
Buzzcast is a roundtable discussion about podcasting from the people at Buzzsprout. We'll cover current events and news, podcast strategy, tools we are using, and dip into the Customer Support mailbag to test our podcasting knowledge. If you want to stay up-to-date on what's working in podcasting, Buzzcast is the show for you.

Eine durchschnittliche Folge dieses Podcasts dauert 52m. Bisher sind 149 Folge(n) erschienen. Dies ist ein zweiwöchentlich erscheinender Podcast.

Gesamtlänge aller Episoden: 5 days 5 hours 3 minutes


episode 8: The Best Podcast Microphones + Where Are My Spotify Stats?!?


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This week we discuss what to do if you miss publishing a podcast episode, our favorite microphones, and jump back into the customer support mailbag with Priscilla.

Make sure to check out our new Best Podcast Microphones blog post to see which microphones we recommend and why.

To see in-depth Spotify stats, go to https://podcasters.spotify...


 September 13, 2019  40m

episode 7: Podcast Movement 2019, Work Cycle Tango, and Rookie Mistakes (feat. Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown)


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This week we share our main takeaways from Podcast Movement 2019, review some new Buzzsprout features from this past work cycle, and discuss the rookie mistakes we see podcasters making all too often.

Special thanks to Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown for sharing her two cents in this episode. You can learn about Kerry-Ann and her podcast network at

Registration is open for next year’s Podcast Movement conferences...


 August 23, 2019  40m

episode 6: YouTube Podcast Case Study + How to Measure Success


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This week we talk about Apple's new podcast categories (which ones disappeared and which ones they've added, our takeaways from Pat Flynn's new conference "FlynnCon," some behind-the-scenes numbers from our "podcast on YouTube" experiment, and how to measure success for your podcast.

Articles we talk about in this episode:

  • "Apple Podcasts Categories (2019 Update)" at Buzzsprout...


 August 9, 2019  40m

episode 5: Apple Original Podcasts, Remote Podcast Interviews, and Customer Support Q&A


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This week we dive into some Apple Podcast rumors, talk in-depth about our favorite remote podcast interview solutions, and jump into the support mailbag with Priscilla...


 July 19, 2019  37m

episode 4: Buzzsprout Sierra Update + Social Media Tips


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We just wrapped up a bunch of new features now available in Buzzsprout, so we talk about why we created them, how to use them, and where you can find them...


 July 5, 2019  35m

episode 3: Big Money and Spotify Concerns


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How "big money" is impacting the podcast space, more concerns about Spotify, and why we're no longer listing Buzzsprout podcasts on Spotify...


 July 4, 2019  33m

episode 2: What Makes a Good Podcast?


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In this episode, we discuss all the aspects of what makes a "high-quality podcast" and why it's not what you're probably thinking...


 July 3, 2019  50m

episode 1: Apple Podcasts News from WWDC


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Apple makes some potentially huge announcements about the future of podcasting, better search is coming to Apple Podcasts, new podcast categories, and a discussion about Spotify's ulterior motives...


 July 2, 2019  37m

Buzzcast 2.0

After a brief hiatus, Buzzcast is back and better than ever!

In this trailer episode, Travis talks about the new format and what you can expect from future episodes.

Have an idea for something we should talk about? Post it in the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook and tag one of us to let us know!


 July 1, 2019  6m