really started seeing how people related to food in a different way really living off the earth and and really beautiful kind of relationship with food and nourishing themselves. And I started just really feeling this passion for nutrition and learning about for myself, you know, how to nourish my body and the things that I was eating that I thought were healthy, that weren’t actually healthy and what they were doing to my body and these things. So coming home from that year long trip actually two weeks before we came home is when I went through my what I call accidental sugar detox. We were living you know, just like backpacker travelers eating all the junk for you know, a year I’ll just just shy of a year and it was really starting to catch up and we were living in a place where we were completely disconnected from the world and living off the land at a at a yoga center in Colombia. And that’s where I in hindsight, I know that that’s what happened. You know, I kind of went through a two week sugar detox and a week later we came home and I just noticed such a contrast in my tastebuds and my cravings for sweets and normally you know, I’d crave red or I would crave some ice cream I would crave all these all these sweet things and I wasn’t anymore and when I did try to have something sweet like a Starbucks that was my that was my go to the first thing I had when we touchdown Canadian soil after after a year away it was to get a Starbucks caramel frappuccino and I remember not being able to drink it, I remember drinking it and going Whoa, this is disgusting because my taste buds have changed. So that was really eye opening and it just led me you know, from there down this, you know, path of studying nutrition and learning about myself and my body and what felt good and what didn’t. And really understanding that whoa sugar actually has control over my health and The moment but also over my future. So big piece of my why. And what I do is, you know, the, the relationship between what I’m eating, and I know that I’m preaching to the choir here and everybody listening, right, the relationship between what we’re eating and our future, and, you know, our future possibility of developing disease, and my genetic lineage is riddled with all of it, all of the chronic diseases, my grandparents both, you know, passed away from cancer, and they had heart disease, and, you know, obesity and high blood pressure and all the things, you know, in both sides of my family, so I knew if I didn’t change something, and really pay attention to what was going on, that was gonna be my future as well. And, you know, I decided that that’s not okay with me, and I’m going to do something about it. So that led me on this path to really uncovering You know, my own root cause of addiction and healing through that, and then, and then wanting to help others do the same. So that’s what I do now is really helping women do the deeper work that’s, you know, really the foundational pieces of, of our unhealthy relationships with food. You know, it’s not just the physical, there’s a lot of under underlying pieces for a lot of us going on in the background. And that’s my passion now. So, five years later, that’s what I’m doing.

Debra Muth 11:13
That’s awesome. I love that story. And, you know, I think so many of us can relate to the fact that we know there’s a physical component to the sugar addiction or any addiction, right, whether it’s coffee, or caffeine, or Coke, or whatever it is, and coke, meaning Coca Cola, not cocaine. But oftentimes, we don’t recognize the emotional addiction, that’s with that. I mean, I know even for me, I’ve gone on and off sugar my whole life. And much like you the story was the same, you know, my mom always made cookies for us. And they were homemade. And she always used less sugar than the recipe called for. But every weekend, we had fresh cookies that were made. Granted, they were better than the store bought ones. But nonetheless, they were fresh cookies. And she still does this today, she’s 82 years old, and she still bakes cookies all the time for us. She never touches them herself, but she bakes them for us. And even though we say Mom, please don’t do that we don’t want that around, we don’t need that around, I’m having a hard time saying no to it, she has a hard time not doing that for us. And for me, I remember going away for the first time of being off sugar, and not having the fiscal component to it. And when I came back, I didn’t physically want it. But all of a sudden, I started realizing like I’m reaching for a chocolate in the middle of the day, just because I was stressed out like, I can’t handle this anymore, I need something. And if it’s just one little chocolate, not a big deal. But then I started recognizing, like, every time I felt super stressed like that, I was reaching for that chocolate to kind of soothe my emotional soul, not so much my physical soul. And that I think is just as much of a difficult, it’s probably harder to break that piece than it is to break the physical piece. Because when the physical part is gone, you don’t crave it physically, but now emotionally, your body’s looking for it. And what do you replace that with? If you haven’t learned What’s going on?

Danielle Daem 13:08
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And that’s incredible that you notice that difference. And I think that’s so big, and I want everybody listening to really take take that, you know, take a minute to let that sink in. Because this is what’s going on and one of the one of the big, quote unquote, problems that I have with the industry even even other people you know, you know around sugar addiction and around you know, is really this hyper focus on the detox this hyper focus on just getting out of your system, just rely on your willpower, you’ll be fine, you know, make it a year and then you’re good. And what happens like with any quote unquote, bad diet or diet is unless you heal the patches in your foundation, you’re gonna go right back into the old habits and patterns because it’s not just physical. And you touched on one of the biggest pieces that you know, I would love to dive more into is this emotional component. One of many of the kind of foundational pieces but I think one of the biggest one for most people, and like you’ve noticed with your mom and I think a lot of people really resonate with that is sugar is love. Sugar is love. And you know, until we can really start redefining our definition of love and how we show and receive love, you know, that’s gonna keep showing up right but even beyond that sugar is attached every single emotion. I love it when I when I give talks when I can get back to speaking on the stage. Um, you know, I always ask people like, Can anybody tell me a an emotion that’s not linked to you know, having a treat or having some sugar or something and I’ve got nothing. You know, if any, I challenge anyone here on the podcast, please send me a message, let me know. But I still haven’t found one, you know, for everything there is there’s this tie. And that’s kind of one side of the conversation around the emotional connection to sugar. The second side and actually the deeper side is that most of us have actually never Ever been taught to feel, and to be okay healing and to know that it’s safe to feel, I can’t tell you how many of my clients come to me with this deep rooted fear, to cry or to show emotion or to feel because they don’t feel safe at their root. Or they believe they’re weak for doing it, or all these beliefs that we’ve kind of created, you know, through societal, you know, conditioning and our parents. And, you know, we love our parents, they didn’t know what was going on. But this is really a huge, huge issue. And because we don’t know how to feel the heavy emotions, say we have some grief or a pandemic hits, and we’ve got fear and sadness and loneliness, and like some really, really heavy emotions. And when we don’t know how to feel those, because our whole life, we’ve been distracted with food, you know, whenever we cried, let’s go have an ice cream, we’ve been taught to just run away and escape, you know, essentially, the patterning in our brain is, this is uncomfortable, make it stop immediately. And the quickest way to do that, and the most socially acceptable, and cheapest way is sugar, right? Have some ice cream, you know, let alone the media teaching us to do this as well, right? I mean, What movie do you watch with a girl getting dumped from her boyfriend doesn’t eat a tub of ice cream, right? suddenly being thrown in our face to not feel your emotions and to numb out. So this is a big piece that I’m really passionate about. And a lot of the work that I do with my clients is around, you know, exploring how to actually feel and then how to process and move the energy of emotions in your body in a healthy way, you know, in a way that doesn’t involve food. And I think, you know, if anybody listening, if this is the one thing that you can focus on this year, you know, if you notice that you’re struggling with, you know, reaching for food, when you’re not actually hungry, and sugar, you know, focus on this one piece and sitting with your emotions and allowing yourself to feel the stress and know that it’s a part of the human existence, you know, it’s not, quote unquote, normal to just be happy all the time. I feel all the emotions every day, you know, it’s it’s not a it’s, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not bad. And it’s actually very important for your overall health.

Debra Muth 16:59
So, absolutely. You know, I want to add to that, because so many times in the world of medicine, what we find is people being sick because of their emotions, because they can’t process things because they stuff their emotions, it goes into a deeper cellular level for us. And that’s where we create a lot of pain, a lot of inflammation and a lot of disease. Even things like cancer and heart disease come from the fact that we haven’t processed our emotions. And I’ve seen it for 25 years with women, you know, being in a bad relationship, they, they can’t get out, or they feel they can’t get out. And they develop things like Fibromyalgia or autoimmune disease, or worse. And when they finally realize that this relationship they’re in is toxic, and they leave, all of a sudden, within a few months, their health is 100% turnaround. And maybe some of them still have symptoms, but not the symptoms that were so debilitating that they felt like they couldn’t leave their relationship. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives, that our emotions take over our bodies, and we’re looking for ways to escape. And food is a great way to escape. Some people use exercise, most of us use food, or alcohol or something else like that, but it’s a huge problem.

Danielle Daem 18:25
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And you know, I love hearing that you’re, you’re noticing that I mean, I don’t love hearing it, but it’s, you know, it’s right, we can’t ignore that this is actually happening on an energetic level, you know, we, we get so caught up in you know, what to eat and all the food pieces, exercise and food, right thinking those are the only important components to, you know, overall health, but you know, where, as I’m sure everybody listening already knows, right, really complex beings. And we’ll never really understand the human body, I don’t think at a deep level but the energetics of and I’ve I have, you know, similar stories and people in my life who have even you know, you know, quit jobs, and all of a sudden got pregnant after five years, right of trying or, you know, things, you know, where we can, you know, take the stress off, but also also actually process, you know, things that maybe happened in childhood. I mean, this goes down a rabbit hole of trauma, which I’m not an expert in, but I know that that plays a huge role, obviously, and in emotions as energy just getting sucked up and stored in ourselves. And I mean, could you imagine if our if our livers didn’t detox every night, right, like if we didn’t actually have that process, and it just kept collecting and collecting and collecting, which is one of the things that you know, actually is happening with sugar in the liver, for for many people who are overdosing every day on sugar. It’s just getting collected and collected and collected in the liver, right? And it’s just the liver can’t keep up. But at an emotional level as well, like, it just it just gets stagnant in ourselves. And it’s no surprise that it leads to disease, you know, when we’ve got this collecting in our body.

Debra Muth 19:50
Absolutely. And that is such an important point. Because if we don’t pay attention and don’t recognize that the organs that we’ve been given to detox are important to take care of, we’re going to be continuing to be more toxic beings not only physically, but emotionally as well. And that creates its own problems for us.

Debra Muth 20:13
Danielle, tell us a little bit about what are some of the signs people can look for to know whether or not they’re having a problem with sugar addiction?

Danielle Daem 20:23
Ooh, yes. Great question. So, first of all, if you’re listening to this, and you’re feeling some sort of connection,

Debra Muth 20:31
a little stressed,

Danielle Daem 20:33
still walking, listening to this podcast right now, that might be a sign that there’s something going on there. But, you know, there’s, there’s a couple things to kind of keep an eye out for you know, number one, and one of the biggest one is hiding, right, hiding your sugar hiding sneaking treats, you know, maybe you’ve got that secret drawer, my mom always did, you know, have that that little hidden stash, right? Being kind of ashamed or feeling guilty eating in front of other people. You know, that’s a really, really big sign. Another sign is, you know, if you’re noticing that you’re, you know, either reaching for food mindlessly, right? Like maybe you’re just wandering the kitchen, you know, in the middle of the day, just opening cupboards, you know, kind of haphazardly, not really noticing what’s going on. Or if you’re noticing, obviously, the physical cravings, right? If you notice a craving, especially after you eat, that’s really a big time or in the evening, right? If you can’t go and evening without having a snack, there’s probably something deeper going on there. Especially if you you know, unless you didn’t eat dinner, then that makes sense. But if you had a you had dinner, you should be okay. So that’s a big one. You know, if you’re noticing those habits creep up, like every time you go to the grocery store, you got to grab you know something at the checkout or you know, kind of you drive by a you know, McDonald’s or something and you’ve just got to go into the the drive thru. So if you’re noticing this really kind of mindless energetic poll, another thing, obviously, the physical symptoms, right, if, if you’re noticing, you know that you’ve got a really good energy crash in the middle of the day, I mean, that was my biggest and biggest one, right? Two o’clock. Time for bed. No, let’s just have a coffee and some more sugar. And I’ll get through the day. You know, if you’re, if you’re really noticing that energy crash, if you’re noticing brain fog, or even, you know, weight gain around the stomach, right, because the liver is where we’re sugar hits first and starts collecting. So that kind of that spare tire sort of thing. You know, also, if you’re noticing that, you know, you can’t sleep as well, like a lot of a lot of women or you know, if you’re in menopause or perimenopause, like having hot flashes and things like this. I mean, I know that, you know, sugar really, really does intertwine with hormones. Obviously, I know You talk a lot about that on the show. So you know, those are, you know, definitely a couple of things I would say like the fatigue and the afternoon energy crash are sort of the biggest one that a lot of people notice. And also, if you notice that you’re having to drag yourself out of bed in the morning, I mean, obviously, there’s a bigger conversation to sleep. But that could be one of the things going on, you know, around sleep, caffeine and sugar are kind of the biggest, you know, they definitely don’t help us sleep. Let’s just say that right or feel rested when we wake up. So yeah, there’s lots of kind of things to keep an eye, you know, keep an eye out for but you know, most of all, I think, I think most people even hearing me talk right now, if there’s anything that just intuitively is resonating with you, there may be more there for you to kind of dive into and start researching and thinking about.

Debra Muth 23:17
So if people are listening to us, and they’re like checking off the boxes as they’re listening to us, and they’re like, check, yep, got that check. What is a way that they can get started? And I know you have a really unique approach to kicking the sugar habit, which I know I would love for you to share with us too. But what are some ways that people can get started to say, Okay, I’ve got this problem. I’m recognizing this now. But I feel like it’s too big of an issue for me to tackle. Where do I start?

Danielle Daem 23:47
Yes, amazing. Great question. Great question. So there’s definitely some great baby steps. So first thing that comes to me right away is find a community of people who get it. There’s so many online I mean, I have a free Facebook group I you know, a lot of other people in the space that I’m friends with also, you know, there’s some amazing groups out there, on and off Facebook, you know, just surround yourself with that and start you know, watching some documentaries about sugar start kind of educating yourself. So that’s a really great place before even having to do anything. really a great place to start. Another great place to start is just starting to keep note write actually having a journal or keep note not tracking your food, but keeping keeping note even if how you’re feeling when you eat. This is a big one around the emotional connection. You know, if you’re noticing over time, wow, every time I stressed I eat right like you were noticing, and also starting to kind of draw those ties together and having a journal handy, you know at mealtime can be really helpful for that. Another thing to do is to track your sugar intake. This is like such an eye opening experience. Because once you start doing that, you’ll start to see how easy it is just at breakfast for most people to overdose on You know, the World Health Organization saying, I think it’s about three or four teaspoons a day, I think it’s about 25 grams for a healthy woman. And we can easily do that. And like one serving of yogurt and granola. So really, once you start tracking, and I can’t tell you pretty much 90% of my clients, when I have them do that, and they go, Well, I don’t need that much sugar. And as soon as they track for like, three days, it’s mind blowing. And that can just be not a tool to guilt yourself, or shame yourself just a tool to understand, whoa, okay, there’s something going on here that that maybe I can that I can change, and it’s really, really important. The energy or you know, around that this isn’t, this isn’t a shame game at all, this is, you know, empowering you to start making some shifts. So just tracking things, you know, kind of getting a baseline of where you’re at. Another really great step is just to label read, that’s actually where I started was like, I’m gonna just start being the investigator in the grocery store, you know, what’s in here, like, what’s in this sauce, or, you know, in this salsa, or this, you know, package of whatever, I’m just starting to understand where all the sugar is hidden. And it’s actually in, you know, 90% of the grocery store. Yeah, I’m sure you know that. Right?

Debra Muth 26:08
Well, and I think that’s a really good point to make is that, like you said, tracking your food isn’t a shame thing. But it’s for you to learn all those hidden sources of sugar. Of all the things that you never thought would contain sugar, like ketchup, or like yogurt yogurts, good for us, right? And we don’t realize how much sugar is in dairy products. And so all the things that we thought we were doing that were healthy, oftentimes are not as healthy as we thought. And it’s just a matter of educating yourself about those hidden sources so that you can make better choices for yourself and make a small shift that makes a huge impact for us.

Danielle Daem 26:45
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And it does add up over time, right, I think a lot of people get get caught up and, oh, I need to, you know, I need to go all in, right, I need to give up all the sugar right now. And there’s a lot of fears that come up around that, because sugar plays a role, much deeper role, as you know, we’ve started talking about, it’s our best friend, it’s our source of love, it’s our source of joy and connect, like it’s really deeply rooted into who we are and our identity. And so ripping that off can sometimes be really scary, especially if you haven’t started doing some of the deeper work first. So, you know, just starting to be aware, like I said, that just those few little things can make a big difference, just starting to build that awareness, which is hands down step one of what’s going on in your life, and also how it’s affecting your health, right. I mean, I don’t need to share that here. You can easily do a Google search and find out how toxic you know overdosing on sugar is for for long term health and short term for a lot of us. You know, the motivations there, for sure. So just starting starting small and easing into it.

Debra Muth 27:40
Yeah. You know, I think everyone thinks about sugar and thinking that it’s just a weight thing. And it’s such a bigger issue than that, you know, it’s dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, it’s the number one thing that causes cancer. Besides toxins, you know, I mean, there’s just so many things that sugar does, because we don’t look at sugar as a toxic chemical, but it is one of the number one toxic chemicals that we have around us every single day. And we don’t realize it, you know?

Danielle Daem 28:10
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And and I want to I want to share here to reminder for everybody listening, because one of the things that was really eye opening for me when I started this journey is understanding what actually is sugar. And obviously, you’ll find different definitions. Obviously, there’s a whole keto thing going on. And there’s people who take it to the extreme, there’s people who don’t I personally don’t take it to that extreme. You know, and there’s no right or wrong, okay, this is really important. But when I define sugar, it’s all the white processed flowers, right? All the way processed of the past of the white flour. Okay, that’s all immediate sugar. So your brand and all that. Obviously, on any added sugar, you know, if you’re reading a package, and it says sugars there, or or you know, how to decipher all the fancy names they have in the list of ingredients for sugar, but also all those natural sugars. And this is where I think a lot of people are getting tripped up. It’s like, Oh, I don’t eat sugar. I just eat honey. And I’m like, Wait a second. Do you know honey sugar, right? Yes. My that was my mother in law. She’s like, I don’t eat any sugar, just like a half a cup of honey in my tea in the morning. Wait a second, you’re getting a big hit of sugar in the morning. Maple syrup, agave actually one of the worst. And any of these organic coconut shirt, like they’re all sugar, and I think we really trick ourselves into it’s healthy sugar. And those two words shouldn’t really be in the same sentence. Sugar, sugar, so you know, I just want to call everybody out on that right now with lots of love. You know, as soon as we can start tricking ourselves, we can be more conscious with our decisions. And yes, we can choose to use I mean, I personally have local honey in my in my cupboard, like, if I’m gonna use sugar, I’ll use some honey. But it’s still sugar. And I know that when I’m having it right, so we can be more intentional about it, you know, in that way instead of kind of fooling ourselves.

Debra Muth 29:48
Right. And I think that’s one of the big mistakes that we make to start with is that we go from having the white refined stuff to a healthier version, which Okay, if you need a bridge, that’s a great bridge, right? But at some point, then we still have to get off our healthier versions, because all we’re doing is exchanging one for another. And what those sugars are doing is still increasing our shorter levels messing with our insulin and our other hormones like ghrelin and leptin, and things like that, which still cause weight gain and inflammation, and yada, yada, yada on and on, and we can go, yes, they are better options, but they still should be limited options, and not like what we have today. I mean, if we look back and talk about the sugar exposure we had in the 50s, compared to what we have now, it’s a wonder why our waist lines, you know, back then were an average of 24 to 28. And now, we’re way beyond that. It’s because we used that as a special treat, we didn’t use it as a daily multiple treat option. You know, we didn’t have a lot of those sugary cereals that kids were starting their day with, and sodas that were, you know, 50 ounces, multiple times a day, it’s I remember being a kid and soda was a treat that we had like once a month, and you got this little bitty back in the day, we got jelly jars, you know, and it was probably about a four ounce jelly jar. And that’s what we had as a serving a pop as a treat. And it was not this big, you know, thing that you did multiple times a day. And cake was like, you know, maybe we had that once a week or something like that as a treat. That’s what was common back in the 50s. But it’s just exploded today.

Danielle Daem 31:38
Yeah, and this is where I you know, I use the term overdosing on sugar, because that’s what we’re doing, you know, in, in essence, a healthy, you know, adult body can process sugar, you know, when it can use some of it as well. But the rate at which we’re consuming it, especially in all the hidden places, you know, just overdosing, our body cannot keep up and this is where all the problems are coming from, you know, you know, I’m willing to bet, you know, the, it sounds like the way you grew up, right, and what you were, your body would have been fine, your body can handle that, you know, right? Not the end of the world, your body can flesh it out, process it, you know, now it’s being mixed with all these chemicals. And you know, our liver is confused, you know, let alone all the other organs in our body. What is going on here, I don’t know how to deal with this. So I’m just going to collect it and store it for later and and let it bogged down and all these things so

Debra Muth 32:23
well. And in fact, to you know, 20 years ago, our exercise was different as kids, we walked everywhere we rode bicycles, or skateboard ID and we were busy all the time. So if you had added sugar, you were burning that off all the time. Now we’re having all these added sugars, and we’re playing video games and our bodies aren’t moving the same way. And so that makes a huge difference to when you when people are going to Are you listening to us? I’m sure saying that we need sugar for fuel? Well, yes, but our body will convert anything we eat to sugar for fuel. So it doesn’t have to be immediate sugar. But we don’t need it for the fuel for what we’re doing for activity. Most of us most of us are sitting more than we’re actually active. So we don’t really need all of that for fuel.

Danielle Daem 33:13
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And you can get all the sugar fuel you need from whole real foods. Right, right, from vegetables and fruit and you know, whole grains and whatever. I mean, depending on your diet preference, right? I mean, there’s all of this, you know, we there is no way I would like to challenge somebody to make an argument that we need chocolate and, you know, well or like milk chocolate or ice cream, or you know that we need that I would I would love to hear from them.

Debra Muth 33:40
Yeah, we definitely do not need that for fuel, we can do well without any of that kind of thing. So Dani, tell us about some of the benefits people can expect, once they start breaking up with sugar.

Danielle Daem 33:56
Wow, yes, oh, my goodness, the list the huge list, you know, some of the top ones and when you like, you know, obviously there’s the physical, you know, benefits and I’ll share those in a minute. But you know, I really strongly believe like, the, the benefits are more, you know, psychological and emotional. And when you do, and this is where my approach is really unique and different than, than a lot of what’s out there. And a lot of people actually come to me after going through a couple programs or working with some people, it’s just not working for them right and not sticking because this inner work piece is really ignored, you know, the emotional component, our traumas, our identity, our values, our beliefs, which totally dictate our whole world and how we show up about ourselves. So when we, when we go through that journey, and I actually just wrapped up a program, you know, listening to everybody off of that, you know, really on the inner world, you know, comes this sense of empowerment. And I think that’s what this really is all about, you know, really feeling empowered in your body, knowing what you know that you’re doing the right things for it, and also that you Have the coping mechanisms right? feeling empowered to handle you know, really difficult things that come up in life or really, you know, tough times or difficult decisions or changes, you know, that happen. So it’s really this, this sense of being grounded in yourself and, and being connected with yourself on a deeper level and learning to love yourself. I mean, these are some of the biggest pieces, I think for most people. There’s a void there, and that’s where we use food to fill that void. So when we, when we work through that and get rid of the sugar, I mean, your your whole internal state changes, right, your mindset changes, you’re, you know, you’re happier, you’re more willing to go after risks and not be afraid of failure and, you know, live the life of your dreams. So, you know, that’s big in itself. And then obviously, there’s the physical symptoms, so you know, better sleep, you know, less pain, you know, obviously, you talked about inflammation, I mean, sugar is one of the biggest contributors to, to inflammation. So, you know, a lot of people notice that pain going away from arthritis or injuries, you know, brain fog, lifting energy, that’s one of the biggest ones for most people is just having energy all day long. And, you know, not needing to snack between meals, no, hey, I’m actually satiated, I’m actually nourishing my body. And obviously, weight loss, you know, is in there and, and, you know, if you’re struggling with any sort of chronic diseases, I mean, seeing those numbers go down as well on a physical, physical aspect. So, lots, you know, clear skin, I mean, the list goes on, that are balanced hormones, you know, a lot of people, you know, struggling with PMS, you know, that starts to subside, I noticed that for myself, like, things are actually, I don’t have to be crazy that week before you know that. I’m actually looking after my body and my hormones in a different way. So

Debra Muth 36:43
yeah, that’s, yeah, really powerful. Even like anxiety and heart palpitations, we see a lot of those things subside, too, when people give up sugar, because it’s a stimulant, and that stimulant effects can create a lot of problems for us. So there are so many benefits. And what you’ll find is as you give up sugar, and that inflammation starts to decrease in your body, there’s less cellulite, there’s better weight control. And like you said, the most important thing for most of us as we’re aging is that cognitive function, we don’t want those ups and downs with the cognitive function where one minute, we’re fine, and then two o’clock hits, and we can’t think unless we get our fix, and then we’re good for an hour or two, and then we’re down again. And when you can be more consistent, you’ll be more productive throughout the day, instead of going in those ups and downs and ups and downs all the time.

Danielle Daem 37:35
Yeah. And that in itself, you know, just that piece is so life changing for people, you know, coming home at the end of the day, and actually having energy to cook and to hang out with your family and your kids, right, instead of just collapsing on the couch in this model of exhaustion. Right. You know, just think of what you can do with with all of that extra life. Right? And all those extra those pieces. I mean, that’s big, you know, that’s, that’s, you know, in itself.

Debra Muth 37:59
It’s a big, big difference. So, um, you have a summit coming up soon. Can we talk a little bit about what that summit is about?

Danielle Daem 38:09
Let’s do it. Yes, yeah, I did want to mention, I’m one of the Co- hosts, actually, the quit sugar summit, which is the biggest online event, gathering some of the top of the top experts, scientists and coaches and all sorts of different backgrounds, and specifically around the topic of sugar, sugar addiction, food addiction, nutrition, really focused obviously, around around sugar. And we’re just so blown away by the, you know, the feedback that we get and the lives that we change. You know, we ran one at the beginning of the year, and it was just incredible. So we’re gearing up to host another one in the fall. And I would love to obviously invite you all to join it’s free to join the summit. And like I said, we gather You know, I think the last one we had almost 60 speakers really really top of the top experts like Dr. Robert Lustig who’s one of the one of the kind of whistleblowers you know, that kind of shout it out to sugar all those years ago. So he’s he’s one of our one of our friends of the summit. And he speaks every year, but it’s such an incredible lineup. And if you’re resonating at all with this conversation, and obviously just want to learn and empower yourself with the knowledge and the tools, then you’re definitely going to want to check that out. So it’s quit sugar summit calm, and you can go and get your name on the list now so that you get all the all the updates to come and join. And one of the things that is really and Mike Collins is the co host are my the main host. And one of the things that we really do when we curate that summit is bringing in people from all different mentalities around sugar because there’s so many different you know, ideas about how to how to get through it and how to do it. So we really love kind of having a really beautiful variety of opinions or success stories or ways to go about it from different people, so that you as a listener can come and and really figure out what resonates with you, because like anything on Earth, there is not just one way, I mean, we are also beautifully unique. And we do really need to, you know, test things out and figure out what actually works for our body. And, you know, we love to kind of give you all of that inclusive information so that you can then empower yourself to decide what resonates with you and what doesn’t right, take it or leave it. But you know, we try not to be biased in that way. And just kind of bringing you that that information so that you can you can do what what’s right.

Debra Muth 40:28
I love that that is such a great tool to have, because you’re right, somebody is going to resonate with somebody, but not other people. And having bits and pieces and pearls that you can try. So if you’re not successful with one thing you can be successful with another is huge. And I’m so glad that you guys are offering that summit, and because people need to learn. And the more times we hear it, the more successful we will be. So even if you think you know everything there is about sugar, and you’ve got that sugar addiction down, Pat, you don’t have it in there, I would encourage you to listen to the summit, because you’re going to pull away some good pearls that can just take your body to that next level, even if you think you’ve got it all down. Even just looking at the hidden sugar sources that we put on our body that we don’t think of, you know, that’s another big tool that we don’t talk about that often. But we take in that sugar from our topical things that we apply there as well. And, and that’s a good thing to start looking at. from all different aspects too. So, absolutely doing that. Yeah, absolutely.

Danielle Daem 41:33
Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, we I hope to see everybody there. I mean, it’s such a labor of love, you know, it’s incredible. We have people who come year after year, and, you know, it takes them a couple years of listening to the summit before being finally ready to do something right or make a change. And that’s okay. You know, it’s every year, it’s different. And, you know, we soak in information at a different way, and we do with something. So, so big, you know, is making a change and, you know, breaking free from sugar, this shackles that sugar have us and can take some time to mentally prepare for and kind of get yourself ready for so. Yeah, we try to put it all there for you so that you got all the inspiration and and information in one place. That’s great. That’s awesome.

Debra Muth 42:14
So what are their last tips? Do you want to leave with our listeners today? Ah,

Danielle Daem 42:19
yes. So great question. There’s so many. If I could really sum it up, I would say you know, the best thing that that anyone listening can do is really just getting honest with yourself, right and getting honest from a loving place. And starting to build, like I shared earlier, you know, any of those pieces into your day where you can build awareness around what’s going on, maybe not even just with sugar, maybe it’s chips, maybe it’s, you know, other types of food and really just doing that from a place of love. And one of the one of the big things I always, you know, beat this into my clients in a loving way is curiosity. I mean, just commit to curiosity around what’s going on. So maybe you ate a tub of ice cream last night, big deal. What did you learn from it? What Why did you do that? You know, coming at it with childlike curiosity, as you’re sort of investigating what’s going on for you, we can get so easily sucked into guilting and shaming ourselves, you know, oh, what’s wrong with me, I’m broken. And this sort of train of thought, we’re never ever, ever going to make a shift from that mental space from that energetic space. So when we can start to bring in more just loving curiosity, like, Oh, isn’t that interesting? You know, I ate a tub of ice cream last night. Why did I do that? Well, that’s fascinating, right? And maybe starting to write that down and just starting to build that awareness. And from a place of love starting to make changes instead of, you know, a place of fighting and shame. And I see a lot of my clients doing that. So you know, that’s what I’m being called to share right now. You know, it’s, it’s not about beating yourself up, you’re never really going to make a change, you know, in that space. You’ve got to shift into love and just honoring and trusting and supporting your body, obviously, and whatever goals that is, and getting the support that you need, right. I mean, that’s a huge piece of it.

Debra Muth 44:00
That is a huge piece. You know, I think there’s so many times that our loved ones can be a detriment to us, you know, they think they’re doing us a great deed by bringing us a pop or bringing us cookies, or it’s Valentine’s Day. So here’s the box of chocolates, and it’s just habits, right? They don’t necessarily mean to be sabotaging us. Sometimes they just haven’t connected to things the way we’ve connected to them. And it’s just a matter of sharing with them what you’re trying to do so that they don’t sabotage you. I hear so many times from women that you know, I’ve tried to do this but my my partner is sabotaging me and I don’t know how to have that conversation and in groups and forums like you guys have, those are safe places for you to talk about. How can I be successful in sharing this information with a partner or a loved one that keeps sabotaging me and you feel guilty by not participating in things that they’ve given you. So you just do it and then You’re back on that bandwagon all over again, and it’s hurting you. Because you’re trying not to hurt them. And so utilizing these groups, I think is so important for us to be successful in making these lifelong changes.

Danielle Daem 45:14
Yeah, in so many ways, I’m so glad that you mentioned those things. Because absolutely, you know, I hands down agree, you know, and I’ve seen that, what an important piece that is. And obviously, you know, we probably don’t have time today, there’s such a big conversation around how to actually have those conscious conversations with people in your lives. Because it can be tricky. There are people who don’t get it, most people probably in your life, if you’re listening, don’t get it, you know, if you decide to make a change around sugar, you might be the black sheep in your group of friends or your family, and how to kind of prepare for that, you know, in a way is a whole nother piece of the journey, for sure. But the community piece, like you mentioned, you know, one of the biggest things and why I you know, always just really enforced the importance of the right community, where you can actually feel safe and not judged and shamed. You know, that’s very, very, very important. And there are some communities out there that are like that, unfortunately. So be really careful, you know which ones you’re joining. But one of the pieces of feedback that I get time and time again, with with my communities is, wow, I thought I was alone in this, right. Like, somehow all of us are going around thinking that the pain we’re feeling the deep rooted traumas or struggles that we’ve had, our whole lives are just ours. Yeah. And it’s so not true. We are so much more connected than you can even believe, you know, in our experiences and our emotions, and all of it in the struggles, the negative self talk, the shaming all of it. And when we come together in community and start to realize like, Oh, I’m not crazy, okay, there’s other people who are struggling with this, okay, it’s not just me, right? And we can step out of feeling alone in our journey. And that is mandatory for you know, long term success is is, you know, being connected in that way and knowing that you’re not alone, and obviously being with people who speak the language, right, who get it and know, and don’t question you and start second guessing Why just have one cookie? It’s not a big deal. Yeah, it is a big deal. And here’s why. And people who can kind of stand up for you and support you. And, and you know, a lot of what you were saying, dad, and one of the big things that does come up for a lot of people’s people pleasing, right, is this desire for everybody to like us? Well eat the cookie, just because I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. So we do have to step into being a little bit of a rebel and, and, and standing up for ourselves. And this comes back to what I said before is, you know, empowering ourselves to stand in our own, be confident about our choices, set healthy boundaries. I mean, that’s boundaries and people pleasing the big conversation I have with most of my clients, because I’m still working on this myself. It shows up everywhere, because it’s this innate human need to be a part of the tribe and be, you know, be liked. So how do we start really standing on our own and not needing everybody to like us? I

Debra Muth 47:52
mean, that’s, that’s a big piece of this as well. Absolutely. And I think, you know, when we look at everybody, I love what you said about we’re all on our journey together, and you’re not alone. I mean, oftentimes, people look at icons like you and I, and think we’ve got it all together, we’re perfect or diets pristine. No, I’m not even on even close. I mean, every day, it’s a work for us, as well, to do all the right things to stay in health and to stay true. But it is a journey for all of us. I mean, none of us have a perfect diet or a perfect life. 100% of the time, we’re all striving to have a better life every single day, just like you guys are, we have that negative self talk that we have to talk ourselves through. We have those moments of insecurity, just like everybody else. And it happens to the best of us. No one is perfect all the time. So, you know, don’t look at us like we’re here preaching to you from a pulpit that we’ve got it down, because we don’t have it down all the time, either. So we’re in that same journey with you guys. And that’s why we bring things like this to you is so that you can feel like you’re not alone. And we’re all in this together to support one another for the betterment of our health.

Danielle Daem 49:13
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I’m so glad that you said that. Because yes, by no means and I’m an open book about that I am not perfect. And I actually I actually would like to challenge all of us to actually kick the Word Perfect out of our diet, but you know, our mental diet, because that word is so toxic. You know, every one of my clients really struggles with that, that perfectionism, right? And this black and white thinking that years of dieting has kind of gotten us into right, it’s like, well, I’m either all off sugar or all on it right? And there’s no middle ground, which is which is Bs and one of the you know, one of the things that’s unique about kind of my approach is you know, when I work with clients and start doing that deeper work, combining it obviously with a detox and cleaning up the body, and being surrounded in community, those are kind of the three pillars. That I work on what I found is that people can, it may take years, okay, and this is where most people don’t get to it. But you can find what I call sugar freedom. And this is where you have a healthy relationship with sugar, and you’re in the driver’s seat, you know, so I can choose to have a glass of wine or a piece of cake without it totally derailing me, and it actually coming from a place of self love, instead of needing to numb out or, you know, it’s a whole different relationship. So that’s, that’s really unique, kind of in this addiction conversation in my approach, because when we actually do, I believe, fix the holes in our foundation, which like I said, for most of us takes years, yeah, you know, we can really repair that and build trust with ourselves and build trust with food again, and go down that journey. And, and, and find that healthy moderation that I know, so many people are been looking for their whole lives, but they don’t think it exists because they’ve ignored, you know, some of the pieces on the inside. So yeah, you know, that’s kind of a unique stand that I take, because I know a lot of people obviously in the addiction space, especially, you know, coming from, you know, the 12 steps are a you know, it’s all about abstinence, and that really works for for some people, but a lot of people those restraints around our freedom, you know, freedom is my number one value. So, you know, that comes out in in my approach as well I’m, you know, when we restrict ourselves mentally, you can’t have something, you know, it actually can can wreak havoc on the inside. And, you know, cause caused a lot of unhappiness and even desire for something more. So.

Debra Muth 51:24
It’s absolutely, and I love that for you. Because, you know, that’s what it’s all about is us truly having freedom to choose, we have the freedom to choose not the addiction having the power over us. And that thought, like, I can never have a glass of wine again, or I can never have a piece of wedding cake again, you know, that is hard for people to wrap their minds around. But when they say you know what, I can choose to do that. And it’s on my terms. And me having that cake doesn’t mean I’m going down that road of sugar every single day in my life again, that’s where the true healing comes from. And that allows us the power. And that’s really what you’re talking about here is having that life of the being able to say, I can choose to have this because I have control over it. It doesn’t have control over me anymore.

Danielle Daem 52:17
Yeah, that’s exactly that’s exactly. And it is such a freeing place to be you know, so anyone listening, you know, if you know, that’s an important piece for you just know that it’s possible, you know, I want to be that beacon for people saying that it is is just going to take some work. Yeah. And this is where people get scared, right? And they’ll just want to join the 30 day detox, or just do the easy thing, or give me the quick blue pill, right? Yes, yes. And I’m sorry, I’m sorry to bring them the tough love. But it’s, you know, it’s so rewarding. And it actually, to be honest with all of you, it’s become my new addiction is like learning about myself, and you know, failing and being like, oh, what happened there, you know, I love you know, going deeper into myself and really uncovering new things all the time. So I’m always throwing myself in situations out of my comfort zone and places where I can learn and grow and mess up and be human and learn from it. So..

Debra Muth 53:07
And I think that’s such an important thing. Because ultimately, what we’re talking about is healing ourselves and getting in touch with ourselves, which I know for people listening to us, that’s scary, to be in touch with yourself and having to connect with old wounds that you’ve maybe pushed down and hidden and don’t want to deal with. And many of you guys, if you’ve listened to me before, you’ve heard me say this, I have done the same thing where I flew away to Spain for 10 days and locked myself away with 30 plus other women from around the world. And we healed ourselves in so many aspects that that was a great healing process for me. It’s not the end of my journey, you know, it’s not go away for 10 days, and you’ve healed and now you’re done. It’s the beginning of a healing journey. And for me, I needed to do that because I needed to be someplace where nobody could get access to me so that I didn’t come in and out of that healing process. But for many other people, you don’t have that that piece. But if you do know that going away someplace to work on yourself, maybe what you need, but even just locking yourself away in your own room for a day or two to heal, so that people don’t interrupt that healing process is what you need. We all need that healing process. We all need to be true with ourselves. That’s how we grow and become better people and let this baggage go away once and for all.

Danielle Daem 54:34
I love that I love that you did that for you. And it’s it’s so I’m so grateful that you brought that up. It’s actually been one of the many tools that I’ve used in my own healing is something that I call Danny getaways I actually take myself away every quarter every three months like I’ll go away to an Airbnb or I’ll take myself camping and I go away for two or three nights and just be with myself. You know, disconnect, take my journal and just you know be Learning to be a human being again, instead of a human being, that’s been a big part of my journey. And I think you can relate with that too, I was really stuck in my masculine energy in the doing and the lists and the like accomplishing all the things, and learning to slow down and shift into the feminine and flow and trust and surrender. And this is it’s been a difficult journey for me, but one that I’ve really, you know, really been grateful for and is very deeply supported, you know, my growth and healing, aside from all the other things, I’m sure you’ve done lots of other things, too. I mean, there’s so many beautiful modalities out there. And you know, I’ve gotten lots of support and worked with healers, and coaches and all sorts of things on my own journey. And, you know, obviously getting that support and surrounding myself and community when I needed it. So, you know, taking yourself away, you know, I hope people if nothing else, you give yourself permission to just take a day off, you know, go take your I like on on Saturdays, actually, I usually try to do this for myself, like, it’s my day to me, I’ll go out and take myself out, you know, for lunch, or just drive around or the farmers market and do things that, you know, just kind of dating myself, right? And how often do we get to do that, and really, spending time with yourself, you know, is a big part of this healing journey, too, and learning to like yourself, and then learning to love yourself after that, right? Absolutely.

Debra Muth 56:07
It’s such a huge part of our journey. And we don’t do it enough as women, because we’re too busy taking care of everyone else. But if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of anyone else. So I know for some people, it’s going to sound like we’re saying be selfish. And that’s exactly what we’re saying. be selfish for yourself. So that you can heal and be the person you want to be and be that better a person that you want to be and then you can give back to people on your own terms. Not on everyone else’s terms for you. Yeah,

Danielle Daem 56:38
yeah, I love that I’m so with you. I say we need to redefine what selfish means. Like, we have this belief in our society that if you’re selfish, you’re bad, you’re bad person. And I totally want to call us all out on that. Because it’s so not true. Selfish just means putting yourself first. And I think there’s nothing wrong with that. I think we could use more of us being selfish, putting ourselves first in a loving way. It doesn’t mean you’re never going to support others, you know, but you’re going to fill your cup up first and then have so much more energy to actually you know, help your friend move or bring dinner to you know, your mom’s house or all these things that you know, you get to give to other people when you put yourself first so let’s start a selfishness revolution.

Debra Muth 57:17
Selfishness movement, right women’s selfishness movement in a positive way, right? Yes, yes, absolutely. I love that.

Gluten Free Ad 57:26
Let’s talk wellness. Now, it’s been sponsored by gf naturals, gluten free baking just got a whole lot easier. Whether it’s for you or a loved one. Avoiding gluten in baked goods can be a real challenge. But it’s so important for those with celiac disease, or another health concern affected by gluten. Of course, we were all grateful when some creative chef and chemist figured out clever ways to substitute regular wheat flours with other ingredients. But often, it came with careful measurements, uneven substitutions and complicated calculations. At gf, naturals, we’ve uncomplicated the whole matter. You can use our gluten free baking mix in the exact same quantities as other flowers for all your delicious baking recipes. No confusing math, no scientific blending, simple swap it out. And in the identical measurement, it’s so easy. Enjoy your time in the kitchen, making scrumptious goodies for all the season. Using gf naturals, one for one flower, and have fun baking again.

Debra Muth 58:41
Dani, this has been such a great conversation. And I hope you’ll join us again in the future. How do people reach out to you if they’re connecting with you? Because I’m sure they are how do they reach out to you and become part of your community?

Danielle Daem 58:54
Absolutely. Thank you. Yeah, this has been so much fun. We could chat for hours and I would love to come back. Absolutely. So the first thing that I mentioned is actually a little gift or something special that I wanted to share with all of you I know we talked a bit about obviously the emotional connection to food and what I’ve actually done is put together a free three part video series with workbooks and everything you know, tapped in for anyone who maybe wants to dive a bit deeper into that so I’ll make sure that Deb’s got the link she could put it below in the show notes. And like I said it’s free to sign up and it kind of guides you through you know deeper conversation and actually helping you apply and test out some of these emotional components that we’re starting to talk about with your relationship to food. So yeah, that one I’ll send that link over and then connect with me online. I’m on Instagram at Danielle Dame and my Facebook page is at Danielle dam coaching I also have a YouTube channel as well Danielle dam or I upload my little tough love Tuesday segment every Tuesday which is you know really eye opening for a lot of people so yeah, you can find me there too. And obviously my website Don’t forget that right Danielle Dame calm Yeah.

Debra Muth 1:00:03
Awesome. And for those of you who are listening to us while you’re driving or you’re working out, don’t worry about that we will have all of her connection links in our show notes all over our social page. And we will upload this to social so you can reach her and you can find her so you can connect. So thank you so much for being with us. Awesome. Thank you.

Danielle Daem 1:00:24
And thank you everybody listening. This has been such a pleasure and I can’t wait to come back again soon.

Debra Muth 1:00:29
Hey, it has been really great sharing this time with you guys on the let’s talk wellness now podcast. If this episode has helped you, or you feel as though this episode would help someone else we’d love for you to leave us a review. Share this podcast. And if you don’t want to miss the most exciting episodes we have coming. We’d love for you to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play. Until next time, live every day to the fullest

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 June 14, 2021  1h1m