Let's Talk Wellness Now

A podcast on health, wellness and education by Dr. Debra Muth - the owner of Serenity Health Care Center outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Phoenix Factor, the premier women's health protocol for high-performing female executives. Please visit letstalkwellnessnow.com for more information!



episode 165: Episode 165: Myth or Truth-Heavy Metals and Toxins Lead To Heart Disease? With Dr. Kahn

Dr. Kahn shares the truth about heavy metals and toxins contributing to heart disease and even ED. Dr. Kahn shares not only the problem but tips on what can be done to reverse the damage from environmental toxins that are contributing to our poor health today. Also, don’t miss his thoughts on CVD and the viral disease.

Do not miss these highlights:

06:47 The clues that you may have clogged arteries, bad vascular supply, and how to determine if you’re having an artery damage 

08:19 Every human over 35 should wonder if they’re aging at a rapid pace internally

09:33 Coronary Artery Calcium Scan or Heart Artery Calcium Scan

15:53 Can heavy metals and toxicities cause heart disease?

20:33 Heavy metal excess may promote memory issues and various forms of dementia

21:00 We live in a dirty world, biotoxins and heavy metals aren’t the only ones we’ve got

22:34 The number of people with a high mercury level is very often those high-income people buying at the fancy grocery stores and eating at the fancy restaurants

24:02 How to avoid or lessen metal and toxins exposure

26:19 When you look at rates of heart disease around the United States, the highest rates per capita are all in the South

29:53 Some of the cardiovascular issues that Dr. Kahn is seeing today since COVID has been an issue

Resources Mentioned

Whether you are recovering from an illness or just looking to maintain your current overall health, schedule a consult with us at Serenity Health Care by calling  (262)522-8640 or visit https://www.serenityhealthcarecenter.com 

About our Guest:

Dr. Kahn is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Wellness, Michigan Healthcare Professionals PC. He is a graduate Summa Cum Laude of the University of Michigan School of Medicine. He lectures widely on the cardiac benefits of vegan nutrition, mind body practices and heart attack prevention. He writes blogs for MindBodyGreen, OneGreenPlanet, Aloha.com, and Forksoverknives.com. He also writes for Readers Digest Magazine as the Holistic Heart Doc and his first book, The Whole Heart Solution.





Book: The Plant Based Solution by Dr. Kahn 

Book: The Whole Heart Solution

Transcript of Episode 165:

Debra Muth 0:02
Welcome to Let’s Talk Wellness Now, I’m your host, Dr. Deb. This is where we talk about everything wellness, and learn to defy aging, and live our lives on our own terms. Welcome back to Let’s Talk Wellness Now. I’m your host, Dr. Deb and I’m so excited that you’re joining us again today. I have a very amazing guests for you. I know I say that every week, but the people I get a chance to talk to are so amazing and just bring such incredible knowledge and wealth of information that it excites me so much.

Debra Muth 0:36
But I want to bring to you today my dear friend, Dr. Joel Kahn. Joel is the Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine and is the director of cardiac wellness, Michigan healthcare professionals PC. And we are going to talk today about how heavy metals can affect the heart and how they even get into your body. For those that are not familiar with this. This idea of cardiovascular issues as a result of heavy metals is untapped information for just about everybody in the conventional medical model. In our alternative medical model that is very different. A lot of people are familiar with how these heavy metals create cardiovascular problems. But Dr. Joel Khan has been a pioneer in this industry in treating cardiovascular disease and heavy metals for years and I have followed him, this is going to be an honor to speak with him. You guys are just going to love Him and be amazed at the information that he shares with us today. So without further ado, we are going to get a message from our sponsor quick here. And then I am going to interview Dr. Joel Khan for you guys.

Debra Muth 2:01
Have you seen 20+ medical doctors only to be told your symptoms are in your head or you need an antidepressant? We understand your frustrations? Are you tired of feeling sick and tired? Tired of not getting the answers you need to regain your health? Tired of not feeling listened to by your doctor at Serenity Health Care Center, We understand and we will help you find the cause of your symptoms. Together we will create a path to health. We specialize in combining the best of conventional and natural medicine to get you back to doing what you love. We have worked with the most complex chronic diseases such as chronic Lyme COVID, long haulers, autoimmune disease, mold toxicity, and hormonal imbalances. But if you’re not sick, that’s fantastic. We will work with you to maintain your health so that you can prevent illness. give our office a call to see how we can help you regain your health and vitality at 262-522-8640. Or check us out at our website at Serenityhealthcarecenter.com.

Debra Muth 3:20
Welcome back to Let’s Talk wellness. Now I’m your host, Dr. Deb and I have with you today Dr. Joel Khan. He is amazing. I’ve been following him for years and I can’t wait to have this conversation with him about cardiovascular disease and heavy metals. So Dr. Cohn, welcome to the show.

Dr. Joel Kahn 3:36
Thank you so much.

Debra Muth 3:37
So Dr. Kahn tell us a little bit about yourself.

Dr. Joel Kahn 3:41
Sure, I am in my clinical office. I’m an active cardiologist in suburban Detroit, Michigan, grew up about two miles away a really exotic upbringing. In terms of just still practicing so close to my original home. I did wander out of state for a number of years to do cardiology trainings. And I came back to Michigan long ago, 32 years ago. And if anybody wonders if they’re watching this amount of treadmill desk, which is my routine, throughout the whole day, eight hours a day I walk, seeing patients whether they be by zoom or in my office, hopefully it won’t be distracting. But um, I wander back to Michigan and have stayed here for 32 years but in the course of a very conventional cardiology life, treating heart attacks bypass patients stent patients, cholesterol blood pressure, I had adopted a whole food plant based vegan diet at age 18. And by the time I started practicing cardiology, it struck me there’s data coming out that this might be a therapy I should share with patients. So I’ve really had a privilege of being you know, nutrition and forward focused throughout medical school residency fellowship, and every patient I’ve ever seen has gotten a little indoctrination about food as medicine So, about seven years ago, I ditched the old life and completely changed to what I’ll do till I’m hopefully 128 years old as a cardiologist, which is preventive cardiology, reversal cardiology, integrative cardiology, and we do a lot of high tech stuff to identify how much disease burden you have. And then we do a lot of non prescription therapy to try and improve upon it. If there’s a problem.

Debra Muth 5:30
That’s awesome. I love that idea of truly fixing the problem or getting to the root of the problem and trying to change it from a lifestyle aspect instead of waiting, and saying, Well, there’s nothing we can do until an episode happens until you have a heart attack or a stroke, or you’ve got a blockage somewhere, and now we come in and intervene.

Dr. Joel Kahn 5:53
Right. And, you know, it can work at any stage in life, I do see a lot of people and I’ve followed a lot of people for decades that have had their heart attack or bypass or stroke, but up out of, you know, grave concern, they come to the conclusion, or they were taught that conclusion. It’s never too late. And you don’t want to have that happen a second time. But you know, a lot of my practice are people that on the outside looks perfectly fine. And they basically walk in say, Just take me a buyer told me the reality, put me back together and patch me up, like my 30,000 mile car checkup. You know, people don’t know if they have damaged arteries are not 10 years before their heart attack. But that’s what the technology is very simple. And then you can really make a big difference so that you never have those procedures or life altering events, or even life shortening events.

Debra Muth 6:46
That’s amazing. So how do you look at somebody to see if there’s artery damage for them before they know there’s a problem present?

Dr. Joel Kahn 6:54
Yeah, in addition to the ever present, very detailed history, physical exam might give a little about the one historical besides obviously, have you been a smoker and diabetic blood pressure and your diet and your sleep and your stress and your dental health? A man with erectile dysfunction, which is extremely common, you know, maybe 50% of men by age 50, or 60 are struggling with that. That’s always a clue that they may have clogged arteries, bad vascular supply. There are other causes, but that should never be overlooked. There’s a very unusual physical exam finding not in terms of its frequency in terms of its use, but it’s called a diagonal ear lobe crease. It was described in the 1970s by an internist and a medical article that when he saw a patient with heart disease and looked at the earlobes, there was a strange, deep groove. If you want to look it up. Steven Spielberg, the famous movie, Guru has a very deep earlobe crease. Hopefully somebody in LA has told him, that can be a clue. And it turns out more recent science says that little physical exam findings about 70% accurate for predicting the presence of clogged arteries if you do a clogged artery test, crazy little thing. Wow. Clearly if your calves hurt when you walk up a hill, you might have clogged leg arteries and choosey and smokers. But ultimately, if you want to know, it’s a reasonable question every human over 35 should ask is I wonder if this is all working out for me my lifestyle and my genetics, and I’m aging at a decent pace or a slow pace or have more words in nature, I’m aging at a rapid pace internally, I mean, you can look at your face and your greatness of your hair or not and get some idea of your aging externally. You either do an ultrasound of the arteries to the brain called carotid arteries. They’re here for only one reason for preventive cardiologists like me to do a painless non radiation test, it takes about 15 minutes. And if you’re 35,45,50 in your Med clinic, and you’ve got plaque in your carotid arteries, that can be measured very simply, safely and accurately. And we can use digital software to get very accurate measurements. I can tell you, you’re 48 years old and your artery age is 42. And it’s all working for you and it can be quite the opposite. You’re 48 And your artery age is 74. And something’s driving it which of course we’ll try and get to by both the history and then lots of lab work. Looking for toxicities. The other thing there is since you asked there’s a very simple CT scan CAT scan Lark it’s been available for about 25 to 30 years in most states and cities requires a doctor’s prescription but it’s cost less than $100 that you pay for. It’s called a coronary artery calcium scan or a heart artery calcium scan. There’s no needle there’s no injection, there’s no iodine. It doesn’t damage your kidneys. It’s a small amount of radiation equivalent to a woman getting a mammogram. And you don’t do this test very often. But if you come to me and say I want to work up and evaluation, my brother had a heart attack last week, my father had a stroke, my mother had bypass surgery, there’s no substitute for getting that data. You want a report that says my coronary arteries are a beautiful zero, meaning there’s no evidence of calcium plaque in the heart arteries, I carry that result at age 63. And very proud of that. I took a lot of work all these years. But you might find out your average for your age, you’re way above average age, and we got a lot of work to do. And unfortunately for such a simple test available in almost all hospitals across the United States, many primary care Doc’s don’t write for it, and the majority, even if they’re asked by their patient, you know, Dr. Smith, I need a prescription. I read a book by Dr. Khan, that it wouldn’t be a good idea with my family history of cholesterol history or smoking history. To get this test, many will actually push back and say, I’ve never ordered it, it’s not worth it. What’s it going to do for you? Oh, it’s, it saves lives. And I’ve ordered probably 15,000 of them. But I usually order of once on like a mammogram where you get a little radiation every time you go. This test may be repeated again in seven to 10 years. So not too apologetic for trying to accurately identify the most common cause of early death in America heart to heart attacks. By using such simple technology, there’s more advanced technology to but and the thing I like about in Cleveland, Ohio, you can go to the University Hospital to do that test for free. So my state it’s $75. It’s not a matter that the wealthy get better care. It’s the educated get better care. And either they reading about it heart artery calcium scans and a great documentary called The Widowmaker movie on Netflix. That’s well worth watching. If you want to learn a little bit more, that’s probably about five, six years old now. But it’s a wonderful documentary, The Widowmaker movie.

Debra Muth 12:09
Love that. That is great. Well, in this, I agree with you, this is such a nice test to do. But so few people do it. Like in 25 years, I’ve probably had seven people come into my clinic that have had this calcium heart scan done to see where they’re at. And the only time they’ve had it done is if they’ve worked with a integrative cardiologist that is the only time somebody will look at it. Our traditional cardiologists that do traditional heart care, don’t oftentimes look at it.

Dr. Joel Kahn 12:42
Unfortunately, that’s true. Some of it is still the education are their research studies, a couple of 1000 At least, did the American Heart Association put it in their guidelines in 2019. And now the Canadian H arris’s ation, and something called the National lipid Association. Maybe your cholesterol is up a bit and your doctor is offering you a statin prescription and you want to know if you really might need it or not go get a heart calcium CT scan, if it comes back pristine, you don’t need it generally, that’s in these documents. But it’s in 100 page document and there’s no pharmaceutical or CT scan rep educating Doc’s at lunch or dinner. So it isn’t really made the splash plus there’s no money in this. And it’s free or $75.90 $9, you can order a stress test in your cardiology office and maybe it’ll be 300 500 800 $1,200 exam. And doctors need to make a profit to keep their office open. So it’s not all equal. But this is the better test it’s you know, directly looking at heart arteries, the way we directly look at the colon with a colonoscopy or directly look at the breast with a mammogram or thermogram. So we need to be directly examining, and the younger you do it, the more jump on it. You have a research study maybe two months ago, looked at you’ve got a patient with some risk, maybe blood pressure, cholesterol, smoker, diabetes, obesity, maybe their mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents have had heart attacks, maybe do this around age 43 For a man 50 to 53 for a woman. The age differences the fact that most women still pre menopausal are of modestly low risk. The exception would be a smoker or some very high cholesterol and a genetic basis. So you might want to do it even earlier. But if we can you imagine the power of telling everybody at age 43 at least men, you know you’re a low risk and high risk and grab all those high risk people and scare them a little bit to eat, exercise better and not smoke and get their weight down and check their blood pressure. Actually by home blood pressure cuff and simple measures that can actually save lives.

Debra Muth 15:07
Yeah, some of those little things that we take for granted can make such a huge change. And we don’t think that it does. But it makes such a huge difference if people are just willing to take that small step.

Dr. Joel Kahn 15:21
It is and usually, if you explain it to a person, I just explained to people just just think for a minute, why have you heard to get a mammogram and a colonoscopy and a digital rectal exam? And nobody’s ever mentioned a heart screen when you’re 45 or 50 into primary care? And they think about vermin. They say yeah, that’s actually right. Isn’t that a more common, you know, serious condition? So it’s just another thing on the list, and maybe the most important thing yet, you know, yet to get?

Debra Muth 15:51
Absolutely. So I want to dive into that this idea that heavy metals and toxicities can cause heart disease or exasperate heart disease? Because this isn’t a topic that’s talked about much outside of our alternative, integrative world. Can you speak to that a little bit?

Dr. Joel Kahn 16:11
Yeah, it’s true. And it seems so odd. And I, again, have to explain to patients, why did I ordered some testing for your heavy metal burden in your body. And you know, it, there’s always a little background of these metals, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, lithium, none of them are normal, none of them have any health benefit. But there’s a low level exposure that we all may get some of, but it’s really, you know, going back to when factories started, and factories started emitting a lot of pollution in the air, and then it would rain in the rain would bring whatever was in the air down into the lakes and the rivers and the oceans, we started getting a lot of this stuff in the waters, particularly mercury in the water. And fish eat what fish eat and fish swim or fish swim. And we learned a good number of decades ago that the fact of fish some people call it a bio accumulator, is particularly susceptible. Sadly, nice fatty fish like salmon or something like that. very susceptible to be exposed to heavy metals like mercury, and store them away in a very long term manner while they’re alive so that when we eat, we can’t taste it, we can see we can smell it. While we’re ingesting what, you’d never put your nose in a factory chimney and say, Let me breathe this into my health, a B via this kind of biological circulation. It’s what happens over and over and over. And it’s been shown. It’s not just the Great Lakes in Michigan, or the Atlantic, you can go up to Nome, Alaska and test and you’re gonna see concentration. So we then need to deal with exposure this, there’s been a lot of arsenic used to fertilize rice and rice can be a source of arsenic, there’s a lot of arsenic laden foods fed to chicken chicken can be a source of arsenic. The ground in Virginia is very rich and cadmium, and tobacco can concentrate cadmium the same stuff you’re going to find in a battery. And if you’re a smoker, you may not just get 1000 pollutants, you may get 1001, including cadmium, and others and you know, they’re all measurable, you can measure them in the blood is the simplest way not perfect, but it’s easy. You can get a hair sample and send it off. And you can do urine tests to look at your burden. And it’s incredibly common. And what’s the big deal? I mean, because these are toxins, we know that that’s not an emotional statement. There’s not like it’s a sweet spot. It’s sort of good and sort of bad. These are all bad. There’s nothing good about any of these metals, they don’t serve a role in the body. They just serve a stress in the body. They interrupt our mitochondria and our oxidative capacities and they create inflammation. So there’s some pretty strong data, that they’re related to some pretty big and important heart diseases. A high mercury concentration is clearly a factor in high blood pressure. And more people die of high blood pressure than any other single illness in the world. That’s medical research fact. So Mercury plays some role there. It’s not the only role. It’s our diet and our obesity and our sleep and our stress and our genetics, but Mercury plays a role. There’s been some interesting studies of patients with weak hearts. That’s a medical term called cardiomyopathy, where in the past, we used to do biopsies of the heart to try and figure out why is your heart weak? And when you measure the burden of heavy metals in these weak hearts, that reports there’s not a lot of them because not many people are interested in this field and conventional cardiology, but the concentrations are sky high compared to other people that did not have weak hearts raising the question is that coincidence, or can a large exposure to heavy metals cause a very serious even life threatening heart disease, some data that they can play a role in elevating cholesterol that are cholesterol metabolism responds to a high burden in the body of heavy metals, and going elevated, which may play theoretically some preventive role. But the downside is the high cholesterol levels also may be damaging arteries along the way. Memory, there’s a lot of interest in high mercury levels, although you might say the brain is not a hired Oregon, but it stops up more blood than any other organ in the body. So certainly the brain heart connection is a strong, skinny, strong one.

Dr. Joel Kahn 20:48
And the concern that heavy metal excess may, you know, promote memory issues and various forms of dementia is certainly strong in the literature. So we live in a dirty world bio toxins and heavy metals aren’t the only ones we’ve got our PCBs and our DDT and our P Foss and our pee fast and our BPA and our BPB, and our plastic bottles and a whole long list. And you should be aware of taillights of these and try and work if you read a website called the Environmental Working Group, or ew g.org, they have a nice handout or booklet for free, where you can learn a bit about some of these other toxins, they don’t talk to too much about heavy metals other than looking for clean water. Of course, we had our outbreak. Tragically what it was years ago north of Detroit and Flint where the water pipes had decayed and the water wasn’t treated properly, and lead could leach out of old pipes into the water supplies to low income family homes outside of Flint. And it was just tragic, and still remains an ongoing issue. But that’s true. It’s not just Flint. It’s been shown all over the country that lead, which is also strongly related to high blood pressure as a toxin and it’s a fact. So it’s a real deal. Like you’re right very rarely will like conventional cardiologist discuss with patients. For all I know the majority of them have a lot of this accumulated in their body. I do simple blood tests because it’s available, they’re getting their blood drawn. There’s a billing code for it. So it doesn’t impact the patient too heavily financially. And the number of people I see with a high mercury level, very often high income people buying at the fancy grocery stores eating at the fancy restaurants. With a really, really high toxic range mercury level is very frequent. Now it could be 10 to 15% of the people I test. It’s not one in 100. And I got to work with them to make some changes.

Debra Muth 22:57
And that’s just doing a conventional blood test for lead and mercury doing it that way.

Dr. Joel Kahn 23:03
If you do more involved provoked where you get a urine sample, give a patient a medicine to ingest and repeat the urine sample six hours later, that’s called provoked heavy metal urine test, you’ll see a much higher frequency and some, some would say everybody will spills metals above normal into their urine and you can detect it and then work with them for a few months and repeat the test down the road. I mean, that’s also something it’s almost ubiquitous now in our culture that people will test abnormal.

Debra Muth 23:39
So it’s important for our cardiovascular health for us to detoxify our body from these chemicals and these metals and try to eliminate them coming into our bodies in the first place. But if a bunch of us are 50 years old, we’ve had a lot of exposure over our lifetime, that we’re quite unaware of until now.

Dr. Joel Kahn 24:00
I agree. And you know that the most important part of most of this is trying to avoid, that’s again, I’d urge you to go over to ew g.org. I’m sure you’ve got wonderful things on your site to and learn a little about where it comes from and the best defense is a good offense and not get it in. There might be a home reverse osmosis filter system for your water supply. Maybe it’s just a desktop high quality iro system. In my office where I’m at right now we only drink reverse osmosis water. We put a few minerals back in to give you the minerals that are taken out. But other than that, it’s a wonderful thing to do. Being aware of that fish and fatty fish and large fish, particularly the people I’ve had so many patients that just eat a tuna wrap every day for lunch, and I checked their mercury level has just sky high and literally a month later they’ve changed to hummus wrap And then mercury levels nearly undetectable. Although I might add a few more things, so stop putting it in your body, don’t smoke, that’s cadmium, learn a little bit about maybe eating more wild rice or Canadian rice, but not rice from the south. And if your arsenic levels up, don’t necessarily need to do that. But it’s sad that we’ve you know, it’s really sad that we’ve poisoned our food supply. So, you know, universally,

Debra Muth 25:28
yeah, I agree. Like, I see a lot of people who live in rural areas. And of course, because we’re in rural areas, we think we’re so much better because we don’t have the contaminants and the pollutants in the air. But we forget that when we’re surrounded, surrounded by farmland, we’ve got all the runoff that goes on that farmland, and there’s oftentimes a lot of chemicals, and unhealthy things that get put on the land for people to grow better. And that runoff comes into our wealth system and all kinds of things. And you could have Roundup, you could have all kinds of chemicals you’re being exposed to not only drinking but showering with that water too. And if people don’t test that, they have no clue that their water is contaminated with some of these things that are put on the soil.

Dr. Joel Kahn 26:12
I agree. You know, that’s always a question I asked. When you look at rates of heart disease around the United States, the highest rates per capita, are all in the south kind of centered around the Mississippi River and the delta, except for Michigan, Michigan has the same per capita density as the South. And it turns out, they’re either highly industrial or highly agricultural zones where there’s a lot of chemicals used. And there’s at least a theory, when you look at those disease rates are in the south, where there’s, for instance, the cotton industry and all the pesticides and fertilizers used in the cotton industry. That’s where you also can track the most heart disease rates. And AB in Michigan were just bad eaters. And we’ve got some factories, not as many as we used to have, because the economy here has shifted, but we still have so interesting observations, just how at risk we are. We have detoxification systems where we’ve put chemicals of course, some people say 80,000 industrial chemicals that never existed 150 years ago, and yeah, he’s supposed to deal with them, even when we’re under other health stresses, like our poor sleep and their motional stress, maybe our Wi Fi and we can go off on all those tangents but being aware it’s a real deal.

Debra Muth 27:40
Yeah, I mean, if you’re not that the ultimate sacrifice we all pay is cancer and heart disease, right. I mean, if we’re not detoxifying our body, these things are going to create problems inside of us that we don’t want to deal with. But we’re seeing an explosion of these issues with cancer and heart disease over the last 10,15 years. It’s just been incredible. Right?

Dr. Joel Kahn 28:02
And you’re raising awareness, which is step one, and we need an action plan, maybe it’s just reverse osmosis. Maybe it’s eat more cilantro, and I take a handful of chlorella, algae tablets every day, because at least there’s some data, they’re somewhat detoxifying, preventive and they’re just a great nutrition source of vitamins and chlorophyll. But you know, I think a few strategies, you can run you can hide, everybody’s getting some of this.

Debra Muth 28:34
Well, and it’s so great that you’ve put together a program that includes this in people’s heart health, that you’re not ignoring it, you’re not pretending it doesn’t exist, you’re actually bringing it to the forefront for them to be knowledgeable, change their lifestyle and implement things that can help reverse some of this damage and prevent future damage from occurring by looking at this cardiovascular system as a whole from a toxin issue.

Dr. Joel Kahn 28:58
Right. I appreciate that. You know, I try and stick predominantly to cardiology focused practice of I have somebody that’s really brain fog, low energy and heavy metal access. You know, there are people that do more aggressive detoxification and liver support, detoxification, even chelation, orally or chelation, intravenous, I don’t practice that in my clinic, but somebody’s not feeling well looking for a long term relationship. I’ll find somebody like you share the wealth of knowledge and treatment benefits. So I’m not real aggressive with chelation for coronary artery disease. My main focus by far metal toxicity, of course, it’s been approved then consider a standard of care option to proceed if you destin

Debra Muth 29:52
Absolutely. Dr. Kahn, tell us a little bit about your thoughts on some of the cardiovascular things that we’re seeing. Today, with the viral issues that are happening, are you seeing more cardiovascular issues since COVID has been an issue?

Dr. Joel Kahn 30:10
I see weird things. And I’m concerned that there’s a link. For example, I had two people in my clinic last week that said, Doc, I just been thinking, what do you think the odds are? That my vaccination, which is a little different than having the respiratory illness had anything to do with the fact in the last three months, I developed an irregular heartbeat, fibrillation, which of course is common, and it’s caused by blood pressure, and thyroid and sleep issues and alcohol and a lot of things a lot of people do, maybe more during COVID than average. But I have a friend who’s the database expert of our US vaccine Adverse Event Report, system fairs and open Varus. And I emailed her and within minutes, she sent me a graph, that there were indeed 1000s of reports, which I was unaware of, because nobody’s made a big deal about vaccination. tined the development of atrial fibrillation, of course, it doesn’t prove A equals B. It turned out within about three days, it was in the news that at the American Heart Association, there was a paper presented linking vaccination and atrial fibrillation. So now it’s actually in the medical literature as a preliminary report. So that’s one odd high blood pressure and vaccination exists in the literature, I’ve seen that dizziness, dizziness and standing vertigo. Very common, and also now reported through the literature. And then you get you know, those are vaccination, possible injuries, I have to be very cautious about again, jumping a cause B. But if it’s very important 1000s of people, there’s something called the Bradford Hill criteria, how do you take a suspicion and raise it to the level that it probably caused the problem and for many things, some experts believe we can make a case between the vaccines and medical illnesses that fulfills every one of the nine or 10, Bradford Hill criteria. And then you get to the you know, the virus itself. And, of course, the vaccine and myocarditis is recognized by CDC and FDA in the package inserts as a risk, particularly in young males. Usually within 48 hours of the second shot, making it very likely the vaccine caused the myocarditis which can be very serious and even fatal. Yeah, the virus itself clearly can also it can cause a myocarditis. All the damage to the lungs can put a strain on the heart. There’s the post COVID Long Haul situation and people again may have dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, shortness of breath. So it hasn’t augmented the health of the American population, they have so many cases of the SARS cov two virus and to some extent, the high level of vaccination and young, healthy people one could argue, has raised these, this spectrum for some injuries that maybe could have been dealt with by early treatment, rather than by attempting to vaccinate the entire population. But you know, I’m all for Safe, safe, safe vaccines. But we’ve had a very unusual period where the usual scientific discussion about what’s safe and what’s risk hasn’t really been permitted in any have suffered. Even loss of medical licenses and other significant slaps for speaking out about science and seems rather odd for those of us who’ve been speaking out about science for a long time.

Debra Muth 33:52
Yeah, it sure does, doesn’t it? It’s it’s not a normal process for us. We’re all allowed to have debate when it comes to science. That’s how we get better at what we’re doing is when we have great minds put together thinking of things differently. Right? Yeah. Well, this has been a great time. And I know you need to get to clinics. So can you tell us a little bit, just briefly, how do people get in touch with you if they want to work with you? They want your integrative approach to cardiovascular health. How do they reach you?

Dr. Joel Kahn 34:20
Yeah, so I try and do about a buck. I am licensed in most states in the United States and most of the big ones for sure. That helps because people do fly to Detroit if they’re not from here. And that is, I mean, we’d love and can arrange what other people do choose telehealth and, of course, you know, more than half of my patients are right here in southeastern Michigan or somewhere close Ohio, Illinois, and they drive here, but it’s my clinic website is Khan longevity center.com K h n, longevity center.com And there’s a place you can email and obviously a phone number and you know, got a small but mighty D Amen. We love what we do. We literally work super hard. But what everybody gets is a lot of time and attention. And there’s never an email that’s not answered the same day by me. So it’s what I do seven days a week, people know they get access.

Debra Muth 35:15
Oh, that’s wonderful. Thank you for doing what you do. We really need more people like you that are willing to look at this from an outside perspective and look at everything as a whole to keep people’s heart health and vascular system healthy. It’s a big problem. So thank you for doing that.

Dr. Joel Kahn 35:31
Thank you. And thank you to your listeners for just catching up on this important topic.

Debra Muth 35:36
Awesome. Well, have a wonderful day. Thanks again for joining us.

Dr. Joel Kahn 35:40
You bet. Bye bye.

Debra Muth 35:42
Hey, it has been really great sharing this time with you guys on the let’s talk wellness now podcast. If this episode has helped you, or you feel as though this episode would help someone else we’d love for you to leave us a review. Share this podcast. And if you don’t want to miss the most exciting episodes we have coming. We’d love for you to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play. Until next time, live everyday to the fullest.

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 May 2, 2022  36m