The Bubbly Bibi

Welcome to The Bubbly bibi's corner, a podcast dedicated to boosting up your self-confidence and making you feel better about yourself! Here in my podcasts, I'll share with you some of the coolest secrets on how to love to feel more confident in your skin and unleash your personal power! I'll also share some of my personal experiences, struggles and tips! So wherever you are, whether you're in your car, on the treadmill or cycle, I hope you genuinely enjoy the show and that at the end of each episode, you'll be a little bit kinder to yourself! ❤️ Podcast by Nazia Keenoo ????


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episode 1: 51. Be Your Own Valentine ????

Love yourself like no one else - it's time to give yourself the Valentine’s gift you have always wanted – 24/7 real love, real romance every day of the year – you deserve it and nothing LESS. ❤️????


 February 14, 2023  19m

episode 2: 52. Allow the Next Chapter of Your Life to Unfold ✨

You have unrealised potential waiting to emerge. You only need to take the next step and trust you are being guided to merge with your greater self. ???? Everything in your life — especially your challenges — is tailor-made to help you see your stories of struggle. ???? Whatever is in the way is the way! So switch your mentality from "I'm broken and helpless" to "I'm growing and healing" and see how fast your #life changes, for the better.....


 March 15, 2023  6m

episode 4: 53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery ????

Self-reflection is like a big, juicy steak. It's delicious, it's satisfying, and it's good for you! But just like a steak, self-reflection can be tough to chew at times. It can be uncomfortable to confront your own thoughts and feelings, but that's where the real growth happens. So if you want to be a badass at life, you've got to be willing to dig deep and do the work...


 June 16, 2023  10m
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