
Buzzcast is a roundtable discussion about podcasting from the people at Buzzsprout. We'll cover current events and news, podcast strategy, tools we are using, and dip into the Customer Support mailbag to test our podcasting knowledge. If you want to stay up-to-date on what's working in podcasting, Buzzcast is the show for you.

Eine durchschnittliche Folge dieses Podcasts dauert 52m. Bisher sind 149 Folge(n) erschienen. Dies ist ein zweiwöchentlich erscheinender Podcast.

Gesamtlänge aller Episoden: 5 days 5 hours 3 minutes


You've Got Fan Mail! Announcing Buzzsprout's Text Inbox Feature


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Buzzsprout's latest feature delivers listener love straight to your phone — Fan Mail! We dive into how we've been secretly testing this new tool and how you can turn it on for your own podcast. Then we discuss the difference between IAB certification and compliance, to celebrating the grind behind content creation success stories like Marques Brownlee...



Snapcast: Can You Guess Buzzsprout's Next Feature?


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In this snapcast, we tease Buzzsprout's newest feature and invite you to put on your detective hats and send in your hunches...



episode 125: Top Stories From Podcast Movement Evolutions 2024


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Alban is back from Podcast Movement Evolutions in Los Angeles! We discuss all the big stories and takeaways from the week, including how podcast downloads are down but listening is up, what YouTube's up to with podcasts, and why video is killing more podcasts now than ever before...



Snapcast: Behind the Launch


Jordan and Priscilla hop on to chat about an upcoming Netflix show 'Bodkin,' with its dark comedy and satirical take on true crime podcasting, before unveiling Buzzsprout's latest podcast creation, 'Happy to Help,' a bi-weekly exploration into the heart of customer support. Priscilla shares the ups and downs that come with sharing your voice with the world and the excitement of launching a new podcast...



episode 124: How A Ban On TikTok Could Affect Podcasters


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Tom Rossi, co-founder of Buzzsprout, joins us for this episode as we dissect Spotify's TikTok-inspired podcast discovery feature and why podcasters may or may not want their follower count to be public. We also cover the potential ripple effects of a TikTok ban on promotion strategies, and whether it hinders expanding your listener base...



Snapcast: Snooping with Spotify


While Alban is out for spring break, Jordan and Kevin hop on to discuss Podmatch's innovative move to increase transparency in charging for interviews and Spotify's TikTok-style UI that now shows follower counts. If you're scratching your head wondering why you can't spot this feature, worry not—we've got troubleshooting tips to bring you up to speed...


 March 22, 2024  5m

episode 123: Introducing Buzzsprout for iOS!


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Join us as we unveil the long-awaited Buzzsprout iOS app that's set to revolutionize your podcasting workflow! We deep dive into everything you want to know, from why we decided now was the time to make an app, to what features we love about it, and ideas for future implementations.

Then, we've got a story that’ll make you think twice about where to host your podcast...


 March 15, 2024  1h11m

Snapcast: (Kevin's Version)

Kevin is taking charge of this snapcast! Next week we'll be talking about our biggest release in a long time, Buzzsprout for iOS ????

Download Buzzsprout from the App Store to experience it before the deep dive...


 March 8, 2024  1m

episode 122: Acquired’s Unconventional Approach To Podcasting


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This episode covers a load of topics, so buckle up. We're back to tell your what that short podcast was in our feed last week and with more information for putting your podcast on YouTube. Then we delve into how "Acquired" podcast achieved success despite their unconventional approach of delivering lengthy episodes on an irregular schedule and maintaining a minimalist presence on social media...


 March 1, 2024  58m

Quickcast: What Are We Talking About This Week?

Alban and Jordan check in to discuss topics for the next episode. 

Don't forget to text your podcasting keys to success for the year at 855-951-4230!

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Contact Buzzcast

  • Text the show: 855-951-4230
  • Tweet us at @buzzcastpodcast, @albanbrooke, @kfinn, and @JordanPods
  • Send a "boostagram" through Fountain or Castamatic
  • Email us at support@buzzsprout...


 February 23, 2024  1m