inBetween Podcast

InBetween - An anecdotal audio collage InBetween is an audio experiment somewhere between Zürich, Switzerland and Delhi, India. It is a personal podcast documenting my life between Zürich and Delhi in colorful audio collages narrating the little stories, events and thoughts I encounter in between. It is an anthropological podcast documenting my PhD project from the initial search for a topic, through the field research up to the writing process. It aims to render anthropological thought and work more accessible (and understandable) to listeners with or without academic background. It tries to illustrate transparently the joys, struggles and insecurities of research – components of academic work that all too often are left unmentioned in the polished books and smooth articles produced. It is a social podcast featuring conversations about the phenomenon of “feeling in between” by different people permitting insight into their lives and thoughts. In short, inBetween is a love story between one person, two continents, everything in between and the medium audio, told anecdote by anecdote. Episodes are available in German and English.


episode 2: 02 Episode inBetween - English

How exactly do we remember places, storing them in our memory by what? Is it simply the way locations look? Or do we remember them by the feelings and memories we experienced there? Or is it actually small little details – present or absent – but forgotten till the very moment of noticing change? Th


 October 17, 2019  0m

episode 2: 02 Episode inBetween - Deutsch

Wie genau erinnern wir uns an Orte? Ist es schlicht die Art und Weise wie eine Lokalität aussieht? Entsinnen wir uns der Gefühle und Erlebnisse, die wir mit diesem Ort verbinden? Oder sind es schliesslich doch die kleinen Dinge – präsent oder absent – schlicht vergessen bis zu dem Moment in dem wir


 October 17, 2019  0m

episode 1: 01 Episode inBetween - English

Coming back to a place, a second home so to speak after having been away for one year is a very special experience accompanied by many emotions and observations. Are things still the same? Did one fall into the trap of romanticizing the place one used to live in? What does the concept of ‘home’ mean


 October 11, 2019  0m

episode 1: 01 Episode inBetween - Deutsch

Nach einem Jahr an einen Ort zurückzukehren, der sich wie ein zweites Zuhause anfühlt, ist eine besondere Erfahrung, begleitet von vielen Emotionen und Beobachtungen. Ist alles noch so wie damals? Was wenn man in der Zwischenzeit den Ort romantisiert hat? Was genau ist ein Zuhause und was macht es a


 October 11, 2019  0m